The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

My friend they say maybe yahya sinwaar dead.

All hamas leaders dead, 150 thousan gaza people dead and gaza destroyed but I read here hamas is secretly winning because some stay in tunnel for a year.

How it this possible?

All Hamas leaders are not dead, 150,000 Gaza people are not dead (most estimates put it at 40,000 out of 2,000,000). Hamas wins as long as it doesn't surrender. The longer it goes on, the more damage they can inflect on fickle Israel, the more their allies can destroy the Israel economy, the more Israeli's protest the war, the most Americans who learn about Israel and their deeds, the worst it gets for Israel.

Israel's ace in the hole was always the USA bailing them out. I don't see it happening this time, because Americans have 0 interest in another Middle East war and thanks to the internet/social media and the freedom of speech, Israel is unpopular in the USA, especially among young men.

They are going to have one hell of a hard time selling another war in the Middle East to the American people.

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All Hamas leaders are not dead, 150,000 Gaza people are not dead (most estimates put it at 40,000 out of 2,000,000). Hamas wins as long as it doesn't surrender. The longer it goes on, the more damage they can inflect on fickle Israel, the more their allies can destroy the Israel economy, the more Israeli's protest the war, the most Americans who learn about Israel and their deeds, the worst it gets for Israel.

Israel's ace in the hole was always the USA bailing them out. I don't see it happening this time, because Americans have 0 interest in another Middle East war and thanks to the internet/social media and the freedom of speech, Israel is unpopular in the USA, especially among young men.

They are going to have one hell of a hard time selling another war in the Middle East to the American people.

Uh uh.

Sorry my friend, all hamas leader dead. Only meshaal ND maybe sinwaar not dead. All the rest dead.

Haha my friend casualty number is 40000 thousand for 6 months, just stay the same. Why is that??

Real number 150 000.

Hamas is destroy, few remaining soldiers hiding in tunnel because if they go out they dead. Why do you say this winning?
All Hamas leaders are not dead, 150,000 Gaza people are not dead (most estimates put it at 40,000 out of 2,000,000). Hamas wins as long as it doesn't surrender. The longer it goes on, the more damage they can inflect on fickle Israel, the more their allies can destroy the Israel economy, the more Israeli's protest the war, the most Americans who learn about Israel and their deeds, the worst it gets for Israel.

Israel's ace in the hole was always the USA bailing them out. I don't see it happening this time, because Americans have 0 interest in another Middle East war and thanks to the internet/social media and the freedom of speech, Israel is unpopular in the USA, especially among young men.

They are going to have one hell of a hard time selling another war in the Middle East to the American people.

I think he may be right. You can see all the appeals to support X, Y, Z, and always mentioned in that are "the jews" and "israel."

As a result, something bigger is coming, but that also proves: the jig is up.
I believe so.
I have heard that the EMP effect would not be as extreme and powerful as it is usually presented. I don't know the truth of the mattter, but I suspect this is accurate.

You see people saying one high altitude nuclear blast would emit an EMP event that would fry all electronics over half a continent. I suspect it is not as powerful as they say. Also, I suspect a tactical nuke would make a relatively small pulse, and I suspect the pulse would mostly radiate up for a low altitude burst.

In any case, it seems like all of this is off point. If a tactical nuke is used, it will leave a radiation signature. Even if it is a small and clean burst, instruments could easily detect the characteristic isotopes at the explosion site and downwind.
I have heard that the EMP effect would not be as extreme and powerful as it is usually presented. I don't know the truth of the mattter, but I suspect this is accurate.

You see people saying one high altitude nuclear blast would emit an EMP event that would fry all electronics over half a continent. I suspect it is not as powerful as they say. Also, I suspect a tactical nuke would make a relatively small pulse, and I suspect the pulse would mostly radiate up for a low altitude burst.

In any case, it seems like all of this is off point. If a tactical nuke is used, it will leave a radiation signature. Even if it is a small and clean burst, instruments could easily detect the characteristic isotopes at the explosion site and downwind.
The EMP may not be as significant, but the electronics we use nowadays are more susceptible (as they are both more complex and more fragile) to EMP, compared to technology of previous decades.
Huge difference in Baghdad in 2003 and Iran in 2024. Also, a huge difference in the USA military in 2003 v. 2024. Also, Israeli's don't want to live in these conditions...

