The Jewish Question (JQ)

I saw this on twitter. A number of people in the comments were asking which film the poster was calling the most ant-eye semitic. I assume the poster meant Passion of the Christ.

It takes a clear anti Christian bias to even think this. PotC is made to illustrate the brutality and suffering Jesus went through for our sakes, but otherwise it is a standard telling of the events.
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Why would God make the tree to create evil (for the purpose of free will)?
This is simple. I know I sound like a semi Gnostic but the tree of knowledge of God and Evil was planted by the Archon Samael - Lucifer, Satan, Mephistopheles- his actual identity. God was very angry about this and that’s why he told Adam and Eve not to eat.

The tree represents the knowledge of good and evil - sophistry. When you walk with Christ btw, created the cosmos, who is the word made flesh such head games aren’t needed. He is the word, you live the word. You don’t need secret knowledge. I often hear unironic Satanists say “I like satan, he made me smart!” No he didn’t, he made you neurotic. There’s a difference. Sophistry is a mockery of true wisdom. Go read some Talmud. It’s more sophistry than anything else. It’s attempting to gain that “secret knowledge.”

I know this is going to sound odd on a JQ thread but I have respect for two forms of Judaism. There’s Kararite Judaism and the Samaritans. Both find the Talmud to be sophistry and garbage. I think they might be the only sincere Jews on the planet. They truly want to follow God and the Torah rather than lift the Torah up during a worship service and then proceed to play lawyer ball with the law of a God they no longer believe in.
This is simple. I know I sound like a semi Gnostic but the tree of knowledge of God and Evil was planted by the Archon Samael - Lucifer, Satan, Mephistopheles- his actual identity. God was very angry about this and that’s why he told Adam and Eve not to eat.

The tree represents the knowledge of good and evil - sophistry. When you walk with Christ btw, created the cosmos, who is the word made flesh such head games aren’t needed. He is the word, you live the word. You don’t need secret knowledge. I often hear unironic Satanists say “I like satan, he made me smart!” No he didn’t, he made you neurotic. There’s a difference. Sophistry is a mockery of true wisdom. Go read some Talmud. It’s more sophistry than anything else. It’s attempting to gain that “secret knowledge.”

I know this is going to sound odd on a JQ thread but I have respect for two forms of Judaism. There’s Kararite Judaism and the Samaritans. Both find the Talmud to be sophistry and garbage. I think they might be the only sincere Jews on the planet. They truly want to follow God and the Torah rather than lift the Torah up during a worship service and then proceed to play lawyer ball with the law of a God they no longer believe in.
Source that the tree was planted by Samael/Satan?
Why would God make the tree to create evil (for the purpose of free will)?
Because if God did not make that tree, then humans would not have true free will, which is the freedom to reject God.

If God wanted to make machines without free will that did His bidding unquestionably, He could have done so. But He wanted to make beings in His image, those with real power, so He gave them free will.
Source that the tree was planted by Samael/Satan?
It’s an Old Church Slavonic tradition.

The book of Baruch is incomplete. What’s in the Bible is 1st Baruch. There’s actually 4 Baruchs. There are Old Church Slavonic manuscripts that are translations of Syriac texts.

From what I understand Protestants don’t use Baruch and Jews don’t even consider it part of what they call “the Tanakh.” I like the symbolism. Christ always was and created the world and he was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Jn 1. So Samael creates his own knowledge of Good and Evil and God curses him for it.

In short I always tell people “you know what you’re supposed to do, if you have to rationalize it, don’t do it.” It’s what Christ meant when he said the law is written on the hearts of man.
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It’s an Old Church Slavonic tradition.

The book of Baruch is incomplete. What’s in the Bible is 1st Baruch. There’s actually 4 Baruchs. There are Old Church Slavonic manuscripts that are translations of Syriac texts.

From what I understand Protestants don’t use Baruch and Jews don’t even consider it part of what they call “the Tanakh”
The Protestants removed 14 books from the Biblical canon (because they didn't support Luther's interpretation), but then claim "sola scriptura" all the time, and "if it ain't in the Bible, it ain't true". Luther wanted to remove even more, but didn't in the end. Go figure.
What did this Jewish woman say about Hitler?

Benjamin Freedman's speeches trigger conservatives and goobercons to no end lol. Good on anyone for understanding the lies about the World Wars and Palestine, the more jews that wake up out of their victim coma the less problems all of us will have going forward.

The jews have to get out of this demonic prison they've built around themselves with the fake holohoax mythology. They should feel relieved it never happened, not embittered. I have not found a way to sell it to them yet, non-jewish minds seem to accept that if some alleged atrocity which befell their ancestors did not take place, then there is visible relief running across their face and they are now more open to discussion on many things.
I was just re-reading Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice after many years. I found 'The Bard' tedious in high school but his generation was quite based with regards to the JQ.

Act 4, Scene 1

From Antonio to Bassanio:

I pray you, think you question with the Jew.
You may as well go stand upon the beach
And bid the main flood bate his usual height;
You may as well use question with the wolf
Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;
You may as well forbid the mountain pines
To wag their high tops and to make no noise
When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven;
You may as well do anything most hard
As seek to soften that than which what’s harder?—
His Jewish heart.