The Jewish Question (JQ)

The meme should says "the face of those who believe they're God's chosen people" still it produces a visceral response no matter where you're from.

View attachment 6713

I see more and more of the deicidal curse ever since Brother Nathanael explained the physiognomic transformation in a series of interviews the last few months.
Music you're really a smart guy, but now you are getting to beavis and butthead style crap.

Huh huh Jews ugly.

What am I going to do? Post ugly Germans now?

Other suggestion, as tomorrow is Good Friday for us:

Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. [No instruction to kneel or to rise is given, but immediately is said:] Almighty and eternal God, who dost not exclude from Thy mercy even Jewish faithlessness [Judaicam perfidiam]: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Not racial.

Music you're really a smart guy, but now you are getting to beavis and butthead style crap.

Huh huh Jews ugly.

What am I going to do? Post ugly Germans now?

Other suggestion, as tomorrow is Good Friday for us:

Not racial.

Wait a minute there lol, what I'm saying is that their ugliness is a direct result of them hating Christ, and they just so happen to keep it all in the family at the same time. Whatever jewish features that converts have does seem to be minimized when they have repented and are truly living in a worshipful Christian existence. There is a spark of light that ignites the beauty in all humans when they put God before themselves and their own desires, especially before their own antagonisms which is a trope of the modern jewish life-purpose. There is a certain human purity that can be glimpsed in all peoples except for these ones. I'm not saying everyone is equal, they are not, but they are all more removed from a filthy and unclean existence the more closer they are to true faith in worship of Christ where worship and obeisance is due.

I do not know of any jewish converts to Christ after this curse sets in, ie after middle-aged in men or the menopausal years in women. There may be, but it is highly unlikely to ever become a significant statistic. It seems to be time-sensitive, and bound to the amount of cursing and blaspheming of the Holy Spirit and of Christ they do, which always grows with time. Regardless of their dubious racial claims to Israel, a modern jew defines themselves as one who rejects Christ. This is the "end-all" of their reality. They don't have any time for our Messiah which they dismiss as nonsense in the least bit haranguing manner, meaning they can't afford the extra five minutes to tell you what they really believe about Him.

Our own resident convert member left early enough and so did Brother Nathanael, and even an ever-inquisitive racialist profiler like me doesn't see this in either of them. This is why the youth must be preached to, it would save many more from both this deicidal curse and the madness of oblivion.

Also a similar hideousness can be seen in Europeans and westerners who have turned their back on God's laws and mutilate and tattoo and blaspheme themselves into hedonic obscurity. It's usually the opposite, you will have only further dwindling glimpses remaining of their former beauty (as in the case for many White women) the more they deluge themselves in anti-Christ behavior. The pretty atheist girls at 18 are definitely not attractive faithless 30-somethings approaching their 40s, I've seen it and had to stop thinking about it because the rhetorical questions in my head would never stop popping up.

So there is significant long-lasting beauty the more someone is either an honest Christian with an internalized belief and faith, not just an external set of behaviors, whether they are an African, a jew, a European, an Asiatic, an Indian, or some mix thereof. I'm not saying anything beyond that about their soul's place in the scheme of things, none of us truly can, nor am I suggesting that one is relatively more beautiful than the other, the perspective is always ingrained from a genetic predisposition. What I am saying is that there is a clear depiction that those who truly believe in and worship Christ, even those who are misled about Christ as many Christians are, still exhibit some kind of net positivity in their appearance for placing worship on Him. Innocence, purity, and attraction are very different physical aspects, and vary between the eyes of every person.

Those who hate on Christ are revealed in their visages. It will always show, and now that we know it we won't be able to unsee it.
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The meme should says "the face of those who believe they're God's chosen people" still it produces a visceral response no matter where you're from.

View attachment 6713

I see more and more of the deicidal curse ever since Brother Nathanael explained the physiognomic transformation in a series of interviews the last few months.
I have seen many (((Hebraically-inclined))) women whom I would consider to be quite pretty, but Oy Gevalt!...this just turned me off of my breakfast.
Wait a minute there lol, what I'm saying is that their ugliness is a direct result of them hating Christ, and they just so happen to keep it all in the family at the same time. Whatever jewish features that converts have does seem to be minimized when they have repented and are truly living in a worshipful Christian existence. There is a spark of light that ignites the beauty in all humans when they put God before themselves and their own desires, especially before their own antagonisms which is a trope of the modern jewish life-purpose. There is a certain human purity that can be glimpsed in all peoples except for these ones. I'm not saying everyone is equal, they are not, but they are all more removed from a filthy and unclean existence the more closer they are to true faith in worship of Christ where worship and obeisance is due.

I do not know of any jewish converts to Christ after this curse sets in, ie after middle-aged in men or the menopausal years in women. There may be, but it is highly unlikely to ever become a significant statistic. It seems to be time-sensitive, and bound to the amount of cursing and blaspheming of the Holy Spirit and of Christ they do, which always grows with time. Regardless of their dubious racial claims to Israel, a modern jew defines themselves as one who rejects Christ. This is the "end-all" of their reality. They don't have any time for our Messiah which they dismiss as nonsense in the least bit haranguing manner, meaning they can't afford the extra five minutes to tell you what they really believe about Him.

Our own resident convert member left early enough and so did Brother Nathanael, and even an ever-inquisitive racialist profiler like me doesn't see this in either of them. This is why the youth must be preached to, it would save many more from both this deicidal curse and the madness of oblivion.

