The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Yes, but Xi Jinping has pushed back on it, and there appears to be a battle at the top as to whether the Chinese will run China or the satanic elite. I have no idea who will win that battle, but who does win that battle, will probably rule the globe for a long time to come, maybe forever on forward.

Back to the thread topic, sorry for the derail, I just don't see the west being able to hold power over the globe much longer. Can Israel successfully monkey branch from the west to China/India/Russia, will remain to be seen. Obvious, Israel knows they cannot survive without a willing guard dog and the guard dog of the USA is wanning in power.

ZOG's main lifeline within the Chinese power structure was purged a decade ago, it was led by Bo Xilai, aka the Shanghai Clique. That city was always the center of the leftover Sassoon/Rothschild/Kadoorie power base. Xi is from an old family from Shaanxi, the Chinese heartland from where their civilization emanated. He's a hardcore nationalist, as is all the other top CPC nomenclatura.

The CPC power structure has systematically cracked down on their financial industry and emerging oligarchs like Jack Ma, they are bent on preserving their economic structure as an industrial capitalist model, not unlike that of post-Weimar Germany, or pre-Federal Reserve USA. This means that the power and influence of their more globally-inclined oligarchs is in check.

Bringing back this to the topic here, the relations between China and Israel have been considerably strained in recent times. A lot of the Chinese leadership and intellectual class is JQ aware, even though they will accompany them along what has been a very good ride for them since the Anglo-American oligarchs decided to outsource western industry to China back in the 1960s, until the very end of this relationship, which might be later this decade.

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The Putin and China are Jew puppets psyop going on in here is hilarious.

Agreed, it's borderline laughable.

AguilaNegra used to doom post at length about Russian prospects in the Ukraine war, which he asserted they were going to lose because Ukraine has an army of 5 million men they were going to mobilize, and because their Bayraktar drones were superior to anything Russia has, and that Ukraine was going to decimate Russians just like they demolished the Armenian army. in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, he would also post frequently along the same lines as his posts above, that the Russians are being b1tch-slapped by NATO and that Putin is constantly being humiliated.

The sooner somebody of importance in US politics starts pinning the tail on the jew, the sooner the real war can begin. The US should be attacking Israel, not defending it. We are being destroyed from within.

As seen here with the pager attack, the elite billionaire talmudic jews are high IQ terrorists with 4D-chess super computers who are in posession of advanced military grade weapons and technology. The talmuds ordered Putin to invade Ukraine to destroy it so they could buy up all the rich agricultural land on the cheap and build a second Israel. Lebanon is next on their list.

Putin bent over backwards to prevent or stop the war at every occasion, from the Minsk agreements, to the Istanbul treaty, to constant overtures up to recently for swapping current positions and no further territories in exchange for Ukraine remaining neutral.

Back to the main subject:

"The pager attack today was really impressive with an effect close to 0. Not a single member of Hezbollah's military hierarchy was killed, of the 9 that lost their lives, mostly civilians. On the other hand, it raised the level of caution against technology in Lebanon to the maximum level. It raised the morale a lot as well. This was an impressive wild card, which Israel and the US wasted at the wrong time.

I saw a lot of injured children on the videos from the hospital as well. Pagers have been used massively throughout Lebanon for civilian purposes as well, doctors, security companies, etc. They managed to reach every Lebanese. Including many Christians.
If they used this attack in the middle of a full scale war, the consequences would be devastating. Then nearly 80% of Hezbollah members would have these pagers either in their hand or close to their head for wartime communication."

Mearcheimer on the current situation:
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Well, if its not an opening move, then they wasted one of their ace cards for nothing.
Right now, with the command and control structure of Hezbollah in disarray, Israelis have a perfect opportunity to attack, but this window will close pretty soon - new communication lines will be established, and since this attack didn't cause many deaths, injured Hezbollah operatives will get out of the hospitals and resume their work in the coming days. Clock is ticking.
Have you seen the injuries? None of those people are getting back to work in the coming days.

