The J. D. Vance Thread

Vance is most likely a puppet from Silicon Valley. He was first propped up by Peter Thiel. And maybe he still is. But for now at least officially Musk and co. have taken the tab. With time he will show how much autonomy he has from them. But his ideas are not wrong.

They probably made a ultimatum to Trump. If he wanted tech money the VP would be theirs to chose. No more bullshit. Supposedly Trump called Thiel for money regarding the 2024 campaign. And Thiel refused to give him money. Loooool.

Btw Peter Thiel is a fag:

'I Am Proud To Be Gay,' Tech Investor Peter Thiel Tells GOP Convention"​

Looll. He couldve added. But I´m the one paying for all this shit.

"A Gawker site outed PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel as gay nine years ago and Thiel's never forgotten. ... Thiel told The New York Times that backing the lawsuits against Gawker was an act of philanthropy. Commentators at The New York Times and The Washington Post said Thiel's hidden assault on Gawker was an attack on the broader press."

And this maybe explains the rainbows in the convention. And Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan is obviously not a fag. But it was Thiel the one who paid for his lawsuit against Gawker. Maybe there´s a connection. Maybe not.

The maga crowd probably thought by making tweets and memes they would get some recognition from Trump. Trump wants money. His influence is for sell. Like any politicians. He is not there for the salary that´s for sure. If you are lucky enough the guy buying him. Is also aligned with your interests. If you want to influence Trump. You give him money or find donors. He than hears all the requests. Packages it with a nice bow. And sell it to voters. Voters are the last in the food chain. They eat the shit that what was already cooked up by donors.

"He gave $1.25 million, and shortly after Trump's 2016 victory, Thiel was given an office at Trump Tower where he recommended candidates for jobs in the incoming administration"

Presidency works like a company. Each donor puts x amount of money. And gets that percentage influence in the administration. It´s more like a startup. Investors don´t know if it will work or not.

The new tech aristocracy is finally getting a seat at the power table. And will not be bullied like before by old power.

Probably in Silicon Valley circles having an indian wife is much more acceptable. Since they are full of them. Indians are in tech.
Indians are also the ethnic group with the highest income bracket in US. Good for Vance.
Both Trump and Vance have military background. Don´t know if this means anything but we will find out.

Project 2025. For Trump to disavow it. It´s because they didn´t pay him enough. And seats are still for sale:

It´s funny seeing the article how this guy does it:

"Dunn reshaped Texas politics not by fighting Democrats, but by financing primary challenges to Republicans who don’t support the far-right policies he prefers. "

Contrary to what some people here say. He doesn´t simply back some candidate because they are republican. Because that would mean democrats winning. When he doesn´t like the republican candidate he finances another republican. Loolll.
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. . . a street shitter.
From the Anglin post I linked above:

Then in 2019, at the age of 36, he converted to Catholicism for some reason. I mean, we’re all struggling with the various denominations of Christianity. I converted in my 30s to a different branch of Christianity. But I’m not married to a Hindu. And I don’t know what Catholic priest would baptize a man married to an unrepentant Hindu.

What sort of a marriage is that? If he’s just like “yeah, whatever, I’m not really religious, who cares if this bitch is Hindu,” then okay. But he cared enough to actually be baptized Catholic while his wife is doing rituals to....Ganesh in the next room?

Can you imagine this?

Can you imagine walking by your wife, praying to an elephant man, and saying “okay, honey, I’ll be in the next room praying the rosary, hope Ganesh blesses your Bhakti Marga, babe.”

It makes you think.

He actually makes some good points about how some Whites think/behave in the USA. On the other hand, the over the top discrimination against White men has destroyed this once great nation and that cannot be reversed until it is put to an end. And I don't think a guy who thinks like this will have any plans to do so.


“ Sen. JD Vance, the Republican nominee for vice president, is doubling down on remarks he made in 2021 about "childless cat ladies" running the country that sparked backlash this week.

