The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Very little of this speaks to retaliation against Hamas IMO. And I can understand wanting to retaliate and retaliating against Hamas as a general statement. Even though I believe Israel knew that attack was coming and allowed it to happen.

Turning off water/electricity to civilians, carpet bombing civilian areas, bombing evacuation routes Israel told civilians to use, cutting off all food/supplies, and doing all this as a precursor to a ground invasion is not retaliation against Hamas.

Combining all that with comments Israeli military personnel have made and the natural presumption of the intention and reality behind what will happen to countless women/children during a ground invasion with all electric/internet turned off (no international eyes) and this does point to Israel simply looking for an excuse to exterminate Palestinians and their existence.

Are you saying that the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem are making it up? They are after all there, right next to Gaza. They ought to know what is happening. Do you think they have issued a statement of disinformation? In other words, lying for the sake of propaganda?

I'm just telling you what I think is going on. I was referring to the humanitarian white backpacks, and the kids finding food in the ashes, seems very weird to me. Propaganda.

And yes, I think the fear the bigger than the reality of what's going on. And yes also the heads of the churches are captivated with fear. That's the effect of propaganda. Fearful priests etc.

In my own Parish the more liberal priests are constantly praying for the localized conflict in Ukraine. They believe the Bucha genocide and they also believe the mass murder of Israelis on a dance festival and chopped off babyheads.

They played the same in the 80s for 10 years with the big bellies of hungry kids in Africa. Do you think the hunger is gone now?

Let's see. Time will tell. I'm just a guy on the internet saying what I think is happening. And I think reality is 10x-100x less than what happens in the brain of western man.
Are you there on the ground? How do you know these things are happening?

I tend to believe much more that the Israelis do drop bombs and do plan to carry out their extermination campaign against Gaza, including shutting off water and electricity, than believing that Hamas committed atrocities against women and children in their initial incursion into Israel.

Israel has a 75 year track record of doing these things.
I tend to believe much more that the Israelis do drop bombs and do plan to carry out their extermination campaign against Gaza, including shutting off water and electricity, than believing that Hamas committed atrocities against women and children in their initial incursion into Israel.

Israel has a 75 year track record of doing these things.
Me too. I'm by no means an Israeli fan boy as you can read on forum that once existed. :)

I though think the bigger game is that we are being played to pick sides.

White vs Black
Israel vs Palestine
Ukraine vs Russia
Left vs Right
Trump vs Biden
Vax vs Non-Vax
Muslims vs Christians

The fuel of modern society is division, and I think all these divisions are serving a goal. To keep us captivated, busy, scouring the internet, talking about, keep us entertained, busy minded, fearful, taxed, in discussion, ignorant, distracted.

It's the seed of the French revolution, instead of being united in Christ, we are constantly opposed to eachother, in competition, in war.

The elites thrive on conflict.

What overshadows all we see is the fact they want us 100% engaged on it. Reminds me of Corona.

Maybe this is now really the big thing. It's like the stock exchange, every moment, the Big crash is predicted, 99% of the time, it's a short dip, more fear than power.
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I know one thing for certain, whether it is the MSM or alternative media, or across all the obscure and independent Telegram channels, I have not seen one voice dissenting that water, electricity and food have been cut off from Gaza. Not one. This universal consensus from such a wide range of opposing sources is very unusual. Even Israel is not denying it, and it makes them look absolutely awful.
I suspect this to be propaganda. Especially the kids finding food in the ashes. Or the egyptians with the white backpacks, looks totally ridiculous to me.

I think a larger agenda is at play. Just as in Ukraine.

The West will be forced to send billions and billions of "humanitarian aid" here of which we will never see any return.

All this to further increase taxations on citizens through taxes and money printing. We need to increase spending now because:
ukraine, covid, israel, vaccines, climate etc etc etc. The never ending scam. bla bla bla

Without this string of international crises I think people would be on the streets, pulling the scammers from the parliaments.

