The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Hello friend, no sad, why you do so? Israel Russia good relation. Big bulging relationship, Israel Russia brother, happy time with Russia once bad guy go cemcemetary
No my friend, there is gaza and this is enough. Now soon lebanon look like gaza. Many people will die in lebanon, I dont want people to die.

My friend Russia need Iran and Israel. Putin try to make big move in Middle East in 2019, bring them together. But enemies are enemies, so they refuse. If Iran recognize Israel under Russia guidance it will be perfect. There will be piece and US can leave.

War in lebanon is good for usa. When there is war middle East USA position become stronger, always. Region divided is region for USA.

If Russia with China can bring peace to region there is no reason for usa to go to middle East.

Do you understand this??

So war in Lebanon very bad, for lebanon people, for russia, for iran, for israel.. soon US will bring more soldiers to middle East under cover of war, you watch and see.
My friend Russia need Iran and Israel. Putin try to make big move in Middle East in 2019, bring them together. But enemies are enemies, so they refuse. If Iran recognize Israel under Russia guidance it will be perfect. There will be piece and US can leave.

"Israel under Russia guidance" LOL. They have full control over the mightiest superpower on earth, and according to yourself Israel is also "great friend" of Russia.

So why in the world should Israel accept "Russian guidance"?

War in lebanon is good for usa. When there is war middle East USA position become stronger, always. Region divided is region for USA.

War in Lebanon is good for Israel. That is why they have started it. USA has no say in the matter.
Yes. However, I don't think even the USA is stupid enough to be striking Russian depos/airbases with low-yield tactical nukes.

If they did that, then Russia would certainly give Onyx anti-ship cruise missiles to the Houthis and other weapons that could seriously hurt the USA and UK in the Middle East. If that happens, the USA can say goodbye to their precious aircraft carriers.

Another thing about Cirno is that he's very emotional. His mood swings wildly from euphoria to apocalyptic doom on a regular basis. This makes him unreliable as an analyst as he's too emotionally invested to be objective.

The US game theory'd this through and took the risk in the escalation ladder in order to get a better negotiating position through attempted nuclear blackmail / intimidation of low yield nukes. The US has enough soft power to create plausible deniability to the public in order to skirt through MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction).

Which means, ball would be on Russia/Iran/China's court to escalate to MAD or not while figuring out a way to stop the nukes / death spiral. They obviously will want to avoid the MAD scenario as much as possible since they are rational state actors.

So now Russia have just updated their Nuclear Doctrine. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the weapon depots being blown up looking like giant mushroom clouds instead of daisy chain explosions....

I'll share other evidence why I think those are nukes instead of making you shift through Cino's twitter tweets later but I still stand by them and I don't intend on making myself look like an idiot here. I do agree he is unstable (He tweets about the Chinese / Japanese Nanking massacre being fake) but when it comes to Nukes / Russia / Ukraine / Middle East, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
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The US game theory'd this through and took the risk in the escalation ladder in order to get a better negotiating position through attempted nuclear blackmail / intimidation of low yield nukes. The US has enough soft power to create plausible deniability to the public in order to skirt through MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction).

Which means, ball would be on Russia/Iran/China's court to escalate to MAD or not while figuring out a way to stop the nukes / death spiral. They obviously will want to avoid the MAD scenario as much as possible since they are rational state actors.

So now Russia have just updated their Nuclear Doctrine. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the weapon depots being blown up looking like giant mushroom clouds instead of daisy chain explosions....

I'll share other evidence why I think those are nukes instead of making you shift through Cino's twitter tweets later but I still stand by them and I don't intend on making myself look like an idiot here. I do agree he is unstable (He tweets about the Chinese / Japanese Nanking massacre being fake) but when it comes to Nukes / Russia / Ukraine / Middle East, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

I went ahead and posted this on a seperate thread since its another can of worms that spans with Russia as well.

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^Supposedly Israel wants a temporary cease-fire in order to replenish its depleted Iron Dome and Patriot interceptors. They are asking for 21 days, time enough to round up every missile left in the US and send it on the boat to Tel Aviv...