Vance told SiriusXM's "The Megyn Kelly Show" in an interview that aired Friday: “Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats"

Aside from marrying an irt, Vance sounds like he could be a forum member
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More evidence that Vance has been reading a lot of the same material us people on RVF 1.0 were reading a decade ago. How many times did we see people refer to "childless cat ladies" on those forums? Next we need to find an instance of him talking about "hitting the wall".
From the Anglin post I linked above:

It makes you think.

View attachment 10305

He’s a great choice to rile up and hoodwink the lower income whites with his working class background. I wouldn’t be fooled, he’s married to a Hindu who are polytheistic and materialistic, placing 2nd only to Jews in my experience for desiring money and love of riches. How much authority does he really have considering he couldn’t get his wife to become a Christian? She probably wears the pants and has a higher IQ than him. There’s also the caste system, so you better believe that also influences his thoughts.
These psychopathic empty ladder climbers are exactly who the satanic elite desire for their puppets. No real moral compass or beliefs, just whatever it takes to get into a position of power and stay there. You will see this in most people allowed into positions of authority across the satanic west.

This guy is a surprising pick, and it obviously could have been MUCH worse.
But there is a lot of troubling stuff about him.

He is perhaps the closest thing to a populist we have had in 30 years, which is a good thing, but I wonder how much of it is genuine. He has made some statements that show he has some good instincts and is not ideological, such as supporting Lina Kahn, the monopoly breaker from the Biden administration who has been doing a lot of consumer friendly actions. The Yale stuff is troubling, of course, and the ties to Silicon Valley and Peter Theil.

But the bottom line is, never ever trust a fat person.
He's even fatter than you realize, as the beard hides a lot of it.
I'm not even joking.
They are not to be trusted.

JD Vance is the White Obama. There are SO many parallels between the two.
And of course Obama ended up being totally fake and didn't represent his base honestly.

Jim Goad, someone who has genuine hillbilly credentials, has a good breakdown of JD Vance.
*written in 2018* !!

but for all of his book’s alleged “poignance” and “compassion,” he strikes me more as a traitor and snitch toward hillbillies than an advocate.

when Vance takes a bleak look at the rotten-toothed, opiate-addled, food-stamp-slinging people who apparently didn’t have the smarts or character to lift themselves out of their environment like he did, he can’t seem to bring himself to blame anyone but the hillbillies.
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These psychopathic empty ladder climbers are exactly who the satanic elite desire for their puppets. No real moral compass or beliefs, just whatever it takes to get into a position of power and stay there. You will see this in most people allowed into positions of authority across the satanic west.

Yep. I really have to laugh at the true believers on the forum. Trump is the same way, and Vance is cut from the same cloth. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and Satan disguised himself. Same concept, different year. They just care about power.

Also beware of the guys supporting them very strongly on here. If they see nothing wrong or are blinding themselves to obvious contradictions and unscrupulous behavior, they are also cut from the same cloth and cannot be trusted.
Yep. I really have to laugh at the true believers on the forum. Trump is the same way, and Vance is cut from the same cloth. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and Satan disguised himself. Same concept, different year. They just care about power.

Also beware of the guys supporting them very strongly on here. If they see nothing wrong or are blinding themselves to obvious contradictions and unscrupulous behavior, they are also cut from the same cloth and cannot be trusted.
Considering that you ignore everyone who disagrees with you, id say we should all be wary of you. Someone who refuses to accept other sides of an argument and lives in an echo chamber has their mirror of opinions to comfort them, but is not living in reality.

Vance is no perfect person but his selection is by far and away the best of the realistic options there.

This constant attempt to shit on all things all the time is a reflection of the inadequacies of the critic... And thus should be condemned accordingly.
Yep. I really have to laugh at the true believers on the forum. Trump is the same way, and Vance is cut from the same cloth. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and Satan disguised himself. Same concept, different year. They just care about power.

Also beware of the guys supporting them very strongly on here. If they see nothing wrong or are blinding themselves to obvious contradictions and unscrupulous behavior, they are also cut from the same cloth and cannot be trusted.