Agreed. Basically the war and escalation is an acknowledgement by Israel and the neocons that the Iran/Russia/China block is on the ascent and that its neighbors were going to rebuild their economies and militaries, and that the vassal sunni arab states (Egypt, Saudi and GCC countries) were going to flip. In their analysis, they better strike now. This also partially explains the passive stance of Iran and its two big allies time is on their side.

Israel is losing on two fronts, global PR, as their true face is being revealed to the world. This is very important as Israel was built on a fake narrative. Today the only people who buy this PR are American/anglosphere BoomerCons and the dumber elements in the West who still trust the MSM.

The other losing front is demographics, once the missiles start raining on Tel Aviv, millions of Israelis will emigrate, they didn't sign up for this. In that sense the October 7 Israeli psyop will end up backfiring as an attempt to ethnically cleanse Gaza, they are going to ethnically cleanse the non-hardcore zionist Jews out of Israel in the process. Their tech industry will also be hit hard, a few missiles on targets like the Intel plant will dissuade big tech from expanding there, the goyim will not want to work in that kind of environment.
Gets demolished, but is ackshually winning because [insert endlessly rehashed fact-free feel good story].

Basically the war and escalation is an acknowledgement by Israel and the neocons that the Iran/Russia/China block is on the ascent and that its neighbors were going to rebuild their economies and militaries, and that the vassal sunni arab states (Egypt, Saudi and GCC countries) were going to flip. In their analysis, they better strike now. This also partially explains the passive stance of Iran and its two big allies time is on their side.

The war is an acknowledgement that Iran is a paper tiger that for decades was built up/left alone to scare the living sh*t out of the Arabs, and by extension forge a Sunni-Israel alliance in the Middle East. Now that we're past that stage Hezbollah, and before them Hamas, have reached their expiration date. The hammer is coming down hard and it ain't a pretty sight.

Except cope doses to increase exponentially as Hezbollah's/Iran's 'winning' get more in your face with each passing red line.

The only geopolitical flipping that is happening is in Israel's favour. Ever heard of the Abraham Accords? Total realignment of the security order in the Middle East centered around replacing Israel with Iran as the region's main threat. Kinda a big deal, maybe you should talk about it next instead of just yapping away on these fictional never-to-be-realized feelgood scenarios.

Israel is losing on two fronts, global PR, as their true face is being revealed to the world. This is very important as Israel was built on a fake narrative. Today the only people who buy this PR are American/anglosphere BoomerCons and the dumber elements in the West who still trust the MSM.

Totally irrelevant, fleeting feelz of the masses don't matter, never have, never will - and in a worst case scenario a certain preference or even consent can be easily manufactured on what is basically a whim. Reality is that this too is just a barely dressed up cope, designed to deal with the increasingly uncomfortable reality on the ground, aka Hezbollah/Iran getting its rear-end rearranged.

The other losing front is demographics, once the missiles start raining on Tel Aviv, millions of Israelis will emigrate, they didn't sign up for this. In that sense the October 7 Israeli psyop will end up backfiring as an attempt to ethnically cleanse Gaza, they are going to ethnically cleanse the non-hardcore zionist Jews out of Israel in the process. Their tech industry will also be hit hard, a few missiles on targets like the Intel plant will dissuade big tech from expanding there, the goyim will not want to work in that kind of environment.

When reality doesn't align with internalized alternate narratives a certain kind of individuals tend to flee deeper into la-la land. You just made that up on the fly, and none of it will even remotely come true.

Israel has basically been in a state of war since it's inception, yet it is pound for pound by a wide margin outperforming its neighbors in every economic metric out there, and has seen its population quadrouple.

Sorry buddy, but facts and events on the ground don't care about your silly narratives.

millions of Israelis will emigrate

Oy vey. Call Daddy Pooty, infamous 9D chess warrior against international Jewry/Zionism - but only in Dissident Rightwing echo-chambers were actual Russians are as rare as a negro on iceskates. Dear Leader is worried about the global rise in anti semitism - and I am sure there is room for a couple million more Chosenites in those depopulated Oblasts in Southern Ukraine too.

