The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

We should all be praying every night for the safety and security of Christians across the Middle East. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior. But we also should never give up hope. There is no point in giving up hope. This isn't going to be a quick battle, this isn't going to be an easy win, but I do know a few things.

Since October 7th...

The popularity of Israel has crashed across the globe. The Chinese are sickened by what they see from this monstrous regime. I know Chinese, they are furious at the callousness and disgusting behavior by both the Israeli govt. but also the people celebrating the death of children.

These are damning words from Russia's top diplomat...

Most importantly, Israel's support in the west has crashed. No one is going to sign up to fight for Israel, too many young people know about these evil deeds from X and TikTok. The numbers in the active duty military across the west are way too low to sustain a long term war in the Middle East. And good luck trying to drag young men off the street to send them off to war. That simply isn't going to happen.

Israel will need to not only defeat Hezbollah in a ground war, which they likely cannot do, they will have to hold the territory. This means they will be even more spread out, have created more enemies, and be at constant battle to defend their new turf.

Everyone knew Israel was capable of these strikes, this isn't a surprise, and that includes Hezbollah. Exactly how prepared and how well Hezbollah can respond is anyone's guess. So far, they are still firing missiles and drones deep into Israel and causing panic. The celebrations last night have quickly been replaced by hiding in bunkers again. The Houthi's are upping their attacks as well.

Israel has its hands full after burning many of their bridges with their own disgusting behavior. I will not predict how this ends, but I will predict the end very far down the road and Israel has a long way to go before declaring victory.

Literally cope stacked on top of cope stacked on top of cope stacked on top of cope.

Don't be one of those types who never reassesses his positions even when they’ve been punched through like Swiss cheese. Doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on inorganic and spun up narratives designed to fool you is a clear sign of midwit IQ.

Remember, even copelord @Cooper tapped out after seeing Israel roll up Hezbollah in a matter of 10 days thereby rearranging the entire security framework on the Middle East. And when the sus shills leave you hanging, you know it's time to take a deep and long look in the mirror.
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Literally cope stacked on top of cope stacked on top of cope stacked on top of cope.

Dont be one of those types who never reassess his positions even when they’ve been punched through like Swiss cheese, doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on inorganic an spun up narratives is clear sign of midwit IQ.

Remember, even copelord @Cooper tapped out after seeing Israel roll up Hezbollah in a matter of 10 days thereby rearranging the entire security framework on the Middle East. And when the sus shills leave you hanging, you know it's time to take a deep and long look in the mirror.
So, you think Israel can occupy all this land, with the help of the US military, and the self destruction of the USA will not come into play at all?
Due to social media/more awakening/the leftists becoming empty vessels for degeneracy, I don't think the "we are all in this together" line from 9/11 will work this time.

If you know of brainwashed Christians who want to go kill Hezbollah due to a false flag, then they need to see things like this.

There seems to be a gigantic gap in perception between the eternally online Western turdworldists - led astray by often paid propagandists, and the native Christian flock of Lebanon.

The giddy Western turdworldists want you to support the Lebanese Christian sects' main domestic enemy because [reasons] using often faked propaganda videos, whilsts the Lebanese Christians keep telling you they want to see their archnemesis disarmed, neutralized and gone. Sheesh, who should I listen to?

Reminiscent of the whole Ukraine debacle, where exactly the same crowd kept beating the drums on 'Slav unity', going around their little echo chambers on how the Ukrainian military surely 'would lower their weapons at the first sign of seeing their Russian liberators' , and how basically 'anyone East of the Dniepr was patiently waiting with their Russian flag hidden in the cupboard'.

3 years into the lie and shills simply 'forgot' and are now projecting this playbook onto Lebanon. Even going as far as labeling the entire Lebanese Christian establishment as Zionists for opposing the de facto illegal 30 year long Hezbollah take over of the country - which has damaged th political, economic and demographic position of the Christian sects in massive ways.

Here's a microcosm. Western latte drinking goofball goes around the internet taking shit, gets checked by an actual Lebanese Christian.

With video of Nasrallah saying he wants to turn Lebanon into an Islamic State under the auspices of Iran to boot - with the Christians of Lebanon needing to suck it up.

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So, you think Israel can occupy all this land, with the help of the US military, and the self destruction of the USA will not come into play at all?

I'm not sure about the scope of your question, but in the case of Lebanon a future political solution will be reminiscent of the 1982-2000 Israeli intervention. The area South of the Litani river will be administrated by a direct Israeli military/civil administration. Possibly substantiated by a Lebanese auxiliary force akin to the Christian South Lebanon Army. The area North of the river will have a political framework that is neutral in essence, and a military that will never be of any threat to Israel.

