The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I just tested the scores granted by the various reactions. The results are interesting, unlike in RVF where most reactions count as +1 (except dislike where it count as -1). In CIK the scoring system is different. Here are the scores:

EDIT: Tried to insert table but the formatting is broken

Positive Points:
Latin Cross = 3
Orthodox Cross = 3
Red Pill = 2
Toast = 2
Love = 2
Haha = 2
OK = 1
Distinction = 1
Prayer = 1
Like = 1
Leonard = 1
Jean Pierre = 1
Sad = 1
Smile = 1
Popcorn = 1
Smug = 1
Salute = 1
Shy = 1
Wink = 1
St Paddy = 1
Commie = 1
Poland Stronk = 1
Kebab out = 1

Neutral Points:
Concerned = 0
Fedora = 0
Tinfoil = 0
Disgusting = 0
Boomer = 0
Fully vaxxed = 0
Lie = 0
Clown world = 0
Reeee = 0
Thinking = 0
Cope = 0
Haram = 0
Kumar Reddy = 0
Alien = 0
Sodom = 0
Helicopter = 0
Wow = 0
Slop = 0
Angry = 0

Negative Points:
Ban = -5
Troll = -2
Glowie = -2
Dislike = -1
Irrational = -1
Soy boy = -1

Looking at the scores it incentivizes and disincentivizes certain behavior. Members who posts Christian contents will likely get a lot of reputation points due to the massive +3 points it brings. Funny and Red pill reactions likewise will give a decent +2 points.

On the other side Troll takes away -2 points and Ban deducts a massive amount of -5 points. This explains why Cog Dis 73 have a staggering amount of minus reaction scores, and Australia gets a noticeable reduction in scores since his Balkan threads.
Didn't realize soy boy was a negative score.... Or that clown world was a 0. I use that one a lot.

This is a lot of work to remember.....
Never forget that Russia gave USA land (Alaska).

Actually...the Americans paid the tsar of Russia for all of Alaska with a 7.2 million dollar cheque in 1867.

ZERO chance a boomer will EVER give up his or her TV.
Boomers would sooner give up a vital organ or their first born child, before letting go of their television sets.
Yep, this is what killed my dad. TV in every room. After he retired, that's all he'd do is watch tv 15-20 hours/day and eat. ☹️

And all he'd do is complain about it (nothing is on) and the commercials. Tried to get him to use Plex to avoid commercials, but he never would.
Yep, this is what killed my dad. TV in every room. After he retired, that's all he'd do is watch tv 15-20 hours/day and eat. ☹️

And all he'd do is complain about it (nothing is on) and the commercials. Tried to get him to use Plex to avoid commercials, but he never would.
This is fascinating and seems to be common among that generation.

My dad lives with me, my wife, and our 2 kids. He essentially lives in a mother in law wing of our house, but we share the Wi-Fi. Anyway, the router is on our side and my 3 year old boy unplugged the router. My dad flipped out wanting to know the status of the Internet, because he watches TV 24 hours per day.

I get the Wi-Fi plugged back in, go over to check on him, and he says " Son, television is all I've got left in this world." He's got me, his daughter in law, 3 year old grandson and 1 year old granddaughter all within reach and he makes a statement like that?

Its heartbreaking to see him completely consumed with television "programming" all waking hours. He's dying in a Lazy boy.
My boomer father is the same as well. Moves from bed to his Lazy Boy to watch 16+ hrs of TV and repeat. Other activities include seeing what everyone is doing on Facebook, making a PB&J sandwich for lunch and dinner, getting the mail (100 ft walk), and driving to Dr appointments 2-3 times a week. That’s about it.
My boomer father is the same as well. Moves from bed to his Lazy Boy to watch 16+ hrs of TV and repeat. Other activities include seeing what everyone is doing on Facebook, making a PB&J sandwich for lunch and dinner, getting the mail (100 ft walk), and driving to Dr appointments 2-3 times a week. That’s about it.

