The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

More than 1200 injured.

This could be (but doesn't have to be) an opening move of a larger Israeli operation against Hezbollah/Lebanon - take down their communication network, incapacitate the command structure, spread panic, and then invade before they snap out of confusion.
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Israel carried out a mass cyber attack on Hezbollah's comms - apparently, they were able to hack their pager network, causing the batteries to overheat and explode.

My friends this is vey very scary.. Israel hack their devices and make the lithium battery explode from distance.

Scary, this means governments can hack your device explode it from a distance

This is video my friends, is horrible video but is the truth. Blood,limbs gone, fingers gone

One man has big hole in hip.. this means he has phone in his pocket and it just explode

Again warning my friends. Is very horrible video but this is Israel attack today

More than 1200 injured.

This could be (but doesn't have to be) an opening move of a larger Israeli operation against Hezbollah/Lebanon - take down their communication network, incapacitate the command structure, spread panic, and then invade before they snap out of confusion.

My friend Israel war in south Lebanon will begin very soon.

Today also news that hezbollah plan assassination of Israel General in Israel. My friends this is nonsense story, there is no assassination plan, only set up

Also Israeli war cabinet is purge from people that oppose Israel military operations in lebanon, like gallant and katz
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Gotta admit, it was a brilliant and highly deceptive counter-offensive. Question is, who is next on 1$ra3l's hit list. They could do this to anyone, if you think about it. What if they get an enemies list from the ADL or AIPAC?
I didn't know this is possible and it's worrying that pretty much any powerful government in the world could explode your phone in your hand if they wanted to.

At least we know this now.
I didn't know this is possible and it's worrying that pretty much any powerful government in the world could explode your phone in your hand if they wanted to.

At least we know this now.
My friend now some people say pagers are rigged with explosives

Only newer pagers go explode, older pagers don't explode. So this mean that Israel rig the device with explosives

8 people death, almost 3000 people injured

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My friend now some people say pagers are rigged with explosives

Only newer pagers go explode, older pagers don't explode. So this mean that Israel rig the device with explosives

8 people death, almost 3000 people injured

I think it just depends on the type of lithium ion battery. This particular model had circuitry that lent itself to this scheme.

Lithium ion batteries are explosives. The energy density of the lithium ion material when charged is very high, about 25-50% of the energy density of TNT.
My friend now some people say pagers are rigged with explosives

Only newer pagers go explode, older pagers don't explode. So this mean that Israel rig the device with explosives

8 people death, almost 3000 people injured

My fren... You're always telling us how close Russia and Israel are, how jews are an integral part of Russia..

Lebanese Shias will look to Hizbollah for action, Hizbollah will look to Iran for support, Iran will look to Russia for suppor- oh, .....dear.

You're right that jews basically run Russia.
Well look at that!
Israel, the original terrorists, just sent 3000 random people to hospital - and NOTHING will happen because the same people who run Israel have a puppeteers arm up the leaders of your country.

How does it feel to be the new Lyndsey Graham's of this world?
The Linseed-oil-oviches of the World?
Dead children by Israeli hands and the whole world is looking at you now, re appraising you.
I think it just depends on the type of lithium ion battery. This particular model had circuitry that lent itself to this scheme.

Lithium ion batteries are explosives. The energy density of the lithium ion material when charged is very high, about 25-50% of the energy density of TNT.

Those batteries would heat up before exploding, they wouldn't spontaneously explode. The pagers were rigged with explosives.
Hezbolah will likely
More than 1200 injured.

This could be (but doesn't have to be) an opening move of a larger Israeli operation against Hezbollah/Lebanon - take down their communication network, incapacitate the command structure, spread panic, and then invade before they snap out of confusion.

Either it's an opening move, or they don't intend to invade, because they would have timed this attack accordingly. Unless they thought that Hezbollah was about to discover their plan and went with it prematurely.
These “anti-semitic” Arabs are all going to dead before the dust settles. War with the Jews is serious business.

The Jew war is going slow for a reason, it’s like the opposite of Ukraine. Save the troops, kill high value targets, set up your plays, embarrass and destroy from within. The Jews are going to bleed these morons dry since they want to play UN virtue geopolitics.

It’s funny, the only country not playing by the rules is the only one achieving their geopolitical goals. As in the case of the Houthis, it looks like you can literally bomb their income stream dry. I’m sure the Houthis are well aware. Maybe the BRICS alliance of Justice can try that method sometime in Syria.

I’m impressed, nice to see some strategy instead of our usual white man meat grinder of traditional values.
When I heard about this, my first thought was “pagers? Are we stuck in 1990?”

I didn’t know pagers were still in use

It's sort of a low/old tech device that is - normally - less vulnerable to hacking than cellphones, which has worked very well for them until now.

This is apparently how it was done:

Arab intelligence services have found out how Mossad placed explosives in pager batteries
Each battery of the exploded pager contained about 20 grams of pentaerythritol nitrate (PETN). This high explosive is usually used in military detonators.
It is similar to lithium salts used in batteries of electrical appliances. Therefore, even a thorough check by the Arabs did not find anything.
But Israeli saboteurs used it in the following way: at some point, the pagers began to heat up their lithium-ion batteries on a signal, but instead of burning, the battery exploded due to the PETN.Mossad (Israeli intelligence) placed such mined batteries in the last batch of pagers that arrived in Lebanon from Taiwan (an ally of the United States).
Now the number of victims has increased to 4,000 people.- Anna News
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I suspect this is the opening move. Israel wants to escalate the conflict, and they just severely incapacitated a huge number of Hezbollah's leadership. Now would be the ideal time to strike.