ZOG's main lifeline within the Chinese power structure was purged a decade ago, it was led by Bo Xilai, aka the Shanghai Clique. That city was always the center of the leftover Sassoon/Rothschild/Kadoorie power base. Xi is from an old family from Shaanxi, the Chinese heartland from where their civilization emanated. He's a hardcore nationalist, as is all the other top CPC nomenclatura.

Nonsense. There is no 'ZOG versus non ZOG' fight in the CCP and there never was either.

Member Cooper is intentionally misrepresenting an internal CCP power struggle as some sort of 'Jew versus non Jew' matter with the obvious aim of building up Xi JinPing as the next kosher savior. Anyone with a modicum of understanding of geopolitics and Chinese history would dismiss such ridiculous claims at face value, but unfortunately many on have spent a bit too long in their little safe space echo chamber.

Ironically Bo Xilai was part of the New Left, and stood in opposition to China opening up to foreign investors and letting go of its socially conservative mores in the 80s and 90s. He was whisked away to the nearest dungeon on made up corruption charges early into Xi JinPing's reign. Coop, your unfortunately mixing Bo Xilai up with the lads from the Jiang Zemin faction/ Shanghai Clique, who indeed favored greater cooperation with the West but were removed a couple years later.

Kandoori, Sassoons, Rothschilds

Stop this nonsense. The Rothschilds literally built up the CCP from the ground and own half the Chinese economy through subsidiaries.

The Sassoons are even worse. They own the HSBC, also known as the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Company. The HSBC was founded during the Opium Wars and is the main banking intermediary between East and West - both then and now. HSBC transferred the drug money to the West in the 1800s, and is now doing the opposite. The Chinese have been lowkey massively buying up precious metals for pennies on the dollar, shipping them to China using their Jewish masters at the HSBC to cover their finances. It doesn't get more in your face than that.

The CPC power structure has systematically cracked down on their financial industry and emerging oligarchs like Jack Ma, they are bent on preserving their economic structure as an industrial capitalist model, not unlike that of post-Weimar Germany, or pre-Federal Reserve USA. This means that the power and influence of their more globally-inclined oligarchs is in check.

Bringing back this to the topic here, the relations between China and Israel have been considerably strained in recent times. A lot of the Chinese leadership and intellectual class is JQ aware, even though they will accompany them along what has been a very good ride for them since the Anglo-American oligarchs decided to outsource western industry to China back in the 1960s, until the very end of this relationship, which might be later this decade.

Cool story, keeping in mind that Bo Xilai was booted out in 2013 please explain why:

Why is China is an Agenda 2030 signee?

Why does China hold WEF Summer summits in Tianjin - as opposed to the winter summit in Davos?

Why is China implementing the SDG/ESG tyranny?

Why is the People's Bank of China part of the Rothschild owned BiS?

Why has China dubbed Israel its main BRI partner in the Middle East?

Why is China is continuously expanding cooperation with Israel on a wide range of especially technology related projects?

Why is China's trade with Israel is ballooning?

Why is China is massively profiteering of Israel technologically backdooring all of the US' high tech?

Why is China is the testing ground for all of globohomo's beta tests and social engineering projects - encompassing the entire Fourth Industrial Revolution gibberish?

Why does China fully buy in on every fake manufactured global BS narrative - with Covid1984, climate change and anti White revisionist history as examples,

Why did the architect of China's rise HeinZ Kissinger keep visiting Beijing at least 3 times a year with Xi JinPing calling him 'one of his best friends'?

Why do Larry Fink and all the other Shlomos keep flying into China doing massive deals on the back of the European and American citizenry?


Genuine answers only.
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The war is an acknowledgement that Iran is a paper tiger that for decades was built ...Except cope doses to increase exponentially as Hezbollah's/Iran's 'winning' get more in your face with each passing red line. The only geopolitical flipping that is happening is in Israel's favour. Ever heard of the Abraham Accords? Total realignment of the security order in the Middle East centered around replacing Israel with Iran as the region's main threat. Kinda a big deal, maybe you should talk about it next instead of just yapping away on these fictional never-to-be-realized feelgood scenarios.

