The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Knowing the Jews they might not even go to war with Iran. They might just draw out the hardliners and let the kiked out reformists take over in Iran.

You might be onto something

Qassem Soleimani - capped by Trump in that strike at Baghdad Airport in early 2020, has on several occasion mentioned the problem of Jewish meddling and the Anusim in contemporary Iranian politics and society. Anusim being the Hebrew term for crypto-Jews. Soleimani used to watch the Iranian Jewish community like a hawk, fully aware of what goes in Tehran's dozens of synagogues.

Another prominent Iranian religious figure mentioning the Anusim, was Ayatollah Mohammed Reza Fakir. He estimated that the number of Anusim in Iran was 100 000, and that after taking on the Bahai'i faith cloak had shapeshifted away into the 80 million strong Muslim population.


There is a powerstruggle within the Iranian establishment and that has been going on for decades. The IRGC tied hardliners suffered a massive defeat only months ago when the Reformists took over the Presidency after Raisi's death/murder. The IRGC prides itself on being the carriers/protectors of the Islamic Revolution both domestically and abroad. Hezbollah is their project. The US and Israel in general only strike Hardliner/IRGC affiliated politicians and generals and invite Reformists to Davos, New York and London.

Without the IRGC Iran would have probably been on a Abraham Accord like trajectory already. This is pure speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me as some Reformists want to get rid of that whole Shia imperialist regional proxy project too - in return for cancelation of sanctions, a return to the global economy and ((a steady stream)) of coke and hookers.


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If that would have been the case US Marines would have been in Tehran 20 years ago already, the JCPOA would have never happened, nor would Iran's imperialistic regional projects cloaked in Twelver Shia 'Road to al Quds' Khomeinism rhetoric have been allowed to blossom in places like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq etc.

It's pretty obvious the Biden Administration is not keen on escalation before the November 2024 elections, nor do they fancy sky-high Brent crude prices in the light of the ongoing Ukraine war thereby indirectly financing Russia's war effort.

Dynamics might change after a possible Trump inauguration in January 2025, but for now that's speculation. Even a Trump Administration will have problems selling a regional war in the Middle East (assuming that Tehran for once will put its feet in the sand) as a winning proposal to the American public - barring an October 7 tier event happening on US soil of course.

20 years ago US Marines were in Bagdag, toppling Saddam Hussein. After that one country after another has been destabilized and pacfied.

That being said, of course not everything has gone 100 % as planned/wanted. For example, Trump being elected was a snag in the plan. But they know how to play the long game.
You might be onto something

Qassem Soleimani - capped by Trump in that strike at Baghdad Airport in early 2020, has on several occasion mentioned the problem of Jewish meddling and the Anusim in contemporary Iranian politics and society. Anusim being the Hebrew term for crypto-Jews. Soleimani used to watch the Iranian Jewish community like a hawk, fully aware of what goes in Tehran's dozens of synagogues.

Another prominent Iranian religious figure mentioning the Anusim, was Ayatollah Mohammed Reza Fakir. He estimated that the number of Anusim in Iran was 100 000, and that after taking on the Bahai'i faith cloak had shapeshifted away into the 80 million strong Muslim population.

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There is a powerstruggle within the Iranian establishment and that has been going on for decades. The IRGC tied hardliners suffered a massive defeat only months ago when the Reformists took over the Presidency after Raisi's death/murder. The IRGC prides itself on being the carriers/protectors of the Islamic Revolution both domestically and abroad. Hezbollah is their project. The US and Israel in general only strike Hardliner/IRGC affiliated politicians and generals and invite Reformists to Davos, New York and London.

Without the IRGC Iran would have probably been on a Abraham Accord like trajectory already. This is pure speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me as some Reformists want to get rid of that whole Shia imperialist regional proxy project too - in return for cancelation of sanctions, a return to the global economy and ((a steady stream)) of coke and hookers.
I really believe Iran is going to have to control their women to have a chance. I am not sure if women in Iran have the right to vote, but if they prevent their women from voting, then overthrowing their system will be incredibly tougher.
20 years ago US Marines were in Bagdag, toppling Saddam Hussein. After that one country after another has been destabilized and pacfied.

That being said, of course not everything has gone 100 % as planned/wanted. For example, Trump being elected was a snag in the plan. But they know how to play the long game.
Huge difference in Baghdad in 2003 and Iran in 2024. Also, a huge difference in the USA military in 2003 v. 2024. Also, Israeli's don't want to live in these conditions...