Israel losing the PR war, badly:


Israel say no to ceasefire, Netanyahu say ceasefire will not happen.

Israel not interested in us ceasefire, now Russia must try this too. Netanyahu and Putin good friend, Netanyahu and biden enemys.

Russia must organize peave summit in lebanon.
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Its interesting to see this on screen in other forums.
Shias, Lebanese and Iranian, telling Phalangists just how typical their responses are and how much they detest them.

In case some don't know, I presume most do, during the Lebanon war of the early 1980s the Phalangists were the militias of the Christian community that were cultivated by Israel and notionally allied to the US military when they were there.
There is a famous photo by Don McCullin of young virginal Palestinian teen girl lying dead in the middle of a Beirut street while some young Phalangists gather around her corpse - playing musical intstruments, shrieking and laughing away - a savage and brutal photo and a savage and brutal civil war. (you see them fractionally turning just as they notice the photographer. They tried to find and kill McCullin after he escaped him in that moment.)
Where that reached its Apex was when Ariel Sharons troops provided the military cover and overhead illumination via shell burst as the Christian Phalangists went into two Palestinian refugee camps - Sabra and Shatila - and massacred all the men women and children, up to 3,500 of them. A gruesome war crime authored from Israel and delivered via the Christians.

Interestingly, in Eric L Haneys "Inside Delta Force" account of his time there, he said that the Christian Phalangists struck him as very close to the Israelis, well trained and disciplined, but particularly cold and cruel.
He also noted that the Israelis would cross the border, put IDF troops into the Phalangist checkpoints ... and lead away any scared or trusting Palestininan families that happened to be waved down - to their murder a short distance away from the road.

No doubt Israel is still stirring the pot in that part Lebanon as much as it can.
not mentioning China per se - except to quote Sun Tzu - "When Your Enemy is United, Divide Him"

Barely 24 hours into Operation Northern Arrows and the Christian militias became visible cordoning their areas off for Shia refugees. I wouldn't call that unity, more like ancient simmering blood feuds springing back to the surface. Lots of bad blood and unfinished business in places like Lebanon - and when the current top gorillla gets clapped around NSFW style the alpha males one or two stairs lower on the monkey rock take note and ready themselves to take benefit of that opportunity.

The different Lebanese sects have segregated their entire society just to not have to deal with each on a daily basis. I give it no more than 4 weeks max from the moment the first IDF tanks cruise into Southern Lebanon to the moment the bullets start flying between the warring factions in Lebanon.

Here comes a groundbreaker: Hezbollah and Iran are some of the most hated entities in Lebanon and the Middle East. Probably even more so than Israel. The Syrian Civil War did the Sunni Arab psyche dirty, just like 100 year of distrust, power play and intermittent conflict turned Lebanon into one of the most sectarian countries on the planet. Don't let the narrative pushers fool you, they are aiming for gullible yet well meaning ignoramii anyway.

Another groundbreaker, and one that seems to be a carefully revised, spun away or outright ignored: many of Lebanon's Christian parties have been cooperating with Israel for decades. Like you stated, the Phalangists committed that massacre in the Palestinians camps of Sabra and Shatila on Ariel Sharon's watch - the IDF established a perimeter around the Palestinian/PLO camps and in went the Phalangists to do the killing. Many such cases. Israel's main proxy during its occupation of Southern Lebanon (1982-2000) was the Southern Lebanese Army - a Christian dominated force whose families were coerced by Hezbollah to leave the area after the Israelis retreated.

Why anyone would think this time it's going to be different is beyond me but hey, propaganda is a hell of a drug.

A lot of the Christian resentment stems from a feeling of unjustice. Especially the Maronites consider Lebanon their country - and say that many of the Muslims are not native. They have a point: the French founded Lebanon as a Levantine refuge for especially the Maronite Christians. A Christian last stand in the cradle of the religion - at a time when Lebanese Christians still constituted a majority population wise. Lebanon was a relatively rich and advanced country - Beirut the Paris of the East.

