The Jewish Question (JQ)

Kaveman, I'm afraid that video is mostly (?) bunk. Be careful because I see errors in it. The Jews were indeed blessed by God through Jacob of his 12 sons when he choose Judah for his righteousness, of which Christ descended from.

Generally speaking - if you are looking at religious authority, if it's not from the Orthodox Church you shouldn't give it more than a grain of salt of truth.
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Kaveman, I'm afraid that video is mostly (?) bunk. Be careful because I see errors in it. The Jews were indeed blessed by God through Jacob of his 12 sons when he choose Judah for his righteousness, of which Christ descended from.

Generally speaking - if you are looking at religious authority, if it's not from the Orthodox Church you shouldn't give it more than a grain of salt of truth.
There is biblical truth in it though. Judah did want to kill Joseph. Reuben talked him out of it. His two sons did die and he did bow to Joseph as Joseph’s dream predicted.

I was always taught gods favor with Judah was more so because Judah was legitimately penitent rather than a “chosen one” type patriarchal blessing. Tamar called him out on his lifetime of garbage behavior and he genuinely felt bad and wanted to do better. He offered to take one of his brothers place as prisoner.

Jews, well modern, do place emphasis on the Talmud over the Torah though and to me modern Judaism is almost a type of gnosticism. “We have secret knowledge kept to our in group you can’t have. Not all of the Torah is in those scrolls and you have to be in the know to have it.” Probably where that one Tweeter got her idea abortions a religious thing in Judaism. There’s probably some obscure Talmudic thing. Why I see it as a false religion.

I do need to throw this out there - the Torah implies abortion is bad in exodus when it mentions if you harm a pregnant mother you need to pay the blood money and if she does in the process - a life for a life.
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Kaveman, I'm afraid that video is mostly (?) bunk. Be careful because I see errors in it. The Jews were indeed blessed by God through Jacob of his 12 sons when he choose Judah for his righteousness, of which Christ descended from.

Jews were chosen and blessed to bring forth the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Remember, the first Christians were Jews. But the Jews that renounced Christ were also renounced by Him.

John 8:44:
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Jews were chosen and blessed to bring forth the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Remember, the first Christians were Jews. But the Jews that renounced Christ were also renounced by Him.

John 8:44:
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Exactly; the Jews broke their pact with God when they rejected the Messiah. They were punished with the destruction of the Second Temple, Jerusalem, and genocide of all the other Jews there - for their blasphemy.

You can't make a deal with God, act all high and mighty for centuries, and then renege on that deal with no consequences. Doesn't work that way.

That's why even today, Talmudic Jews are typically insane, suffering from the curse of breaking the blessing given by Jacob, and Covenant created by Moses.

Whereas other races can be neutral on the Jesus question without having any side effects (mostly), for anyone of the Jewish bloodline the Jesus question is the only question that matters. For a Jew to reject Jesus places his or her soul firmly in the grips of Satan. Others who reject Christ just stay normal pagans, but for Jews it's pretty much a one-way ticket into Satan's arms.

America is going to ban college students for opposing genocide in Israel.
I can't even wrap my head around this.
There were *NO IDEAS* that were banned in my college days.
Not even Satanism or whatever insanity you want to imagine. This is crazy.

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There are also the Hasidic Satmar group in NYC, supposedly around 120,000, but they have protested Israel for many, many years in New York.

They are a bit annoying maybe with some weird habits and appearance / dress, but at least they are more Muslim-like in that they are truly conservative, anti-feminist, anti-degeneracy for the most part. And most important they are obviously Jewish when you see them. If the only Jews we had to deal with were these anti-Zionist ultra religious ones that confined themselves to Brooklyn, maybe that's ok.
Some of the ultra-orthodox jewish sects consider the modern state of Israel to be an abomination, because it was created by secular means, and not as a result of their prophecies.

