The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

There is a powerstruggle within the Iranian establishment and that has been going on for decades. The IRGC tied hardliners suffered a massive defeat only months ago when the Reformists took over the Presidency after Raisi's death/murder. The IRGC prides itself on being the carriers/protectors of the Islamic Revolution both domestically and abroad. Hezbollah is their project. The US and Israel in general only strike Hardliner/IRGC affiliated politicians and generals and invite Reformists to Davos, New York and London

Without the IRGC Iran would have probably been on a Abraham Accord like trajectory already. This is pure speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me as some Reformists want to get rid of that whole Shia imperialist regional proxy project too - in return for cancelation of sanctions, a return to the global economy and ((a steady stream)) of coke and hookers.

Pezeshkian was a couple of days ago clowning around at the UNGA in Jew York, yapping about dialogue with the US and EU, priding himself on his U-turn vs. Russia - meaning that the low key (Iran never considered Crimea Russian) supportive Iranian position under Hardliner Raisi has been reversed, meeting a Zionist rabbi after he introduced himself as such.

Man literally left for NYC a day after half of Beirut had it's devices blown up and never once considered the optics. Or maybe he did, and this is the message. I wonder how the Hezbollah bigwigs - the ones that are still breathing at least, are perceiving this.

It is somewhat of a rite de passage for Reformists to try and snuggle up with the West. Rafsanjani said that he wanted to establish ties with the West 'but couldn't'. Khatami communicated to the US that Hezbollah was for sale - Nasrallah's own words. Rouhani/Zarif embarked on the JCPOA, cemented the reactors only to have Trump barge in and call the whole thing off - imposing sanctions that would shrink the Iranian economy into a little over half its previous size.

Two days ago Iranian FM Araghchi came out saying that Hezbollah is strong enough to handle this on its own. Obviously it isn't. Yesterday Nasrallah got capped and Iran is quiet.

I am starting to smell a rat. Has Hezbollah been sold down the river?
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Two days ago Iranian FM Araghchi came out saying that Hezbollah is strong enough to handle this on its own. Obviously it isn't. Yesterday Nasrallah got capped and Iran is quiet.

I am starting to smell a rat. Has Hezbollah been sold down the river?

You mean that they are not even "Really, really, really, REALLY angry" this time?

What are they even going to say or do. Their bluff has been thouroughly called and they know it.
Thus far, the Islamic World has proven to be all Bark and no Bite.
Now only Iran stands in the way of Greater Israel.
I've mentioned before on this forum that I am friends with or meet socially with one or two highly placed ZOG officials, I also know people who work with pariah states like Iran or North Korea. I don't mean spies I mean people who work 9-5 for the intelligence agencies of countries like them and get their cheques in the mailbox every month.

Im not saying this to be contrary but Iran has a Parliament building that is shaped like a Kaballah pyramid with 33 windows. Hardly what one would expect of a truly based and revolutionary Islamic state.

From time to time I sit with friends who work for the Iranian government and who have visited Iran to meet in government buildings and they are amazed at the amount of jews there are living openly in Iran and the amount of wealthy well connected jews that are there.
There is some paranoia in Iranian circles about their word for crypto-jews "Anoosim" - who are alleged to be extremely wealthy through owning large sectors of Iranian manufacturing and extraction infrastructure.

I've said it before - all these pariah states are far more in bed with the ZOG world order than they are out of it. They've signed up to all manner of UN sustainability and agenda 2030 nonsense - and where they haven't they've already prepared all the required documents waiting for their entry into the Big Club.

Bottom line, in my view, Israel realised in 2006 that they couldn't go house to house with the equivalent of an army of trust fund brats - Israel will never have a tough blue collar motorised or infantry force.
So Israel had to think of a Plan B.
And what they love most is terrorism - pressing a button and their enemies and surrounding women and children die. So Israel has worked pretty hard behind the scenes bleeding the knowledge and expertise of those hated goyim white military men as to how they could win a war in Southern Lebanon without needing to go house to house - or going house to house with the least risk possible.
Israeli shills are fond of saying that they "never sleep" on the security of Israel, but I would argue that NATO contractors are the ones who have been working overtime to come up with what might ensure Israel's pre-eminence (whilst the European and North American militaries crumble).

