The J. D. Vance Thread

From what I have heard, he was a journalist in the Marines. He wasn't involved in direct conflict or battle.
I believe he was with an air wing unit. Unlikely he saw any action perse.

But then again people act like Tulsi Gabbard was a war hero because she went to Iraq also...

That said... A Marine is still a Marine. All of us go to boot camp or The Basic School for officers....just not everyone goes into a combat arms MOS.

His speech tonight was wonderful.

He said America isn't just an idea, it's also a group of people with a shared history. It's a nation.... And he talked about newcomers coming in on our terms...

He's saying the right things bout immigrants.
Interesting to see the 180 degree turn in politics. When I campaigned for Bush 43 in '00 and '04, Republicans were supporting the Iraq War based on reactions from 9/11 and 'weapons of mass destruction'. I thought we'd be welcomed as liberators and that everyone wanted "Jeffersonian democracy." I was wrong. Alot of us (guys like Tucker) are looking back and realizing that those policies didn't work.

Watching JD Vance praise DJT's opposition to the Iraq War at the Republican National Convention of all places tonight was stunning when you consider where the party was 20 years ago. Bush '43 isn't attending this convention and would likely be bood off of the stage if he did. This is a stunning turn-around!

David Sacks even took the stage and in reference to Biden said: Then, he provoked — yes, provoked — the Russians to invade Ukraine with talk of NATO expansion. Afterward, he rejected every opportunity for peace in Ukraine, including a deal to end the war just two months after it broke out."

The TLDR here is that the Democrat party is the party of war and intervention and the Republicans UNDER TRUMP are not. My how things change.
Nick isn't going to be happy until someone completely outside the Overton window is in.

The dude has such a purity spiral it's retarded.

Meanwhile he was pushing the Kanye coat tails.

Why are we listening to Nick?
Probably because voting for a party that is to the left of the 2008 DNC isn't going to fix anything and being he is a young man, like lots of young men, they see where this is heading and want to try to stop it.

When Nick predicted "Never Trumper" JD Vance would be VP a few months ago, I didn't believe him. That is why I listen to what he has to say.
Nick Fuentes retweeted this. It gives good background on the shady character JD Vance.

It's an interesting thread, worth a read. Gives some insight into the ways in which powerful interests of various kinds may be infiltrating into the Trump campaign.

According to the thread, Vance worked at a Sackler family-funded think tank (the family behind Oxycodone and the opioid crisis). While at the think tank, he befriended Dr. Sally Satel, who's an interesting figure. On the positive side, she's been outspoken about criticizing wokeness and DEI in medicine. On the negative side, she published research questioning the links between oxycodone and opioid addiction while taking money from the Sacklers. Vance and Satel later started an anti-opioid charity that appears to have been little more than a PR exercise aimed at diverting attention for the opioid crisis away from pharmaceuticals and toward the influx of heroin from the southern border.

What I'm taking from this is that JD Vance is good at playing the game and somewhat of a Machiavellian/political climber, which makes sense, since you don't become Senator at 38 without powerful friends.

Vance apparently also has close financial ties to Netanyahu, which would explain why he started calling for war in Iran immediately after getting the nomination:

He's been outspokenly anti-war otherwise, so it's hard to say what he truly believes. If I had to guess, I would say that, like Trump, he's willing to tell various factions what they want to hear (like saying he might have to "punch Iran" to placate Netanyahu), while avoiding actual actions or commitments as much as possible.
^^ He also makes the point that David Sacks has close ties to various mob money, including drug running, which Elon Musk is apparently quite involved in as well. (I've seen rumors to that effect for years.)

To be clear, I don't think that Musk is corrupt or a plant, but I wouldn't be surprised if various factions were trying to use Sacks as some kind of handler to influence him.

There was a video recently with Tucker Carlsen talking about the "stench" of corrupt people in Washington. I don't know much about Sacks, but I get an overpowering stench from him.

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Nick isn't going to be happy until someone completely outside the Overton window is in.