The Abraham Accords are dead in the water. Saudi, UAE are joining BRICS, and this, according to you, never happened:

For you to use the Abraham Accords as a valid talking point shows incredible lack of awareness (or bias) wrt the tectonic shifts in western Asia.
Totally wrong.

The People's Bank of China has been a Rothschild owned Bank of International Settlement member for decades. It took 15 seconds and 1 Google query to get to this link.

View attachment 12588

China is accumulating nearly a trillion dollar in trade surpluses every year, this is one of the main channels through which they have been cashing in. Of course they are plugged in into the global financial system, but the settlements have been going in one direction mainly.

China is accumulating nearly a trillion dollar in trade surpluses every year, this is one of the main channels through which they have been cashing in. Of course they are plugged in into the global financial system, but the settlements have been going in one direction mainly.

Yeah, the problem with that is.. a page ago you were fact checking people and insisting that there Was NO Rothschild Central Bank in China.

Now you have been confronted with the unassailable fact that there IS a Rothschild Central Bank in China you pivot to .. yes but they're building up a financial/trade surplus. "the settlements are going in one direction, mainly.."
Doesn't matter, that wasn't what you were fact-checked on.
So this kind of evasiveness is what lends itself to the frustration people are feeling. Either address their points head on and admit an error (we all make them) or.. or - I don't know what else...
Because this isn't Good Faith debating on your part.

We can all find bright and shiny tweets from around the Internet saying that Kamala is Definitely winning, or Trump is, or Beirut is united for the first time, or Iran is just about to strike... but they don't neccessarily mean very much beyond the fact that one group or another wants to push a narrative. That narrative may or may not be true.

The BRICS stuff looks good but Im very wary of the propaganda versus the reality.
For example India is Still far more in the West's sphere of influence than that of Russia nd China and, despite big showy meetings in Moscow with Putin, it is still sending arms and material to help NATO and Ukraine for use against Russia.
So it looks like they are saying nice things and building stronger bridges - but at the same time the West has by far the bigger influence on them.
Most 3rd world countries in Asia do the same thing. Courting China as much as possible whilst staying firmly in the Western camp - playing both sides off each other and thus securing the best deals they can get in the meantime.

No amount of PR release tweets on behalf of BRICS will make that reality disappear.
^India and Turkey are playing both sides, the other BRICS parties are aware of this. This also means that India works with Russia as a conduit for oil sales to Europe, and also in developing a major trading corridor with Russia through Iran.

There is no "Rothschild Central Bank" in China, what there is a Chinese central bank connected to that network through which they process their trading positions, it doesn't mean that the bank itself is owned by foreign entities, it isn't.

These foreign elements however own part of the China action though groups like CITIC, a giant Chinese state-owned industrial conglomerate with assets of nearly $2 trillion, where the Rockefeller, Rothschilds and Canadian Desmarais invested back in the 1980s and hold a large minority share. These elements have been getting part of the Chinese growth action, but they are not running their bank.

Most 3rd world countries in Asia do the same thing. Courting China as much as possible whilst staying firmly in the Western camp - playing both sides off each other and thus securing the best deals they can get in the meantime.
Other than the Philippines, ASEAN is veering closer towards China every year. The rest of Asia is largely integrated within the SCO:
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do not insult ('negro')
^India and Turkey are playing both sides, the other BRICS parties are aware of this. This also means that India works with Russia as a conduit for oil sales to Europe, and also in developing a major trading corridor with Russia through Iran.

There is no "Rothschild Central Bank" in China, what there is a Chinese central bank connected to that network through which they process their trading positions, it doesn't mean that the bank itself is owned by foreign entities, it isn't.

These foreign elements however own part of the China action though groups like CITIC, a giant Chinese state-owned industrial conglomerate with assets of nearly $2 trillion, where the Rockefeller, Rothschilds and Canadian Desmarais invested back in the 1980s and hold a large minority share. These elements have been getting part of the Chinese growth action, but they are not running their bank.