As far as Russia backing up Iran I posted an aggregation of all the evidence posted on this forum (in the "Criticisms of the Power Structure in Russia" thread) that suggests that Russia is thoroughly run through with jewish power and influence. Note also, all the plans for the Chinese Belt and Road to run through Israeli ports.
These people own world banking - No-one wants to upset them behind the scenes.

Supporters of Iran and Hezbollah are shocked at how victorious the Israelis currently are, and how passive Hezbollah and Iran seem. But I doubt people in Iranian government circles are that surprised. Certainly not the Anoosim.
I've mentioned before on this forum that I am friends with or meet socially with one or two highly placed ZOG officials, I also know people who work with pariah states like Iran or North Korea. I don't mean spies I mean people who work 9-5 for the intelligence agencies of countries like them and get their cheques in the mailbox every month.

Im not saying this to be contrary but Iran has a Parliament building that is shaped like a Kaballah pyramid with 33 windows. Hardly what one would expect of a truly based and revolutionary Islamic state.

From time to time I sit with friends who work for the Iranian government and who have visited Iran to meet in government buildings and they are amazed at the amount of jews there are living openly in Iran and the amount of wealthy well connected jews that are there.
There is some paranoia in Iranian circles about their word for crypto-jews "Anoosim" - who are alleged to be extremely wealthy through owning large sectors of Iranian manufacturing and extraction infrastructure.

I've said it before - all these pariah states are far more in bed with the ZOG world order than they are out of it. They've signed up to all manner of UN sustainability and agenda 2030 nonsense - and where they haven't they've already prepared all the required documents waiting for their entry into the Big Club.

Bottom line, in my view, Israel realised in 2006 that they couldn't go house to house with the equivalent of an army of trust fund brats - Israel will never have a tough blue collar motorised or infantry force.
So Israel had to think of a Plan B.
And what they love most is terrorism - pressing a button and their enemies and surrounding women and children die. So Israel has worked pretty hard behind the scenes bleeding the knowledge and expertise of those hated goyim white military men as to how they could win a war in Southern Lebanon without needing to go house to house - or going house to house with the least risk possible.
Israeli shills are fond of saying that they "never sleep" on the security of Israel, but I would argue that NATO contractors are the ones who have been working overtime to come up with what might ensure Israel's pre-eminence (whilst the European and North American militaries crumble).

As far as Russia backing up Iran I posted an aggregation of all the evidence posted on this forum (in the "Criticisms of the Power Structure in Russia" thread) that suggests that Russia is thoroughly run through with jewish power and influence. Note also, all the plans for the Chinese Belt and Road to run through Israeli ports.
These people own world banking - No-one wants to upset them behind the scenes.

Supporters of Iran and Hezbollah are shocked at how victorious the Israelis currently are, and how passive Hezbollah and Iran seem. But I doubt people in Iranian government circles are that surprised. Certainly not the Anoosim.
Jewish power does seem all-encompassing right now. I have no doubt that Iranian society has also been infiltrated.
At this point, from an outsider's perspective it seems like only Christ himself can free us from Zion.
Jewish power does seem all-encompassing right now. I have no doubt that Iranian society has also been infiltrated.
At this point, from an outsider's perspective it seems like only Christ himself can free us from Zion.
We should all be praying every night for the safety and security of Christians across the Middle East. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior. But we also should never give up hope. There is no point in giving up hope. This isn't going to be a quick battle, this isn't going to be an easy win, but I do know a few things.

Since October 7th...

The popularity of Israel has crashed across the globe. The Chinese are sickened by what they see from this monstrous regime. I know Chinese, they are furious at the callousness and disgusting behavior by both the Israeli govt. but also the people celebrating the death of children.

These are damning words from Russia's top diplomat...

Most importantly, Israel's support in the west has crashed. No one is going to sign up to fight for Israel, too many young people know about these evil deeds from X and TikTok. The numbers in the active duty military across the west are way too low to sustain a long term war in the Middle East. And good luck trying to drag young men off the street to send them off to war. That simply isn't going to happen.

Israel will need to not only defeat Hezbollah in a ground war, which they likely cannot do, they will have to hold the territory. This means they will be even more spread out, have created more enemies, and be at constant battle to defend their new turf.

Everyone knew Israel was capable of these strikes, this isn't a surprise, and that includes Hezbollah. Exactly how prepared and how well Hezbollah can respond is anyone's guess. So far, they are still firing missiles and drones deep into Israel and causing panic. The celebrations last night have quickly been replaced by hiding in bunkers again. The Houthi's are upping their attacks as well.