On December 11th and 12th 2006 there was held the first world-wide holocaust-conference, in which advocates as well as critics of the holocaust-historiography could speak out publicly. Initiator of the conference was Prof. Mohammad-Ali Ramin, personal advisor of the Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The conference was organized by the scientific research centre of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, IPIS. Most renowned participants of the conference were: the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, the world-wide leading holocaust-revisionist from France, Prof. Robert Faurisson, the famous Austrian holocaust-defence lawyer Dr. Herbet Schaller, the US-American freedom activist David Duke, the British freedom activist Lady Michèle Renouf, the French civil activist Serge Thion, the German-Australian revisionist Dr. Fredrick Töben, the German-Swiss freedom activist Bernhard Schaub and many others. The German politician Günter Decker had also signed in the conference, but the German authorities had prohibited his trip by confiscating his passport. One day after the end of the conference he could nevertheless fly to Tehran and participate in talks.
As most famous advocate of the holocaust-historiography signed Prof. Norman Finkelstein, who cancelled his participation shortly before the beginning of the conference. Jewish participants were also there, for instance a five-member delegation from the anti-zionist group Neturei Karta.

Here the first part of the speech by Prof. Robert Faurisson, 'The victories of revisionism'"

You can't make a deal with God, act all high and mighty for centuries, and then renege on that deal with no consequences. Doesn't work that way.

That's why even today, Talmudic Jews are typically insane, suffering from the curse of breaking the blessing given by Jacob, and Covenant created by Moses.
The Rod from Jesses Stem (actual Jew btw) in the Bible. I guess my position is closer to remnant theology than replacement theology.

There’s no old or new covenant, just The Covenant and Jesus is the king who can give us eternal life if we believe of him and eat of his flesh and drink his blood. He’s the eternal sacrifice. The original Orthodox Church is a remnant of ancient Israel that accepted their King. Just gentiles joined which is gucci (or should I say Kosher haha). Look at Ruth, Jesus own bloodline was from a convert. To top it off what happened to the other tribes? No one talks about their fate. This isn’t “We Wuz Kangs” crap. The Assyrians scattered them around the near east and some probably escaped to the wider Mediterranean. If you have any near eastern, North African, Greek or Italian ancestry you probably have a couple drops of ancient Hebrew blood in you. Jesus even said he’s going after the lost sheep of Israel.
Surprise! Wonder how this happened?

Harvey Weinstein Conviction Overturned On Appeal​

A New York Court of Appeals has overturned Harvey Weinstein's 2020 conviction on felony sex crime charges, for which he was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

In a 4-3 decision, the court found that the trial judge in the disgraced mogul's case had made a critical error, allowing prosecutors to call a series of women as witnesses who said that Weinstein had assaulted them, but whose accusations weren't part of the charges against him, the NYT reports.

In 2020, Lauren Young and two other women, Dawn Dunning and Tarale Wulff, testified about their encounters with Weinstein under a state law that allows testimony about “prior bad acts” to demonstrate a pattern of behavior. But the court in its decision on Thursday said that “under our system of justice, the accused has a right to be held to account only for the crime charged.”
Citing that decision and others it identified as errors, the appeals court determined that Mr. Weinstein, who as a movie producer had been one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, had not received a fair trial. The four judges in the majority wrote that Mr. Weinstein was not tried solely on the crimes he was charged with, but instead for much of his past behavior. -NYT
The decision was determined by one vote on a majority female panel of judges, who in February held a searching public debate over the fairness of the original trial.

Weinstein was convicted of raping aspiring actress Jessica Mann at a DoubleTree hotel in 2013 when she was 27-years-old, and forcing oral sex on former production assistant Mimi Haleyi, then 28, at his apartment in 2006.

Now, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who's currently prosecuting former President Donald Trump, will have to decide whether to seek a retrial of Weinstein - who remains in an upstate prison in Rome, NY at the moment. It's unclear how the decision will affect his future. In 2022, he was convicted by a California court of raping a woman in a Beverly Hills hotel and sentenced to 16 years in prison. The jury found Weinstein guilty of rape, forcible oral copulation, and sexual penetration by foreign object involving a woman known as Jane Doe 1.

The 2022 jury acquitted Weinstein of a sexual battery charge made by a massage therapist who treated him at a hotel in 2010, and was unable to reach a decision on two allegations, including rape, involving Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the wife of California’s Democratic governor Gavin Newsom. She was known as Jane Doe 4 in the trial, and had testified to being raped by Weinstein in a hotel room in 2005.

Weinstein was convicted of sexually abusing over 100 women - and was convicted of assaulting two of them in the New York case.

"That is unfair to survivors," said actress Ashley Judd, the first actress to come forward with allegations against Weinstein, the NYT's Jodi Kantor reports. "We still live in our truth. And we know what happened."


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