The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Someone put it well on the last forum; when most Evangelicals hear "Israel" they hear "Jesus land." Worse, many of them refer to Christ-denying Jews as "God's chosen people." This is because the book of Hebrews is generally a closed book to them and that is because it requires a familiarity with the Old Testament that many Christians simply do not have.
Saint Paul makes it abundantly clear in Galatians 3:16 as well, that the promised Seed of Abraham is Christ Jesus...not a genetic tribe of jews, and certainly not fake ones or interlopers. Israel is a spiritual relationship, the Christian Church, not a secular state. Likewise, in Gal 3:28-29 it is clear that the followers of Christ (Christians...those who put on Christ) are the inheritors of that promise. It is a tragedy of modern Christianity that this is not taught or understood anymore. This is still taught (vaguely) in the Orthodox Church, it used to be standard knowledge in the RC church up until the Middle Ages, and the Protestants...I grew up high-church and never heard it mentioned or in ANY low-church Protestant church I visited either. This teaching is fundamental to the Gospel and exhibits God's incredible love to us humans, but it's ignored. 🤦‍♂️ Until people finally grasp this, the Zionist-worshipping is going to sadly continue.
Saint Paul makes it abundantly clear in Galatians 3:16 as well, that the promised Seed of Abraham is Christ Jesus...not a genetic tribe of jews, and certainly not fake ones or interlopers. Israel is a spiritual relationship, the Christian Church, not a secular state. Likewise, in Gal 3:28-29 it is clear that the followers of Christ (Christians...those who put on Christ) are the inheritors of that promise. It is a tragedy of modern Christianity that this is not taught or understood anymore. This is still taught (vaguely) in the Orthodox Church, it used to be standard knowledge in the RC church up until the Middle Ages, and the Protestants...I grew up high-church and never heard it mentioned or in ANY low-church Protestant church I visited either. This teaching is fundamental to the Gospel and exhibits God's incredible love to us humans, but it's ignored. 🤦‍♂️ Until people finally grasp this, the Zionist-worshipping is going to sadly continue.

Thank you for writing this down.
It is clear that the followers of Christ (Christians...those who put on Christ) are the inheritors of that promise. It is a tragedy of modern Christianity that this is not taught or understood anymore.
I was literally in a conversation with a deacon yesterday on this, he said things like that the modern Jews are the heirs to that land. Instead of an rich and influential clique of German and Polish zionists.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
I asked him as well: "How can men who don't even pray be the heirs? A group of worldly politicans?"

You're spot on in your analysis.

Unless we understand WE are the heirs, nothing changes.
Saint Paul makes it abundantly clear in Galatians 3:16 as well, that the promised Seed of Abraham is Christ Jesus...not a genetic tribe of jews, and certainly not fake ones or interlopers. Israel is a spiritual relationship, the Christian Church, not a secular state. Likewise, in Gal 3:28-29 it is clear that the followers of Christ (Christians...those who put on Christ) are the inheritors of that promise. It is a tragedy of modern Christianity that this is not taught or understood anymore. This is still taught (vaguely) in the Orthodox Church, it used to be standard knowledge in the RC church up until the Middle Ages, and the Protestants...I grew up high-church and never heard it mentioned or in ANY low-church Protestant church I visited either. This teaching is fundamental to the Gospel and exhibits God's incredible love to us humans, but it's ignored. 🤦‍♂️ Until people finally grasp this, the Zionist-worshipping is going to sadly continue.
That's strange, because my church, that I grew up in, always maintained that Christians were God's chosen now, not the Jews. And my church was staunchly protestant.

I thought that was common Christian knowledge, except in America.
I thought that was common Christian knowledge, except in America.
It is definitely rare knowledge in America, because of the JQ. The Zionist/Scofield narrative rules socio-religious discourse and heavily influences US politics. Given current events, I feel this needs to be addressed clearly. Bravo to the non-US countries that have not kowtowed to the Zionist agenda.
That premature report last week wasn't an accident. They had this Church in their sites from the beginning. The Israelis have provably shown they have ZERO regard for Christians and Christianity. Christians of all denominations need to understand this immediately. They did this on purpose to anger Christians and to show their arrogant disdain for all who are not them.

Lord have mercy! I'm hesitant to believe any news coming out of this war at face value due to the conflicting reports thus far, but this seems legitimate coming from the church authorities, even though I wish it weren't so.
Unless we understand WE are the heirs, nothing changes.
Indeed, this is very basic, and it's a scandal that even need be mentioned (remember that skandalon was translated to a "stumbling block" for the jews, foolishness to the Greeks). Since Christ is the first born, and the heir and inheritor of all things, only through him can you receive inheritance, as the first born decides the distribution of the inheritance!