The dude has such a purity spiral it's retarded.

Meanwhile he was pushing the Kanye coat tails.

Why are we listening to Nick?
Nick has eceleb-itis, like many others. He's smart and right about a lot of things, but his delivery and execution of his brand is warped by the online "attention economy" that all others like him must operate within.

I guess that's what happens to online figures who do nothing but surround themselves with "fans". Most of the online "political commentators" will be doing that for the rest of their lives. Something happens and they'll tweet about it.

I'm glad there are people like him putting right-facing pressure on politicians, though.
An article that lists some of Vance's influences. I saw some names on this list that are adjacent to our particular scene/school of thought. It was actually from RVF 1.0 that I first heard about Curtis Yarvin/Mencius Moldbug and the Neo-Reaction movement.

Yarvin doesn’t hold any official title or office — he is an ex-computer programmer turned blogger, having first risen to prominence on the online right in the 2010s while blogging under the pseudonym “Mencius Moldbug.” But he’s often cited as the “house philosopher” of the New Right, chiefly for his promotion of the “neo-reactionary” (or “NRx”) movement.

Like Deneen, Yarvin and his NRx followers reject the quest for “progress” as the core of political life. As Yarvin told Vanity Fair in 2022, “The fundamental premise of liberalism is that there is this inexorable march toward progress. I disagree with that premise.” Instead, Yarvin believes that American democracy has denigrated into a corrupt oligarchy, run by elites who strive to consolidate their power rather than serve the public interest. The solution, Yarvin argues, is for the American oligarchy to give way to a monarchical leader styled after a start-up CEO — a “national CEO,” [or] what’s called a dictator,” as Yarvin has put it — who can de-bug the American political order like a computer programmer de-bugging some bad code.

Vance has said he considers Yarvin a friend and has cited his writings in connection with his plan to fire a significant number of civil servants during a potential second Trump administration. “There’s this guy Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things,” Vance said on a conservative podcast in 2021, adding: “I think Trump is going to run again in 2024 [and] I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”
Nick isn't going to be happy until someone completely outside the Overton window is in.

The dude has such a purity spiral it's retarded.

Meanwhile he was pushing the Kanye coat tails.

Why are we listening to Nick?

His job is to talk about and analyze politics while he builds a new right wing movement. Applying "purity spiral" in this case is as weak as a typical CNN talking point. He broke the story about Vance being VP months ago and has been building a case against the guy since then. Do you even watch his show?

And you still don't get what happened with the Kanye thing? Do you not see the massive difference in the public discourse about our tiny hat friends? The shot was Ye24 and the chaser was Oct 7.

You've written negative posts about Tate, about Nick, about just about every single person who is reaching young religiously-inclined males. So who is "purity spiralling" here then?
His job is to talk about and analyze politics while he builds a new right wing movement. Applying "purity spiral" in this case is as weak as a typical CNN talking point. He broke the story about Vance being VP months ago and has been building a case against the guy since then. Do you even watch his show?

And you still don't get what happened with the Kanye thing? Do you not see the massive difference in the public discourse about our tiny hat friends? The shot was Ye24 and the chaser was Oct 7.

You've written negative posts about Tate, about Nick, about just about every single person who is reaching young religiously-inclined males. So who is "purity spiralling" here then?
Hell yeah I've criticized Andrew Tate.

He's a materialist muzzie infidel who exploited men's lust for money.

He's a scum bag extraordinaire. Only a fool would listen to him. He's up there with Jordon Peterson for self promotion and gift.

Nick had a moment. I have watched his show here and there.

He lost the "ive always been trump" when he supported a fringe rapper who clearly has bipolar and medical issues and is off and on struggling with psychoactive drugs and Jew handlers.

He can't have Trump's back while supporting a different candidate for president though. So seems like he's just as much of a sell out as any of the folks who pushed Hailey or DeSantis were.

Is this seriously the best criticism you've got here?