In a somewhat odd twist, Israel's own version of Baghdad Bob now claims that Israel had nothing to do with the exploding pagers.

You gotta hand it to the Israelis. They are beating up on Iran and Hezbollah cartoon-style. Running circles around them like Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote.

They have called Hezbollah's bluff so hard. For years Hezbollah has been propped up like this mighty threat that could seriously threaten Israel. Now everybody can see that they are nothing of the sort. They are being bichslapped all over the place, while all they can say is "THIS time Israel has gone too far, vengeance will come" etc. etc. .

The technology gap is simply too wide. You have people with weaponry and tactics from the 1980s fighting the most modern and savage army on earth. With decades of fighting experience to boot, and safe in the knowledge that they can get away with anything and everything.

Hezbollah comes across as plain stupid in their tactics, and incredibly enough seems to have underestimated Israel. Why did they focus on building 100.000 bottle rockets that do zero damage, when they should have done everything in their power to have built air-defense systems? Why in the world did they not immidiately throw away their newly purchased radio equipment after their pagers blew up? Why do they keep meeting in locations that are susceptible to air attacks after losing dozens of commanders this way?

I doubt there will be an invasion this year, though. Netanyahu wants to keep the war going for as long as he possible can, ideally for years. And why would Israel invade when they can safely bomb their enemies to pieces from afar? They know now that Hezbollah/Iran can do absolutely nothing about it, and - much more importantly -, they now know for certain that they have unconditional support from their Anglo-American puppets.

Israel will take down Hezbollah when they still haven't finished off Hamas? Give me a break. Israel's only plan is to escalate the war to force the USA to get involved and finish the job. Israel has shown they can't do anything by themselves, the tunnel strats are beyond the "high Jew IQ."
Israel will take down Hezbollah when they still haven't finished off Hamas? Give me a break. Israel's only plan is to escalate the war to force the USA to get involved and finish the job. Israel has shown they can't do anything by themselves, the tunnel strats are beyond the "high Jew IQ."
My friend hamas is not finish?

So they win war in gaza??

Please my friend lets be serious.
More then 60 people dead in israel attack in beirut on friday, also many people dead today in israel strike😢

My friends i leave this account here for you, is very good lebanese telegram account, many updates

Cirno is a smart guy, but he calls every large explosion a nuke strike. I'm not saying he's necessarily wrong, but he might be so obsessed with nukes (he claims to be a nuclear physicist) that he sees nuke strikes when they are just large explosions due to a large ammo depo being blown up.

However, I'd say this strike in Lebanon looks more like a tactical nuke strike than the recent ammo depo explosions in Russia (which he also called tactical nukes).
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Cirno is a smart guy, but he calls every large explosion a nuke strike. I'm not saying he's necessarily wrong, but he might be so obsessed with nukes that he sees nuke strikes when they are just large explosions due to a large ammo depo being blown up.

However, I'd say this strike in Lebanon looks more like a tactical nuke strike than the recent ammo depo explosions in Russia (which he also called tactical nukes).

yeah, I've seen his past claims on the Russian Depo and was not convinced either. This one is plausible.

He's obsessed with Nukes because he believes that game theory / asymmetrical warfare with nukes is one of the only paths to victory for the Globalist. (Scenario B - in his substack paper
Yes. However, I don't think even the USA is stupid enough to be striking Russian depos/airbases with low-yield tactical nukes.

If they did that, then Russia would certainly give Onyx anti-ship cruise missiles to the Houthis and other weapons that could seriously hurt the USA and UK in the Middle East. If that happens, the USA can say goodbye to their precious aircraft carriers.

Another thing about Cirno is that he's very emotional. His mood swings wildly from euphoria to apocalyptic doom on a regular basis. This makes him unreliable as an analyst as he's too emotionally invested to be objective.
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My friend hamas is not finish?

So they win war in gaza??

Please my friend lets be serious.
Hamas is nowhere near finished and they will not be until Israel goes down in the tunnels and kills them all. And that isn't going to happen because they are scared to flank their own tanks, which is why Hamas is able to run up to the tank and attach bombs to them.
My friend they say maybe yahya sinwaar dead.

All hamas leaders dead, 150 thousan gaza people dead and gaza destroyed but I read here hamas is secretly winning because some stay in tunnel for a year.

How it this possible?
