The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Jackson Hinkle is blowing up on twitter. The US govt. is going to have to step in and shut twitter down if they want to keep profiting off war.

Is he implying the Baptist Gaza hospital some kind of red pill?

A little embarrassing but I expect nothing more from conservatives. Anything involving Jews has to be spun into something else. Now it's the US government the bad guy in all of this? Who do they take orders from?

Im sorry to say but the Jews have decided to raise the JQ like never before. You cant hide from it and its coming for your buns. I'm going to enjoy every minute of this. For all the people who denied, or claimed it was exaggerated, better get you some milk.
Is he implying the Baptist Gaza hospital some kind of red pill?

A little embarrassing but I expect nothing more from conservatives. Anything involving Jews has to be spun into something else. Now it's the US government the bad guy in all of this? Who do they take orders from?

Im sorry to say but the Jews have decided to raise the JQ like never before. You cant hide from it and its coming for your buns. I'm going to enjoy every minute of this. For all the people who denied, or claimed it was exaggerated, better get you some milk.
No, he is dunking on blue pilled conservatives who say we can't trust the media, but then when the media lies to protect Israel, they are the first ones to lap it up.
I also thought the footage from inside the lobby seemed off. Everyone seems to be making exaggerated gestures, yet no one is actually doing anything productive. Some are wandering around, stepping over those on the floor when there is an open path right next to the person on the floor. There are many photographers and videographers, making dramatic movements with the cameras. It seems staged.

It is difficult to talk to normies about this one. I find that many try to force me to take a side. My parents (boomers) always have Fox News on and repeat their talking points: “Israel has the right to defend itself. Israel lives in constant fear of terror attacks. We need to defend Israel.” My parents were not saying these things about Ukraine. They’ve been outraged every time it was announced that we were sending billions to Ukraine. However, the switch was flipped. Now, all of a sudden, we must support this war. And you must pick a side.
Exactly this.

And what I notice now, is that Israel is effectively debunking the atrocity propaganda.

CNN now:


The analysis is again off. (I think there are no deaths.)

Now Israel is using the the atrocity propaganda of Gaza against themselves.

Instead of saying "fake as can be" they say "you blew up 500 people yourselves"

Lies. Lies. Lies.
Can anyone spoonfeed me on what side normies are taking in the conflict? I don't care enough to follow much of it. Both sides are enemies of Christ.

There are a significant number of Christians, even Orthodox Christians, that are Palestinians. Gaza itself has one of the oldest Orthodox Churches in the world, dating back to the 4th or 5th century.

So there a lot of Christian Palestinians that are certainly not enemies of Christ.
Is he implying the Baptist Gaza hospital some kind of red pill?

A little embarrassing but I expect nothing more from conservatives. Anything involving Jews has to be spun into something else. Now it's the US government the bad guy in all of this? Who do they take orders from?

Im sorry to say but the Jews have decided to raise the JQ like never before. You cant hide from it and its coming for your buns. I'm going to enjoy every minute of this. For all the people who denied, or claimed it was exaggerated, better get you some milk.
There are a number of people, both here, and on Twitter and such, who believe the bombing is fake, like the many fake claims Ukraine makes about Russia hitting hospitals.

I think the hospital really was bombed with a high number of deaths. However, I have to recognize that it's difficult to know the truth anymore. Who is actually a reliable source anymore that we can actually believe as to what happened there?
What makes Israel non-terrorists and Judaism a not-bad religion? That is the question he must be asked. Both Jews and Muslims have the spirit of antichrist and need to repent.
Israel are the lesser of the terrorists to them because they aren't the ones with headlines saying they're taking women and children as hostages. Judaism is probably a bad religion to him as well, but it's really irrelevant. Most Israelis and Jews in general are secular. They also don't pull off stunts that "directly affect" Christians like muslims do. You never see Jews suicide bomb or throw homos off cliffs, they're very sneaky with their merchant business.

Willing to believe he's redpilled on the merchants since he was a history teacher before becoming a pastor.

There are a significant number of Christians, even Orthodox Christians, that are Palestinians. Gaza itself has one of the oldest Orthodox Churches in the world, dating back to the 4th or 5th century.

So there a lot of Christian Palestinians that are certainly not enemies of Christ.
The main thing is that their governments aren't. You can have a few Christians somewhere like China, but China isn't Christian in the slightest, they persecute Christians, if anyone doesn't know. A lot of the muslim countries are bad to be a Christian in since the Arabs tend to hate and ostracize if you convert from a muslim background.

A huge chunk of the population on the USSR was Orthodox Christian. Does that make it a nation of God?
I think the hospital really was bombed with a high number of deaths. However, I have to recognize that it's difficult to know the truth anymore. Who is actually a reliable source anymore that we can actually believe as to what happened there?
I believe the hospital was bombed, but have yet to see video evidence supporting hundreds of deaths. Dozens, maybe. The scale of the destruction does not look large enough for hundreds of deaths.