Look, if you want to suggest people follow Muslim pieces of human shit... Go ahead...but of course a normal, well adjusted Christian man would have nothing to with promoting that turd.

I appreciate Fuentes here and there, and occasionally I find him entertaining.

But as a 35 year old with a large family, he does absolutely zero things for me that others can't do better... So no I don't go out of my way to watch his show.

In that area Scott Greer is much better and his takes are usually funnier in my opinion.

Fuentes, is very fringe. His groyper movement is very fringe, and while funny at trolling and observed a purpose at one point ...turns into a weird little group like all these groups tend to do.

But yes he is purity spiraling. He wants someone that checks all his boxes and is going to make the perfect the enemy of the the detriment of his overall mission.

Andrew Tate... That is really rich though.... Thansk for the laugh.

He will smokescreen all blood-red vets and patriots with silly speeches plucking their heartstrings about American history like a clever manipulator, but he will not foster a world that is better for your White American children nor ever help in rebuilding one.

He does not have a White son, by his own words, therefore the future of his children are not in jeopardy because he is not working towards a "White" world, but a mutt world, and that is why he is allowed to be pre-eminent.

The jews he serves will enslave all half-pajeets just as much as they will to any other dysgenic stock out there that has been deracinated ad infinitum. The slave systems that occupy all our nations right now are not as bad as what they would have once all the facades are dropped and there is no one to challenge their rule.

People are on here bickering about Fuentes, a likely Marrano, or degenerate conman Tate, no these are not important. Mister JD reveals all his own flaws and who his masters are himself by what agendas he touts. Exposing him and the lie of the jews is important, and must be pushed on the normies to break them from their cult love of the establishment and its new iteration of the same hacks.

If the normie can't be broken, they must be jettisoned at some point.
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This is at best clown world and at worst sick. Ye is emotionally disturbed and can no longer properly orient himself in the world. No matter what side anymore is on, defending or reveling in what happened on Oct 7 is sick.
I don't know what you're responding to here cos it sure isn't my comment.

What Ye and Nick did was instrumental in smashing the Overton Window when it comes to publicly criticizing Jews and Israel in America, and their influence on America. As a result of this shift, when Israel took advantage of Oct 7 to become even more mask-off, inhuman, and demanding of the world, people all over felt much more comfortable calling them out on it.

You guys can say all you want about bipolar this, degenerate that, grifter this, closet faggot that. When it boils down to it, the bipolar grifter weirdos did more than all the Ortho Bros put together in driving the JQ in America, and until America honestly asks itself the JQ then all the other problems are not going to stop.
Nick had a moment. I have watched his show here and there.

I appreciate Fuentes here and there...

But as a 35 year old with a large family, he does absolutely zero things for me that others can't do better... So no I don't go out of my way to watch his show.

You write this right after you say "Why are we listening to Nick?"

WE are listening to Nick because we're actually listening to his content and he makes sense. You are barely paying attention to him.

You're also the same guy that says Anglin's writing is garbage. You do these flacid drive-bys on the sharp dudes that are putting in the time to connect with and make a case with young men. I mean, we probably agree on 90% of things over the years, so this is likely more of a difference of degrees than anything else, but it's a pattern I've noticed and I find it a very weird and unhelpful way of punching right.

I won't dignify your weak personal attacks re: the Tate subject with a response, but nice try.
The Conservative Treehouse has an interesting write-up on J.D. Vance. To summarize, Vance has changed his name TWICE and his background and rise have some parallels to Obama and his ascendancy. However, in this case, Vance being on Trump’s ticket is some future leverage and means the globalists behind Vance have to behave. Trump will hold the cards in the next election cycle in giving endorsements that could make or break Vance being president. It’s worth a read and I think gives some fair insights:

Whatever the case is, I believe God is at work. It is a miracle that we literally dodged a bullet as a nation. Thank God for His mercy. Let’s pray more eyes are opened and more prodigal hearts hear the call to return to the Father as we move forward.