The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

There is no confirmation that Israel did this yet, but a convoy of ambulances outside Gaza's largest hospital has been bombed. Many dead and injured. It may have been an air burst bomb.

The footage is extremely graphic.


The below poll asked the question(pg 42): “In general in this conflict do you side more with Israel or Hamas?”. Of the 18-24 group 52% sided with Isreal and 48% with Hamas. Of the 65 or older group, 95% sided with Israel and 5% with Hamas.

It looks like the Internet and Social Media has broken the monopoly on information where the controlled corporate media only presents the pro Israel propaganda.

The younger generation are waking up. They have no time to spare. The corrupt politicians are already considering a draft.
Scott Ritter gives a comprehensive analysis of the Israel/Hamas conflict and has some interesting insights. He believes that the Israeli intelligence really did fail (it wasn’t a false flag) because Mossad is not the best in the world, this image has been created through media propaganda. He also believes the IDF is the weakest it has ever been and they are going to lose if they go into Gaza.

I believe extreme decadence has weakened Israel. They've been getting unlimited handouts, blank checks, endless military campaigns carried out on their behalf by the US for so long.
This looming debacle for Israel demonstrates again that demographics are destiny.

Supposed secular support for Israel is going to be increasingly ephemeral as we move forward, both in Israel and the US/Europe. The secular Jews of old, the ones who built modern Israel far more than the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, or the 1990s- post-Soviet immigrants, are not anywhere close to many or most secular Jews today.

Plus, when your biggest breeding bloc is comprised of Jews who don’t wish to be in the military (ultra-Orthodox), Israel, surrounded by enemies, effectively depends on ~30-35% of the voting population to keep it afloat as an entity. And even many of these claim to be secular or moderately, sometimes very religious pro-military conservative types yet maintain views inconsistent with the survival of Israel long-term.

One of the reasons why I have been a relative naysayer about the views on Jewish control expressed on RVF and now here is that agendas like the globalhomo one are readily found in Israel as well. It’s a poison they are drinking nearly or as much as Westerners in our home countries. Israel’s drinking of it is even worse given its immediate, ongoing position.

Tel Aviv is one of the gayest places in the world, for instance.

Even Netanyahu, head of the supposedly “most rightwing ever” Israeli government, openly supports gay rights.

Israel’s advantage over the Palestinians could only go so far with the massive Arab populations around it, plus the constantly replenishing Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank (and somewhat accelerating proportion of Arab Israelis).

When your own Jewish population has growing numbers who hate themselves (like the Queers for Palestine masochists) and espouse anti-family, anti-natalist positions on sexual relations and abortion etc., expect catastrophe even without a sudden crisis like October 7.
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Tel Aviv is one of the gayest places in the world, for instance.

Even Netanyahu, head of the supposedly “most rightwing ever” Israeli government, openly supports gay rights.
It is very strange, as there are other right-wing policies, like blocking pornography sites and no immigration for non-Jews.

It must come down to optics and controlling media narratives. The porn ban and immigration policy can be concealed, whilst cracking down on Pride and gay rights could be impossible to keep out of world media. Appearing to be progressive must be more important to them than the dip in birth rates.
What about 'anti-palestinic' racist nazi hate crimes of waving jewish flags at the olympics is that banned also? The APDL (Antipalestinic defense league) must get involved! Remember the 6 million goat herder women and children that were cannibalized and the babies that were put in blenders to make smoothies. /s

With elections in the UK and US being imminent, the most important issue is set to be "anti-Semitism v Islamophobia" over the graves of working white people who built the aforementioned countries.
She didn't mention any country but the Jewish nutjobs took exception to this tweet.

Jews jealously guard the word genocide. They will be getting very worried about losing control of the media narrative and ultimately facing condemnations at the UN, and legal action from the ICC, who is already investigating both sides. The ICC may discover and conclude that the Israeli military opened fire on their own citizens and blamed Hamas for the resulting carnage.

Then there is the blockade of humanitarian supplies and the widespread bombing of civilians, churches, and hospitals. If the UN Human Rights Commission and ICC rule against Israel, it will be another PR calamity.