The nonsensical sensationalized points you constantly try to push are nauseating. Nothing of what you say of the men here ever holds water, all you ever try to do is put everyone down over arguments you made up in your own head.
Considering that you ignore everyone who disagrees with you, id say we should all be wary of you. Someone who refuses to accept other sides of an argument and lives in an echo chamber has their mirror of opinions to comfort them, but is not living in reality.

Vance is no perfect person but his selection is by far and away the best of the realistic options there.

This constant attempt to shit on all things all the time is a reflection of the inadequacies of the critic... And thus should be condemned accordingly.
You are correct, JD Vance is probably Trump's best option. He can pretend he is "with the rust belt struggle" and really help Trump win the former union stronghold areas in the Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin regions. There isn't someone else out there that really would bring more to the table.

My criticism of JD Vance isn't just of him as an individual, but more so in how the satanic elites handpick the right kind of empty suit/power hungry personality to be their puppets. I don't know of anyone in the GOP I feel any differently about,

Vance alone might win Trump Michigan, and that might alone with the election. I don't think there is anyone else in the GOP who can bring this much to Trump's team.
You are correct, JD Vance is probably Trump's best option. He can pretend he is "with the rust belt struggle" and really help Trump win the former union stronghold areas in the Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin regions. There isn't someone else out there that really would bring more to the table.

My criticism of JD Vance isn't just of him as an individual, but more so in how the satanic elites handpick the right kind of empty suit/power hungry personality to be their puppets. I don't know of anyone in the GOP I feel any differently about,

Vance alone might win Trump Michigan, and that might alone with the election. I don't think there is anyone else in the GOP who can bring this much to Trump's team.

So what you're saying is that anyone trump would have picked from his party you would have criticized.
You are correct, JD Vance is probably Trump's best option. He can pretend he is "with the rust belt struggle" and really help Trump win the former union stronghold areas in the Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin regions. There isn't someone else out there that really would bring more to the table.

My criticism of JD Vance isn't just of him as an individual, but more so in how the satanic elites handpick the right kind of empty suit/power hungry personality to be their puppets. I don't know of anyone in the GOP I feel any differently about,

Vance alone might win Trump Michigan, and that might alone with the election. I don't think there is anyone else in the GOP who can bring this much to Trump's team.
Well Mitt Romney literally hates him so sounds like we are on the right tack.

The problem frankly is that no one at all will be allowed to run for you because of your imposed standard that has to be the PERFECT candidate... It's a fricken broken record man.

Don't let The Perfect be the enemy of The Good.
So what you're saying is that anyone trump would have picked from his party you would have criticized.
Of course, not because Trump picked them, I am criticizing them so more are aware of these types of ladder climbers and are able to point them out and share with others. It helps add cracks to their fraudulent system when you can see through their puppets.
Well Mitt Romney literally hates him so sounds like we are on the right tack.

The problem frankly is that no one at all will be allowed to run for you because of your imposed standard that has to be the PERFECT candidate... It's a fricken broken record man.

Don't let The Perfect be the enemy of The Good.
This is completely untrue and has been addressed before.

No one that can fix the system will be allowed to run, because the people who really run this country, the people who literally own the treasury, our media, all the politicians, will never allow it. I don't see creatures like JD Vance as "good", I don't even see him as "less worse", I just see him as the empty suit, power hungry, no moral compass psychopath that he is.

My point is no one else better will be allowed. If you want Trump to win, for a bet, or you have money on the line, JD Vance is your guy. If you want Trump to win because you think he will make the country better, then you will likely be disappointed in the results and this VP pick. Basically, if you think if Trump picks someone else, who is allowed to be his VP, things will not be any better than Vance. Vivek, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, they are all cut from the very same empty suit cloth.
Of course, not because Trump picked them, I am criticizing them so more are aware of these types of ladder climbers and are able to point them out and share with others. It helps add cracks to their fraudulent system when you can see through their puppets.

So no matter what happens you are unhappy and you feel it's your duty to spread this to everyone you can.

You ever think maybe your choice in the way you choose to live is holding you back from being happy in life?