The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

@Rax Moscow

I hope you guys are right and if things "collapse" it will just be economic I have no problem with that whatsoever I'll gladly trade my material possessions in exchange for raising crops and livestock which I already know how to do, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I think a "collapse" by the USA will include a massive war that comes to our soil and at the least would involve our military being decimated overseas and being forced to do some terrible things to the citizens they are supposed to protect in the name or keeping order......Americans dying.

We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.
Im not looking forward to an economic collapse.
I have 6 kids and intend on having more. Im going to continue to work in a corporate job and want this to continue so that I can acquire as many resources as possible.

I also don't think that it's going to happen for another 10 years at a minimum. By then I'll be in a position where what happens to the other folks out there won't matter to Me... But it would matter for my children's sake... At least a couple of them whom would he of age at that point.

I'm perfectly capable of surviving a collapse of any kind... I've got life skills, some sustainable land and goods to trade/barter, military experience, and live in a rural community and have a physical security situation that will ensure relative safety.

I again am wondering about the people championing the end of the American Empire as to what sort of life skills they have, their life situation and wealth currently, and supposed effect that it will have on their progeny.

This assumption that it's all just going to be a minor setback and then life will go on is naive... And having been to 3rd world failed states... We do not want that here.

I suspect most in the above camp have little in the way of material support, little life skills, and therefore, it doesn't mean much since they don't have much.

Our current agenda is promoting the wrong things and I agree with the assertion that we need to withdrawal from all the frivolous interventions. The state department needs to be gutted of all these neoconservatives and neoliberals.
@Rax Moscow

I hope you guys are right and if things "collapse" it will just be economic I have no problem with that whatsoever I'll gladly trade my material possessions in exchange for raising crops and livestock which I already know how to do, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I think a "collapse" by the USA will include a massive war that comes to our soil and at the least would involve our military being decimated overseas and being forced to do some terrible things to the citizens they are supposed to protect in the name or keeping order......Americans dying.

We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's plenty coming across your border, past and present, just waiting for that opportunity of collapse too.
I certainly would hope not. Have plenty of love for the people in your country.
Im not looking forward to an economic collapse.
I have 6 kids and intend on having more. Im going to continue to work in a corporate job and want this to continue so that I can acquire as many resources as possible.

I also don't think that it's going to happen for another 10 years at a minimum. By then I'll be in a position where what happens to the other folks out there won't matter to Me... But it would matter for my children's sake... At least a couple of them whom would he of age at that point.

I'm perfectly capable of surviving a collapse of any kind... I've got life skills, some sustainable land and goods to trade/barter, military experience, and live in a rural community and have a physical security situation that will ensure relative safety.

I again am wondering about the people championing the end of the American Empire as to what sort of life skills they have, their life situation and wealth currently, and supposed effect that it will have on their progeny.

This assumption that it's all just going to be a minor setback and then life will go on is naive... And having been to 3rd world failed states... We do not want that here.

I suspect most in the above camp have little in the way of material support, little life skills, and therefore, it doesn't mean much since they don't have much.

Our current agenda is promoting the wrong things and I agree with the assertion that we need to withdrawal from all the frivolous interventions. The state department needs to be gutted of all these neoconservatives and neoliberals.

I feel the same, I have a massive amount of family that I care deeply for and I would like to be married with kids one day soon, I would rather not raise them in a country that has been decimated. Quite frankly I find wishing for that to be kinda crazy and not based in reality, or it's guys with garbage lives who have nothing to lose and have gone so deep down the rabbit hole they can't think clearly anymore.

It's not going to be globohomo fleeing the country and us walking out there hand in hand waiving banners for our new leaders, it's going to be globohomo with their boot to your neck trying to keep control.
@Rax Moscow

I hope you guys are right and if things "collapse" it will just be economic I have no problem with that whatsoever I'll gladly trade my material possessions in exchange for raising crops and livestock which I already know how to do, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I think a "collapse" by the USA will include a massive war that comes to our soil and at the least would involve our military being decimated overseas and being forced to do some terrible things to the citizens they are supposed to protect in the name or keeping order......Americans dying.