Also a similar hideousness can be seen in Europeans and westerners who have turned their back on God's laws and mutilate and tattoo and blaspheme themselves into hedonic obscurity. It's usually the opposite, you will have only further dwindling glimpses remaining of their former beauty (as in the case for many White women) the more they deluge themselves in anti-Christ behavior. The pretty atheist girls at 18 are definitely not attractive faithless 30-somethings approaching their 40s, I've seen it and had to stop thinking about it because the rhetorical questions in my head would never stop popping up.

So there is significant long-lasting beauty the more someone is either an honest Christian with an internalized belief and faith, not just an external set of behaviors, whether they are an African, a jew, a European, an Asiatic, an Indian, or some mix thereof. I'm not saying anything beyond that about their soul's place in the scheme of things, none of us truly can, nor am I suggesting that one is relatively more beautiful than the other, the perspective is always ingrained from a genetic predisposition. What I am saying is that there is a clear depiction that those who truly believe in and worship Christ, even those who are misled about Christ as many Christians are, still exhibit some kind of net positivity in their appearance for placing worship on Him. Innocence, purity, and attraction are very different physical aspects, and vary between the eyes of every person.

Those who hate on Christ are revealed in their visages. It will always show, and now that we know it we won't be able to unsee it
In some cases I can see the beauty, like with young women with a baby in church, such a beautiful sight.

With many also not, but with some I indeed see a certain peacefulness; "here I am home" that energy. Though maybe it's my projection.

We can indeed see an outer glow. But it's special, unique, not something I see daily.

So can't really follow you in the other side.
I heard a mainstream news story today that Easter celebrations in Jerusalem were very small this year, as the Israelis required passes for anyone who wanted to attend the service. Sick.

Here's a massive white pill.

Germar Rudolf, a German chemist who revealed Zyclon B residue was NOT present on the walls of so called "death chambers" and was exiled from Germany for saying so, has created a massive wikipedia style resource for all things Holocaust. You can review claims and scientific facts as well as retracted stories.

Germar Rudolf's Holocaust Encyclopedia

The first entry, alphabetically, just happens to be Absurities & Lies. These are all stories that Jews once told us, but have been so thoroughly debunked that they no longer repeat them. Read enough of these and you really have to search for evidence that any of it is true.

A few examples:
  • Morris Hubert’s fairy tale of a bear and an eagle in a cage at Buchenwald Camp, eating one Jew per day:

  • French priest Jean-Paul Renard, who reported seeing people murdered in gas chambers at Buchenwald, a camp no one claims was a death camp; retracted it as soon as he was confronted about it

  • mass graves spewing geysers of blood up in the air

  • soap, lampshades, and shrunken heads (I have seen Jews cry about this on the Donahue show--it is now fully debunked)

  • porno images made on "paper" created from Jewish skin (LOL that is such a Jewish claim!)

  • skeet shooting with live human babies

  • forcing prisoners to lick stairs clean

  • mass spanking machines

  • spraying Jews with water in cold weather, turning them into ice sculptures

  • Developing an atomic bomb and then secretly nuking 20,000 Jews with it

  • putting Jews into meat grinders

  • forcing Jews to climb trees and then chopping the trees down to kill them

  • pouring cement into Jews mouths to stop them from singing

This is a site to bookmark!
I heard a mainstream news story today that Easter celebrations in Jerusalem were very small this year, as the Israelis required passes for anyone who wanted to attend the service. Sick.

Here's a massive white pill.

Germar Rudolf, a German chemist who revealed Zyclon B residue was NOT present on the walls of so called "death chambers" and was exiled from Germany for saying so, has created a massive wikipedia style resource for all things Holocaust. You can review claims and scientific facts as well as retracted stories.

Germar Rudolf's Holocaust Encyclopedia

This is a site to bookmark!
This encyclopedia is a gold mine and a great reference to use when talking to people about the JQ. You can also easily download it (for free) to have a local copy. I didn't know about it before, thank you for linking it.

I would like to add that Germar Rudolf also has a personal website with many essays where he goes into great detail about what happened to him. His writing skills are excellent.


Sam is clever, but not wise. At 3:10 he still thinks it's "White guilt" as to why Whites aren't defending each other. He is oblivious to the God pill, and the fact that the White man is a spiritual animal.

Spiritually deracinated Whites don't care about each other. They just watch each other suffer and think, "Not my problem!" And they cowardly proclaim how they are anti-racist, or whatever excuse they use.

Without their spirit, Whites are weak, cowardly, selfish, greedy, and, above all, PROUD of anything they manage to accomplish: "I'm rich, so who cares about those poor dumbasses! Bunch of stupid racists."

There's going to be a lot of suffering for Whites until they come back to God.
That Post World War 2 Economic and Cultural Assault on Indo-European Christian American Enclaves was Viscious by the Usual Suspects.

I wonder if this Game Plan is their Go To Method for Destruction of Nations? I mean is was multi-faceted effort. Was their fallicious Propaganda too Mesmorizing for the Gentile Masses?

I would've figured old Timers would've been keen on their historical antics and resisted?

I guess once they had the Federal Reserve they were able to implement all the other Ethnic Destroying tactics of moving peoples around to get that Good Job American Dream Lie and Feminism, and sending POC into Ethnic European Neighborhoods.

I guess I'm just lamenting...thinking what the Hells Bells happened...?

We definitely need to get back to Local Ethnic and Economic Living for sure....
"I'm rich, so who cares about those poor dumbasses! Bunch of stupid racists."
I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I cannot deny this is part of it. It is definitely true that these people can't see things for what they are, so in that sense you are correct, there is no doubt. They will continue to pay the price for their lack of faith and vision, indeed, I am sad to say.