The Jewish Question (JQ)

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Dr. Eli David Is Connected to X’s New ID Verification System? | The CEO of AU10TIX

Well, here’s something bizarre I stumbled upon.

The current CEO of AU10TIX, the company that has deep ties to Israeli intelligence and is used by X to verify its users' IDs, is a man named Dan Yerushalmi.

Before becoming the CEO of AU10TIX, Dan served as CRO and Chief Customer Officer for a company called Check Point Software Technologies (CPST).

CPST is an American-Israeli cybersecurity company that operates out of Tel Aviv.

The founder of CPST, Gil Shwed, served in Israel’s intelligence unit, Unit 8200.

CPST is also rumored to be collaborating extensively with the Israeli government/intelligence.

We have evidence of this happening on at least one occasion when the company worked with the Israeli government to form the consortium IC3, which was established by Israel’s Ministry of Economy to address national cyber needs.

The co-founder of Dr. Eli David’s company, Deep Instinct, is a man named Nadav Maman.

Maman, also ex-Israeli intelligence, held various senior management positions in CPST for over six years.

But let’s go back to Dan.

Dan was also once the president and business manager of EMEA for Amdocs.

You know, the company that was investigated by US federal agencies in the early 2000s for being used by Israel to eavesdrop on US government communications?

Yeah, THAT Amdocs.

In 2016, Dan was named one of the ‘100 most influential CIOs in the world’ by CIO magazine.

Well, that’s the CEO of AU10TIX for you, folks.

It’s actually so funny how everything connects to each other.

Will @elonmusk reverse this decision that is a clear violation of X’s user security?
Thanks to this to forum I’ve been looking into the identity of Allah, which understand is Arabic for “the lord” - Al Lah. But there’s a compelling argument Allah is not the father thanks to his trickster nature. I’m thinking G-d might not be God the father. I know Marcion exists but what if we modified the timeline? The OT Israelites and later the Jews worshiped a pre-revealed Christ. But the temple was destroyed in 70AD so they lost their connection to the Father if they didn’t convert to Christianity, which many did. Between 100AD and 500AD Is there a chance G-d tricked the Jews to worship him instead of God?

Some evidence to the diagram below - OT / Torah Israelites had a priesthood, icons, incense, bread of Gods presence, and a sacrifice involving the remission of sins. Does Judaism have any of this?

I’ve drawn the conclusion the old covenant was to prove a point. God is perfect you aren’t. You will never flawlessly obey the Torah. You can’t. Judaism through the Talmud makes excuses and weasels its way around the law. Christians know we aren’t perfect and trust Gods son. Jews however place their faith in their own limited intellect. Their god can be duped. Our God can’t.


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Thanks to this to forum I’ve been looking into the identity of Allah, which understand is Arabic for “the lord” - Al Lah. But there’s a compelling argument Allah is not the father thanks to his trickster nature. I’m thinking G-d might not be God the father. I know Marcion exists but what if we modified the timeline? The OT Israelites and later the Jews worshiped a pre-revealed Christ. But the temple was destroyed in 70AD so they lost their connection to the Father if they didn’t convert to Christianity, which many did. Between 100AD and 500AD Is there a chance G-d tricked the Jews to worship him instead of God?

Some evidence to the diagram below - OT / Torah Israelites had a priesthood, icons, incense, bread of Gods presence, and a sacrifice involving the remission of sins. Does Judaism have any of this?

I’ve drawn the conclusion the old covenant was to prove a point. God is perfect you aren’t. You will never flawlessly obey the Torah. You can’t. Judaism through the Talmud makes excuses and weasels its way around the law. Christians know we aren’t perfect and trust Gods son. Jews however place their faith in their own limited intellect. Their god can be duped. Our God can’t.
I'm not sure about your entire premise in the first paragraph, you're saying that the the jewish "G-d" and the muslim "Al Lah" are simply representations and illusions of the chief of the fallen angels? I could see that being the case, and it certainly seems so the more you watch these people, especially the jews.

One thing interesting is that all the pre-Christian civilizations, at least the ones in Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Levant had some kind of prophetic story about a virgin birth. The problem is that anti-Christians and atheists and pagans nowadays say that Christianity "ripped off" these civilizations for the virgin birth "myth," when in reality it is the other way around. Many of these tribes that made up the other civilizations, like the Nordics, the Greeks, the Romans, even the Carthaginians, and the original Egyptians, came from the sons of Noah, and many of them although physically separated from the true practitioners of the only true worship for the only true God, carried the imprints in their DNA that reflected the destiny of their progenitor's people as manifested through the ancient Israelites. They all predicted a virgin birth as foretold through their own mythologies and folklore, which were often knowledge of God and His plans warped by the fallen entities they worshiped when they were either not in contact with God or turned away from God.

