The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Ryan Dawson and Scott Ritter did a podcast early this morning and it was pretty white pilled. I don't know how accurate it is, but here is their run down...

- Hamas has been preparing for this war for a long time. Ritter gave his own personal experiences with them, and how they are able to trick Israeli spy technology by misleading them. How much supplies they have, how much they are trained, and how they have nothing to lose because of how they have been treated. They are buried deep in tunnels too deep for most Israeli bombs and the only way to get them is to go into the tunnels.

- Israel has performed very badly in Gaza. They do a great job of bombing buildings with their Airforce, but a terrible job on the ground. Israel's soldiers don't appear to really want to be there nor very well trained in mistakes he sees them making. Israel's advancement within Gaza doesn't mean much, because most of the Hamas fighters are under ground and will just come to the surface to set traps for them. We are treating this like Fallujah, and the Hamas soldiers are much better trained and prepared.

- Israel is already having to ration their iron dome defense, due to lack of supplies, due to the US war for profit machine not keeping up with demand.

- Hezbollah's leader speaks tomorrow, this was first warned of on Monday. No one knows what he will say. Their thinking is he might just sit it out because Hamas is doing good enough on their own and wait for an even better time to attack.
Ryan Dawson and Scott Ritter did a podcast early this morning and it was pretty white pilled. I don't know how accurate it is, but here is their run down...

- Hamas has been preparing for this war for a long time. Ritter gave his own personal experiences with them, and how they are able to trick Israeli spy technology by misleading them. How much supplies they have, how much they are trained, and how they have nothing to lose because of how they have been treated. They are buried deep in tunnels too deep for most Israeli bombs and the only way to get them is to go into the tunnels.

- Israel has performed very badly in Gaza. They do a great job of bombing buildings with their Airforce, but a terrible job on the ground. Israel's soldiers don't appear to really want to be there nor very well trained in mistakes he sees them making. Israel's advancement within Gaza doesn't mean much, because most of the Hamas fighters are under ground and will just come to the surface to set traps for them. We are treating this like Fallujah, and the Hamas soldiers are much better trained and prepared.

- Israel is already having to ration their iron dome defense, due to lack of supplies, due to the US war for profit machine not keeping up with demand.

- Hezbollah's leader speaks tomorrow, this was first warned of on Monday. No one knows what he will say. Their thinking is he might just sit it out because Hamas is doing good enough on their own and wait for an even better time to attack.

Israel is going to gas those tunnels and blame it on "Palestinian ineptitude to properly manage the gas, which was intended for gassing Israeli babies".

Maybe its time to see which Wall St Jews start buying stock in nerve gas treatments.
Israel is going to gas those tunnels and blame it on "Palestinian ineptitude to properly manage the gas, which was intended for gassing Israeli babies".

Maybe its time to see which Wall St Jews start buying stock in nerve gas treatments.
From what I understand, it wouldn't be very useful in the tunnels, due to how it is unpredictable (the direction it will go) and what Hamas has prepared to deal with it.

I'm sure they will try, and as always, we will find out.
Israel is going to gas those tunnels and blame it on "Palestinian ineptitude to properly manage the gas, which was intended for gassing Israeli babies".

Maybe its time to see which Wall St Jews start buying stock in nerve gas treatments.

From what I understand, it wouldn't be very useful in the tunnels, due to how it is unpredictable (the direction it will go) and what Hamas has prepared to deal with it.

I'm sure they will try, and as always, we will find out.
They could simply pump smoke screen's smoke in there, or even sea water to flush Hamas out. Although the latter could cause massive cave-ins.
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Scott Ritter gives a comprehensive analysis of the Israel/Hamas conflict and has some interesting insights. He believes that the Israeli intelligence really did fail (it wasn’t a false flag) because Mossad is not the best in the world, this image has been created through media propaganda. He also believes the IDF is the weakest it has ever been and they are going to lose if they go into Gaza.

