The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I drove an Indian grad student last week who told me that unless he gets a visa sponsored job in 90 days he'll be deported.
When I worked for a gov't health agency I talked to a lot of people who were illegal immigrants. They had overstayed their visa and were on gov't medicaid for years before their lack of any valid ID caught up to them. They'd be annoyed they weren't able to get any benefits and, if they were smart, realize they were on the verge of deportation if they were ever caught. I wouldn't want to live that kind of life, being an illegal who can't actually pursue the American Dream because you have no valid ID and can't get a real job. I think there are many who don't care at all and many more who are waiting for Democrats to make them legal, but they are taking a lot of public resources in the process, and I don't think many of them would want that to happen in their home countries (nobody feels bad for ripping off the wealthy).

Personally, I think he should simply try to get the job and then leave if he can't hack it in 90 days (plenty of time if the economy is healthy and his skills are needed). I don't think the gov't should make it any easier than it already is. My wife is from Canada and we had to go through a lengthy and difficult process to get her immigrated, but before that her student visa ran out, she was unable to be sponsored and she went back to Canada. Meanwhile, I emigrated to Canada, we lived there for X years, came back to the US before the pandemic started, and then went through the legal process (yet again now a different country). I have no love for people who try to skirt around the process, there is no place in a civilized country for that and I am 100% against illegal immigration.

The Danger of Ideology - 14:22

"Ideology occurs when you take a worldview (everybody has a worldview, you can't escape that) when it becomes universalised within your life so much so it becomes more important than the person next to you, now you've transformed your worldview into an ideology. And this is why ideology is so dangerous, because we fight for ideals, and we end up destroying the very people who we think these ideals will help.

This is what happens, I'm afraid to say, with a lot of the keyboard warriors. A lot of the guys you see online who are constantly decrying heresy and fighting all the immorality around them, they come off as very angry people. They come off as very angry, bitter, very critical, and my question for them is 'Have you said your prayers? Have you done your prayers this morning, have you confessed, do you weep over your sins?' If you spend all that time online criticizing everybody else, and you feel you have the time because you don't feel you have too much to work on in your heart, you've missed the boat on what real Orthodoxy is.

Orthodoxy says 'look within your heart, weep for your sins, focus on yourself. And if we're going to be public about our faith, we want to make sure that we're living it, first and foremost, and Orthodoxy is centered, absolutely centered in a living, daily, depending repentance. If we're not living that repentance, we're living that faith like an ideology, and not like a true faith."

I pray my brothers here will stop fighting over ideology and simply take the action that will reduce the most amount of unnecessary human suffering.
I drove an Indian grad student last week who told me that unless he gets a visa sponsored job in 90 days he'll be deported. He's spent thousands on his education and he doesn't want to go back to India. He said he was upset that illegal immigrants are allowed to come into the US and stay, while he, who obeyed the law, will have to go. I couldn't disagree with anything he said.

What do you guys think? Should the US make it easier for international students, many who are non-white, to stay in this country after graduating college?
For existing foreign students from non red-flagged threat countries (so Chinese need to go home), for fairness I think as long as they can get employment of any type (not sure what a visa sponsored job is) that is fine. But IMO, our prep schools, colleges and universities should not be allowed to bring in foreigners. That’s a big reason why the costs are so high and also it’s just greed from the educational institutions to get paid by millionaire foreign families at the detriment of American citizens.
For existing foreign students from non red-flagged threat countries (so Chinese need to go home), for fairness I think as long as they can get employment of any type (not sure what a visa sponsored job is) that is fine. But IMO, our prep schools, colleges and universities should not be allowed to bring in foreigners. That’s a big reason why the costs are so high and also it’s just greed from the educational institutions to get paid by millionaire foreign families at the detriment of American citizens.
Here in Canada, colleges and universities have spread their legs wide and let untold numbers of international students in. Back in the day it was largely Chinamen, now it's mostly dirty Indians. At my school, mostly dirty Punjabis. I don't know why but many of the Punjabi males at my school smell like diarrhea (NO joke).