They have had fingers blown off, limbs maimed, faces destroyed, and there are thousands of them, in a country that doesn't exactly have a top tier healthcare system.
ZOG's main lifeline within the Chinese power structure was purged a decade ago, it was led by Bo Xilai, aka the Shanghai Clique. That city was always the center of the leftover Sassoon/Rothschild/Kadoorie power base. Xi is from an old family from Shaanxi, the Chinese heartland from where their civilization emanated. He's a hardcore nationalist, as is all the other top CPC nomenclatura.

The CPC power structure has systematically cracked down on their financial industry and emerging oligarchs like Jack Ma, they are bent on preserving their economic structure as an industrial capitalist model, not unlike that of post-Weimar Germany, or pre-Federal Reserve USA. This means that the power and influence of their more globally-inclined oligarchs is in check.

Bringing back this to the topic here, the relations between China and Israel have been considerably strained in recent times. A lot of the Chinese leadership and intellectual class is JQ aware, even though they will accompany them along what has been a very good ride for them since the Anglo-American oligarchs decided to outsource western industry to China back in the 1960s, until the very end of this relationship, which might be later this decade.

I have friends from China, who I trust enough to talk to about this in more detail. And everything you have stated is what I have heard as well.

I don't know if they can fend them off, but they seem to have the best chance.

And to bring it back to the topic, the Chinese I know are not only aware of the problems that they have caused in the west, they are very aware of the hell Israel is unleashing on Palestinian children and they are furious about it. Getting the Chinese people to side with Israel, like has been done to boomer conservatives will be a very tough task that will take generations of brainwashing under only the right leadership.
Have you seen the injuries? None of those people are getting back to work in the coming days.

They have had fingers blown off, limbs maimed, faces destroyed, and there are thousands of them, in a country that doesn't exactly have a top tier healthcare system.

Hajis losing their limbs is in their job describtion.
I'm sorry if it sounds too cold, but getting blown up is part and parcel of their lives. They will either resume their duties (even if in a limited capacity), in the coming days, or they will be replaced.
The Putin and China are Jew puppets psyop going on in here is hilarious.
There's nothing funny about it. Money runs the world. The jews are less than 1% of the world's population yet control 50% to 80% of the world's money (an educated guess). And so it is reasonable to assume that the jews run the world. This includes not only the US, but Russia and China too as they are part of The World.

Putin goes on with Tucker and sucks jew d*ck. He's supposedly so powerful and smart when it comes to history but doesn't know anything about jews and the Bolshevik Revolution? Putin is owned and operated by talmuds. He has flooded "his" country with non-Christian brown people. He lives like a jew with his five super yachts and rolexes and fancy cars and mansions and billions in wealth . He's actually a candidate for the Antichrist as he was most likely spawned from a jew bitch womb (check out his physiognomy), he claims to be a great Christian leader and man of The People, and he forced his people to take a "mark" (the jab). This jew operative needs to be humbled before Christ, and the only way to hurt an ego driven materialist like Putin is to attack his family and children.

As seen by this attack on Hezbolla, anyone can be gotten to at anytime. The only reason Zelensky and Trump are still alive is because the elite freemason billionaire talmudic jews want them alive.
Hajis losing their limbs is in their job describtion.
I'm sorry if it sounds too cold, but getting blown up is part and parcel of their lives. They will either resume their duties (even if in a limited capacity), in the coming days, or they will be replaced.
Not for the children, or the hospital workers who were seriously injured.

This was totally indiscriminate, anyone who bought or got one of those pagers got horrifically maimed.

The israelis booby trapped all the pagers they could get their hands on, and didnt care who ended up with them.

Out of the thousands injured, how many were actually Hezbollah?
Not for the children, or the hospital workers who were seriously injured.

This was totally indiscriminate, anyone who bought or got one of those pagers got horrifically maimed.

The israelis booby trapped all the pagers they could get their hands on, and didnt care who ended up with them.

Out of the thousands injured, how many were actually Hezbollah?
Yes, You're right.

I was too focused on Hezbollah's combat capabilities, which weren't seriously degraded. Since the attack happened only in Beirut, it's just their central comand that is down for some time, while regional cells in Southern Lebanon continue to operate unaffected.
Didn't mean to diminish the pain and suffering of the Lebanese people. I'm sorry for that.
There's nothing funny about it. Money runs the world. The jews are less than 1% of the world's population yet control 50% to 80% of the world's money (an educated guess). And so it is reasonable to assume that the jews run the world. This includes not only the US, but Russia and China too as they are part of The World.