We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.

There's no reason for "collapse" if US military power projection and US$ global hegemony recedes. All that would happen is that the dollar would depreciate some, making American industry more competitive. The US can produce nearly everything it needs, it has massive competitive advantages like cheap energy, plenty of resources and an industrious heritage population. Canada can make up any deficiencies in resources like oil or phosphates. American middle class would thrive under this model - the economic model of industrial capitalism that prevailed in the US in the golden age of the 1950s-70s prior to the petrodollar.

Pardon my French, but neither China nor Russia give a c*** about the US or would entertain any silly notions about invading the US. Russia has all the land and resources it needs and wants to be left alone, and the Chinese are culturally isolationists, and getting wealthier all the time through trade and industry without the use of military force.
@Rax Moscow

I hope you guys are right and if things "collapse" it will just be economic I have no problem with that whatsoever I'll gladly trade my material possessions in exchange for raising crops and livestock which I already know how to do, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I think a "collapse" by the USA will include a massive war that comes to our soil and at the least would involve our military being decimated overseas and being forced to do some terrible things to the citizens they are supposed to protect in the name or keeping order......Americans dying.

We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.
I have no idea if they would do anything or not. TBH, I would guess they wouldn't, mostly because it would be very expensive for them to do so, and they have a long record of stating Americans are good people and the problem is the satanic elites who own the government. There was a funny Murdoch-Murdoch a few years back, where China took over the country and everything got much better overnight and the White Men went from 6th class citizens to 2nd class citizens, behind the Chinese, lol. Who knows what will happen, we can only prepare the best we can for any event.

But we can't borrow money forever. We can't continue with such a joke of a military and try to bully the world to bend to our will. Our will being child transitioning, porn, usury, women's rights so they can destroy the family, etc. We can't continue to let 75 to 80 IQ men flood into this country, where their only job opportunity will be one of violent crime. We can't continue to pay 75 to 80 IQ hoodrats to have 8 kids, while 100 IQ families struggle to have 2. We can't continue down this path, that much is obvious. And I don't think anyone here still believes we can vote our way out of this mess. And I don't think anyone here still believes this will continue on much longer.

So, all in all, it doesn't matter what I want or don't' want, it matters what we know. And we know the clock is ticking and the elites are purchasing their one-way ticket out.
I feel the same, I have a massive amount of family that I care deeply for and I would like to be married with kids one day soon, I would rather not raise them in a country that has been decimated. Quite frankly I find wishing for that to be kinda crazy and not based in reality, or it's guys with garbage lives who have nothing to lose and have gone so deep down the rabbit hole they can't think clearly anymore.

It's not going to be globohomo fleeing the country and us walking out there hand in hand waiving banners for our new leaders, it's going to be globohomo with their boot to your neck trying to keep control.
This is already the reality of 2023. Everything you just said you fear happening, is already happening. It will only get worse, at what pace though is unknown. But if at least the Russians, Persians (Iranians) and Chinese are able to break free of this filth, at least part of the world will be saved, even if it is not us.
There's no reason for "collapse" if US military power projection and US$ global hegemony recedes. All that would happen is that the dollar would depreciate some, making American industry more competitive. The US can produce nearly everything it needs, it has massive competitive advantages like cheap energy, plenty of resources and an industrious heritage population. Canada can make up any deficiencies in resources like oil or phosphates. American middle class would thrive under this model - the economic model of industrial capitalism that prevailed in the US in the golden age of the 1950s-70s prior to the petrodollar.

Pardon my French, but neither China nor Russia give a c*** about the US or would entertain any silly notions about invading the US. Russia has all the land and resources it needs and wants to be left alone, and the Chinese are culturally isolationists, and getting wealthier all the time through trade and industry without the use of military force.