Israel has its hands full after burning many of their bridges with their own disgusting behavior. I will not predict how this ends, but I will predict the end very far down the road and Israel has a long way to go before declaring victory.
Jewish power does seem all-encompassing right now. I have no doubt that Iranian society has also been infiltrated.
At this point, from an outsider's perspective it seems like only Christ himself can free us from Zion.

The web of dual citizens and double agents have become an integral and symbiotic part of western governments and institutions by this point. Not to mention all the multinational corporations and news organizations. It's hard to see how it can be fixed.

Most importantly, Israel's support in the west has crashed. No one is going to sign up to fight for Israel, too many young people know about these evil deeds from X and TikTok. The numbers in the active duty military across the west are way too low to sustain a long term war in the Middle East. And good luck trying to drag young men off the street to send them off to war. That simply isn't going to happen.

Has it though? Sure, more people on the street see Israel for what it is than ever before. But at the same time, Israel has never received more financial, political and military backing than they do now. There are hollow calls for "de-escalation", but that is immidiately followed by billions of dollars in weapons and equipment. Not a single country has imposed meaningful sanctions on Israel. On the contrary, foreign trade and investments are seeing record numbers.

Sign up to fight for Israel? Maybe not. But they are fighting for the government that gives them orders. There are currently tens of thousands of Americans in the Middle East waiting to fight for Israel if given the order by the US government. You think they would defy orders to protect the muslims that they have been conditioned to hate through years of training? Hardly.
The web of dual citizens and double agents have become an integral and symbiotic part of western governments and institutions by this point. Not to mention all the multinational corporations and news organizations. It's hard to see how it can be fixed.

Has it though? Sure, more people on the street see Israel for what it is than ever before. But at the same time, Israel has never received more financial, political and military backing than they do now. There are hollow calls for "de-escalation", but that is immidiately followed by billions of dollars in weapons and equipment. Not a single country has imposed meaningful sanctions on Israel. On the contrary, foreign trade and investments are seeing record numbers.

Sign up to fight for Israel? Maybe not. But they are fighting for the government that gives them orders. There are currently tens of thousands of Americans in the Middle East waiting to fight for Israel if given the order by the US government. You think they would defy orders to protect the muslims that they have been conditioned to hate through years of training? Hardly.
The right false flag will make lines to enlist bigger than to take covid vaxx.

Lebanon is 40% christian.
Has it though? Sure, more people on the street see Israel for what it is than ever before. But at the same time, Israel has never received more financial, political and military backing than they do now. There are hollow calls for "de-escalation", but that is immidiately followed by billions of dollars in weapons and equipment. Not a single country has imposed meaningful sanctions on Israel. On the contrary, foreign trade and investments are seeing record numbers.

Sign up to fight for Israel? Maybe not. But they are fighting for the government that gives them orders. There are currently tens of thousands of Americans in the Middle East waiting to fight for Israel if given the order by the US government. You think they would defy orders to protect the muslims that they have been conditioned to hate through years of training? Hardly.
Yes, this is the expected course. The satanic elites own downfall will be their pride and arrogance. They truly see us all as low IQ sub-humans. Incapable of formatting a resistance to their plans. So, their little blackmailed/paid off politicians keep cranking out money and resources for them, despite how bad things are getting for us. And this continues to increase due to their greed and arrogance. And the more it increases, the divergence from their gifts to our quality of life, the more that notice and talk about it. It will continue until the dam breaks. The fact that Hitler speeches are so popular in TikTok that TikTok is removing them is telling of how close the dam is to breaking.

There are current soldiers in the Middle East, that will be used as bodies to defend Israel. But our military is a fraction of what it was 20 years ago, and Israel is about to find this out the hard way. This evidence can be found in the Woke and Obese Military thread here on this forum. Our military is in shambles. Many of those in the Middle East don't want to fight, they just want their 4 years of on-the-job training and to get out.

Don't get me wrong, Israel will cause some serious damage. Israel might even win on the short term. But long term I don't see how Israel can continue to defend their increased land with decreasing global support, year over year.
The right false flag will make lines to enlist bigger than to take covid vaxx.

Lebanon is 40% christian.
Due to social media/more awakening/the leftists becoming empty vessels for degeneracy, I don't think the "we are all in this together" line from 9/11 will work this time.

If you know of brainwashed Christians who want to go kill Hezbollah due to a false flag, then they need to see things like this.
