The J. D. Vance Thread

It has nothing to do with happiness or unhappiness. It has to do with spreading the ability to see the man behind the curtain.

Do you think that men here don't know that all politicians are trash? This isn't a random street corner of normies, you're not accomplishing anything with the constant doom and gloom. Being constantly down on everything isn't something to wear as a badge of honor.
This is completely untrue and has been addressed before.

No one that can fix the system will be allowed to run, because the people who really run this country, the people who literally own the treasury, our media, all the politicians, will never allow it. I don't see creatures like JD Vance as "good", I don't even see him as "less worse", I just see him as the empty suit, power hungry, no moral compass psychopath that he is.

My point is no one else better will be allowed. If you want Trump to win, for a bet, or you have money on the line, JD Vance is your guy. If you want Trump to win because you think he will make the country better, then you will likely be disappointed in the results and this VP pick. Basically, if you think if Trump picks someone else, who is allowed to be his VP, things will not be any better than Vance. Vivek, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, they are all cut from the very same empty suit cloth.
What is untrue in what I said?

You're out here pushing Richard Spencer who's a total fraud and Biden supporter.

Why should we listen to any angle your pushing?
What is untrue in what I said?

You're out here pushing Richard Spencer who's a total fraud and Biden supporter.

Why should we listen to any angle your pushing?
The strawman that anyone wants a "perfect" candidate. What is needed and wanted is well documented, and even getting half of that would be nice. And you will get little to none of that from voting for either party.
Do you think that men here don't know that all politicians are trash? This isn't a random street corner of normies, you're not accomplishing anything with the constant doom and gloom. Being constantly down on everything isn't something to wear as a badge of honor.
I honestly don't think that all men here are aware of it, though I do think more and more are becoming aware of it.

Nothing I said was "doom and gloom". The only way someone could view what I said about Vance as "doom and gloom" If you still think that not all politicians are trash, which you just said you already know this to be true.
The strawman that anyone wants a "perfect" candidate. What is needed and wanted is well documented, and even getting half of that would be nice. And you will get little to none of that from voting for either party.

IIMT, while you have some valid points (you are too blackpilled imo), my suggestion is to stop wasting time arguing and posting here. The guys here have bought into the Trump cult of personality hook, line, and sinker and like all cult followers will defend any VP pick. If Trump picked a tranny, they’d find a way to defend it. You won’t change their mind so let them enjoy their cheerleading.

You work in IT correct? Try to get off the computer and just enjoy your life. This forum has devolved into mindless arguing.
I honestly don't think that all men here are aware of it, though I do think more and more are becoming aware of it.

Nothing I said was "doom and gloom". The only way someone could view what I said about Vance as "doom and gloom" If you still think that not all politicians are trash, which you just said you already know this to be true.

I think they do, nobody here has their eyes closed.

I'm talking just in general all your posts are consistently negative or someone else's social media words which are also negative. But in this specific instance you freely admit that no matter what the outcome was it was automatically negative to you. So pretty much unconditional doom and gloom.
IIMT, while you have some valid points (you are too blackpilled imo), my suggestion is to stop wasting time arguing and posting here. The guys here have bought into the Trump cult of personality hook, line, and sinker and like all cult followers will defend any VP pick. If Trump picked a tranny, they’d find a way to defend it. You won’t change their mind so let them enjoy their cheerleading.

You work in IT correct? Try to get off the computer and just enjoy your life. This forum has devolved into mindless arguing.
I'm actually very white pilled. Seeing the number of young men who are talking about how evil Israel is, how Iran/China/Russia isn't our enemy, how they will never fight for this country, there is no doubt in my mind a real pushback is coming. How long down the road that will be, how it will look, the final outcome, I don't know. But I can sense it deep in my bones some very good things are coming. So much so, when I pray everything, I both pray for the men of the west to remove the satanic elites, but further, I think God for how many are waking up and the ability to spread the word.

I have no desire to debate or win over anyone still buying into Trump. I am speaking to a third-party audience, and they can then make their own decisions. God gave me the ability to spread this information, I am blessed to do so. I am about to go do some yard work, off of the computer I go.
IIMT, while you have some valid points (you are too blackpilled imo), my suggestion is to stop wasting time arguing and posting here. The guys here have bought into the Trump cult of personality hook, line, and sinker and like all cult followers will defend any VP pick. If Trump picked a tranny, they’d find a way to defend it. You won’t change their mind so let them enjoy their cheerleading.

You work in IT correct? Try to get off the computer and just enjoy your life. This forum has devolved into mindless arguing.

Here he goes trying to paint all of us again and put us down again with his false narratives, if you think so lowly of everyone here so much why do you stick around? Just to hit us with fake insults to make yourself feel superior?
Here he goes trying to paint all of us again and put us down again with his false narratives, if you think so lowly of everyone here so much why do you stick around? Just to hit us with fake insults to make yourself feel superior?
It's the same dude that literally ignores the people he's talking about here and labels them as cultists.