This scenario is in case Israel hedges it's bets on the full destruction of Hezbollah. Bibi might still very well get his wings clipped by the Biden Administration in the meantime - or simply scale down the objectives out of his own due to the wobbly domestic political situation. Bibi is a known ditherer - hawkish in policy goals but indecisive in goal pursuement.

Goes to show how much his legal case is spurning him. If he loses diplomatic immunity he might be canned for life - and all of a sudden Hamas and Hezbollah got decapitated with talk of a ground invasion in Lebanon getting louder.

In the case Bibi decides to pursue a policy centered around the total destruction of Hezbollah coupled with a (limited) military intervention the Gulf states will play a major role. Especially Saudi Arabia has invested massively in the country's Sunni communities and is acting like its patron.
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There seems to be a gigantic gap in perception between the eternally online Western turdworldists - led astray by often paid propagandists, and the native Christian flock of Lebanon.

The giddy Western turdworldists want you to support the Lebanese Christian sects' main domestic enemy because [reasons] using often faked propaganda videos, whilsts the Lebanese Christians keep telling you they want to see their archnemesis disarmed, neutralized and gone. Sheesh, who should I listen to?

Reminiscent of the whole Ukraine debacle, where exactly the same crowd kept beating the drums on 'Slav unity', going around their little echo chambers on how the Ukrainian military surely 'would lower their weapons at the first sign of seeing their Russian liberators' , and how basically 'anyone East of the Dniepr was patiently waiting with their Russian flag hidden in the cupboard'.

3 years into the lie and shills simply 'forgot' and are now projecting this playbook onto Lebanon. Even going as far as labeling the entire Lebanese Christian establishment as Zionists for opposing the de facto illegal 30 year long Hezbollah take over of the country - which has damaged th political, economic and demographic position of the Christian sects in massive ways.

Here's a microcosm. Western latte drinking goofball goes around the internet taking shit, gets checked by an actual Lebanese Christian.

With video of Nasrallah saying he wants to turn Lebanon into an Islamic State under the auspices of Iran to boot - with the Christians of Lebanon needing to suck it up.

Most Lebanese Christians view the SLA, the local militia put together by Israel, as traitors. They also view Hezbollah as the guarantors of Lebanese territorial integrity, without them the south of Lebanon would have been annexed to Israel by now, although they do have issues with their brand of islam. The Hezbollah militia was formed after 1982 as a response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

They are also very grateful for Hezbollah having paid a heavy toll to protect the large Christian population in Syria, they paid a heavy toll beating ISIS and other assorted NATO/Israeli-backed jihadis.

The Israelis will have a much harder time than in 1982 in maintaining control over southern Lebanon, and they will have a harder time recruiting collaborators this time around.

Reminiscent of the whole Ukraine debacle, where exactly the same crowd kept beating the drums on 'Slav unity', going around their little echo chambers on how the Ukrainian military surely 'would lower their weapons at the first sign of seeing their Russian liberators' , and how basically 'anyone East of the Dniepr was patiently waiting with their Russian flag hidden in the cupboard'.
100% strawman BS, we knew that the Azovites, which you tacitly support as an atheist NATO fanboy, were hardcore fanatics that Russia will have to fight. Most of them are not from eastern Ukraine. Your sympathy towards the Banderist cause is the reason you have been constantly engaging in an anti-Russian blackpilling campaign, going as far as creating the fake Russian handle of "forabettertomorrow",

I also noticed that your posting frequency dwindled drastically once the Russians got the upper hand, going from victory to victory as their strategy of artillery-powered war of attrition payed off.
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Most Lebanese Christians view the SLA, the local militia put together by Israel, as traitors. They also view Hezbollah as the guarantors of Lebanese territorial integrity, without them the south of Lebanon would have been annexed to Israel by now, although they do have issues with their brand of islam. The Hezbollah militia was formed after 1982 as a response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

The Israelis will have a much harder time than in 1982 in maintaining control over southern Lebanon, and they will have a harder time recruiting collaborators this time around.

100% strawman BS, we knew that the Azovites, which you tacitly support as an atheist NATO fanboy, were hardcore fanatics that Russia will have to fight. Most of them are not from eastern Ukraine. Your sympathy towards the Banderist cause is the reason you have been constantly engaging in an anti-Russian blackpilling campaign, going as far as creating the fake Russian handle of "forabettertomorrow",

I sldo noticed that your posting frequency dwindled drastically once the Russians got the upper hand, going from victory to victory as their strategy of artillery-powered war of attrition payed off.

