The Jewish Question (JQ)

I was just re-reading Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice after many years. I found 'The Bard' tedious in high school but his generation was quite based with regards to the JQ.

Act 4, Scene 1

From Antonio to Bassanio:

I pray you, think you question with the Jew.
You may as well go stand upon the beach
And bid the main flood bate his usual height;
You may as well use question with the wolf
Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;
You may as well forbid the mountain pines
To wag their high tops and to make no noise
When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven;
You may as well do anything most hard
As seek to soften that than which what’s harder?—
His Jewish heart.
I just finished reading Macbeth the other night and had a good laugh over the witch's ingredients.

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf;
Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangle’d babe
Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,—
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our caldron.
Today I learned Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux are both jewish. Honestly had no idea. I remember there being some kind of fallout with Lauren about her sleeping around with libertarian influencers. Makes sense now. Also, I listened to Stefan way too much from 2011-2016 because of his command of the English language and his background in performance. His rabid atheism and uncomfortable level of demand for donations was always unsettling, but I liked and agreed with his anti-State talk, since in those days I was heavily libertarian influenced and anarcho-capitalist in the tradition of Mises and Rothbard (both jews). Stefan also said he was highly influenced by Ayn Rand (another jew).

This led to me listening to other people in the Alt-Right sphere, like Michael Malice (jew), who always rubbed me the wrong way in the way he spoke so condescendingly of everyone. A lot of the Mises Institute people are/were jewish or Catholic. For some reason one seems to find a lot of Catholics in this same vein, like Tom Woods and Lew Rockwell.

Just food for thought, I can't believe I never knew Stefan was jewish, that was the biggest find for me and I hate I listened to him for so long. His truths never led to the Truth of Jesus Christ. I also never ended up getting anything from these rich jewish controlled opposition. They led you astray and seemed to collect a lot of lunatics as followers.
A lot of the Mises Institute people are/were jewish or Catholic. For some reason one seems to find a lot of Catholics in this same vein, like Tom Woods and Lew Rockwell.

Yeah, but that's because at this point, it seems as if Catholicism can be anything adherents want it to be. I once listened to a Malice/Woods interview, where he explained how the a priori approach of Austrian school economics fitted well with the Aristotelian approach Thomism uses, and then Malice said that the Talmud was the same and Woods agreed.

I don't think Woods is a deceptive actor necessarily. Austrian economics are like an intellectual chewing toy, and some people tend to make it their whole personality. Woods is pretty intelligent, but he found a relatively comfortable niche among the Mises Institue / Claremont Institute crowd. Also, I'm not sure he understands what Jewish Straussianism is and that it's literally the ideological engine of the people he hangs out with.

The thing with Austrians is that they are not interested in developing a contextual understanding of history and tradition, they just constantly view everything through their deductive ideological method. Hans Hoppe tried to square the circle and justify a traditionalist order within the concept of private cities, but nobody outside those already convinced of Austrianism are interested in that.

Today I learned Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux are both jewish

I don't think that's true. I think with Southern that's derived from a faked tweet where she supposedly said her real name was Simonsen, but which she later denied, and Molyneux is just one of those typical intellectuals where claiming some Jewish great-grandfather is considered cool and interesting.
He did go off on Jews much earlier than many others, if I remember correctly. During the Epstein scandal he made some remarks about whether Epstein would have done those things to girls from his own tribe. Plus, he did admit during a talk with Jay that his philosophy of Universally Preferable Behavior had holes in it, and that Christianity was probably not too bad a remedy for that. Stefan is definitely a weirdo from a weird family, but I never felt that he was trying to deceive anyone.

Native NYer living in Israel warns Jews to ‘get the hell out’ of US now as anti~semitic crimes continue to soar: ‘You are no longer safe’

A former New Yorker whose brother was stabbed to death by a Palestinian in the West Bank is begging his Jewish brethren to “wake up” and ditch the land of bagels and lox in favor of the land of milk and honey.

Queens native Hillel Fuld, who moved to Israel at 15, believes Israel is the safest place for Jews — as anti~semitic crimes soar in the US.

