The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

You're displaying the same form here that got you booted out from the Roosh V forum, flying off the handle and throwing repeated ad hominems because someone dared challenge your subtle anti-Russian pro-NATO pro-Israeli blackpilling narrative, which I believe you are doing here with your regular handle as well as the badly drawn-up fake Russian sock puppet persona of "forabettertomorrow".

Your blackpilling predictions of Russia failing in Ukraine were proven to be laughably wrong, your posts became increasingly aggressive after being challenged on that and other topics. In your world the SCO doesn't exist, the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement never happened, and the Rothschilds own China because their central bank is in the BIS network, and if you say otherwise then you are"dishonnest to the core".

OK then.

When I said dishonest to the core, I meant dishonest to the core. Yesterday Barron was accused of being CIA, today it's sockpuppets accounts. You can't handle getting shown your place, so you leave banbait left and right. You should know how to take an L, this is lacking grace to say the least.

Still waiting for the RVF Ukraine archives bytheway. Some absolute bangers in there, and it's obvious it left quite the impression on you too. Remember, three days to Kiev, NATO will simply dissolve itself, the Ukrainians are waiting for their Slav brothers with arms spread wide and the US will simply abandon Europe on a dime because xyz. Reading shit like that still cracks me up.

Yet three days turned into three years, and every single red line was dismissed. End result: discourse is now focused on neverending irrelevant minutae instead of grand chessboard thinking because the latter, well, is kind of a lost case already - even though the nailbiting clowns are still 100 percent emotionally invested waiting for the latest updates around whatever hamlet deep in the Donbass.

The course of the Ukraine War was literally predicted to a T by yours truly where Kremlin propagandized clowns were so far off it should disqualify to ever opinionate on whatever geopolitical subject again.

Here's another prediction. The War in Ukraine will end in the next 12-18 months with negotiations low key starting within 12 months. The Kursk invasion and Russian push in the Donbass are simply jockeying for the best negotiating positions. To the people that still fantasize about Kharkov, Odessa and Kiev: LOL.

You can write that down and take it to the bank. Expect heavy shilling around that time to sell this rather unattractive proposition to both the domestic and international audience - after all the bluster it ain't exactly an easy sale to make.
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You're displaying the same form here that got you booted out from the Roosh V forum, flying off the handle and throwing repeated ad hominems because someone dared challenge your subtle anti-Russian pro-NATO pro-Israeli blackpilling narrative, which I believe you are doing here with your regular handle as well as the badly drawn-up fake Russian sock puppet persona of "forabettertomorrow".

Your blackpilling predictions of Russia failing in Ukraine were proven to be laughably wrong, your posts became increasingly aggressive after being challenged on that and other topics. In your world the SCO doesn't exist, the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement never happened, and the Rothschilds own China because their central bank is in the BIS network, and if you say otherwise then you are"dishonnest to the core".

OK then.

Almost forgot: 911 or not?

No more Semetic deflections and Alinsky tier accusations this time around.
The People's Bank of China has been a Rothschild owned Bank of International Settlement member for decades. It took 15 seconds and 1 Google query to get to this link.
Your showing a link of a central bank on the BIS website doesn't mean what you think it does, or confirm any claim you make. It just means BIS lists the PBC on their website.
There is no "Rothschild Central Bank" in China, what there is a Chinese central bank connected to that network through which they process their trading positions, it doesn't mean that the bank itself is owned by foreign entities, it isn't.
Exactly, it's not like the link to the speech was given by anyone other than a Chinese national. If it had a speech with a member of the PBC with the last name Rothschild or some such person, I might be interested in that as a possibility.
Your blackpilling predictions of Russia failing in Ukraine were proven to be laughably wrong
I wouldn't DQ anyone from further analysis for this, but it's a pretty bad miss. Close to Zeihan, covid, and other similar boomer US/CIA predictions.
Your showing a link of a central bank on the BIS website doesn't mean what you think it does, or confirm any claim you make. It just means BIS lists the PBC on their website.

Exactly, it's not like the link to the speech was given by anyone other than a Chinese national. If it had a speech with a member of the PBC with the last name Rothschild or some such person, I might be interested in that as a possibility.

I wouldn't DQ anyone from further analysis for this, but it's a pretty bad miss. Close to Zeihan, covid, and other similar boomer US/CIA predictions.

All you had to do was click the link.

I'm willing to say that they could in some way influence or "control" them. I just see no evidence at the current time.
The BIS is responsible for freezing Russian assets since management is one of their key roles, this is beside the fact that they develop banking policy.

Foreign reserve assets of China 2020:

Foreign reserve assets of China 2024:

There doesnt seem to be any deviation due to geopolitics and China still holds reverves in foreign banks including the IMF.

No too mention their strange history of buying US treasuries, overexposing themselves to risk.
I am serious, you seem to have a very short memory. Hamas is where the Taliban was after the US first invaded Afghanistan.