Why don't you go spend some time with him and do some things together?
Why don't you go spend some time with him and do some things together?
I visit him at least once or 2x a week. I try all the time to get him to leave to house with me to do things he has historically enjoyed doing (and physically capable of doing), but he doesn’t want to. He has a ton of anxiety and fear issues. Won’t take meds, won’t exercise, won’t eat healthy etc. Says he’s most happy just watching his shows on YouTube and old movies he’s watched many times. It’s hard to convince him to watch new movies that Inknow he’d enjoy. He just likes routine I suppose.
I visit him at least once or 2x a week. I try all the time to get him to leave to house with me to do things he has historically enjoyed doing (and physically capable of doing), but he doesn’t want to. He has a ton of anxiety and fear issues. Won’t take meds, won’t exercise, won’t eat healthy etc. Says he’s most happy just watching his shows on YouTube and old movies he’s watched many times. It’s hard to convince him to watch new movies that Inknow he’d enjoy. He just likes routine I suppose.

I'm sorry brother, while my father being an immigrant doesn't necessarily suffer from the boomer issues I do 100% understand how frustrating it can be to try and get your father to do something good for himself only for him to brush you away and not care. Your father should be your rock and your biggest ally, mine hasn't been for me either at times so I get it.

Emotions and feelings are not really a thing we do in my family, not with my father at least, but perhaps with yours it isn't the same. Have you tried just sitting down with him and telling him that he's your father, you love him and you need him in your life so he needs to do more for his own life in order to bring value to yours? Something along those lines? Maybe it will give him more purpose knowing you need him and he will change.

I'm facing some very difficult things at the moment and my father recently started getting on me about it and I stopped him and told him pretty much I need strength right now so if you want to help me then give me that don't give me problems and weakness, I have no use for that so if that is all he can provide me I have no use for him. It was a lot more complex than that but that was the jest it, I think it resonated with him as he has stopped hounding me trying to guide my life and instead has been calling asking what he can help me with.

He's your father, you can't just give up on him. Believe me I know it's hard...God give you strength brother.
I'm sorry brother, while my father being an immigrant doesn't necessarily suffer from the boomer issues I do 100% understand how frustrating it can be to try and get your father to do something good for himself only for him to brush you away and not care. Your father should be your rock and your biggest ally, mine hasn't been for me either at times so I get it.

Emotions and feelings are not really a thing we do in my family, not with my father at least, but perhaps with yours it isn't the same. Have you tried just sitting down with him and telling him that he's your father, you love him and you need him in your life so he needs to do more for his own life in order to bring value to yours? Something along those lines? Maybe it will give him more purpose knowing you need him and he will change.

I'm facing some very difficult things at the moment and my father recently started getting on me about it and I stopped him and told him pretty much I need strength right now so if you want to help me then give me that don't give me problems and weakness, I have no use for that so if that is all he can provide me I have no use for him. It was a lot more complex than that but that was the jest it, I think it resonated with him as he has stopped hounding me trying to guide my life and instead has been calling asking what he can help me with.

He's your father, you can't just give up on him. Believe me I know it's hard...God give you strength brother.
My father is very loving..he calls me and my wife and grown children all the time about nearly every little thing imaginable, and enjoys when we come to visit him as well. My mother is with him, she’s in slightly better health than he is, but they as a couple are very dysfunctional in their last 5-10 years. They argue like George Castanza’s parents on Seinfeld. I can only tolerate maybe a 1 hr visit max per week just because of the drain of visiting.
My father is very loving..he calls me and my wife and grown children all the time about nearly every little thing imaginable, and enjoys when we come to visit him as well. My mother is with him, she’s in slightly better health than he is, but they as a couple are very dysfunctional in their last 5-10 years. They argue like George Castanza’s parents on Seinfeld. I can only tolerate maybe a 1 hr visit max per week just because of the drain of visiting.

That's hard I'm sorry brother, I would tell you to do more and don't give up on them but you have your own family and you can't do everything for everyone, when you try to do everything for everyone all you're going to do is hurt the people that matter most, when you give yourself away to everyone there isn't enough left for those most important to you. I understand how it feels to force yourself to be somewhere because you love the people there and you want their love in return but in reality there is nothing there for you but hurt because they don't consider you in their actions, it makes you grow cold and become distant and it can't be fixed because those people will never see what they are doing as it's just become normal for them to treat you that way.

I hope things get better, God bless you and yours.
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