So they come here, get a 4 year degree, then apply for Permanent Resident status. You must be a Permanent Resident for 5 years to become a citizen, with at least 3 of those years being physically resident in Canada. However, any time you've spent here on a Student or Temporary Foreign Worker visa can be counted towards that 5 year requirement. Once they get citizenship, they can sponsor their whole family to come over. So granny comes over, legally works 1 day, then is eligible for Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits complements of ME, John Q. Taxpayer. These people are rats, we owe these heathens NOTHING, and these loopholes need to be closed NOW.

So @JCSteel , we may be from different countries, but don't ever, EVER feel sympathy for some dirty brown invader...EVER.
Orthodoxy says 'look within your heart, weep for your sins, focus on yourself. unnecessary human suffering.
This reminds me of an anecdote from my own life. I consumed a lot of softcore porn over the years, the kind of stuff you don't feel a need to abuse yourself to, but I learned a lesson about how even small, seemingly insignificant things can impact us automatically. So, in my example, I saw an old high school peer on Facebook. I got curious, looked at his profile, saw his wife and I had an automate thought 'she's fat and ugly'. Immediately judgmental of her appearance. Then I did some digging and noticed he had a kid, then I noticed a picture of a gravestone of someone near our age. I did more digging and it turned out his wife, who I had judged, had died and left him and his child behind, then he found another woman who looked a lot alike his first wife, who I had also judged, unbeknownst to me the things that happened in their life. I wept for my sin after that, as it was utterly unacceptable to harshly and mercilessly judge someone who had clearly gone through a lot and the amount of pain that must have caused. I realized my consumption of softcore porn, which was looking at "perfect" women, created within my being this automatic judgment of someone's appearance, and then I remembered God looks at the heart, not the outer appearance. I won't forget that lesson.
Nothing wrong with putting a bandana on a dog, in and of itself.

Is the dog male or female? If a male dog, then a faggy pink bandana is definitely inappropriate.

As for your roommate, how long have you lived together? And have you ever had any reason to suspect him of any latent homosexual inclinations?

And this may be a silly question, but by 'groomers' do you mean actual professional pet groomers? Or homosexuals who prey on children?

I thought he said putting a banana on a hot dog bun....

I was born hard of hearing and have to wear hearing aids, so hearing aid batteries have been a routine part of my life. My last package of batteries I picked up had the new package design, which is now impossible to open up without a pair of scissors. This was prompted by Reese's Law which was a bipartisan bill signed by the Biden administration. Unfortunately, a toddler got a hold of a button battery from a remote and swallowed it, leading to her death and prompting the creation of the law.

This is one of those things where I understand and sympathize with the parent's distress, having kids of my own, but I cannot for the life of me see the logic in making the packaging nearly impossible to open. They require heavy-duty scissors and my audiologist confessed to having broken a pair of scissors trying to open the package. So now people are cutting these packages open and putting the batteries in little bags, which makes them more susceptible to dropping on the floor or spilling somewhere (the previous package design had a "trap door" that snapped shut).

I can't imagine being a senior with arthritis or weakened strength in general and trying to open one of these up. I had the misfortune of needing to change a battery without scissors available and trying to pry the thing open was an enough to have me cussing like a sailor. The irony of all of this, is the child that swallowed the battery got it from a remote, not a battery package, which is more than likely going to be stored high up in a drawer somewhere.
I was born hard of hearing and have to wear hearing aids, so hearing aid batteries have been a routine part of my life. My last package of batteries I picked up had the new package design, which is now impossible to open up without a pair of scissors. This was prompted by Reese's Law which was a bipartisan bill signed by the Biden administration. Unfortunately, a toddler got a hold of a button battery from a remote and swallowed it, leading to her death and prompting the creation of the law.

This is one of those things where I understand and sympathize with the parent's distress, having kids of my own, but I cannot for the life of me see the logic in making the packaging nearly impossible to open. They require heavy-duty scissors and my audiologist confessed to having broken a pair of scissors trying to open the package. So now people are cutting these packages open and putting the batteries in little bags, which makes them more susceptible to dropping on the floor or spilling somewhere (the previous package design had a "trap door" that snapped shut).

