That vid looks totally staged, and most of the comments call it out. It's a pysop to make chew critics look stupid.
This is completely wrong - plenty of racist societies have disappeared in the past. For example, the Roman empire, which genocided non-Romans all the time. Where are they now? They literally disappeared. A similar story for the Mongolian empire, however they still have their little patch of land.
The reason Talmudic Jews persist is because they have a
religion to bind them, even though it is centered on their race, but their racist tendency has worked against them which is why so many of them look like hideous inbred freaks.
Pretty amazing how people can see how ugly Talmuds are, and then conclude they are successful because of their racism. One must be utterly blind to make such a conclusion.
From a Telegram posting:
The cancer of Jewish Hebraism must be removed from Gentile society if Gentile civilization is to survive. This can be done by educating the Gentile masses about the dangers of Jewish Hebraism and by resisting the Jewish elite's efforts to undermine Gentile values.
Notice how worthless this telegram posting is? How will education happen when Talmuds control the education?
Also, what the hell is "Gentile values?" Total nonsense. I laugh at all of this WN garbage, just fantasy land.
What we need a return to the Lord, through conversions, and the recreation of an Orthodox Theocracy. And to be a citizen in this Theocracy, one will need to be a member of the Church. Chews automatically become a 3rd class subject, stripped of citizenship, and the problems people have with them disappear.
There are no easy solutions to the troubles of our present age. Things could take 100 years or more to fix. But it's happened before, which means it can happen again.
Reminder that Babylon Bee is Jewish
Haha, pure projection. No race is more inbred than chews.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. And look at those fruits of racism!! Such beauty to behold.