Putin goes on with Tucker and sucks jew d*ck. He's supposedly so powerful and smart when it comes to history but doesn't know anything about jews and the Bolshevik Revolution? Putin is owned and operated by talmuds. He has flooded "his" country with non-Christian brown people. He lives like a jew with his five super yachts and rolexes and fancy cars and mansions and billions in wealth . He's actually a candidate for the Antichrist as he was most likely spawned from a jew bitch womb (check out his physiognomy), he claims to be a great Christian leader and man of The People, and he forced his people to take a "mark" (the jab). This jew operative needs to be humbled before Christ, and the only way to hurt an ego driven materialist like Putin is to attack his family and children.

As seen by this attack on Hezbolla, anyone can be gotten to at anytime. The only reason Zelensky and Trump are still alive is because the elite freemason billionaire talmudic jews want them alive.

First of all, China's money is entirely theirs, they run their own central bank and have been running almost a trillion dollar trade surplus every year. The total savings of Chinese households today is $18 trillion. The country is not being run as if it was owned by nefarious foreign entities, in fact their leaders have done a very good job turning it into the leading industrial power and of improving the lot of the average citizen.

Putin paid off Russia's huge debt balance from the Yeltsin years, nationalized several key resource industries, invested heavily into his country's infrastructure, and kept his oligarchs in check. Those are anything but the policies of a globalist tool, in fact he reversed their policies, and that is the main reason neocons hate him. He is not interested in lifestyle of luxury, he is primarily motivated by building up his country and building his own legacy as a leader on par with Russia's greatest rulers. Along with Hungary, Russia has had a very strong natalist program encouraging family formation and child births. Once again, those are not the policies of a globalist tool.

Russia also has the lowest rate of covid vaccinations, second only to Bulgaria and Ukraine among industrialized nations, IIRC the standards varied greatly from state to state and local regulations within Russia:

I disagree about Russia being duplicitous wrt Israel, there is a level of complexity in that relationship due to the fact that there are over 1 million Russian Israelis, and the fact that the Russians are up to their neck in Ukraine and the escalating war with NATO and don't want to stretch themselves thin on a foreign front. Before the Ukraine war, Russia intervened in Syria and scuttled Israeli plans to balkanize that country. There is also a Jewish lobby in Russia, but it is nowhere near as prevalent as it is in most of Europe and the US.
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I disagree about Russia being duplicitous wrt Israel, there is a level of complexity in that relationship due to the fact that there are over 1 million Russian Israelis, and the fact that the Russians are up to their neck in Ukraine and the escalating war with NATO and don't want to stretch themselves thin on a foreign front. Before the Ukraine war, Russia intervened in Syria and scuttled Israeli plans to balkanize that country. There is also a Jewish lobby in Russia, but it is nowhere near as prevalent as it is in most of Europe and the US.
A big part of the reason Russia doesn't want to harm their relationship with Israel or any other country for that matter is that economically they've become so disconnected. They are already under sanctions by the West (Anglosphere + EU + Japan & Korea), which collectively make up the majority of the planet's GDP. And while the West is declining, its economic influence should not be underestimated, especially the USA.

That doesn't leave Russia much room to pick and choose their enemies, and Israel is a major trading partner. Additionally, the 1 million Russian speaking Israelis help to project soft power.


  • INTERACTIVE-Which-countries-have-sanctioned-Russia-Feb-19-2023.png
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BRICS/SCO is where it's at for Russia now.


Israel is a ver small economy, it's only important because of the control they have over much of the Western political system.
Agreed, it's borderline laughable.

AguilaNegra used to doom post at length about Russian prospects in the Ukraine war, which he asserted they were going to lose because Ukraine has an army of 5 million men they were going to mobilize, and because their Bayraktar drones were superior to anything Russia has, and that Ukraine was going to decimate Russians just like they demolished the Armenian army. in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, he would also post frequently along the same lines as his posts above, that the Russians are being b1tch-slapped by NATO and that Putin is constantly being humiliated.