This is what they draped on their ships in the 40s - The Germans destroyed our families & homes - don't you destroy our hopes

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A bitch, ready to whelp, earnestly begged a shepherd for a place where she might litter. When her request was granted, she besought permission to rear her puppies in the same spot. The shepherd again consented. But at last the Bitch, protected by the bodyguard of her Whelps, who had now grown up and were able to defend themselves, asserted her exclusive right to the place and would not permit the shepherd to approach. - Aesop

edit: the word for a female dog has been censored.
Today is the day Nasrallah's speech will take place. It will be a pre-recorded speech televised on a screen/ Hezbollah's TV channels. Nasrallah has always been secretive but after the assassination of Soleimani in 2020 he has not been seen in public anymore.

3 PM Beirut time. Preparations are taking place and nobody knows what the verdict will be.

If Hezbollah enters the war it will change everything, and the war escalate into a regional conflict. If they instead focus on empty rhetoric 'The Resistance stands with Palestine', or focus on Hezbollah's 3 week long hits against IDF targets 'We continue to target the occupation army wherever we can find them' you know they have cucked out.

Israeli media reports that Ismael Haniyah (leader of HAMAS' political wing) has relocated from Qatar to Iran. Also rumours that a high up IRGC official, Ismael Qaani, is currently in Southern Lebanon.

Scott Ritter gives a comprehensive analysis of the Israel/Hamas conflict and has some interesting insights. He believes that the Israeli intelligence really did fail (it wasn’t a false flag) because Mossad is not the best in the world, this image has been created through media propaganda. He also believes the IDF is the weakest it has ever been and they are going to lose if they go into Gaza.

Israel is going to win, eventually, because Gaza can't be resupplied. They're going to pay a heavy price however.
How long until we get ANOTHER fake photo of a 3 year old child lying face down on a beach that will justify thousands of violent military age men getting free refugee status in the west ?

For those who don't remember the year 2015

@LaAguilaNegra What are your thoughts on Erdogan and Turkey? In general, I mean, and also when it comes to their role in this conflict.
Erdogan is always a purely opportunistic actor. And like with the Arab despots that are now making (very quiet) objections to Israel's terror bombardments he too refuses to take any action that goes beyond purely rhetorical effects. For now at least, because I do believe that many Arab (and Erdogan) leaders will not be on board with the leaked plans of ethnically cleansing the 2.3 million strong Gazan population.

Either way his public persona depends on the circumstances. Is Gaza in the news with lots of public outrage? OK, he'll dust off his catchy Al Aqsa keffiyeh and parade around like a little show pony. Might even try to position himself as 'the leader of the Muslim world' in it's 'resistance'. Is it business as usual with Gaza out of the news cycle yet still being an open air prison camp, every single agreement (1967, Oslo Accords, UN Resolutions) getting trashed, the PA administered territory in the WB getting smaller by the year and routine killings of Palestinians in both the WB and Gaza? No prob, he'll entertain the Israelis, does business and draws up plans to connect the two in terms of hydrocarbon infrastructure, trade, etc.

The two faces of Erdogan.
WeChat Image_20231103085029.jpgWeChat Image_20231103085037.jpg

The only saga which can remotely be used in favor of Erdogan is the 2009 Gaza flotila. This was 2-3 years after the Gaza siege was imposed and Erdogan, back then with strained Turkey-Israel relations, wanted to break the siege by sailing a humanitarian convoy into Gaza. Israeli SF boarded the ship instead and killed 8-9 Turks.

However that's 15 years ago. These days Israel and Turkey are mostly on the same page. Israel and Turkey jointly supported and even assisted the fall of Artsakh and subsequent ethnic cleansing of Armenians in the territory, they both supported the insurgents in Syria and lately they have integrated their hydrocarbon infrastructures. The vast majority of Israel's oil imports come from Azerbaijan which gets transported through the Turkey- Israel Energy Corridor. And then there is the joint Israel- Turkish plan to link the newly discovered gas fields on Israel's shoreline to the Turkish gas pipeline infrastructure in order to maximize profits, create dependency/leverage and eventually cut out Russia and Iran entirely (Egypt is in on this too).

In fact, not only do Turkey and Israel have plans to link up their hydrocarbon infrastructure, they will likely do joint drilling too