Delusional and completely off balance. Your biggest mistake, in your attempts to mischaracterize me to fit a strawman that you can easily attack is trying to shoehorn me as pro-NATO and pro Zionism and on their 'side'. You can't form any line of argument that doesn't revolve around that artificial boogeymen hence the current dumpster diving.

You (using previous handle 911) were wrong on Ukraine, wrong on Israel and basically wrong on everything else too. Hence the chimp out. Protip: try to separate personal preference from analysis - it would save you the many humiliations and subsequent meltdowns. You can't runaway from that verdict, no matter the walls of text you type up to make it all go away.

You're in shambles and it didn't take much. A simple partisan propaganda hack. When pressed the colors show. 40 hour workweek no doubt.

Posting frequency? I regularly take months off when the cringe gets too much - unlike some others who've been present day after day for a decade and counting. I am also noticing how the Russian victory conditions keep getting downsized with each passing humiliation - guaranteed that in 12 months time Russia simply existing will be framed as an astounding feat. Unfortunately for the Kremlintards ((Dear Leader)) already laid out the goalset on February 23, 2022 - and your currently scoring a 0/5.

Keep coping and seething, it's a sight to behold.
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do not insult ('idiocy')
Delusional and completely off balance. Your biggest mistake, in your attempts to mischaracterize me to fit a strawman that you can easily attack is trying to shoehorn me as pro-NATO and pro Zionism and on their 'side'. You can't form any line of attack that doesn't revolve around that artificial boogeymen hence the current dumpster diving.

You (using previous handle 911) were wrong on Ukraine, wrong on Israel and basically wrong on everything else too. Hence the chimp out. Protip: try to separate personal preference from analysis - it would save you the many humiliations and subsequent meltdowns. You can't runaway from that verdict, no matter the walls of text you type up to make it all go away.

You're in shambles and it didn't take much. A simple partisan, propaganda hack. When pressed the colors show. 40 hour workweek no doubt.

Posting frequency? Negro I regularly take months off when the cringe gets too much - unlike some others who've been present day after day for a decade and counting. I am also noticing how the Russian victory conditions keep getting downsized with each passing humiliation - guaranteed that in 12 months time Russia simply existing will be framed as an astounding feat. Unfortunately for the Kremlintards Dear Leader already laid out the goalset on February 23, 2022 - and your currently scoring a 0/5.

Keep coping and seething, it's a sight to behold.

Intense projecting going on here, you're the one who is flying off the handle, raging on and throwing insults right and left, using strawman arguments like your argumentation about me "scoring a 0/5" on some bogus scorecard you just pulled out of you know where.

Also you're the one living in an alternate reality here about Ukraine, Russia has had the Banderists and NATO on the ropes for a long time now. You have to have NAFO cringe-level of idiocy to deny that fact, yet here you are...
do not insult ('loser')
Intense projecting going on here, you're the one who is flying off the handle, raging on and throwing insults right and left, using strawman arguments like your argumentation about me "scoring a 0/5" on some bogus scorecard you just pulled out of you know where.

Also you're the one living in an alternate reality here about Ukraine, Russia has had the Banderists and NATO on the ropes for a long time now. You have to have NAFO cringe-level of idiocy to deny that fact, yet here you are...

'The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you'

Putintards suffering from selective amnesia, what else is new.

Putin on February 23, 2022

Putin's victory conditions/ aims of the 'SMO'

1. Put an immediate end on eastward expansion of NATO
2. Demilitarize and denazify Ukraine
3. Create the geopolitical circumstances wherein the Ukrainian rump state will keep neutrality
4. Create a European security structure wherein Russia is allowed to have it's own sphere of influence
5. Take over the Donbass

Current score: zero out of 5.

Keep coping and clowning, loser.
Since it keeps getting ignored here's another 'traitor'.

Maronite Patriarch Boutros al Rahi on the need for Hezbollah to disarm itself and stop holding the country hostage.

Those kosher thirdworldist clowns absolutely have no shame..

He said that Lebanon should be "neutral", not that the country was being held hostage, those were the words of the (((CNBC))) interviewer.

Here's what this patriarch had to say about Hezbollah a few years ago:

"Syria and Hezbollah
In September 2011, some of the Christian supporters of the March 14 alliance were upset over his controversial comments in Paris, France where the patriarch supported Hezbollah's right to hold arms in defense against Israel, and stated that the 2011 Syrian protests could awaken the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood if President Bashar al-Assad was removed from office.

14 March supporters stressed how his predecessor had very different views and was almost fanatically supportive of the Lebanese Forces. Christian supporters of the March 8 alliance welcomed his comments. Prime Minister Najib Mikati also supported his stance saying "The Maronite patriarch spoke about a part [of the problem]. No one is against the resistance's arms as long as Israeli occupation continues. There is Lebanese unanimity on the resistance's arms in the face of Israeli occupation."