Even Virgil, the Roman poet (who by all means was a Pantheon-worshiping Pagan) who wrote the Aeneid, predicted the coming of the Messiah. This is why Alighieri made the case for the abode of limbo for the souls of the "Virtuous Pagans."

The last part is true, we are never going to be perfect inside these flesh cages, and the sooner the hold of the Talmud has on humans is broken the sooner the jews can stop trying to force this false perfect world (for them) which has been responsible for every major atrocity and also for destroying everything on this earth. I would even go to say that their "god" can be duped because it isn't a creator entity. An angel, even a fallen one, is still just one echelon above humans in the realm of God's creations. What we know of angels is little, but there are four main categories usually ascribed to them, and even though Lucifer was allegedly a Seraphim (thought debates say he was also a Cherubim, whose knowledge of God was intimate hence why some were so easily corruptible by Lucifer/Samael), it was God's will that Michael destroy him. Whatever the system of empyrean angelic orders were in place, the creature that was cast down here with its followers could never reach God even by corrupting mankind. There's no way God would allow it even if all of humanity was utterly corrupted by the devil, which now isn't possible because there will always be some who choose suffering or martyrdom primarily because of Christ's teaching, than falling to demonic sins. I believe that God would simply destroy creation if it ever got to that point, nothing could ever truly rise against the maker of this reality to any effect.

Perhaps human nature would have been different in a reality without the fallen ones, and we all could have inhabited a golden universe of creation and love tending to the earth as its intended stewards alongside Our Father for eternity, instead of this corrupted version.
I'm not sure about your entire premise in the first paragraph, you're saying that the the jewish "G-d" and the muslim "Al Lah" are simply representations and illusions of the chief of the fallen angels? I could see that being the case, and it certainly seems so the more you watch these people, especially the jews.
I looked into the concept of the “Pleroma” On the first day, god said “let there be light.” Angels can’t disobey the will of God so therefore they can’t be demons. The demons are from the first born of God, beings made of pure light, however, they don’t have souls. The have vestiges. There’s a difference. I think that there’s… let’s just call him “entity x” and he tries to mess with humans and pass himself off as god. He’s not god though and not worthy of worship. Hence the origin of the other two abrahamic faiths. Judaism originating in the 400s 500s AD and Islam the 600s. To further prove my point, why the Star of David only crop up in Prague 1600s? The Menorah or the Lion of Judah was their symbol for 99.9% of their history.

Furthermore, why is it their rabbis must hide behind a convoluted system of law (Talmud) that needs studied for years to get through the entire thing, yet the Holy Spirit - who appears in the OT yet they deny him - speaks to men directly without hours and hours of study? The answer is simple and is right in front of you. Their G-d id not God at all. The answers right there. I wish more Christians would wake up.
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I looked into the concept of the “Pleroma” On the first day, god said “let there be light.” Angels can’t disobey the will of God so therefore they can’t be demons. The demons are from the first born of God, beings made of pure light, however, they don’t have souls. The have vestiges. There’s a difference. I think that there’s… let’s just call him “entity x” and he tries to mess with humans and pass himself off as god. He’s not god though and not worthy of worship. Hence the origin of the other two abrahamic faiths. Judaism originating in the 400s 500s AD and Islam the 600s. To further prove my point, why the Star of David only crop up in Prague 1600s? The Menorah or the Lion of Judah was their symbol for 99.9% of their history.
You mean the star of Rempham? There is no such thing as the star of David. We can scour the Bible all we want we will never find an example of King David wearing one or even talking about it. Others claim it comes from the "Seal of Solomon" even though there also is no Biblical evidence to substantiate that. The hexagram is nothing more than a symbol used for decorative and mystical purposes by kabbalistic jews. They would often use a star to represent their belief in other "gods", like in Acts 7:43 "And ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rempham figures which ye made to worship them".

The Lion of Judah was not the same level of symbolism as the anti-Christ hexagram (as it stood for those who rejected Christ). The Lion of Judah was used even before the captivity and westward migration of the once lost tribes, who are not jews. The jews are liars through and through, they take a little bit of old Israelite symbolism and mix it with their usurped demonic wallpaper banners in their ongoing charade as the "chosen people".