I can't imagine being a senior with arthritis or weakened strength in general and trying to open one of these up. I had the misfortune of needing to change a battery without scissors available and trying to pry the thing open was an enough to have me cussing like a sailor. The irony of all of this, is the child that swallowed the battery got it from a remote, not a battery package, which is more than likely going to be stored high up in a drawer somewhere.
This reminds me of the new designs for gas cans, that are supposed to reduce gas fumes being released, but actually result in spilling gas all over every time you use them.
I was born hard of hearing and have to wear hearing aids, so hearing aid batteries have been a routine part of my life. My last package of batteries I picked up had the new package design, which is now impossible to open up without a pair of scissors. This was prompted by Reese's Law which was a bipartisan bill signed by the Biden administration. Unfortunately, a toddler got a hold of a button battery from a remote and swallowed it, leading to her death and prompting the creation of the law.

This is one of those things where I understand and sympathize with the parent's distress, having kids of my own, but I cannot for the life of me see the logic in making the packaging nearly impossible to open. They require heavy-duty scissors and my audiologist confessed to having broken a pair of scissors trying to open the package. So now people are cutting these packages open and putting the batteries in little bags, which makes them more susceptible to dropping on the floor or spilling somewhere (the previous package design had a "trap door" that snapped shut).

I can't imagine being a senior with arthritis or weakened strength in general and trying to open one of these up. I had the misfortune of needing to change a battery without scissors available and trying to pry the thing open was an enough to have me cussing like a sailor. The irony of all of this, is the child that swallowed the battery got it from a remote, not a battery package, which is more than likely going to be stored high up in a drawer somewhere.
I’m having a horrible time nowadays trying to open up the packaging for my medications that I take. They all seem to be sealed incredibly tight. I really feel sorry for the elderly with arthritic hands.
I am not sure of the appropriate way to say this.

I regard Samseau as my elder brother. He reminds me of the final year student in an university who makes you feel welcome and integrate with the customs.

He has on multiple instances shared the gospels with me, gave me directions to be a good Christian, gave me pep talks, and showed me the right way to do things.

Like Captain America is the first Avenger, Samseau is the first Christian on RVF. I first heard about Orthodoxy through some of his posts on RVF back in 2017, though it takes many years and many "coincidences" until I became a baptized Orthodox Christian. (I already talked about this some time ago, this is not a fabricated story)

I recently browsed some RVF 1.0 archives to find lost knowledge, but instead I found out how Samseau has rebuked abortions as early as 2013. At this time many members still regarded unborn baby as "clumps of cells", but this proved how he was God-pilled far ahead of the time.
I've been on Telegram for a bit recently and even installed it from the website so I could see all the stuff the Google Play didn't want me to see. It's...... probably not the best use of my time.

At first it was nice to see all the unfiltered memes and then come post some of those here. Then I found myself thinking more angrily about things I never thought about before joining certain Telegram channels. While I still like it, I've clearly got to cut down on anything that isn't positive.

One thing I can't help but notice is that these "dissident right" spaces- whether this place, Telegram, or anywhere else, all have the exact same conspiracy theories I used to hear liberals talk about at the yoga studio ten years ago. What happened?
I was approached by two beggars yesterday. I offered a bag of popcorn to the second. He looked confused and kept asking if I didn't have any quarters. Then he said he could only eat it if it didn't have any sugar. I showed him the ingredients on the back of the bag; he hesitated, then opened the bag and started eating.
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This reminds me of the new designs for gas cans, that are supposed to reduce gas fumes being released, but actually result in spilling gas all over every time you use them.
Don't forget those stupid little attached caps on water bottles these days, brought to you courtesy of EU law.

It's like winning the lottery when you get one that doesn't have the stupid attachment thing.
The future of surfing. Kelly Slater's new wave pool in Abu Dhabi. Within a decade we will have a world champion surfer from Ohio (if they build a pool there). Looks fun, but apparently it's $500 per wave... Don't fall😥... Kelly is 52 so he's also dishing out some athletic hope for older guys in this clip.

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