The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I've been the same this summer, I've always been anti-social but I've put in extra effort to avoid people as of late. The young people at church were planning to go camping over a weekend in a group chat and I didn't even reply. I hung out with them after church the last time I went and felt very impatient to leave by the end of the night, all of them are super kind people but the autism is just to great.

I suppose you still have to force yourself to attend social events as to not straight up becoming weird. It's usually fine if you keep a positive attitude. Also if you're jacket GET OUT THERE!!!

This is a bit different this wasn't my situation, while I absolutely have social anxieties myself I actually very much enjoy being with people I care about, I haven't been avoiding them for that reason. But if you don't like social situations then don't do them. I guess someone will tell you not to be like that but if you don't enjoy something and you're happy to stay away from it then why are you doing it? I don't know feels odd telling someone that especially for a church event but why do something you wouldn't enjoy?

I guess the question is if this is something you wish were different or are you content with it?
Wish you were no doubt we would become fast friends brother!

You're right and I know that, it's just a matter of right and wrong to me. Everyone knows what is right and what is wrong it's just you that decides what kind of person you're going to be. Is it that just because I'm not accountable to someone anymore that I'm on some kind of revenge tour and I'm going to start doing things that feel wrong to me just because I can get away with it now and tell myself it's okay? No that's not me I wasn't going to do that even if know full well nobody would do the same for me, it doesn't make me feel good to do things I know are wrong. I didn't yearn for those things I was happy and proud to hold to my commitments. But I guess it's all meaningless now so it's time to move forward whatever it takes, the "right" thing to do has changed now I suppose.

What are you jaded about and why do you feel old and tired brother??
I'm jaded about going out to public places to meet women. I recently found a church with a service that actually has attractive, young ladies in it. No joke. I was complaining months ago in the previous city I was in that I could not find a place like this. And now that there's a church near me that actually has what I want, I have to literally talk myself into going. Like I have to give myself a pep talk to get out of the house. I come up with all sorts of excuses in my head not to go like...I'm too tired...the drive is too far...the girls will think I'm too old for them anyway so why bother...etc.

Because I've gone so long now without any success meeting someone, I feel like I've lost the urge to play the game any more.
I'm jaded about going out to public places to meet women. I recently found a church with a service that actually has attractive, young ladies in it. No joke. I was complaining months ago in the previous city I was in that I could not find a place like this. And now that there's a church near me that actually has what I want, I have to literally talk myself into going. Like I have to give myself a pep talk to get out of the house. I come up with all sorts of excuses in my head not to go like...I'm too tired...the drive is too far...the girls will think I'm too old for them anyway so why bother...etc.

Because I've gone so long now without any success meeting someone, I feel like I've lost the urge to play the game any more.

Well church events are definitely the right place for that. Every day life things and being your happy self are where I have found you encounter nice girls, when you go specifically looking for girls it usually doesn't end up working very well in my experience. Women can sniff out a good confident man and will gravitate to you, superficial things can be easily overcome by holding your head up high and being strong.

It's not a game it's your life and what you want from life to be happy and content, the game is stupid and disgusting don't look at it like a game it doesn't have to be one. What is it that is causing you to not have confidence in yourself?
Well church events are definitely the right place for that. Every day life things and being your happy self are where I have found you encounter nice girls, when you go specifically looking for girls it usually doesn't end up working very well in my experience. Women can sniff out a good confident man and will gravitate to you, superficial things can be easily overcome by holding your head up high and being strong.

It's not a game it's your life and what you want from life to be happy and content, the game is stupid and disgusting don't look at it like a game it doesn't have to be one. What is it that is causing you to not have confidence in yourself?
According to Frank T.J.'s a game.
Just finished watching this, probably nothing that we don't already know or suspect about how this industry works, but it's certainly a fresh take and the guy genuinely seems to want to do good, or at least avoid doing evil.

