The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

When you guys are feeling down and out what do you do? I've been an absolute wreck all summer.

I've been shutting myself out from the world only spending time with close family doing quiet things. I've had the mindset that it's the right thing to do, like I'm holding myself to some imaginary standard but now I'm starting to think how incredibly retarded that is of me and I'm a dumb sucker for trying to be a good person as if anyone would actually give a shit or do the same. I don't know it's kinda hard to explain.

I'm thinking that because I went to a wedding last night and had such a great time surrounded by people who actually love me and want me happy, they all yelled at me asking where I've been and told me to stop hiding they missed me. But it was an obligation I had to go otherwise I would have stayed home in bed on Friday night like I've done all summer. Now it's Saturday night at 8pm and after running around all day looking at businesses and properties I've been in bed back in my solidarity thinking this is where I should be and it's wrong otherwise. My cousins called me to go out to some salsa night thing, my business partner invited me to his lake house party, my friends called me to go out, my other set of friends invited me to a birthday party downtown, hell even the crazy old cat lady who has the warehouse across from mine randomly asked me if I wanted to go see a movie which was kinda odd haha but not the point....I turned them all down thinking I'm doing some kind of "right thing". Why am I doing this? I swear I can't even tell you anymore, it's not like anyone gives a shit or would do the same. I just feel like a dumb fool at this point, wasted the whole summer like an idiot thinking I'm being a good man for something and thinking I'm doing the right thing for absolutely nothing.

This is really dumb right? I should get my ass up take a shower get super decked out and go out right? That's what someone else would do nobody would do what I'm doing they would go live it up and forget about everything, so why am I doing this? This doesn't make me a good person it just makes a dumbass fool letting myself get played.

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"Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works." (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

Get out there and boogie.

Brotha your boy out here can definitely boogie haha.

I'm about to shower gear up and head out, screw this I'm done living my life holding myself to some standard that I know for a dead fact nobody would ever give a shit to hold themselves to for me. I've been dieting and working out hard all summer I look like a Greek god right now, I have a closet full of Hugo boss, a drawer full of impressive watches, a shiny exotic in the garage and it's a beautiful night.

Time to rock to hell with this, thank you @JCSteel
When you guys are feeling down and out what do you do? I've been an absolute wreck all summer.

I've been shutting myself out from the world only spending time with close family doing quiet things. I've had the mindset that it's the right thing to do, like I'm holding myself to some imaginary standard but now I'm starting to think how incredibly retarded that is of me and I'm a dumb sucker for trying to be a good person as if anyone would actually give a shit or do the same. I don't know it's kinda hard to explain.

I'm thinking that because I went to a wedding last night and had such a great time surrounded by people who actually love me and want me happy, they all yelled at me asking where I've been and told me to stop hiding they missed me. But it was an obligation I had to go otherwise I would have stayed home in bed on Friday night like I've done all summer. Now it's Saturday night at 8pm and after running around all day looking at businesses and properties I've been in bed back in my solidarity thinking this is where I should be and it's wrong otherwise. My cousins called me to go out to some salsa night thing, my business partner invited me to his lake house party, my friends called me to go out, my other set of friends invited me to a birthday party downtown, hell even the crazy old cat lady who has the warehouse across from mine randomly asked me if I wanted to go see a movie which was kinda odd haha but not the point....I turned them all down thinking I'm doing some kind of "right thing". Why am I doing this? I swear I can't even tell you anymore, it's not like anyone gives a shit or would do the same. I just feel like a dumb fool at this point, wasted the whole summer like an idiot thinking I'm being a good man for something and thinking I'm doing the right thing for absolutely nothing.

This is really dumb right? I should get my ass up take a shower get super decked out and go out right? That's what someone else would do nobody would do what I'm doing they would go live it up and forget about everything, so why am I doing this? This doesn't make me a good person it just makes a dumbass fool letting myself get played.

Jeez man...I can understand staying in if you don't have options, but you seem like a man who has options aplenty.

Now me...I just moved to a different state so I don't know anyone well enough yet to go hang with them or get invited to a party. Thus I'm home on a Saturday night.