Israel is escalating because all of Hezbollah's and by extension Tehran's red lines have proven to be all bark and very little bite - with clear patterns visible in both Israeli willingness to push the envelope in terms of severity and scope of the attacks and Hezb/Iran's tacit dismissal of abovementioned hostilities - even though their media wings are working around the clock to sell you manufactured narratives hinting at the opposite (aka framing and celebrating bottle rockets hitting empty sheep sheds as military victories with Israel somehow being on the verge of collapse).

What you are seeing on Israel's Northern Front/Lebanon is a prime example of how to establish escalatory dominance. Twelve months ago Israeli air and dronestrikes in Lebanon were unthinkable as everybody assumed that this would set off the Second Hezbollah-Israeli War. Fast-forward 11 months and half the Hezb military military leadership is six feet under, there are daily drone strike assassinations on Lebanese territory, dozens of Israeli air strikes in all parts of the country every day, sabotage missions, mysterious explosions of Hezb weapon depots, 500lbs bombs on Hezb commander's houses in residential areas of Beirut - you name it. Yet Hezbollah has not in any serious or proportional manner responded to these Israeli aggressions, even though that was supposed to happen 261 red lines ago.

There is not much left after yesterday. Iran/Hezbollah have been completely outmanoeuvered and I don't see a way out of this mess. Hezbollah in particular is in a poor spot. On the one hand Israel has established a new status quo where daily drone assassinations, airstrikes deep into the country, sabotage missions, poisoning attempts and more are now considered a normal everyday occurance, yet on the other hand the only way out of this death spiral (ie. heavy retaliation) would almost certainly result in the thing they have been trying to avoid for nearly a year: a large regional war which will likely involve the USA as internal opposition in Democratic Party will evaporate overnight at the sight of thousands of rockets raining down on Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Iran/Hezbollah's failure to maintain and/or re-establish deterrence is glaringly obvious. The respect and fear are gone and now it's just bitchslap after bitchslap - with tacitly everybody kinda expecting the one-two knock out punch aka an Israeli invasion of Southern Lebanon. I'd add to that Hezbollah's domestic enemies are surely taking notes too - and there are a lot of grudges and unsettled business in the sectarian tinderbox that is Lebanon.

It's been said tens of times already in several threads on this board, but ironically only 1. the US as a powerbroker and 2. the unstable political situation in Israel (aka the Biden Administration somehow managing to boot Bibi out through whatever means) are potential roadblocks to this 1978/1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon type of endgame. Kind of embarrassing when you think of it.
My fren... You're always telling us how close Russia and Israel are, how jews are an integral part of Russia..

Lebanese Shias will look to Hizbollah for action, Hizbollah will look to Iran for support, Iran will look to Russia for suppor- oh, .....dear.

You're right that jews basically run Russia.
Well look at that!
Israel, the original terrorists, just sent 3000 random people to hospital - and NOTHING will happen because the same people who run Israel have a puppeteers arm up the leaders of your country.

How does it feel to be the new Lyndsey Graham's of this world?
The Linseed-oil-oviches of the World?
Dead children by Israeli hands and the whole world is looking at you now, re appraising you.

Last week Israel carried out the largest air raids on Syrian territory since years. Syrian and Iranian targets were hit simultaneously is Homs, Hama, Damascus and Tartous provinces.

There is a lot of speculation on the raid in Masyaf, Hama province. Gulf and Israeli media claim it was more than an air raid, and assert that Israeli commandos were airdropped over a chemical production/research facility after which they kidnapped two Iranians and brought them to Israel. 16 Syrians died in Masyaf.

But those details, whether true or not, are irrelevant. What matters is that Masyaf is close to several Russian bases in Latakkia and Tartous provinces, meaning that the Russian AD system could have easily intercepted the incoming Israeli planes - but chose not to.

In fact not only did the Russians not engage, they most likely were informed beforehand to expect incoming planes an activity.

This has been going on for close to a decade. By now the Israelis have hit hundreds if not thousands of targets in Syria with the Russian sitting on their hands looking the other way. Nice ally you have there Ayatollah!

Russia and Iran are working hand in hand to expel the USA from the Middle East. This what they agree on, and this is what they openly state. However, Russia and Iran differ greatly on Israel, as Putin is as big a Philo-Semite as they come by - and an outspoken Zionist on top of that.

Putin's 'personal rabbi' Berel Lazar lays it out nicely in this video. Fun fact: this TG channel is a hardline IRGC fanboy outlet. Like with the ordinary Syrians that are on the receiving end of Israel's bombs and Russia's duplicity, they definitely know what's up.


Interviewer: And, isn't there strong economic ties between Israel and Russia?

Rabbi Lazar: Actually, it is very, very strong, growing. Bibi Netanyahu was in Moscow four times this year.

And, ehm, there are ten flights per day Moscow- Tel Aviv, Boeing flights, packed, you can't get a ticket.. And a lot of business..

Actually politically Russia and Israel are very, very strong. Everything that is happening in Syria, it's fully coordinated between Israel and Russia. They are on the phone every single day.

The [Russian] Minister of Defence was in Israel around a month ago. It was an amazing visit and very successful.

And whatever Russia is doing in the Middle East right now is fully in coordination with Israel.

Right from the horse's mouth.
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