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The Jewish Question (JQ)


Two Jews contemplating the coming storm that their cohorts played a part in creating.

With a strong shift to right wing anti immigration governments in Europe and likely America and Canada soon, White people are showing that they’ve had enough. I wonder what the next step will be? Gear up fellas, it might be a rough road ahead.
My insights on Jews and degeneracy:
  • Whites are actually more degenerate than Jews. Do you really think whites travelled the seven seas and conquered, because they merely wanted to innocently 'discover new lands' or explore? No, whites had a lust for all the degeneracies that come from conquest - plunder, violence and emasculation of another tribe, debauchery with conquered women, new drugs or concoctions discovered..Whites have a love for the pleasures of this world, which they equate to something godly. Whites, in some ways, are a slave to their love of aesthetics and physical beauty/ecstasy.
  • It is actually the Jews who serve as a maternal 'protective' function (in their own eyes) to whites' duality of godliness and barbarousness. The Jew is the sober animal of the earth - basic as anything, only interested in material accumulation.
  • The Aryan, however, is an uncontrollable god-beast - meant to be worshipped as a god (small g), but also sink to the filthiest of animal depravities, for mere enjoyment
  • The Jew, when they infest white countries, start to chip away at this marvellous duality- the duality that has created all the magic, brilliance and beauty in western culture
  • They funnel white energy and attention in to mild, piss-weak pastimes like perverted theatre (like Hitler mentioned in Mein Kampf in Austria), or, today, perverted movies and pornographic material, mindless things like gambling, recreational drugs (which they push with their Rap labels to kids)
  • The Jew slowly starts to sap the Aryan man of his vril, in an effort to make him a domesticated animal, and enslave him
My guess is that the only way for the Aryan man to rediscover his vril, is to ride this wave, keep sinking lower and lower, white listening to his deepest intuition, about what needs to come. There, his barbaric will be awakened, and speak to him

Whites must not resist or deny anything that is happening. Let go, trust something

(I'm not intending to make any athetistic or irreligious statements with this, this is merely me trying to understand what is happening today. When I mention god, it's with a small g, and not referring to God. I needed to get these insights out though, and didn't know which other place in the internet to post it in)
My insights on Jews and degeneracy:
  • Whites are actually more degenerate than Jews. Do you really think whites travelled the seven seas and conquered, because they merely wanted to innocently 'discover new lands' or explore? No, whites had a lust for all the degeneracies that come from conquest - plunder, violence and emasculation of another tribe, debauchery with conquered women, new drugs or concoctions discovered..Whites have a love for the pleasures of this world, which they equate to something godly. Whites, in some ways, are a slave to their love of aesthetics and physical beauty/ecstasy.
  • It is actually the Jews who serve as a maternal 'protective' function (in their own eyes) to whites' duality of godliness and barbarousness. The Jew is the sober animal of the earth - basic as anything, only interested in material accumulation.
  • The Aryan, however, is an uncontrollable god-beast - meant to be worshipped as a god (small g), but also sink to the filthiest of animal depravities, for mere enjoyment
  • The Jew, when they infest white countries, start to chip away at this marvellous duality- the duality that has created all the magic, brilliance and beauty in western culture
  • They funnel white energy and attention in to mild, piss-weak pastimes like perverted theatre (like Hitler mentioned in Mein Kampf in Austria), or, today, perverted movies and pornographic material, mindless things like gambling, recreational drugs (which they push with their Rap labels to kids)
  • The Jew slowly starts to sap the Aryan man of his vril, in an effort to make him a domesticated animal, and enslave him
My guess is that the only way for the Aryan man to rediscover his vril, is to ride this wave, keep sinking lower and lower, white listening to his deepest intuition, about what needs to come. There, his barbaric will be awakened, and speak to him

Whites must not resist or deny anything that is happening. Let go, trust something

(I'm not intending to make any athetistic or irreligious statements with this, this is merely me trying to understand what is happening today. When I mention god, it's with a small g, and not referring to God. I needed to get these insights out though, and didn't know which other place in the internet to post it in)
I found your ideas interesting whether it’s totally accurate or not. You just keep calling me an aryan god beast and we’ll be on good terms.