This is textbook Israeli warmongering. Get the USA to send weapons to Hamas for an invasion, which is exaggerated and their response it totally disproportionate and will result in Israel genociding Palestine using USA weapons .
I know one thing for certain, whether it is the MSM or alternative media, or across all the obscure and independent Telegram channels, I have not seen one voice dissenting that water, electricity and food have been cut off from Gaza. Not one. This universal consensus from such a wide range of opposing sources is very unusual. Even Israel is not denying it, and it makes them look absolutely awful.
If you drink no water for 3 days you are dead. According to the communication this was 6 days ago.

That means half will be dead. Or 10%? Or 5%?

This is not happening as presented. Somehow there is a waterflow. After 2 days you'll run out of water bottles.
I know one thing for certain, whether it is the MSM or alternative media, or across all the obscure and independent Telegram channels, I have not seen one voice dissenting that water, electricity and food have been cut off from Gaza. Not one. This universal consensus from such a wide range of opposing sources is very unusual. Even Israel is not denying it, and it makes them look absolutely awful.

Right. The Israelis are proud of their proposed atrocities and want the world to cheer them on. They are proclaiming that they are above the laws of war and just above the law in general. Rational people cannot support this demonic idea.
Israel has been weaponizing the water supply for a very long time. Do you think the Palestinians have never developed systems to alleviate it?

Exactly my point, there are food supplies, water, energy. I think not many are dying, more fear than reality.

While the general image is that kids are now hungry looking for food packages in the ashes. Sipping the last water from an old basin in the cellar. And using a bike dynamo to make a little bit of light. Hoping that the Egyptians with their white humanitarian aid packages to alleviate the deepest hunger and thirst.
... this does point to Israel simply looking for an excuse to exterminate Palestinians and their existence.

Similar take from Simplicius:
Why now? Why do events seem to be spiraling into such biblical end times territory all over the globe?

For Israel, the answer is simple: they are actually running out of time.

You see, the Arab world is becoming incommensurately stronger every day. Arabs are no longer the weak pawns of the 20th century, to be used at whim by the British Empire, which itself now lies smoldering.

The most important dimension to this is the fact that Israelis are being outbred. Their TFRs cannot compete not only with Palestinians, but with the Arab world at large. Palestinians themselves are now upwards of 5 million in population while Israel only has 9 and a half, only ~7M of which are Jews.

But the bigger issue are Israel’s top historical adversaries. Egypt, for instance, had ~20 something million people during the Arab-Israeli wars of the 60s era. It now sports 110M and is set to be over 200M by 2050-2070. In that same time, Israel is projected to only be 13-16M or so. Even Palestinians will vastly outnumber their Israeli occupiers by then. Furthermore, the U.S./UK/Atlanticist Empire which has been the linchpin holding Israel together is now weakening more than ever before, and Israel will not be able to count on their unflagging support in the future, particularly reading the tea leaves of NATO and EU slowly crumbling—neither of which will likely exist past 2030.

Now Egypt has officially joined the BRICS, its tenure set to start on January 1, 2024. Combine that with a growing Turkey, Palestine, and many other states. The fact is, within another decade or two, Israel will stand no chance at “defending itself”, or rather at illegally bombing all of its neighbors. A future Arab-Israeli war could hypothetically pit 300-500M people against a country of 12-15M.

But more specifically Palestinians themselves are simply out-breeding Israelis and would begin to pose a major problem to Israel’s expansionist plans.

This is why the conflict now has eschatological and biblical dimensions—because Israel sees the writing on the wall, their very future is in critical danger. Only by fulfilling prophecy now, establishing a strong state on the totality of the land, can they hope to thwart the natural tide rising against them.
A Christian run hospital in Gaza has been hit by a missile or bomb, reportedly killing up to 600 people. Most reports are saying it was an Israeli airstrike, but Israel is blaming a Hamas missile that went off course.


People are taking to the streets across Arab nations.