Doesn't the Pleroma take many of its claims from early Gnosticism? I'm not an ideologue who would shut down a conversation simply because a source is gnostic, but it's take is also very different from what the established take on demons being fallen angels would become in the later Churches.

If what you say is true, then that would mean that the Demiurge is also real, which is something the tradition of the Apostles goes against. If there is a "lesser god" whether it is the first born of God or not, then why are humans uncannily corruptible to the same nature of these demons? The human embodiment of pure spiritual corruption is a talmudic-practicing jew because they have knowledge of Christ and willingly reject all of it, more so than a Hindu or a Buddhist or a polytheistic sun-worshiping Mesoamerican or an Aborigine whose souls have been scrambled eggs from the start with their own alien mythos, but can be capable of escaping their spiritual ignorance.
Doesn't the Pleroma take many of its claims from early Gnosticism?
Yes. Gnostics believe the demiurge created the world. I don’t believe this. I believe God - the logos - created matter and wants his children to do well. It’s in John 1. However many beings in the Pleroma try to pass themselves off as God because jelly beans. You see, God is unknowable because he is infinite and we’re finite, but his energies are knowable. More knowable, lesser beings like to play God. Why do you think the Jews write G-d? Samael tricked them and he, even he, can’t bring himself to the ultimate blasphemy. Why do you think Jesus boldly proclaimed “I am.” Josh didn’t lie.

And you’re right, Judaism is more condemned because it’s there in their scripture. It’s all in Isaiah black white as clear as crystal. But they double down and deny. At least the Mesoamericans and my own ancestors were duped. The Jews had it, but they tossed it. Which is way worse.

There is no lesser God. You have the holy trinity - father son and holy ghost and on the first day God said: “Let there be light” and then “Let us make.” There are other entities but they’re not God. They want to be though and that’s the origin of paganism.
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The demons are from the first born of God, beings made of pure light, however, they don’t have souls. The have vestiges. There’s a difference. I think that there’s… let’s just call him “entity x” and he tries to mess with humans and pass himself off as god.

Since everything was created by God, and God is only good and cannot do evil, it must mean that demons are simply the by-product of giving humans free will. Without demons, we would not have free will. The tree of good and evil, which already had a serpent (a demon) ready to trick Eve into eating the fruit, was simply a tree that contained God's non-existence within itself. Because if God did not make that tree, then humans would not have true free will, which is the freedom to reject God. Creating the tree also mean creating demons, since both are necessary by-products of free will.

Thus to make the tree of Good and Evil, it must have necessitated the creation of other beings with free will, i.e. angels with the ability to reject God, and these demonic beings, being a part of creation, would also have the ability to influence humanity just like everything else in creation does.

Of the Jews who rejected Christ, they necessarily fell into the lap of demons, and their Talmud is one of the purest reflections of demonic possession anyone can imagine. A maddening web of words with no inherit meaning - the purest example of an absence of God that one can think of.
Germany: Ursula Haverbeck (95) appeared in court in a wheelchair as she was sentenced to further 16-months in prison.Ursula was asked to repent for claiming the holocaust is "the biggest and most persistent lie in history".She rejects that 6 million jews were killed, and insists few thousands died from starvation and diseases caused by ‘Allied blockade’.Ursula was in her 20s during WWII and insists that Auschwitz was no more than a labor camp.

Edit - here she is explaining her situation in 2015:

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Since everything was created by God, and God is only good and cannot do evil, it must mean that demons are simply the by-product of giving humans free will. Without demons, we would not have free will. The tree of good and evil, which already had a serpent (a demon) ready to trick Eve into eating the fruit, was simply a tree that contained God's non-existence within itself. Because if God did not make that tree, then humans would not have true free will, which is the freedom to reject God. Creating the tree also mean creating demons, since both are necessary by-products of free will.

Thus to make the tree of Good and Evil, it must have necessitated the creation of other beings with free will, i.e. angels with the ability to reject God, and these demonic beings, being a part of creation, would also have the ability to influence humanity just like everything else in creation does.

Of the Jews who rejected Christ, they necessarily fell into the lap of demons, and their Talmud is one of the purest reflections of demonic possession anyone can imagine. A maddening web of words with no inherit meaning - the purest example of an absence of God that one can think of.
Why would God make the tree to create evil (for the purpose of free will)?