I refuse to look at the videos showing the body parts strewn about. For those that have watched them, what is the extent of the carnage? Dozens or hundreds? They are saying around 200 died immediately.

Has there been any verification that the footage of the missile striking is genuine? We need that before concluding the hospital was hit with a JDAM.

Until proper verification emerges, I will remain suspicious that the casualty numbers are being inflated.
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Israel are the lesser of the terrorists to them because they aren't the ones with headlines saying they're taking women and children as hostages. Judaism is probably a bad religion to him as well, but it's really irrelevant. Most Israelis and Jews in general are secular. They also don't pull off stunts that "directly affect" Christians like muslims do. You never see Jews suicide bomb or throw homos off cliffs, they're very sneaky with their merchant business.

Willing to believe he's redpilled on the merchants since he was a history teacher before becoming a pastor.

The main thing is that their governments aren't. You can have a few Christians somewhere like China, but China isn't Christian in the slightest, they persecute Christians, if anyone doesn't know. A lot of the muslim countries are bad to be a Christian in since the Arabs tend to hate and ostracize if you convert from a muslim background.

A huge chunk of the population on the USSR was Orthodox Christian. Does that make it a nation of God?

There are about 50,000 Palestinian Christians. That's more than a few.

In the U.S., our government is Jewish yet the population of the country overwhelmingly is not Jewish and the citizens of the land are in no way represented by those in power.

For you to say that Israel is less of terrorists than the Palestinians is to not understand history. The Jewish state was founded on terrorism and they have been practicing it for 75 years. They have been ethnically cleansing the area by any means necessary for a long, long time.
One hundred, perhaps. Maybe more, but not 500 it seems.
Wasn't it a multi-story building? If 100 bodies are visible, wouldn't a lot more be buried? Like Ember I am not willing to look at those kind of pictures myself.

It's not surprising if initial death tolls are exaggerated. The same thing happened with 9-11 and Katrina. Some initial estimates were more than 10 times the final numbers. 100 is actually a pretty big number.
There are about 50,000 Palestinian Christians. That's more than a few.
Out of 5 million people? Christianity is widespread everywhere, it's pretty hard for a nation not to have 50 thousand or so, even if the numbers are propped up by US military bases in some cases.

In the U.S., our government is Jewish yet the population of the country overwhelmingly is not Jewish and the citizens of the land are in no way represented by those in power.
Sure, the US is a good example, but I'm not going around saying the few Christians in Palestine are enemies of God. That should be common sense. Again, is the USSR a nation of God just because they were overwhelmingly not Jewish? It's silly. Christianity itself began mostly on an empire that persecuted its followers. It's like defending Rome because a few of the Christians it had, and its increase over the years of its oppression.
Not sure why you're going to such lengths to defend an overwhelmingly muslim country with muslims in power that hate the guts of probably everyone here, just because they have Christians. I don't like Israel either for similar reasons

For you to say that Israel is less of terrorists than the Palestinians is to not understand history. The Jewish state was founded on terrorism and they have been practicing it for 75 years. They have been ethnically cleansing the area by any means necessary for a long, long time.
Not at all what I said. Read the post again.
Out of 5 million people? Christianity is widespread everywhere, it's pretty hard for a nation not to have 50 thousand or so, even if the numbers are propped up by US military bases in some cases.

??? These numbers are not propped up by US military personnel. These are Palestinian Christians.

Sure, the US is a good example, but I'm not going around saying the few Christians in Palestine are enemies of God. That should be common sense.

This is what you said: "Both sides are enemies of Christ."

Again, is the USSR a nation of God just because they were overwhelmingly not Jewish? It's silly.

You keep bringing up the USSR. No one is talking about the USSR. It's irrelevant to this discussion.

Not sure why you're going to such lengths to defend an overwhelmingly muslim country with muslims in power that hate the guts of probably everyone here, just because they have Christians. I don't like Israel either for similar reasons

Now you're making the argument that pointing out historical truths means that someone is picking a side. By minimizing the importance of the historical reality, you become a de facto supporter of Israel and Jewish/Israeli propaganda which distorts the truth.

Not at all what I said. Read the post again.

You were referencing me saying the following: "For you to say that Israel is less of terrorists than the Palestinians is to not understand history."

This is what you said previously which I was responding to: "Israel are the lesser of the terrorists to them because they aren't the ones with headlines saying they're taking women and children as hostages."

So indeed you did say that.
??? These numbers are not propped up by US military personnel. These are Palestinian Christians.

This is what you said: "Both sides are enemies of Christ."

You keep bringing up the USSR. No one is talking about the USSR. It's irrelevant to this discussion.