Mikati said after his meeting with Al-Ra'i that he was "very relieved and reassured by the Patriarch's wisdom." President Michel Suleiman said that "the Patriarch is not in need of anyone to defend him and his positions emanate from his central role as a person in charge of Lebanon's and the Middle East's Christians and that of Lebanon's independence and sovereignty;"

Also, you ignored this:
Putin on February 23, 2022 Putin's victory conditions/ aims of the 'SMO'

1. Put an immediate end on eastward expansion of NATO
2. Demilitarize and denazify Ukraine
3. Create the geopolitical circumstances wherein the Ukrainian rump state will keep neutrality
4. Create a European security structure wherein Russia is allowed to have it's own sphere of influence
5. Take over the Donbass

Current score: zero out of 5.
Keep coping and clowning, loser.

You should settle down and tone down your language if you want to stick around here. You're well on your way towards a little vacation here.

1- will be achieved in due time, Ukraine will have to accept Russia's terms and sign an agreement similar to the one they tried to sign in Istanbul.
2- Ukraine is being demilitarized, well over a million soldiers killed or wounded, majority of Banderists killed.
3- See 1 above
4- So far that sphere of influence is reduced to Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia, but dissention is growing in Europe as the Ukraine project is failing and the German economy is crashing under the weight of high energy costs.
5- Most fortified positions (Bakhmut, Avdeevka, Ugledar...) have fallen. I guess you're mired in NAFO argumentation where you think Russia is failing because they haven't taken all of it in a 3 day blitzkrieg.
@Cooper and @LaAguilaNegra

Please just stick to discussing facts and events instead of beefing with each other. You're both passionate about this topic and I know tempers can easily flare, but let's try to rein it in a bit. I don't want to have to issue warnings because you're both quality posters. So just chill out a bit.

There is only one party here throwing insults and being unruly.
He said that Lebanon should be "neutral", not that the country was being held hostage, those were the words of the (((CNBC))) interviewer.

Here's what this patriarch had to say about Hezbollah a few years ago:

"Syria and Hezbollah
In September 2011, some of the Christian supporters of the March 14 alliance were upset over his controversial comments in Paris, France where the patriarch supported Hezbollah's right to hold arms in defense against Israel, and stated that the 2011 Syrian protests could awaken the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood if President Bashar al-Assad was removed from office.

14 March supporters stressed how his predecessor had very different views and was almost fanatically supportive of the Lebanese Forces. Christian supporters of the March 8 alliance welcomed his comments. Prime Minister Najib Mikati also supported his stance saying "The Maronite patriarch spoke about a part [of the problem]. No one is against the resistance's arms as long as Israeli occupation continues. There is Lebanese unanimity on the resistance's arms in the face of Israeli occupation."

Mikati said after his meeting with Al-Ra'i that he was "very relieved and reassured by the Patriarch's wisdom." President Michel Suleiman said that "the Patriarch is not in need of anyone to defend him and his positions emanate from his central role as a person in charge of Lebanon's and the Middle East's Christians and that of Lebanon's independence and sovereignty;"

Also, you ignored this:

Being neutral means Hezbollah disarmed. The amount of dishonesty you'd have to have to twist a Church leader's own words on the matter.. Makes a Talmudist blush.

Boutros al Rahi has been vocal about the need for Hezbollah to disarm since forever, this article is from last year when Hezbollah shot up a Christian village in the south. Fadi Bejjani literally died on his church's porch.

Something which happens regularly but the thirdworldist clowns just don't seem to care


Happened at least a couple of times a year.

Being neutral means Hezbollah disarmed. The amount of dishonesty you'd have to have to twist a Church leader's own words on the matter.. Makes a Talmudist blush

You put words in his mouth, I offered direct quotes from wikipedia about the patriarch, which you have ignored:

"the patriarch supported Hezbollah's right to hold arms in defense against Israel, and stated that the 2011 Syrian protests could awaken the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood if President Bashar al-Assad was removed from office."

Boutros al Rahi has been vocal about the need for Hezbollah to disarm since forever, this article is from last year when Hezbollah shot up a Christian village in the south. Fadi Bejjani literally died on his church's porch.

Happened at least a couple of times a year.

You're quoting pro-Israeli Lebanese sources like that one here, "Mediterranean Catholics", who is retweeting hardcore zionist pundits like Eli David and Visegrad 24.

These sources do not represent the majority of Lebanese Christians. Israel bombed Christian villages in Lebanon, and their bombing campaign, much like in Gaza, has been indiscriminate.

Not surprising to see you amplify these pro-Israeli sources.

smirk dwight GIF