“Jews, get out now. Get the hell out while you still can”, Fuld warned in an interview with The Post.
Jews Are Rewarding Black Criminality
The Racial Justice Act 2020

On February 5, Judge David Goldstein, a former public defender and past chair of the Diversity/Bench-Bar Outreach committee, removed all gang enhancements that could have resulted in life without parole sentences for the four men charged with the murder on the basis that the case was tainted by racism. It was the second time Goldstein ruled that anti-Black bias had shaped elements of the case, and by the time it was concluded, he’d also removed special circumstance allegations and firearm enhancements. Facing radically reduced sentences and charges, all four defendants quickly made no contest to the charges and the case was brought to a sudden end. Goldstein’s actions, which follow the introduction of California’s Racial Justice Act, essentially set a precedent for a two-tiered justice system in which non-Whites can have aggravating factors in their criminal behavior, often the defining factor of the crime itself (e.g. gang motivation), ignored in court. The very concept of justice is therefore made subservient to a new need to protect non-White criminals and, in the longer term, to ensure they spend less time behind bars.

The idea for a Racial Justice Act was first introduced in 2019 by California state assembly member Marc Levine, former Chairman of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus and current Regional Director of ADL Central Pacific. In 2015, Levine already exhibited his Jewish activist credentials when he contributed to a legislative package titled “Immigrants Shape California.” He drafted legislation providing $3 million in legal aid for undocumented immigrants, and publicly announced “immigrants are welcome and we will do everything we can to help them achieve legal status.” In 2019, with “AB 1798, the California Racial Justice Act,” Levine proposed that death penalty sentences on non-White criminals be postponed until it was determined “if race resulted in a sentence of capital punishment.” Levine’s bill failed, but he re-emerged as co-author of a more expansive proposal a year later, along with Jewish assembly members Scott Weiner and Laura Friedman, and several non-White assembly members.
I can't believe what I'm reading here - this is what goes on in Europe informally but in America it sounds like a two-tiered justice system has now been written into statute.
This post looks at the nature of the Rothschild controlled fractional reserve banking system, concluding it is fundamentally set up to fail. In order to survive it requires endless bailouts by you, the public, paid for via a combination of increased taxation, debt and inflation.

Full text
President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

RFK was assassinated on June 5, 1968.

AIPAC replaced the American Zionist Counsel without any opposition.

Letter signed by Donald Rumsfeld.

No textbooks will teach your children this part of history.

That is very close to what I wrote in another thread recently -
Was reading something recently about JFK and the various conspiracy theories on UNZ. First suspect was the follow on president Johnson, second suspect was Mossad, something to do with not letting Israel have the weapons it wanted.

I can't find the exact passage at the moment but have been wondering after reading it if American presidents are not only financially incentivized to put Israel first, but have the fear of being "Kennedied" if they dared to slow or stop the flow of tax-payer funded foreign aid.
Not sure who killed the Kennedy's, but you can definitely see from @budoslavic 's post above a "before" and "after" in American (and world) politics.

This "foreign agent" topic is very current in Georgia at the moment :
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Paris Grand Synagogue Rabbi: ‘There is no future for Jews in France’

"It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France," Rabbi Moshe Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. "I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country."

Following the success of the right-wing National Rally Party in Sunday’s first round of French parliamentary elections, Grande Synagogue of Paris Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag cast doubt on the future of Jews in France and advocated for youth to immigrate to Israel or other countries.

“It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France,” Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. “I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”
@EB_: Jews engage in such repulsive behavior that a lot of people’s first reaction is to wonder if they’re being played as if it might be satire because it’s so cartoonishly evil and over the top.


The more they get "noticed" and called out, the more evil they become. They dig in their heels and go full dark triad. Their nice neighborly behavior in the past seems to have been a mere facade.

Paris Grand Synagogue Rabbi: ‘There is no future for Jews in France’

"It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France," Rabbi Moshe Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. "I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country."

Following the success of the right-wing National Rally Party in Sunday’s first round of French parliamentary elections, Grande Synagogue of Paris Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag cast doubt on the future of Jews in France and advocated for youth to immigrate to Israel or other countries.

“It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France,” Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. “I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”
"Hebrew Flight" ? racist!

Stick around enjoy the DieVersity you created!:unsure:
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