They are safer in the US than 99% of people have been in the history of the world
My insights on Jews and degeneracy:
  • Whites are actually more degenerate than Jews. Do you really think whites travelled the seven seas and conquered, because they merely wanted to innocently 'discover new lands' or explore? No, whites had a lust for all the degeneracies that come from conquest - plunder, violence and emasculation of another tribe, debauchery with conquered women, new drugs or concoctions discovered..Whites have a love for the pleasures of this world, which they equate to something godly. Whites, in some ways, are a slave to their love of aesthetics and physical beauty/ecstasy.
  • It is actually the Jews who serve as a maternal 'protective' function (in their own eyes) to whites' duality of godliness and barbarousness. The Jew is the sober animal of the earth - basic as anything, only interested in material accumulation.
  • The Aryan, however, is an uncontrollable god-beast - meant to be worshipped as a god (small g), but also sink to the filthiest of animal depravities, for mere enjoyment
  • The Jew, when they infest white countries, start to chip away at this marvellous duality- the duality that has created all the magic, brilliance and beauty in western culture
  • They funnel white energy and attention in to mild, piss-weak pastimes like perverted theatre (like Hitler mentioned in Mein Kampf in Austria), or, today, perverted movies and pornographic material, mindless things like gambling, recreational drugs (which they push with their Rap labels to kids)
  • The Jew slowly starts to sap the Aryan man of his vril, in an effort to make him a domesticated animal, and enslave him
My guess is that the only way for the Aryan man to rediscover his vril, is to ride this wave, keep sinking lower and lower, white listening to his deepest intuition, about what needs to come. There, his barbaric will be awakened, and speak to him

Whites must not resist or deny anything that is happening. Let go, trust something

(I'm not intending to make any athetistic or irreligious statements with this, this is merely me trying to understand what is happening today. When I mention god, it's with a small g, and not referring to God. I needed to get these insights out though, and didn't know which other place in the internet to post it in)

My insights on Jews and degeneracy:
  • Whites are actually more degenerate than Jews. Do you really think whites travelled the seven seas and conquered, because they merely wanted to innocently 'discover new lands' or explore? No, whites had a lust for all the degeneracies that come from conquest - plunder, violence and emasculation of another tribe, debauchery with conquered women, new drugs or concoctions discovered..Whites have a love for the pleasures of this world, which they equate to something godly. Whites, in some ways, are a slave to their love of aesthetics and physical beauty/ecstasy.
  • It is actually the Jews who serve as a maternal 'protective' function (in their own eyes) to whites' duality of godliness and barbarousness. The Jew is the sober animal of the earth - basic as anything, only interested in material accumulation.
  • The Aryan, however, is an uncontrollable god-beast - meant to be worshipped as a god (small g), but also sink to the filthiest of animal depravities, for mere enjoyment
  • The Jew, when they infest white countries, start to chip away at this marvellous duality- the duality that has created all the magic, brilliance and beauty in western culture
  • They funnel white energy and attention in to mild, piss-weak pastimes like perverted theatre (like Hitler mentioned in Mein Kampf in Austria), or, today, perverted movies and pornographic material, mindless things like gambling, recreational drugs (which they push with their Rap labels to kids)
  • The Jew slowly starts to sap the Aryan man of his vril, in an effort to make him a domesticated animal, and enslave him
My guess is that the only way for the Aryan man to rediscover his vril, is to ride this wave, keep sinking lower and lower, white listening to his deepest intuition, about what needs to come. There, his barbaric will be awakened, and speak to him

Whites must not resist or deny anything that is happening. Let go, trust something

(I'm not intending to make any athetistic or irreligious statements with this, this is merely me trying to understand what is happening today. When I mention god, it's with a small g, and not referring to God. I needed to get these insights out though, and didn't know which other place in the internet to post it in)
You are talking about “whites” (the Europeans) before they converted to Christianity. Most Jews didn’t convert. If a Jew converts then he is a Christian. The conversion of the lower nature was only partial and so the degeneracy continues. Progress is being eroded due to Scientific Materialism which places no value on spiritual development. What our civilization really needs is another Charlamagne, who wasn’t afraid to cut off the heads of the pagans.