Now to the main point of things:

If they claim Christ was a "jew" and He is the son of God, and these people that call themselves "jews" deny Him, how then can they be "jews" or inheritors of anything? It is totally schizophrenic to claim that those who reject the one true God of Israel are somehow inheritors of anything. When they did that, thoughout their history, they were defeated and scattered! What makes this time any different?

Of course, we know the answer.
Indeed, this is very basic, and it's a scandal that even need be mentioned (remember that skandalon was translated to a "stumbling block" for the jews, foolishness to the Greeks). Since Christ is the first born, and the heir and inheritor of all things, only through him can you receive inheritance, as the first born decides the distribution of the inheritance!

Now to the main point of things:

If they claim Christ was a "jew" and He is the son of God, and these people that call themselves "jews" deny Him, how then can they be "jews" or inheritors of anything? It is totally schizophrenic to claim that those who reject the one true God of Israel are somehow inheritors of anything. When they did that, thoughout their history, they were defeated and scattered! What makes this time any different?

Of course, we know the answer.

It's a break with logic.

And it fascinates me. Some of the clergy I know put the "Holocaust" above Christ.

That's what it is.

They agree with what you said.

But then there the Holocaust which trumps everything. These people need a safe space.

This narrative trumps the "rightful heirs" narrative.

Total red flag to me when anyone compares the Jews in the Bible to the "Polish/German filthy rich Zionist godless clique that run a racially supremacist vision in a country"

That they call themselves Jews is blasphemy.

At most they are Pharisees. But rather Babylonians / Sodomites.

Ungraspable how they can come away with this supremacist philosophy. As of we are not all the same in the eye of God.

May they burn in hell.
New video out of the St. Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza, which the zionists have now destroyed. It was the 3rd oldest active Christian church in the world. And...there was dozens if not hundreds of people seeking refuge inside, who got hit in the attack. Sorry, Telegram links don't seem to work on here yet.

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In response to the developing US Naval build up in the Eastern Mediterranean, Putin has warned that the Black Sea will be permanently patrolled by Mig-31 fighters armed with Kinzhal missiles. He also mentioned their 1000Km range and max speed of Mach 9, hinting that they can reach the Eastern Med and take out carrier groups, should the US do something stupid like go to war with Iran.


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Do you all see Israel going into Gaza by ground and inciting Iran et al to a subsequent move?
Too difficult to predict. I think they are inclined to do this, but the longer they wait, the more likely pressure will build not to do it, and they will think better of it.

I think it would go very badly for them if they do it. Perhaps they are realizing this.
I just saw this evening that Obiden's visit to Israel this week was to officially give Nuttin'yahoo the green light to invade Gaza. Apparently an Israeli military spokesman also confirmed it. I think it will happen, as there is no one or anything to stop them from doing it. Sadly, it will probably kick off a hellstorm of Muslim attacks from Syria, Lebanon, etc. and terrorist attacks in the EU and the USA. That being said, Putin just warned that they will have MiGs patrolling the Black Sea and Eastern Med and that the MiGs are armed with MACH9 Kinzhal missiles.

I just saw this evening that Obiden's visit to Israel this week was to officially give Nuttin'yahoo the green light to invade Gaza. Apparently an Israeli military spokesman also confirmed it. I think it will happen, as there is no one or anything to stop them from doing it. Sadly, it will probably kick off a hellstorm of Muslim attacks from Syria, Lebanon, etc. and terrorist attacks in the EU and the USA. That being said, Putin just warned that they will have MiGs patrolling the Black Sea and Eastern Med and that the MiGs are armed with MACH9 Kinzhal missiles.

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I hope you are wrong, but sadly there is a high probability of this. What's more, the markets are already tanking and this sort of thing happens frequently (recently the cov-scam) as an explanation for the sell off that really had more to do with the fact that everything was already overdone - overpriced, manipulated, exaggerated, etc.

Remember, the original report about the release of a chinese virus around the world was from 2008, and during that video (I can't recall, it was the video that the man made about the general or military guy who randomly got invited, I think he claimed accidentally, to the city of London - someone linked this on the old forum) he said that the plans were for an Iran-Israel war. The fact that something doesn't happen doesn't mean it wasn't planned. Certain things are attempted, failed, not allowed, or all of the above.