Fastforward 100 years and Lebanon has become a failed state and economic basketcase, de facto ruled by Islamic fundamentalists that are on a foreign payroll. Demographically the tide likewise turned. Many Lebanese Christians emigrated to places like Brazil, Argentina and the US, and in came waves of Palestinians (1980s, setting off the Civil War) and Syrians (2010s). Muslims had a higher birthrate than Christians on top of that.

The breaking point was the signing of the Taif Agreement in 1989 - the conclusion of the 15 year long civil war. It broke the Christian hold on Lebanon's political system - something that was later exacerbated by the further rise of a well organized and armed militia on Lebanese territory: Hezbollah.

The majority of the Lebanese Christian political establishment is opposed to Hezbollah. Kataeb and the Lebanese Forces (LF) are part of the March 14 coalition, which is in opposition to Hezbollah. They maintain that Hezbollah must be disarmed and it's military wing dismantled. Armed clashes occasionally occur between especially the LF and Hezbollah. The Free Patriotic Movement led by Michel Aoun is more sympathetic to Hezbollah, and calls for national dialogue and unity. The Free Patriotic Movement belongs to the March 8 Coalition, a group of parties that on a political level cooperate with Hezbollah.

Same goes for the clergy. The country's most prominent Christian leader, Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al Rahi, has called Hezbollah's activities terrorist in the past, and wants Hezbollah to disarm as it is keeping Lebanon hostage. He also wants Israeli aggression to stop, and instead proposes UN intervention to carry out a de-militarization program in the South

If Israel keeps up the pressure and decides to cross the border there is going to be a lot of rumbling in Lebanon.
Absolutely priceless. Just 24 hours after a string of gobbled up bedtime stories related to 'muh BRICS' and the alleged UAEs plan to ditch the USA and move East were posited on CIK by certified BS artist @Cooper , Mohammed Bin Zayed travelled to Washington DC and did the exact opposite.

The USA and UAE relationship has been upgraded and the UAE has been designated the status of 'Major Defense Partner'.

To anyone not contained in stuck-on-repeat online echo chambers where cherrypicked news articles and spun up narratives are regurgitated on the daily, this is not a surprise.

To the rest: this has been in the cards for a long time. Because the US knows how to carry its stick and project power. In early 2022 there were major problems in the US- UAE relationship due to the latter's stance on Russia and its stated preference to pivot to a multivector foreign policy.

So in the next couple of months the Financial Action Task Force promptly put the UAE on the grey list - a pre- sanctions judicial zone which can be legally used at will. Meaning that the 60 year old Gulf Project was suddenly in danger as cross-border transactions would have been restricted, obtaining credit by the state difficult and would have put a limit on inward foreign investment. Charges were tied to financing terror movements, and widespread money laundering.

Panic in the Emirati capitals

After letting them sizzle for a couple of months, the US jumps in. Classic good cop bad cop routine. The UAE authorities were told that they could be taken off the FATF grey list but at a price. The bone that was thrown at MBZ: he would be allowed to continue his own little pet project in Sudan.

MBZ got the message and has been a good little chihuahua ever since. Signing those LNG deals with Europe, acting at the behest of the US in the Middle East by offering airbases/Intel, and now upgrading the bilateral USA-UAE relationship to 'Major Defence Partner' status.

It's a brilliant play.

Anno 2024 the UAE is a kosher Arab version of let's say Russia/the USA. Anyone saying the opposite can be discarded a priori.

Barely 24 hours into Operation Northern Arrows and the Christian militias became visible cordoning their areas off for Shia refugees. I wouldn't call that unity, more like ancient simmering blood feuds springing back to the surface. Lots of bad blood and unfinished business in places like Lebanon - and when the current top gorillla gets clapped around NSFW style the alpha males one or two stairs lower on the monkey rock take note and ready themselves to take benefit of that opportunity.

The different Lebanese sects have segregated their entire society just to not have to deal with each on a daily basis. I give it no more than 4 weeks max from the moment the first IDF tanks cruise into Southern Lebanon to the moment the bullets start flying between the warring factions in Lebanon.