Other than the Philippines, ASEAN is veering closer towards China every year. The rest of Asia is largely integrated within the SCO:
You're in shambles and it didnt take much. Babbling away about the SCO as if you didn't just have a massive slip up and we're caught lying through your teeth..

The amount of nonsense that I've seen you post here in the last few weeks.. Makes an Indian call center agent blush. '20 000 dead Polish NATO mercenaries in Ukriane! ', 'S500s in Tehran!', 'downed F35s in the Syrian desert!', 'Russia's birthrate one of the best in Europe! ', 'ain't no BiS bank in Beijing', 'ZOG booted out of China!', 'Russia secretly moving against world Jewry' and a whole bunch of either fake/ manufactured or intentionally misrepresented BS.

The fact is simple. You lied and lie all over the place. Dishonest to the core, with a faked aura of authority to boot. Negro we by now know that you're simply copy pasting that shit from elsewhere - literally 5+ year old posts word for word plagiarized and presented as your own. Recognized the posting style almost immediately but what can a man do.

Not even mentioning the shape-shifting act. When are you finally gonna come clean? People were legit worried about you, got your own thread and everything. Some other posters here think you are not 'him' and that you are a thrift store version imposter instead. I am pretty sure it's you. Either way it's not a good look at all.
do not insult ('thick skull')
The Abraham Accords are dead in the water. Saudi, UAE are joining BRICS, and this, according to you, never happened:

For you to use the Abraham Accords as a valid talking point shows incredible lack of awareness (or bias) wrt the tectonic shifts in western Asia.

You need to get it through your thick skull that Israel is playing ball with China and Russia. Once you internalize that reality you might actually start developing an understanding of the region and it's many intricacies - because based on your takes its currently just copium mixed in with regurgitated propaganda takes.
My friend hamas is not finish?

So they win war in gaza??

Please my friend lets be serious.

I am serious, you seem to have a very short memory. Hamas is where the Taliban was after the US first invaded Afghanistan.

When the US invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban's leaders were killed and the rest of the army retreated to mountain tunnels.

20 years later they re-emerge and take over Afghanistan.

Doesn't matter how long it takes, Hamas isn't going to leave those tunnels anymore than the Taliban did. Meanwhile strikes on Israel soldiers occupying Gaza will occur every day and more and more Muslims will smell weakness and attack Israel over the years to come.
You're in shambles and it didnt take much. Babbling away about the SCO as if you didn't just have a massive slip up and we're caught lying through your teeth..

The amount of nonsense that I've seen you post here in the last few weeks.. Makes an Indian call center agent blush. '20 000 dead Polish NATO mercenaries in Ukriane! ', 'S500s in Tehran!', 'downed F35s in the Syrian desert!', 'Russia's birthrate one of the best in Europe! ', 'ain't no BiS bank in Beijing', 'ZOG booted out of China!', 'Russia secretly moving against world Jewry' and a whole bunch of either fake/ manufactured or intentionally misrepresented BS.

The fact is simple. You lied and lie all over the place. Dishonest to the core, with a faked aura of authority to boot. Negro we by now know that you're simply copy pasting that shit from elsewhere - literally 5+ year old posts word for word plagiarized and presented as your own. Recognized the posting style almost immediately but what can a man do.

Not even mentioning the shape-shifting act. When are you finally gonna come clean? People were legit worried about you, got your own thread and everything. Some other posters here think you are not 'him' and that you are a thrift store version imposter instead. I am pretty sure it's you. Either way it's not a good look at all.

You're displaying the same form here that got you booted out from the Roosh V forum, flying off the handle and throwing repeated ad hominems because someone dared challenge your subtle anti-Russian pro-NATO pro-Israeli blackpilling narrative, which I believe you are doing here with your regular handle as well as the badly drawn-up fake Russian sock puppet persona of "forabettertomorrow".

Your blackpilling predictions of Russia failing in Ukraine were proven to be laughably wrong, your posts became increasingly aggressive after being challenged on that and other topics. In your world the SCO doesn't exist, the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement never happened, and the Rothschilds own China because their central bank is in the BIS network, and if you say otherwise then you are"dishonnest to the core".

OK then.