But you have actual places to go with other people. I don't understand why you would want to stay in to make a statement about something. You'll have to explain this because I don't get it.

BTW...I would've chosen the lake house party myself.
Jeez man...I can understand staying in if you don't have options, but you seem like a man who has options aplenty.

Now me...I just moved to a different state so I don't know anyone well enough yet to go hang with them or get invited to a party. Thus I'm home on a Saturday night.

But you have actual places to go with other people. I don't understand why you would want to stay in to make a statement about something. You'll have to explain this because I don't get it.

BTW...I would've chosen the lake house party myself.

It's a story and I'm tired of constantly thinking about it and letting it knock me down, I feel like it's all I fixate on here now probably because it's the only place I'll talk about it seeing how this is an anonymous message board. I had to walk away from the woman I loved more than I've ever loved anything and planned my life and future around. It wasn't what I wanted and never thought I would ever have to do that in my wildest dreams, this woman was it for me no doubt whatsoever it wasn't even an option to not spend the rest of my life with her......until she didn't leave me a choice. So to me it's like I've been in mourning over my greatest loss. Believe me I know full well how dumb and weak that sounds and this isn't something I would share with anyone outside of an anonymous message board and I also know full well and confirmed I didn't get the same in return but that wasn't the point for me anyway, I've been hurting bad and in my mind it's wrong to just pretend like it didn't matter and I go party it up I don't have the heart for that. You can't change who you are and how you feel even sometimes when you know you should, no matter how bad you were wronged it doesn't mean you have to betray your morals just because someone else did without hesitation, that was my dumb thinking anyway. Going out never meant anything to me, that ego boost of social circles and throwing myself out there like the town floozy for attention was always worth nothing to me I would have always rather spent my time making the one I love happy like nothing else on earth mattered. But alas turns out that also meant nothing so the joke is on me....

But that's enough of that, I'm done being a fool for nothing and having my life on hold for nothing. I'm going to get my life back I'm going to for once think about myself and tonight was a good night! It's been a long long while since I've really "gone out" as to me a man in committed relationship doesn't do those things unless it's with his woman. All I have to say is god bless all these "men" out here now, I'm almost sad there isn't more competition it's not fun when it's so easy! Too bad I'm not a whore, well good for them I guess!

I won't lie though I do feel guilty for going out and having fun it still feels like I did something wrong and again I know how incredibly stupid that is. That feeling will pass I'm sure, looking forward to that.

Goin to the lake tomorrow! Might as well show off that all I've done all summer is workout before it's too late haha.

You from Michigan by any chance brother?!
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Is it strange for a man to put a bandana on a dog? My roommate just put a pinkish one on his dog, and now I'm a little suspicious. Or maybe I'm just turning into an old man and assuming everyone is a homo.
I would never think to put one on a dog, and have only seen groomers or women do it.
Nothing wrong with putting a bandana on a dog, in and of itself.

Is the dog male or female? If a male dog, then a faggy pink bandana is definitely inappropriate.

As for your roommate, how long have you lived together? And have you ever had any reason to suspect him of any latent homosexual inclinations?

And this may be a silly question, but by 'groomers' do you mean actual professional pet groomers? Or homosexuals who prey on children?
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It's a story and I'm tired of constantly thinking about it and letting it knock me down, I feel like it's all I fixate on here now probably because it's the only place I'll talk about it seeing how this is an anonymous message board. I had to walk away from the woman I loved more than I've ever loved anything and planned my life and future around. It wasn't what I wanted and never thought I would ever have to do that in my wildest dreams, this woman was it for me no doubt whatsoever it wasn't even an option to not spend the rest of my life with her......until she didn't leave me a choice. So to me it's like I've been in mourning over my greatest loss. Believe me I know full well how dumb and weak that sounds and this isn't something I would share with anyone outside of an anonymous message board and I also know full well and confirmed I didn't get the same in return but that wasn't the point for me anyway, I've been hurting bad and in my mind it's wrong to just pretend like it didn't matter and I go party it up I don't have the heart for that. You can't change who you are and how you feel even sometimes when you know you should, no matter how bad you were wronged it doesn't mean you have to betray your morals just because someone else did without hesitation, that was my dumb thinking anyway. Going out never meant anything to me, that ego boost of social circles and throwing myself out there like the town floozy for attention was always worth nothing to me I would have always rather spent my time making the one I love happy like nothing else on earth mattered. But alas turns out that also meant nothing so the joke is on me....