I hope you're right and it's just economic, but I don't think the elites would give up that easily. I think they would do some pretty heinous things to my countrymen before that happens.
This is already the reality of 2023. Everything you just said you fear happening, is already happening. It will only get worse, at what pace though is unknown. But if at least the Russians, Persians (Iranians) and Chinese are able to break free of this filth, at least part of the world will be saved, even if it is not us.

Brother....Russians, Iranians and Chinese wouldn't spit on an American if he was on fire and I'm not trying to destroy my country to save theirs, that attitude is ridiculous they would never do the same for you nor should they. So your thought is to let your country go down the toilet to save them?!

It is absolutely not happening today, I woke up in my house got in my car went to work today, went to the gym and went home without worrying about any of those things. A couple days ago I sat in a church hall with 100+ of my relatives drinking, eating and enjoying life celebrating Christmas. This country and this world are not beyond saving, your constant negativity and projection of despair is impairing your life brother.
I hope you're right and it's just economic, but I don't think the elites would give up that easily. I think they would do some pretty heinous things to my countrymen before that happens.

Ironically, once the US$ loses its hegemony and military spending is slashed, it would set these positive economic forces in motion. The elites are small and they only exert power through the spell they hold over the majority. That spell might be broken by outside forces, the world is changing fast.
Brother....Russians, Iranians and Chinese wouldn't spit on an American if he was on fire and I'm not trying to destroy my country to save theirs, that attitude is ridiculous they would never do the same for you nor should they. So your thought is to let your country go down the toilet to save them?!

It is absolutely not happening today, I woke up in my house got in my car went to work today, went to the gym and went home without worrying about any of those things. A couple days ago I sat in a church hall with 100+ of my relatives drinking, eating and enjoying life celebrating Christmas. This country and this world are not beyond saving, your constant negativity and projection of despair is impairing your life brother.
I have friends from all three countries. People are people. It is the governments that are evil and the USA govt. is FAR more evil than the government of any of those countries.

It is happening today. If I remember correctly, you are pretty new to the USA. I've been here 40+ years. This country is a violent sh**hole compared to what it was just 25 years ago, and even then it had fallen off a cliff since the 1980's. Crime is rampant, repeat violent offenders are set free, if you defend yourself you go to prison. Drugs are more rampant than ever, because the satanic elites own and operate the drug cartels that bring in the drugs. The income v. COL is at an all time post-depression low and is only going to get worse. Jobs are disappearing due to technology AND over population from legal immigration. And there are millions pouring across the border, every few months, that have only one thing they can offer, which is to commit some kind of crime or porn to get by as the people here are already struggling to do so.

And we haven't even touched on how much worse things will get overnight if we get drug into this war in the Middle East.

I talk to a lot of early 20 somethings. And the hopelessness is profound. It is shocking how many are giving up on having kids or even owning a house. Things ARE going to get worse. We are borrowing a trillion dollars+ every year just for these "great" results. This isn't going to go on much longer and no one running for office is even allowed to talk about it, much less address any of it.
I have friends from all three countries. People are people. It is the governments that are evil and the USA govt. is FAR more evil than the government of any of those countries.

It is happening today. If I remember correctly, you are pretty new to the USA. I've been here 40+ years. This country is a violent sh**hole compared to what it was just 25 years ago, and even then it had fallen off a cliff since the 1980's. Crime is rampant, repeat violent offenders are set free, if you defend yourself you go to prison. Drugs are more rampant than ever, because the satanic elites own and operate the drug cartels that bring in the drugs. The income v. COL is at an all time post-depression low and is only going to get worse. Jobs are disappearing due to technology AND over population from legal immigration. And there are millions pouring across the border, every few months, that have only one thing they can offer, which is to commit some kind of crime or porn to get by as the people here are already struggling to do so.

And we haven't even touched on how much worse things will get overnight if we get drug into this war in the Middle East.