Now you're making the argument that pointing out historical truths means that someone is picking a side. By minimizing the importance of the historical reality, you become a de facto supporter of Israel and Jewish/Israeli propaganda which distorts the truth.

You were referencing me saying the following: "For you to say that Israel is less of terrorists than the Palestinians is to not understand history."

This is what you said previously which I was responding to: "Israel are the lesser of the terrorists to them because they aren't the ones with headlines saying they're taking women and children as hostages."

So indeed you did say that.
Look man, this is kind of mean and dumb to say, but almost all your points are either strawmen or interpreting what I said in the wrong way.
I talk about other countries, you bring up Palestine like I'm saying Palestine is a big military base for the US, you once again mention the enemies of Christ thing even though I said it's the state of Palestine that is the enemy, which even you were argumenting that it's the Palestinian Christians that aren't enemies, which I also agreed. You also keep ignoring the USSR question, which I use as an example question that is the main point of this discussion.

Your original post was kind of just a "ummm, akshually" that didn't serve much purpose, and the whole idea of the Palestinian Christians thing is a strawman I addressed from the start. You are just being irrational to the point of calling me an Israeli shill.
Look man, this is kind of mean and dumb to say, but almost all your points are either strawmen or interpreting what I said in the wrong way.
I talk about other countries, you bring up Palestine like I'm saying Palestine is a big military base for the US, you once again mention the enemies of Christ thing even though I said it's the state of Palestine that is the enemy, which even you were argumenting that it's the Palestinian Christians that aren't enemies, which I also agreed. You also keep ignoring the USSR question, which I use as an example question that is the main point of this discussion.

Your original post was kind of just a "ummm, akshually" that didn't serve much purpose, and the whole idea of the Palestinian Christians thing is a strawman I addressed from the start. You are just being irrational to the point of calling me an Israeli shill.

I answered your posts bit by bit, quoting your actual words. There are zero strawmen in my answers and zero irrationality. When someone disagrees with you, that doesn't make them irrational. You wanting to talk about the USSR in an Arab-Israeli thread is an example of a red herring.
There are a significant number of Christians, even Orthodox Christians, that are Palestinians. Gaza itself has one of the oldest Orthodox Churches in the world, dating back to the 4th or 5th century.

So there a lot of Christian Palestinians that are certainly not enemies of Christ.
My parents have been heavily involved in their Christian churches for as long as I can remember.

Must have been back around '98, my mom went with her church mission group to Gaza. Crazy trip and they were almost kidnapped at one point. But their purpose was to donate and teach doctors how to use various modern medical equipment for the blind and deaf. Stuff they didn't have in Palestine.

It was other Christian churches who connected with them, brought them over and looked after them. In the end my mom came away understanding many of them were God fearing ordinary people just like many of us, simply raised in an open air prison and surrounded by death and terrorism.
Reading some Iranian papers lately, quite some interesting views. While accepting these fully (they support the fake hospital bombing) but I think the criticism on and support for Christians is quite clear.

As a Catholic myself this pandering with the Jews they outline well. The Catholic support of the Holocaust narrative. Not talking about the other evangelical denominations.

These are normal Iranian papers. Talking about throwing the Zionists in inferno.

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

If we look up any standard book of history, theology or encyclopedia, regarding the views of Judaism and Islam concerning Jesus, whom the Christians revere as the Messiah and the ‘son’ of God, we find that the Jews completely reject him by calling him a ‘false prophet’ and accusing his followers as polytheists opposed to monotheism, while the Zionists openly slander him and his mother, the Virgin Mary.
Diametrically opposite is the view of Islam, which considers Jesus as one of the Five Greatest Prophets of God and vouches the pure and pristine chastity of his mother in whose honour the Holy Qur’an contains a Surah or chapter, titled “Marium”.
Yet despite this undeniable reality and the fact that the Vatican – the seat of Christianity’s largest sect, the Catholics – had never recognized the illegitimate birth of Israel on Palestinian soil until political pressures from the US and West European regimes forced it to reluctantly establish diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv on December 1993, Christendom openly sides with the sworn enemies of Jesus.
The Anglicans, the Lutherans, the Baptists, and sects also despise the Zionists for their deep-rooted enmity towards Christianity, but such tight are the tentacles of Israel on the necks of American and European leaders, they don’t dare to say this publicly.
Anyway, Israel and the Zionists as the incarnates of the Satan feel no inhibition in harming the interests of the Christians at every turn, and the most recent case of crimes against humanity by the racist/terroristic regime in Tel Aviv was Tuesday’s targeting of Gaza’s al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, managed by the Anglican Church, resulting in the death of over 500 patients, nurses, doctors, and other staff.
More than a thousand others have been injured, sending shockwaves all over the civilized world, accompanied by the strongest condemnations from Muslim and other countries, but the US, France, Germany, and Britain, despite their claim to be Christians have fully endorsed this latest crime of Israel against humanity by pressuring the Vatican to keep mum, and rewarding the Zionists with weapons and billions of dollars in cash to continue the genocide in Gaza.
It should be recalled that this was not the first attack on the said hospital, whose top two floors were blown by Israeli rockets on October 14, destroying the mammography and other diagnostic centres, and bringing condemnation from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
And now the most filthiest antichrist in the West, that is, Joe Biden the US president, has shamelessly landed in Usurper Israel to personally felicitate the enemies of humanity and absolve them of the attack on the Al-Ahli Hospital of the 1,000-odd Arab Christian families still living in Gaza and already offering martyrs of their own for the defence of their occupied homeland, Palestine.
Without the least doubt, on the Day of the Final Judgement, Prophet Jesus will personally throw these treasonous self-styled Christian leaders into the fires of hell, along with Prophet Moses’ throwing of the Zionists into the same eternal inferno.
Reading some Iranian papers lately, quite some interesting views. While accepting these fully (they support the fake hospital bombing) but I think the criticism on and support for Christians is quite clear.