But that's enough of that, I'm done being a fool for nothing and having my life on hold for nothing. I'm going to get my life back I'm going to for once think about myself and tonight was a good night! It's been a long long while since I've really "gone out" as to me a man in committed relationship doesn't do those things unless it's with his woman. All I have to say is god bless all these "men" out here now, I'm almost sad there isn't more competition it's not fun when it's so easy! Too bad I'm not a whore, well good for them I guess!

I won't lie though I do feel guilty for going out and having fun it still feels like I did something wrong and again I know how incredibly stupid that is. That feeling will pass I'm sure, looking forward to that.

Goin to the lake tomorrow! Might as well show off that all I've done all summer is workout before it's too late haha.

You from Michigan by any chance brother?!
Nope. Never been there.

I'm glad to hear you took that chance. I need to do the same myself, even though I feel jaded, old, and tired. You have to get out there and play the cards you're dealt. No great things will result from staying home by yourself.
Grey cat at the park died Monday. Came there today and his deluxe apartment was empty. Rip, he was loved by the workers and me. Hope he lived a good life before I met him last year. His death was just from old age. Only had one tooth left and wasn't leaving the house the last few visits.

There is also this black one that snuggles on my leg when I meet him. He was full of flies today. Needs a shower!
It's incredibly funny to me that the format of a forum allows three conversation to go on at once, one about food combinations, another about a dog with a bandana and the third is a self destroying guy pouring his heart out after loosing the girl of dreams.
When you guys are feeling down and out what do you do? I've been an absolute wreck all summer.

I've been shutting myself out from the world only spending time with close family doing quiet things. I've had the mindset that it's the right thing to do, like I'm holding myself to some imaginary standard but now I'm starting to think how incredibly retarded that is of me and I'm a dumb sucker for trying to be a good person as if anyone would actually give a shit or do the same. I don't know it's kinda hard to explain.
I've been the same this summer, I've always been anti-social but I've put in extra effort to avoid people as of late. The young people at church were planning to go camping over a weekend in a group chat and I didn't even reply. I hung out with them after church the last time I went and felt very impatient to leave by the end of the night, all of them are super kind people but the autism is just to great.

I suppose you still have to force yourself to attend social events as to not straight up becoming weird. It's usually fine if you keep a positive attitude. Also if you're jacket GET OUT THERE!!!
Took a bike ride today on a rail trail with my wife. I’d say probably 70% of the bike riders on the trail we’re just leisure people enjoying the scenery and nice weather while getting some low impact exercise. The other 30% were fitness nuts/ avid bike riders with their spandex and competitive outfits and $1k+ bikes. Mostly men. The one interesting thing I noticed with these serious cardio bike guys is they were all tall, 6ft or more. I personally know a few serious bike/cardio junkies that are short but out on the ride today, they all were very tall and just something I noticed that seemed like strange/interesting.
Nope. Never been there.

I'm glad to hear you took that chance. I need to do the same myself, even though I feel jaded, old, and tired. You have to get out there and play the cards you're dealt. No great things will result from staying home by yourself.

Wish you were no doubt we would become fast friends brother!

You're right and I know that, it's just a matter of right and wrong to me. Everyone knows what is right and what is wrong it's just you that decides what kind of person you're going to be. Is it that just because I'm not accountable to someone anymore that I'm on some kind of revenge tour and I'm going to start doing things that feel wrong to me just because I can get away with it now and tell myself it's okay? No that's not me I wasn't going to do that even if know full well nobody would do the same for me, it doesn't make me feel good to do things I know are wrong. I didn't yearn for those things I was happy and proud to hold to my commitments. But I guess it's all meaningless now so it's time to move forward whatever it takes, the "right" thing to do has changed now I suppose.

What are you jaded about and why do you feel old and tired brother??
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