I talk to a lot of early 20 somethings. And the hopelessness is profound. It is shocking how many are giving up on having kids or even owning a house. Things ARE going to get worse. We are borrowing a trillion dollars+ every year just for these "great" results. This isn't going to go on much longer and no one running for office is even allowed to talk about it, much less address any of it.

No I'm 39, born and raised here in Metro Detroit which isn't exactly a happy place and I remember how much better things used to be before 9/11 but that doesn't mean the country we live in now is beyond saving and I sure as heck wouldn't wish it to collapse to save other countries. I live a good life, my family and relatives live a good life which includes younger guys who are strong young men, as do my friends. None of them are addicted to drugs, none of them are subjected to crimes, they are all mostly successful doing better than ever and if they're not they have plenty of people willing to help them. Nobody is hopeless other than people who have based their lives around the wrong things, which they specifically chose to do.

Are there problems in this country? Absolutely there are but you make it sound as if you're afraid to live. I can't remember ever seeing you post something positive on this forum or even the prior one, I wish you could see life through a different lens than the one you are focused on now.
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I have friends from all three countries. People are people. It is the governments that are evil and the USA govt. is FAR more evil than the government of any of those countries.

It is happening today. If I remember correctly, you are pretty new to the USA. I've been here 40+ years. This country is a violent sh**hole compared to what it was just 25 years ago, and even then it had fallen off a cliff since the 1980's. Crime is rampant, repeat violent offenders are set free, if you defend yourself you go to prison. Drugs are more rampant than ever, because the satanic elites own and operate the drug cartels that bring in the drugs. The income v. COL is at an all time post-depression low and is only going to get worse. Jobs are disappearing due to technology AND over population from legal immigration. And there are millions pouring across the border, every few months, that have only one thing they can offer, which is to commit some kind of crime or porn to get by as the people here are already struggling to do so.

And we haven't even touched on how much worse things will get overnight if we get drug into this war in the Middle East.

I talk to a lot of early 20 somethings. And the hopelessness is profound. It is shocking how many are giving up on having kids or even owning a house. Things ARE going to get worse. We are borrowing a trillion dollars+ every year just for these "great" results. This isn't going to go on much longer and no one running for office is even allowed to talk about it, much less address any of it.
Do you live in the city? I live in a city and this describes day to day life accurately, but when I travel out of the city to smaller neighboring towns and rural America I still see mostly good people living normal lives and it reminds me that not all hope is lost for the future.
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Freeman is a throwback to when the US had competent, measured officials/diplomats. Our current crop of policy-setters will be eventually thrown out, but the damage will be done.


Re: collapse and all that ails America. At present best, the country is becoming an economic free fire zone with degrading services. At worst, @It_Is_My_Time and @Cooper may be right and we are heading to disaster. Either way, live the best life you can, right now. Worship God a little more, go get some money, enjoy the sun, and get your family life heading the right way.

Your child, nephew, or grandchild may well be the Putinesque figure that retrieves the country from the ashes. Do him right and get your stuff in order. Leave a legacy of some benefit to him - at least spiritually and historically. That won't cost you anything but time and attention.
We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.
We are wildly speculating about all this, but just look to the Taliban for a good example of a country who saw their society upended and destroyed over 20 years and then just did the stoic "Well, Bye" meme when we tucked tail and fled. They could have killed and caused a whole lot of damage, or revenge, but did they? Look at Hamas, and how well they treated many of these hostages.

This is likely because the Taliban are the closest thing to real alphas we have today, and they don't do the feminine revenge stuff. America is gone? OK about time! Time to get back to life.

(Remember, this was a country whose only "crime" was they allowed a man the US didn't like to live there for a while, then when we told them we wanted him, they asked for proof of his crimes and instead we just bombed and killed them for 20 years, forgot about the guy, and created a vigilante terrorist group within their borders. We also put wahmens into their schools and started teaching their kindergarteners tranny shit. They have a lot to be angry about).

