The Jewish Question (JQ)

From a Telegram posting:

The subversive Hebraizing influence of the International Elite is a form of societal cancer. This cancer is characterized by a parasitic relationship between the Jewish elite and the Gentile masses. The Jewish elite, like a cancer cell, feeds off the host body, draining it of its resources and vitality. The Gentile masses, like the body of a cancer patient, are weakened and debilitated by the presence of the Jewish elite.

The Jewish elite is a small but powerful minority that has been able to exert a disproportionate influence on society. This influence is due to a number of factors, including their financial power, their control of the media, and their disproportionate representation in positions of power.

The Jewish elite use their power to promote a Hebraized worldview that is hostile to Gentile values. This worldview is based on the belief that the Jews are a superior race and that they are destined to rule over the Gentiles. The Hebraized worldview is also characterized by a hatred of Christianity and a desire to destroy Western civilization.

The Hebraizing influence of the International Elite is a threat to the survival of Gentile civilization. The Jewish elite is working to undermine the traditional values of Gentile society and to replace them with a Hebraized worldview. This worldview is incompatible with Gentile values and will lead to the destruction of Gentile civilization.

The cancer of Jewish Hebraism must be removed from Gentile society if Gentile civilization is to survive. This can be done by educating the Gentile masses about the dangers of Jewish Hebraism and by resisting the Jewish elite's efforts to undermine Gentile values.
Glenn Greenwald has a good analysis of the situation with Candace Owens. In short, she may be on the chopping block with the Daily Wire because she isn't saying things the way they think she should (particularly with certain Rabbis). It's a great example of their hypocrisy and how they want to control and dictate your genuflection to them.

Bumping this post as today, the 24th of March, marks St. Simon of Trent's feast day, commemorating his 1475 abduction, torture , Talmudic ritual murder, and martyrdom at the age of THREE.

The feast day of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, a fellow Talmudic ritual murder victim (1255), is coming up on the 27th of July.

May they both pray for us in this wicked, fallen world. On the awful Day of Judgement, may they both stand at Christ's right hand and witness against (((them all))).
I won't say specifically what I saw, as it might be a little too location-specific, but over the weekend some anti-Israel stickers and graffiti appeared in my neighborhood. There is a fairly strong though very small Jewish contingent in my city (probably 3 or 4 synagogues) and they have a good bit of control (judges, businesses, etc.).

I can't recall seeing graffiti of any kind in the past 10 years. They are quickly losing control of the narrative, and while I don't think the Boomer will ever wake up, all the money and effort put in to propping up "Judeo-Christianity" is about to crumble away.

My first thought this morning was anger and disgust that someone had defaced a public area with graffiti. Then I saw the message and smiled.

I'd be very worried if I were a Jew of any type in the USA, Zionist or not.

That vid looks totally staged, and most of the comments call it out. It's a pysop to make chew critics look stupid.

This is completely wrong - plenty of racist societies have disappeared in the past. For example, the Roman empire, which genocided non-Romans all the time. Where are they now? They literally disappeared. A similar story for the Mongolian empire, however they still have their little patch of land.

The reason Talmudic Jews persist is because they have a religion to bind them, even though it is centered on their race, but their racist tendency has worked against them which is why so many of them look like hideous inbred freaks.

Pretty amazing how people can see how ugly Talmuds are, and then conclude they are successful because of their racism. One must be utterly blind to make such a conclusion.

From a Telegram posting:

The cancer of Jewish Hebraism must be removed from Gentile society if Gentile civilization is to survive. This can be done by educating the Gentile masses about the dangers of Jewish Hebraism and by resisting the Jewish elite's efforts to undermine Gentile values.

Notice how worthless this telegram posting is? How will education happen when Talmuds control the education?

Also, what the hell is "Gentile values?" Total nonsense. I laugh at all of this WN garbage, just fantasy land.

What we need a return to the Lord, through conversions, and the recreation of an Orthodox Theocracy. And to be a citizen in this Theocracy, one will need to be a member of the Church. Chews automatically become a 3rd class subject, stripped of citizenship, and the problems people have with them disappear.

There are no easy solutions to the troubles of our present age. Things could take 100 years or more to fix. But it's happened before, which means it can happen again.

Reminder that Babylon Bee is Jewish

Haha, pure projection. No race is more inbred than chews.


Ye shall know them by their fruits. And look at those fruits of racism!! Such beauty to behold.
The meme should says "the face of those who believe they're God's chosen people" still it produces a visceral response no matter where you're from.


I see more and more of the deicidal curse ever since Brother Nathanael explained the physiognomic transformation in a series of interviews the last few months.