The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Those batteries would heat up before exploding, they wouldn't spontaneously explode. The pagers were rigged with explosives.
That’s what I would think. I recall these batteries have brought planes down before when not stored properly but it was my impression they get really hot and then spark up, causing fires that are really difficult to contain. I wasn’t aware they exploded.
^Apparently they have managed to spike the batteries themselves with an explosive compound that blows up once the batteries reach a certain temperature that is high but not nearly hot enough to alert the user.

There are two negative blowbacks to this Israeli operation, first they have united the Lebanese and outraged a lot of "neutrals", and second, they have compromised the integrity of Israeli tech in a big way, with western or western-aligned firms being collateral damage, as they are going to lose market share in many places to Chinese products.

This includes products like Tesla, if you could blow up a tiny pager battery, imagine the damage that could be done with a 1,000lb car battery. What's the point of a truck having bulletproof body and glass if you can be pulverized inside that steel cage with a click from a remote button...

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My friends this is very big. They say Israel try to kill one of hezbollah top commander just now in Beirut. If this is true it is very bad news, it means peace and deescalation get more and more difficult

It is open season my friends nobody is safe anymore, they are killing everyone

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My friends this is very big. They say Israel try to kill one of hezbollah top commander just now in Beirut. If this is true it is very bad news, it means peace and deescalation get more and more difficult

It is open season my friends nobody is safe anymore, they are killing everyone

It's bitchslap after bitchslap. The post 2006 status quo that was kept in balance through mutual respect and fear - on Hezb's site understutted by its 250k missile inventory and Iran's explicit promise to turn any Israeli move on Hezbollah into a multi-front war encompassing the entire Middle East, is gone. That's another 12 dead Hezbollah, including some of Hezb's absolute top dogs in their military council. At this trajectory it will be 2-3 months before Israel caps Nasrallah - assuming that he hasn't been moved to Iran already.

Indeed, it's an all bets are off type of situation. This is Hezbollah's top brass military leadership pre October 7, 2023. All three regional commander have been eliminated. Today's main target was Ibrahim Aqil, himself the replacement of Fuad Shukr, who was the head of the organization's military operations. Aqil was, like Shukr, one of the founding members of the Hezbollah Party. Shukr too was elimated in an Israeli airstrike on July 30, 2024.


In the coming weeks HVT assassinations specifically targetting the organization's top military brass are going to continue and increase in frequency, while at the same time increased airstrikes (which now number in the hundreds every day) will soften up Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon, and especially target Hezbollah depots in the rear. Any (US imposed) diplomatic pause will give Hezbollah time to regroup and that is not what Bibi is aiming for. An Israeli invasion aimed at clearing Hezbollah south of the Litani river still doesn't seem to be immediately in the cards, but looks increasingly likely to be the endgame with each passing day.
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You gotta hand it to the Israelis. They are beating up on Iran and Hezbollah cartoon-style. Running circles around them like Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote.

They have called Hezbollah's bluff so hard. For years Hezbollah has been propped up like this mighty threat that could seriously threaten Israel. Now everybody can see that they are nothing of the sort. They are being bichslapped all over the place, while all they can say is "THIS time Israel has gone too far, vengeance will come" etc. etc. .

The technology gap is simply too wide. You have people with weaponry and tactics from the 1980s fighting the most modern and savage army on earth. With decades of fighting experience to boot, and safe in the knowledge that they can get away with anything and everything.

Hezbollah comes across as plain stupid in their tactics, and incredibly enough seems to have underestimated Israel. Why did they focus on building 100.000 bottle rockets that do zero damage, when they should have done everything in their power to have built air-defense systems? Why in the world did they not immidiately throw away their newly purchased radio equipment after their pagers blew up? Why do they keep meeting in locations that are susceptible to air attacks after losing dozens of commanders this way?

I doubt there will be an invasion this year, though. Netanyahu wants to keep the war going for as long as he possible can, ideally for years. And why would Israel invade when they can safely bomb their enemies to pieces from afar? They know now that Hezbollah/Iran can do absolutely nothing about it, and - much more importantly -, they now know for certain that they have unconditional support from their Anglo-American puppets.
You gotta hand it to the Israelis. They are beating up on Iran and Hezbollah cartoon-style. Running circles around them like Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote.

They have called Hezbollah's bluff so hard. For years Hezbollah has been propped up like this mighty threat that could seriously threaten Israel. Now everybody can see that they are nothing of the sort. They are being bichslapped all over the place, while all they can say is "THIS time Israel has gone too far, vengeance will come" etc. etc. .

The technology gap is simply too wide. You have people with weaponry and tactics from the 1980s fighting the most modern and savage army on earth. With decades of fighting experience to boot, and safe in the knowledge that they can get away with anything and everything.