GENEVA (10 October 2023) – There is already clear evidence that war crimes may have been committed in the latest explosion of violence in Israel and Gaza, and all those who have violated international law and targeted civilians must be held accountable for their crimes, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel, said today.

The Commission has been collecting and preserving evidence of war crimes committed by all sides since 7 October 2023, when Hamas launched a complex attack on Israel and Israeli forces responded with airstrikes in Gaza.

Reports that armed groups from Gaza have gunned down hundreds of unarmed civilians are abhorrent and cannot be tolerated. Taking civilian hostages and using civilians as human shields are war crimes.

The Commission is gravely concerned with Israel’s latest attack on Gaza and Israel’s announcement of a complete siege on Gaza involving the withholding of water, food, electricity and fuel which will undoubtfully cost civilian lives and constitutes collective punishment.

The Commission is intent on ensuring legal accountability, including individual criminal and command responsibility. To that end, the Commission is committed to investigating current events and identifying those responsible for violations of international law on all sides, both those directly committing international crimes and those in positions of command responsibility. It will continue sharing information collected with the relevant judicial authorities, especially with the International Criminal Court, where the Office of the Prosecutor has already commenced an investigation on the situation of Palestine since 2021.

It is very strange, as there are other right-wing policies, like blocking pornography sites and no immigration for non-Jews.

It must come down to optics and controlling media narratives. The porn ban and immigration policy can be concealed, whilst cracking down on Pride and gay rights could be impossible to keep out of world media. Appearing to be progressive must be more important to them than the dip in birth rates.
The child support laws are also crazily anti-natalist. I’m surprised any non-Israeli man or Israeli man who wishes to divide his time between Israel and abroad would want to have children with an Israeli woman.

A number of foreign fathers, usually non-Israeli Jews, have been handed obscene 9999-year or thereabouts exit ban orders. They have to stay in Israel until they pay the total child support amount covering the time between the date of the court order and when the child is 18.

The (secular) courts are also allegedly rampantly anti-male pertaining to issues of domestic violence allegations, though I have not heard as much about the rabbinical courts.
I propose we change the sub-forum from "Israel-Hamas War" to "Israel-(((Hamas))) War".

I have read that Hamas has been created by Israel. I have seen some evidence of that, however even if it is true, I find it hard to believe that they could have controlled such an entity and that genuine Palestinians, with no other vehicle by which to make their voices heard, would not have joined the organisation.

I do agree that if Hamas didn't exist, the Israelis would have to invent them. I also believe they probably knew about the Hamas attacks in advance and let them happen. This has given them pretext to level Gaza, which is what they want. But the notion that they control Hamas I find implausible.
I have read that Hamas has been created by Israel. I have seen some evidence of that, however even if it is true, I find it hard to believe that they could have controlled such an entity
It is perhaps more plausible to say that Netanyahu has covertly supported Hamas as part of a successful Divide and Rule strategy. They have been protected and nurtured to fulfil the current 'worse-than-ISIS' bogeyman role that being used to justify the ethnic cleansing and theft of the Gaza Strip.
Hamas is manipulated into military action through gaslighting, repression of Gazan civilians and provocative operations such as the stealing of homes and land, and invasions of the Al-Aqsa mosque by Israeli police and settlers.

The Russian ambassador to the UN has stated that as an occupying power, Israel has no right to self-defense.

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, stated that Israel has no right to self defence as they are an occupying power:-

I cannot help but dwell on the hypocrisy of the US and its allies, who in other situations call for compliance with human rights, create commissions of inquiry and impose sanctions on those who actually apply force only as a last resort to stop years of violence.
And today, seeing the horrific destruction in Gaza many times greater than what they angrily criticize in other regional contexts attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals, the death of thousands of children and the horrific suffering of the civilian population under a total blockade, they seem to have taken water in their mouths...
All they can do is talk about Israel's alleged right to self-defense, although, as an occupying power, it has no such right, as confirmed by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in 2004.