As a Catholic myself this pandering with the Jews they outline well. The Catholic support of the Holocaust narrative. Not talking about the other evangelical denominations.

These are normal Iranian papers. Talking about throwing the Zionists in inferno.

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

If we look up any standard book of history, theology or encyclopedia, regarding the views of Judaism and Islam concerning Jesus, whom the Christians revere as the Messiah and the ‘son’ of God, we find that the Jews completely reject him by calling him a ‘false prophet’ and accusing his followers as polytheists opposed to monotheism, while the Zionists openly slander him and his mother, the Virgin Mary.
Diametrically opposite is the view of Islam, which considers Jesus as one of the Five Greatest Prophets of God and vouches the pure and pristine chastity of his mother in whose honour the Holy Qur’an contains a Surah or chapter, titled “Marium”.
Yet despite this undeniable reality and the fact that the Vatican – the seat of Christianity’s largest sect, the Catholics – had never recognized the illegitimate birth of Israel on Palestinian soil until political pressures from the US and West European regimes forced it to reluctantly establish diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv on December 1993, Christendom openly sides with the sworn enemies of Jesus.
The Anglicans, the Lutherans, the Baptists, and sects also despise the Zionists for their deep-rooted enmity towards Christianity, but such tight are the tentacles of Israel on the necks of American and European leaders, they don’t dare to say this publicly.
Anyway, Israel and the Zionists as the incarnates of the Satan feel no inhibition in harming the interests of the Christians at every turn, and the most recent case of crimes against humanity by the racist/terroristic regime in Tel Aviv was Tuesday’s targeting of Gaza’s al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, managed by the Anglican Church, resulting in the death of over 500 patients, nurses, doctors, and other staff.
More than a thousand others have been injured, sending shockwaves all over the civilized world, accompanied by the strongest condemnations from Muslim and other countries, but the US, France, Germany, and Britain, despite their claim to be Christians have fully endorsed this latest crime of Israel against humanity by pressuring the Vatican to keep mum, and rewarding the Zionists with weapons and billions of dollars in cash to continue the genocide in Gaza.
It should be recalled that this was not the first attack on the said hospital, whose top two floors were blown by Israeli rockets on October 14, destroying the mammography and other diagnostic centres, and bringing condemnation from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
And now the most filthiest antichrist in the West, that is, Joe Biden the US president, has shamelessly landed in Usurper Israel to personally felicitate the enemies of humanity and absolve them of the attack on the Al-Ahli Hospital of the 1,000-odd Arab Christian families still living in Gaza and already offering martyrs of their own for the defence of their occupied homeland, Palestine.
Without the least doubt, on the Day of the Final Judgement, Prophet Jesus will personally throw these treasonous self-styled Christian leaders into the fires of hell, along with Prophet Moses’ throwing of the Zionists into the same eternal inferno.
I always wonder if the Iranians or other Muslim countries understand that US citizens and those citizens of EU countries have nearly no say in what their governments do. Yes, a large number of Evangelicals believe in the "Israel is our greatest ally" nonsense, because of their End-Times beliefs, but the vast majority of us do not want anything to do with Zionism.
Yes, a large number of Evangelicals believe in the "Israel is our greatest ally" nonsense, because of their End-Times beliefs, but the vast majority of us do not want anything to do with Zionism.
Someone put it well on the last forum; when most Evangelicals hear "Israel" they hear "Jesus land." Worse, many of them refer to Christ-denying Jews as "God's chosen people." This is because the book of Hebrews is generally a closed book to them and that is because it requires a familiarity with the Old Testament that many Christians simply do not have.