When the US invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban's leaders were killed and the rest of the army retreated to mountain tunnels.

20 years later they re-emerge and take over Afghanistan.

Doesn't matter how long it takes, Hamas isn't going to leave those tunnels anymore than the Taliban did. Meanwhile strikes on Israel soldiers occupying Gaza will occur every day and more and more Muslims will smell weakness and attack Israel over the years to come.
Its getting a bit like the Schrodingers Cat thread in here with the Central Bank of China..

Is it a Rothschild Central Bank or .. isn't it?
Hard to say, just as people can't seem to agree across the media if cats are being eaten in Springfield or not.
Or if Kavanagh is Definitely a Rapist.. or not.

I would ask that these slightly heated last few pages get clipped/duplicated and put in the China thread.
Otherwise all these points and counterpoints won't necessarily be available the next time China itself becomes the subject of debate.
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The BIS is responsible for freezing Russian assets since management is one of their key roles, this is beside the fact that they develop banking policy.

Foreign reserve assets of China 2020:

Foreign reserve assets of China 2024:

There doesnt seem to be any deviation due to geopolitics and China still holds reverves in foreign banks including the IMF.

No too mention their strange history of buying US treasuries, overexposing themselves to risk.

Between 2020 and 2024, China's trade surplus almost doubled, to reach just under $1 trillion.

The premise that they could process that kind of volume without being connected to the BIS and other global finance clearinghouse networks, which Aquila is implying here, is ridiculous, as is the speculation about foreign ownership into China's central bank based on their being merely a part of that network.

The Chinese are a savvy bunch, they understand the globalist power structure and rode it to climb from the GDP of the Netherlands in 1980s to the world's largest real economy today, by giving the very top of the globalist cabal a small cut of their action, mostly through the vehicle of CITIC (James Corbett had a good overview of that IIRC). They understand that the gig will be up once the neocon wing of that pyramid pinnacle weaponizes Taiwan in a Thucydides move, and they expect that hard decoupling to happen later this decade.

To circle back to the topic here, the Chinese have issued condemnations of Israeli actions in Gaza and with the beeper terror attack. Public opinion there has been shocked about the wanton violence displayed by the Israelis:

Nonsense. There is no 'ZOG versus non ZOG' fight in the CCP and there never was either.

Member Cooper is intentionally misrepresenting

Why has China dubbed Israel its main BRI partner in the Middle East?

Genuine answers only.

Just to put on of your main assertion in perspective, here is a look of the importance of Israel as a trade partner to China, showing how far off your depiction of Israeli-Chinese trade really is :


Fight between christians and muslim , christian don't wont Muslims in their town. Also druse people set up roadblock to stop Muslims coming in their towns.

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Let's stay on topic. This thread isn't about China although they do have a big role in ME politics.
Thats the reason I have asked that the last few pages get clipped/duplicated and put in the China thread.
We had a similarly contested debate in the "Criticisms of Russia" thread - but that was in the correct thread.
It would be a shame if members have to re-hash and re-post all these details, graphics, videos, points and counterpoints the next time China itself becomes the subject of debate.

Its up to you and the other Mods of course, but it would save readers having to watch the same arguments get rehashed in the future, as opposed to quickly referenced and built upon.
Fight between christians and muslim , christian don't wont Muslims in their town. Also druse people set up roadblock to stop Muslims coming in their towns.

Its interesting to see this on screen in other forums.
Shias, Lebanese and Iranian, telling Phalangists just how typical their responses are and how much they detest them.

In case some don't know, I presume most do, during the Lebanon war of the early 1980s the Phalangists were the militias of the Christian community that were cultivated by Israel and notionally allied to the US military when they were there.
There is a famous photo by Don McCullin of young virginal Palestinian teen girl lying dead in the middle of a Beirut street while some young Phalangists gather around her corpse - playing musical intstruments, shrieking and laughing away - a savage and brutal photo and a savage and brutal civil war. (you see them fractionally turning just as they notice the photographer. They tried to find and kill McCullin after he escaped him in that moment.)
Where that reached its Apex was when Ariel Sharons troops provided the military cover and overhead illumination via shell burst as the Christian Phalangists went into two Palestinian refugee camps - Sabra and Shatila - and massacred all the men women and children, up to 3,500 of them. A gruesome war crime authored from Israel and delivered via the Christians.

Interestingly, in Eric L Haneys "Inside Delta Force" account of his time there, he said that the Christian Phalangists struck him as very close to the Israelis, well trained and disciplined, but particularly cold and cruel.
He also noted that the Israelis would cross the border, put IDF troops into the Phalangist checkpoints ... and lead away any scared or trusting Palestininan families that happened to be waved down - to their murder a short distance away from the road.

No doubt Israel is still stirring the pot in that part Lebanon as much as it can.
not mentioning China per se - except to quote Sun Tzu - "When Your Enemy is United, Divide Him"