Hezbollah comes across as plain stupid in their tactics, and incredibly enough seems to have underestimated Israel. Why did they focus on building 100.000 bottle rockets that do zero damage, when they should have done everything in their power to have built air-defense systems? Why in the world did they not immidiately throw away their newly purchased radio equipment after their pagers blew up? Why do they keep meeting in locations that are susceptible to air attacks after losing dozens of commanders this way?

I doubt there will be an invasion this year, though. Netanyahu wants to keep the war going for as long as he possible can, ideally for years. And why would Israel invade when they can safely bomb their enemies to pieces from afar? They know now that Hezbollah/Iran can do absolutely nothing about it, and - much more importantly -, they now know for certain that they have unconditional support from their Anglo-American puppets.

Watch the narrative getting build. Netanyahu and his clique are centering the legitimacy for increased military operations in the North around the 100 000 displaced Israelis in the Golan and Galilea. It is his duty as a leader of the country to ensure that those citizens can safely return to their homes and hence Hezbollah will have to vacate the areas south of the Litani River - by whatever means necessary

Also notice how they are purposely putting the ball in Hezbollah's court. According to Bibi Hezbollah is responsible for the deteriorating security situation. They joined the war on October 8, and are given a chance to repent. Vacate the heavily militarized majority Shia areas of South of the Litani or else.

Obviously Hezbollah cannot do so. It would mean the total breakdown of their organization and straight up betrayal of the people they claim to protect. Therefore, due to stubborn Hezbollah, Netanyahu unfortunately has only one option left. Moving the IDF into Southern Lebanon so that Israel can be safe again.

This it the spin. It leaves a lot of manoeuvering space for Netanyahu in the domestic political arena.

The Israeli fixation on the Litani River is in part historic. In 1978 Israel launched Operation Litani and advanced up till the river to smoke out PLO militants who had established bases in that area. Later UNIFIL forces were stationed in the area to oversea the Israeli withdrawal avoid it getting re-militarized. However, from a military perspective it is arbitrary. Much of Hezbollah's missile arsenal has a range much beyond those 20-40 kms. Therefore Netanyahu likely plans to use this set up as a foot in the door - and will escalate yet again after the first Israeli units have crossed the border.

images - 2024-09-21T232658.820.jpeg
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It's bitchslap after bitchslap.
You gotta hand it to the Israelis. They are beating up on Iran and Hezbollah cartoon-style. Running circles around them like Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote.
It's just like the jews do with money, they turn it into a 4D-chess game of high IQ versus low IQ. Some here argue that jews aren't high IQ which is BS. Our whole JQ invented lawfare and financial systems of usury are about high IQ "consultants" and paper pushers who build nothing (bankers, bitcoiners, real estate brokers/agents/flippers, etc.) out smarting the low(er) IQ masses... Their mantra is "A fool and his money shall soon part," and they've invented all types of slight of hand schemes to ensure that happens.

As seen above, with regards to war the JQ are no different. They are simply using their superior "white" intellect to out smart their lower IQ sand negro opponents.
I understand the frustration with Iran/Hezbollah putting up red lines, watching them get crossed, and doing nothing in return. And there are some great posts in the last few days about this. Also, I don't think anyone here thought that Israel did not have a very capable air force, maybe a few thought this was true, but Israel has the top weapons of the west at their disposal. Surveillance, satellite, F35's, all the best of the best. So, of course they can fly above Lebanon and Syria and drop very precise bombs and cause a great deal of damage. I also believe Hezbollah and Iran know this and have it included in their long term plans.

Israel can fly over and drop a ton of bombs, because the US taxpayer will fund it. Israel has flattened Palestine, the photos of what were once neighborhoods, turned into ruble for miles upon miles is mind blowing. And Israel's terrorist attacking using electronic devices + the bombing of Hezbollah leaders yesterday were some haymakers that landed. It definitely took Hezbollah by surprise. But lets look at this another way...

Israel planned to use these attacks to stage a ground invasion and had to rush the plans. So, already things are not going as Israel had hoped. Israel's ground troops have proven to be inexperienced in their fight with Hamas, and going into Lebanon will be far tougher. Israel knows this and so far hasn't sent anyone into Lebanon. The longer Israel has to delay this, the more we know Israel isn't confident in doing much more than flying above and dropping bombs. So, already Israel is in a tough situation themselves. They have 100,000+ displayed citizens in the north, they have people fleeing left and right to avoid conflict, and they have a lot of citizens who want the war to come to an end. It isn't all sunshine on Israel's side yet.

And the longer this goes on, the weaker Israel's attack dog USA + NATO gets. The longer Hezbollah + Houthi's + Hamas + Iran can drag this out, the better for them. We are almost one year since October 7th and Israel is still dealing with Hamas. The military of the USA continues to get weaker as the best and brightest refuse to sign up, as DEI policies ensure our private military contractors have mediocre talent, and as resources are drained in Ukraine.