Here comes a groundbreaker: Hezbollah and Iran are some of the most hated entities in Lebanon and the Middle East. Probably even more so than Israel. The Syrian Civil War did the Sunni Arab psyche dirty, just like 100 year of distrust, power play and intermittent conflict turned Lebanon into one of the most sectarian countries on the planet. Don't let the narrative pushers fool you, they are aiming for gullible yet well meaning ignoramii anyway.

Another groundbreaker, and one that seems to be a carefully revised, spun away or outright ignored: many of Lebanon's Christian parties have been cooperating with Israel for decades. Like you stated, the Phalangists committed that massacre in the Palestinians camps of Sabra and Shatila on Ariel Sharon's watch - the IDF established a perimeter around the Palestinian/PLO camps and in went the Phalangists to do the killing. Many such cases. Israel's main proxy during its occupation of Southern Lebanon (1982-2000) was the Southern Lebanese Army - a Christian dominated force whose families were coerced by Hezbollah to leave the area after the Israelis retreated.

Why anyone would think this time it's going to be different is beyond me but hey, propaganda is a hell of a drug.

A lot of the Christian resentment stems from a feeling of unjustice. Especially the Maronites consider Lebanon their country - and say that many of the Muslims are not native. They have a point: the French founded Lebanon as a Levantine refuge for especially the Maronite Christians. A Christian last stand in the cradle of the religion - at a time when Lebanese Christians still constituted a majority population wise. Lebanon was a relatively rich and advanced country - Beirut the Paris of the East.

Fastforward 100 years and Lebanon has become a failed state and economic basketcase, de facto ruled by Islamic fundamentalists that are on a foreign payroll. Demographically the tide likewise turned. Many Lebanese Christians emigrated to places like Brazil, Argentina and the US, and in came waves of Palestinians (1980s, setting off the Civil War) and Syrians (2010s). Muslims had a higher birthrate than Christians on top of that.

The breaking point was the signing of the Taif Agreement in 1989 - the conclusion of the 15 year long civil war. It broke the Christian hold on Lebanon's political system - something that was later exacerbated by the further rise of a well organized and armed militia on Lebanese territory: Hezbollah.

The majority of the Lebanese Christian political establishment is opposed to Hezbollah. Kataeb and the Lebanese Forces (LF) are part of the March 14 coalition, which is in opposition to Hezbollah. They maintain that Hezbollah must be disarmed and it's military wing dismantled. Armed clashes occasionally occur between especially the LF and Hezbollah. The Free Patriotic Movement led by Michel Aoun is more sympathetic to Hezbollah, and calls for national dialogue and unity. The Free Patriotic Movement belongs to the March 8 Coalition, a group of parties that on a political level cooperate with Hezbollah.

Same goes for the clergy. The country's most prominent Christian leader, Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al Rahi, has called Hezbollah's activities terrorist in the past, and wants Hezbollah to disarm as it is keeping Lebanon hostage. He also wants Israeli aggression to stop, and instead proposes UN intervention to carry out a de-militarization program in the South

If Israel keeps up the pressure and decides to cross the border there is going to be a lot of rumbling in Lebanon.

If it wasn't for Hezbollah, all the Christians in Syria would have been exterminated or exiled., that is a fact.

The Lebanese March 14 coalition, which includes sunni Muslims and some Christians in Lebanon is the Saudi/US/Israeli-funded opposition to Hezbollah, a party that is aligned with Syria, Russia and Iran.

Israel wants to annex southern Lebanon, it's the next step in their grand plan for greater Israel, Hezbollah has scuttled their plans, both in Lebanon and in Syria, where Israel also wanted to create a buffer zone in south Syria that would eventually be settled and annexed. This lebensraum project is of course to be funded through US blood and treasure.

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My friends bad news..

Super heavy aircraft strike in bayrouth, many 1000 kg bunker busters, complete apartment block gone, Israel say maybe 300 people dead

They want to kill hebzollah leader hassan nasrallah. hezbollah is quiet, Iran quiet, I think nasrallah is dead.. my friends look at destruction, it look like WTC building on 911,

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