I have a very good friend from Grad school that did this for a major bank before becoming a family office wealth manager. The amount of cocaine stories he has told me totally corroborate this dudes experience. It's a totally different world.
I've never done cocaine, but I read it makes the brain think everything you're doing is rewarding, so I guess mundane jobs would seem as thrilling as playing video games. It makes sense why the financial industry would be riddled with it; I think a lot of people would be unable to focus on their work without it. In my circle I know a multi-millionaire real estate woman and she does cocaine, which I thought was for the thrill or a typical degenerate junkie reason, but maybe it's so she can work harder at her job.
I wonder if a lot of PUA guys were targeted for deplatforming and canceling, not because they were redpilled and starting to wake up about the JQ, but were targeted because they were unironically and indirectly countering the anti-white, anti-western, anti-Christian agenda of depopulation and overthrowing traditional values. Can't be having nice white guys get with it and succeed and form families and strong communities. I think when the PUA guys got political they were cancelled because then it was easier to dispose of them, because now they're fascists and extremists and dangerous, whereas before they were simply misogynists, and feminist criticism seems to fall on deaf ears these days.
It’s with a heavy heart that I admit this site is or perhaps has always been infiltrated by ideological covert gays.

You don’t think so?

Then explain to me and other normal Christians here why the fuck is there so much unconditional and unequivocal support towards trumpism and putinism?

Try to post something that is NOT pro-trump under “2024 Election Lounge” or anywhere else including the criticism thread and within milliseconds gays will try to ambush and attack you.

Try to post something negative about putin or his regime and the same group of gays will try to decimate you.

Everyone sees this. Everyone understands this. Admins and Mods are watching and allowing this.
It’s with a heavy heart that I admit this site is or perhaps has always been infiltrated by ideological covert gays.

You don’t think so?

Then explain to me and other normal Christians here why the fuck is there so much unconditional and unequivocal support towards trumpism and putinism?

Try to post something that is NOT pro-trump under “2024 Election Lounge” or anywhere else including the criticism thread and within milliseconds they’ll try to ambush and attack you.

Try to post something negative about putin or his regime and the same group will try to decimate you.

Everyone sees this. Everyone understands this. Admins and Mods are watching and allowing this.

Well screw Putin I agree with that, I think the Russian crap is way over romanticized on here. Russians wouldn't piss on any of us if we were on fire, the only reason to "support" Russia is the concept of the enemy of my enemy is my friend and even that could be debated.

But how does wanting trump to win the election over a liberal make someone gay? Are you just saying things to be a jerk or do you actually believe something that silly?
It’s with a heavy heart that I admit this site is or perhaps has always been infiltrated by ideological covert gays.

You don’t think so?

Then explain to me and other normal Christians here why the fuck is there so much unconditional and unequivocal support towards trumpism and putinism?

Try to post something that is NOT pro-trump under “2024 Election Lounge” or anywhere else including the criticism thread and within milliseconds they’ll try to ambush and attack you.

Try to post something negative about putin or his regime and the same group will try to decimate you.

Everyone sees this. Everyone understands this. Admins and Mods are watching and allowing this.
I know when I want to point out a convincing argument, I call people I don't agree with gays.

That has always brought me success in arguments.
As always, you proved my point within milliseconds LOL
I know it seems that way to you, who's looking for that exact confirmation of your biases.

My point is that labeling a whole swath of opinion as ideological gays is absolutely an antagonistic approach that will ensure speaking past people.

A little basic rhetorical tact would make the point more amenable and discussable other than "there's all these trump faggots here"...which is what you're saying.
Reposting to allow others to come out!

It’s with a heavy heart that I admit this site is or perhaps has always been infiltrated by ideological covert gays.

You don’t think so?

Then explain to me and other normal Christians here why the fuck is there so much unconditional and unequivocal support towards trumpism and putinism?

Try to post something that is NOT pro-trump under “2024 Election Lounge” or anywhere else including the criticism thread and within milliseconds gays will try to ambush and attack you.

Try to post something negative about putin or his regime and the same group of gays will try to decimate you.

Everyone sees this. Everyone understands this. Admins and Mods are watching and allowing this.
I drove an Indian grad student last week who told me that unless he gets a visa sponsored job in 90 days he'll be deported. He's spent thousands on his education and he doesn't want to go back to India. He said he was upset that illegal immigrants are allowed to come into the US and stay, while he, who obeyed the law, will have to go. I couldn't disagree with anything he said.

What do you guys think? Should the US make it easier for international students, many who are non-white, to stay in this country after graduating college?