Why doesn't Hezbollah create high tech air defense systems. I assume this is a huge task, for a fighting regime with a very limited budget and under constant bombardment. I assume their plan instead is to tunnel underground and let Israel exhaust their resources rather than to try to shoot down F35's. I also assume that Russia is treading very lightly because their focus is on Ukraine and the endless supply of weapons that NATO keeps sending. We know Russia and Iran have been in close contact over the last year. I would assume Russia has told Iran to be patient and play the long game of letting the west destroy itself. And the west is destroying itself, so time is on the side of Russia/Iran.

Until Israel can peacefully relocate their citizens back into the north, until Israel can start rebuilding and settling citizens into the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and until Israel's economy can recover from the Houthi's strikes, Israel hasn't won anything. Israel can't keep this up, but at the same time Israel seems to not want a ground war in Lebanon. At the same time, the USA has been telling Israel to back it off, because the USA knows that we cannot afford a large scale war in the Middle East. The Houthi's have hypersonic missiles that both Israel and the USA are unable to stop.

This is far from over. Israel has a chance, but the costs of both capital and human bodies might be too high, and if the USA can't commit to a full scale war, then Israel is in some deep trouble. Israel's move might be to get India to fight for them, in place of the USA, but will India do this?

I think we see some very big moves over the next few months before we can really say what will happen.
Until Israel can peacefully relocate their citizens back into the north, until Israel can start rebuilding and settling citizens into the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and until Israel's economy can recover from the Houthi's strikes, Israel hasn't won anything. Israel can't keep this up, but at the same time Israel seems to not want a ground war in Lebanon. At the same time, the USA has been telling Israel to back it off, because the USA knows that we cannot afford a large scale war in the Middle East. The Houthi's have hypersonic missiles that both Israel and the USA are unable to stop.

Israel could peacefully relocate their citizens back tomorrow if they liked.

You don't seem to understand that Israel (at least Netanyahu and his insane cronies) WANT war. They don't want peace. Ever. They can keep it up as long as the US can print money to fund it, which still is many years to come.

USA has been telling Israel to back off? You must be joking. Israel tells the US what to do, not the other way around. The US can and will afford whatever price tag Israel has. They are just waiting for a casus belli to start all out war.
Israel could peacefully relocate their citizens back tomorrow if they liked.

You don't seem to understand that Israel (at least Netanyahu and his insane cronies) WANT war. They don't want peace. Ever. They can keep it up as long as the US can print money to fund it, which still is many years to come.

USA has been telling Israel to back off? You must be joking. Israel tells the US what to do, not the other way around. The US can and will afford whatever price tag Israel has. They are just waiting for a casus belli to start all out war.
The people ran from northern Israel due to rocket attacks by Hezbollah and have not returned.

Yes, the USA has told Israel to avoid a full scale war with Hezbollah. Israel will not listen, but that is what the USA has publicly stated.
The people ran from northern Israel due to rocket attacks by Hezbollah and have not returned.

Yes, the USA has told Israel to avoid a full scale war with Hezbollah. Israel will not listen, but that is what the USA has publicly stated.
Sounds like reverse psychology to me. Just a masterclass.

All these statements are basically directed at the Muslim hubris and obviously PR. America is the good cop in this situation. I'm starting to suspect this whole powerful iran with rockets and nukes is just a disinformation campaign. Its just pure narration for a global audience and even Iran themselves, feeding their ego on purpose.

Knowing the Jews they might not even go to war with Iran. They might just draw out the hardliners and let the kiked out reformists take over in Iran.
The people ran from northern Israel due to rocket attacks by Hezbollah and have not returned.

Yes, the USA has told Israel to avoid a full scale war with Hezbollah. Israel will not listen, but that is what the USA has publicly stated.

They were forced to evacuate so that Netanyahu could make it seem like the threat is much larger than it is, thereby justifying his war.

What USA states publicly and what it actually does are often two separate things. Surely you know that.
USA has been telling Israel to back off? You must be joking. Israel tells the US what to do, not the other way around. The US can and will afford whatever price tag Israel has. They are just waiting for a casus belli to start all out war.

If that would have been the case US Marines would have been in Tehran 20 years ago already, the JCPOA would have never happened, nor would Iran's imperialistic regional projects cloaked in Twelver Shia 'Road to al Quds' Khomeinism rhetoric have been allowed to blossom in places like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq etc.

It's pretty obvious the Biden Administration is not keen on escalation before the November 2024 elections, nor do they fancy sky-high Brent crude prices in the light of the ongoing Ukraine war thereby indirectly financing Russia's war effort.

Dynamics might change after a possible Trump inauguration in January 2025, but for now that's speculation. Even a Trump Administration will have problems selling a regional war in the Middle East (assuming that Tehran for once will put its feet in the sand) as a winning proposal to the American public - barring an October 7 tier event happening on US soil of course.
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