Putin bent over backwards to prevent or stop the war at every occasion, from the Minsk agreements, to the Istanbul treaty, to constant overtures up to recently for swapping current positions and no further territories in exchange for Ukraine remaining neutral.

Back to the main subject:

"The pager attack today was really impressive with an effect close to 0. Not a single member of Hezbollah's military hierarchy was killed, of the 9 that lost their lives, mostly civilians. On the other hand, it raised the level of caution against technology in Lebanon to the maximum level. It raised the morale a lot as well. This was an impressive wild card, which Israel and the US wasted at the wrong time.

I saw a lot of injured children on the videos from the hospital as well. Pagers have been used massively throughout Lebanon for civilian purposes as well, doctors, security companies, etc. They managed to reach every Lebanese. Including many Christians.
If they used this attack in the middle of a full scale war, the consequences would be devastating. Then nearly 80% of Hezbollah members would have these pagers either in their hand or close to their head for wartime communication."

Mearcheimer on the current situation:


my friend thisis not true. hebzollah always say who is killed, who is martyr. Yesterday they say thy have 10 martyrs

Also are there proof christian part of lebanon get explosions? I read the news only hebzollah areas get many explosions.

Do you have proofs my friend?
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A big part of the reason Russia doesn't want to harm their relationship with Israel or any other country for that matter is that economically they've become so disconnected. They are already under sanctions by the West (Anglosphere + EU + Japan & Korea), which collectively make up the majority of the planet's GDP. And while the West is declining, its economic influence should not be underestimated, especially the USA.

That doesn't leave Russia much room to pick and choose their enemies, and Israel is a major trading partner. Additionally, the 1 million Russian speaking Israelis help to project soft power.
My friend Russia is good to the countries rhat are good to Russia.

Israel is good to Russia so we are good to Israel. Israel never join sanctions never give weapons to the neonazis in ukraine

Is very simple, this is reality.

Also there is special bond between Israel and Russia, many of our high politicians, business people scientists are jewish and have Israel citizenship

For instance putins goddaughter ksenia sobchak is Jewish she lives in Israel. Putin granddaughter Jewish too, igor Zelensky is katerina tikhonova boyfriend. Of course this now make we have special relationship with Israel.

I am big fan of Netanyahu but do not support war in Gaza. Russia need to bring parties together and negotiate ceasefire.

It will make Russia new boss in middle East hurting usa status

My fren... You're always telling us how close Russia and Israel are, how jews are an integral part of Russia..

Lebanese Shias will look to Hizbollah for action, Hizbollah will look to Iran for support, Iran will look to Russia for suppor- oh, .....dear.

You're right that jews basically run Russia.
Well look at that!
Israel, the original terrorists, just sent 3000 random people to hospital - and NOTHING will happen because the same people who run Israel have a puppeteers arm up the leaders of your country.

How does it feel to be the new Lyndsey Graham's of this world?
The Linseed-oil-oviches of the World?
Dead children by Israeli hands and the whole world is looking at you now, re appraising you.

Yes my friend Russia is force of good everywhere. We are good with Iran we are good with Israel.

That is why russia should make big move bring parties together make peace in Middle East.

We end war in Syria, we bring turkey Iran russia kurds arabs Turks together and make deal in Astana.

No usa involved.

today Russia must to same, bring Israel and Iran together, bring arabs, persians jews together, negotiate peace.

In 2019 this already almost happen, Israel an Iran both want to enter eurasian union, this unfortunately didn't happen.

My friends now heavy gunfire on border, I think this is hezbollah infiltration.

Also missile attacks on Israel vehicle

Last two days very bad days for hezbollah, they want revenge

Also my friends in last 48 hours hezbollah say they have 32 martyrs.. this is too much my friends, their reputation is now in danger.

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There is that saying all is fair in love and war..

But does that include chemical warfare, dirty bombs, poisoning the water supply and making normally harmless objects explode without warning.

Some discussion of this around -

TPTB will make up and change the rules to suit themselves, unlikely that anything Israel did could trigger a response from the West.