Yes, Israel is famous for doing revenge (they will hunt down old men in their 90s if they held a clipboard in front of a Jew once 70 years ago and murder him in his sleep) but Russia just wants to be left alone, and China just wants to trade.

Anyway, we are getting way off topic here with all this doom-posting and the level of activity in this thread has skyrocketed and is drifting farther away from introspection or thoughtful discussion.

There are a few ideas mentioned that I'm curious to explore and I have a few things to say on this topic but the "end of America" has little to do with Israel or Hamas so I'd recommend moving to another thread before it gets shut down. (actually the end of America has everything to do with Israel but you get my drift). It looks like we don't really have a thread on this topic yet but I guess this is the closest:

The only thing more I'll say re: Israel is that the stubborn US support of Israel is great ammunition to foster ill will against Americans throughout the world, and is likely to result in repercussions against us, whether our country outright fails or not. Particularly the US being the only country to oppose the UN ceasefire (ceasefire lol as if they are even fighting a battle--this is just pure Genocide of civilians and the US won't even allow it to pause for a second) and the dumping of weaponry and supplies to Israel to help them do more killing.
Look at Hamas, and how well they treated many of these hostages.
What are you talking about? Are you saying that Oct 7th didn't happen or that women and children weren't killed? Are you saying that not one woman was raped or sexually assaulted because Hamas soldiers have an anti-rape honor code? Or are you saying that those women and children deserved it because they are jews? What do you base this claim on that Hamas has treated hostages "well"? The very definition of being a hostage is one of being a forced captive who lives in constant fear of being summarily executed. This is the exact opposite of being treated well.

I've said this before in this thread and I'm going to say it one last time (bracing for incoming emoji fire), jews and muslims are both enemies of Christ and therefore they are all going to hell. The less of these barbaric blasphemers in the world the better. So let's be even handed in our disdain for the participants in this conflict. The poor muzzie being a victim of GAE thing is only part of the story. I do pray for the innocent lives lost (of which there are many I'm sure), but this is what we get for not being able to come up with the names and addresses of the usual suspects who are behind this senseless and unnecessary war.
There are 3.5 million Palestinian Christians, most of whom have been made refugees. The Christian minority in Palestine has not been persecuted by the Muslim majority, and Christian Palestinians are being bombed and shot at by the Israeli army, and their churches that stood in Gaza or the West Bank for many centuries under muslim rule are being destroyed by Israel.

The majority of Israeli civilians killed on Oct 7 might have been killed by the Israeli army operating under the Hannibal doctrine, not to condone those that have been arbitrarily executed by Hamas.

Israel arbitrarily detains thousands of Palestinians without due process, including women and children, and Abu Ghraib-style torture prevails in their detention camps. That was a main incentive for Hamas taking hostages.
No I'm 39, born and raised here in Metro Detroit which isn't exactly a happy place and I remember how much better things used to be before 9/11 but that doesn't mean the country we live in now is beyond saving and I sure as heck wouldn't wish it to collapse to save other countries. I live a good life, my family and relatives live a good life which includes younger guys who are strong young men, as do my friends. None of them are addicted to drugs, none of them are subjected to crimes, they are all mostly successful doing better than ever and if they're not they have plenty of people willing to help them. Nobody is hopeless other than people who have based their lives around the wrong things, which they specifically chose to do.

Are there problems in this country? Absolutely there are but you make it sound as if you're afraid to live. I can't remember ever seeing you post something positive on this forum or even the prior one, I wish you could see life through a different lens than the one you are focused on now.
We can't print money forever, to continually bail out wall street and be the global police force. We cannot have this high of a sub-100 IQ population, due to legal and illegal immigration, and have a first world nation. We cannot replace our once cherished traditions and customs with empty consumerism and be happy. This country has no future as is. Most likely is collapses in the next 10 to 20 years. I hope that it does so we can stop spreading the satanic lifestyle to the rest of the world. But I have no control over it. Once it collapses, maybe we can fracture this vast land and good Christian men (real Christianity, not the fake stuff prevalent in the west) can get a portion of the land and build a nice place to live.