Echo chamber of self imposed superiority projecting from an inferiority complex.

But alas, another thread to be detailed by personalities unrelated to the topic at hand.
When it comes to politics, @It_Is_My_Time is absolutely clueless. He makes up strawmans and then knocks them down when people point out his strawman. He's going to vote Biden, which is why he quotes Biden supporters like Richard Spencer (a homosexual).

@Rational1 you have a petty mind and get way too angry when someone disagrees with you. You lack the ability of introspection it seems. Your lack of humility is completely breaking forum rules, if you keep it up I'll have to take action against you. I would suggest for you to focus on the arguments, and not the posters. Your act is becoming old.
When it comes to politics, @It_Is_My_Time is absolutely clueless. He makes up strawmans and then knocks them down when people point out his strawman. He's going to vote Biden, which is why he quotes Biden supporters like Richard Spencer (a homosexual).

@Rational1 you have a petty mind and get way too angry when someone disagrees with you. You lack the ability of introspection it seems. Your lack of humility is completely breaking forum rules, if you keep it up I'll have to take action against you. I would suggest for you to focus on the arguments, and not the posters. Your act is becoming old.

Haha I’m scared of the little man who thinks he has power by being a moderator of a soon to be defunct forum. I’m done with this place anyway and won’t be returning. You and your band of Trump cultists and misfits can enjoy it, soon there will only be 3 of you.
So what you're saying is that anyone trump would have picked from his party you would have criticized.
Unironically yes, because Trump is the worst team builder of anyone I have ever seen, and there are no good options available in the Republican party* anyway :LOL:

But this has been BY FAR the best choice Trump has ever made in his political career (even though I'm probably more negative on Vance than positive, he is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above ANYONE Trump picked for ANY POSITION during his previous term).

Actually Anthony Scaramucci was pretty good, but he only lasted ten days. And Michael Flynn was good, and lasted 22 days. So assuming he doesn't dump Vance in the coming weeks, this is effectively the first positive appointment Trump has ever made. Every other appointment Trump made (Yes that includes Amy Coney Barrett and the other courtcucks) was an absolute disaster. It really makes me wonder how he was ever successful in real estate development, as he wasn't doing the building himself, had no construction experience, and had to assemble a team of real estate development guys, or maybe he just inherited that from his father?

He could have picked someone like Tulsi Gabbard (yes, I am advocating for both a woman and a military official in civil leadership, which is extremely ironic, but times are tough!) or RFK Jr. Either one would have easily won in a landslide, as you'd capture enough independents to win, which is what every election is about, as 40% of voters are straight party voters on each side, with the election decided by the remaining 20% of independent thinkers.

It's funny how much importance is placed on VP because they never, ever do anything at all. They all get a project to work on, the way the first ladies do. I had to look up what Kamala's project was because I didn't even remember (it was the border). I think I remember one time years ago Al Gore used his VP powers for a single tiebreaker vote but otherwise things would have operated just the same if we never even had vice presidents at all. Which is why Biden "picked" Kamala in the first place (remember he hated her and was caught with that photo of handwritten notes spelling out her full name and reminding him to say why he "liked" her when he made the announcement). It was all done for diversity points.

*Thomas Massey is technically a Republican but a RINO. Rand Paul is good too but he's really only a Republican because he can't be a Democrat, and opposes most of the awful stuff the GOP pushes.
Vp is the tie breaking vote in Congress as you point out so that’s not nothing. A number of times the vp became president after the president died in office so when a candidate is older like Trump is, that’s a factor
This is a very accurate analysis of the situation.

Fun fact, this is a yearbook photo that JD and a female student took as class officers. They’re in the boys’ restroom and the girl is pretending to be using the urinal. This was funny back then because everyone knew that females didn’t use urinals.

I have had hundreds of JD’s in class over the years - White, Appalachian, low income, broken home, raised by grandparents. He had every disadvantage thrown at him. Yet, he broke the cycle.
Haha I’m scared of the little man who thinks he has power by being a moderator of a soon to be defunct forum. I’m done with this place anyway and won’t be returning. You and your band of Trump cultists and misfits can enjoy it, soon there will only be 3 of you.
Bye Felicia
JD wrote an essay for a Catholic website where he describes his religious journey. He started off as someone that grew up around low-church Protestantism that is prominent in the midwest. His church attendance was pretty spotty since most of his family weren't regular churchgoers besides his dad who got into Pentacostalism during his battle against drug addiction though he did recall pretty much around him believed in God and in the basics of Christianity even if they weren't regular in their practice. He went to university when the New Atheist movement was at it's peak and got into that. Later on he was exposed to the ideas of Rene Girard and St. Augustine and that's what made him intellectually comfortable with returning to faith.
