The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Netanyahu has to do some kind of military operation, or he is toast. It will probably happen, and then Hezbollah will attack from the North, supported logistically by Iran. Other Iranian proxies will likely do nothing unless Iran gets attacked.

BRICS nations and the Global South are getting organized at the UN and will gradually build pressure for a resolution that the collective West will be unable to veto. Russia's first Security Council resolution peace proposal got vetoed. They knew it would be, it was just a first move in the diplomatic chess game. Brazil immediately followed up their own proposal that was also vetoed. The BRICS nations are working together to outmanoeuvre the collective West at the UN.

Legally binding Security Council resolutions will probably get vetoed by Western members, but then matters will go to the General Assembly and a non-binding resolution will almost certainly be passed.

US and European leaders are being snubbed by the Arab states, and gradually the diplomatic process will be wrested from the US and taken over by the infinitely more capable BRICS nations. America will be massively embarrassed. Hopefully this will all happen in time to prevent WW3.

Alexander Mercouris goes into much greater detail.

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Posted on Gab by Andrew Torba:



The talmuds slaughtered a Church full of women and children.

As one commenter on Amash’s thread pointed out, Saint Porphyrius Church “symbolized coexistence. It’s worth noting that this church is located near the Jewish Quarter in Gaza as well.”

Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church is the third oldest existing Christian church in the world, standing very nearly since the time of Christ. Another commenter on Twitter added that “Gaza’s oldest church the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius”…was a refuge for at least 380 civilians. At least 40 have been reported dead and more searches continue among the rubble.”

Earlier this week Israel is accused of bombing al-Shifa hospital in Gaza – the only Christian hospital in the Palestinian enclave – and hundreds have been reported killed in that attack. While Israel has denied responsibility for that bombing, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak told the BBC that Israel was “determined” to destroy the hospital.

Additionally, Israel today demanded the evacuation of yet another hospital in Gaza, the Al-Quds Hospital, claiming that it was also on the bombing list. As The Cradle reports, an evacuation is nearly impossible as “the hospital is treating over 400 patients and sheltering 12,000 displaced civilians.”

I'll be praying for Israel's defeat from now on.
As our Hebrew confreres get away with atrocity after atrocity (right now I am hearing a British jew saying that any story implying "that the democratically elected Israeli government might have been involved in killing Children or killing Christians is just a sign of the 'oldest hatred', the 'blood libel' that jews somehow kill christians and innocents"..

(As if the truth is anti-semitic...)

Has anyone heard of this new #PlushieGate?

"Greta Thunberg was accused by Israeli officials of being a “terror supporter” Friday after posting pro-Palestinian messages — initially featuring a toy octopus, a known antisemitic trope.

The 20-year-old eco-warrior posted a photo of her holding a “Stand with Gaza” sign alongside three friends — one holding a “Free Palestine” sign — while calling a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.”

With them was a toy octopus — a symbol often used in anti-Jewish propaganda since being used in a Nazi-era cartoon.

The Time “Person of the Year” honoree later deleted the photo, replacing it with an almost identical one — just without the offensive symbol, about which she protested innocence.

“It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism"

A twitter war breaking out now with Greta Thunberg seemingly sending a picture of her Octopus plushie to Jordan Peterson who seems to have told her to "Go to Hell!" (unless that is a faked meme)

One of Petersteins jewish backers Ezra levant is going at Thunberg saying that the soft toy Octopus was blatant anti-semitism.

Streisand effect incoming?

Could it be that the octopus of jewish financial control is about to get more exposure than jewish talking heads would really like to have encouraged, in retrospect?
It's amazing how Israel can just unilaterally launch bombs into neighbouring countries, and the whole world is like, meh... so what? But if ANY other country acted this way, it would be wall-to-wall news coverage and condemnation. The entitlement and double standards regarding Israel are just off the charts.
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