These are not my opinions. We can't print money forever, we can't replace the population with low IQ people, and we can't replace the things that make life beautiful with empty consumerism and porn. How much longer this goes on is anyone's guess, but as bad as we have looked in Ukraine and now in the Middle East, I think the end is very near.
Do you live in the city? I live in a city and this describes day to day life accurately, but when I travel out of the city to smaller neighboring towns and rural America I still see mostly good people living normal lives and it reminds me that not all hope is lost for the future.
I am closely connected to urban, suburban and rural at the same time. I live in a very deep red conservative area of the country. Here are my current observations of the three...

- Urban - so full of crime that you no longer care about speed limits. Cops don't have time to deal with traffic or even DUI's. I hear gun shots quite frequently. I hear cop sirens constantly. I know a few cops in these areas, and they suffer from PTSD. It feels like the wild west and there is no law at all. I know they broke the record for most murders in a single year this year, after the record was set in 2020. The roads are beyond broken down, and a lot of expected services fail to perform at all times, like water, electricty, trash, etc.

- Suburban - Houses go for a minimum of 6 times the average income in the area. So, people make the biggest financial mistake of making their house their "biggest investment". And all it takes is one bad apple to move into your neighborhood to ruin it. Finding people to work on your house that you can trust is becoming tougher. The crime is increasing as drugs become more common in the suburban areas. The stress to keep up with the Jones seems to be wearing everyone down to a point of complete obesity and exhaustion. People drive absolutely crazy in a hurry to get some where. And the children come off, to me, like soulless entities, who constantly have school, practice, organized social activities, but never get to be creative or enjoy life at all.

Rural - Infrastructure is crumbling, the local muni's cannot afford upkeep where the average income is half that of the city, but the cost of supplies is just as high. Crime is exploding, drug use is exploding. I know of quiet little towns with less than 1,000 people who now have murder cases due to drug dealing. Hopelessness is through the roof. Jobs are beyond scarce as all the manufacturing has been moved overseas or replaced with machines. In a lot of places dogs just run wild and it isn't even safe to be outside unless you are armed.

It is impacting the entire country. And our tax dollars are all pledged, by all the candidates, including gutless Trump, to go to Israel to kill children who are sleeping in their own bedrooms.
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Im not looking forward to an economic collapse.
I have 6 kids and intend on having more. Im going to continue to work in a corporate job and want this to continue so that I can acquire as many resources as possible.

I also don't think that it's going to happen for another 10 years at a minimum. By then I'll be in a position where what happens to the other folks out there won't matter to Me... But it would matter for my children's sake... At least a couple of them whom would he of age at that point.

I'm perfectly capable of surviving a collapse of any kind... I've got life skills, some sustainable land and goods to trade/barter, military experience, and live in a rural community and have a physical security situation that will ensure relative safety.

I again am wondering about the people championing the end of the American Empire as to what sort of life skills they have, their life situation and wealth currently, and supposed effect that it will have on their progeny.

This assumption that it's all just going to be a minor setback and then life will go on is naive... And having been to 3rd world failed states... We do not want that here.

I suspect most in the above camp have little in the way of material support, little life skills, and therefore, it doesn't mean much since they don't have much.

Our current agenda is promoting the wrong things and I agree with the assertion that we need to withdrawal from all the frivolous interventions. The state department needs to be gutted of all these neoconservatives and neoliberals.
I don't want to experience a collapse or death and hardship for my loved ones. However, I agree that the US federal, state, and local governments are blatantly and aggressively satanic, and I pray they will be completely stopped from this behavior and turned back to Godliness, no matter what it takes.

I hope peace and prosperity will be maintained while the satanists are voted out of office and replaced by Godly men, but I think this is an unlikely scenario. I would rather endure the necessary hardships and loss than see the current satanic system continue.