The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Brother you talk about not wanting our soldiers hurt then in other threads you root for the collapse of your country to save China and Russia.

What do you think is going to happen exactly if your wishes come true? It won't just be soldiers dying either....try your loved ones in addition to them.
Well of course a lot of people, including my loved ones will die, if we are not able to change the direction of the USA. And no, a clown like Trump or DeSantis are not going to move the needle one bit in the direction of this country.

But as a Christian, and a good human being, I understand there are bigger things at play than my life or the life of my loved ones. The satanic living we push on other nations must be stopped or the entire world will collapse. Then again, what I hope and pray for isn't going to change much, I can try, so I understand that what happens, will happen. The most important thing is to keep our young men from signing up to fight in satan's army.
By what rationale do you believe harm will come to Americans if our ability to forcibly dominate the world stops?
What group of people do you fear are going to dominate you and what is the reasoning for this?
Loved ones dying? Really? Are the chicoms going to invade our continent and force us all to make iphones in factories with suicide nets?
Why would they do that? What is their motivation?
Is the GAE a force for good or evil?
I think more supply chains breaking down and then total chaos from people trying to survive. This would be brutal, but I don't see how we avoid it at this point in time.
Well of course a lot of people, including my loved ones will die, if we are not able to change the direction of the USA. And no, a clown like Trump or DeSantis are not going to move the needle one bit in the direction of this country.

But as a Christian, and a good human being, I understand there are bigger things at play than my life or the life of my loved ones. The satanic living we push on other nations must be stopped or the entire world will collapse. Then again, what I hope and pray for isn't going to change much, I can try, so I understand that what happens, will happen. The most important thing is to keep our young men from signing up to fight in satan's army.
I take great umbrage with your constant characterization of the military as Satan's army.

The way to stop the incursions is through political change.

Your solution, when carried to it's logical conclusion is going to ensure our military is flooded by non-citizens just like Rome.

Not everything the .mil does is bad and constantly talking about it like that is pretty myopic.
I take great umbrage with your constant characterization of the military as Satan's army.

The way to stop the incursions is through political change.

Your solution, when carried to it's logical conclusion is going to ensure our military is flooded by non-citizens just like Rome.

Not everything the .mil does is bad and constantly talking about it like that is pretty myopic.
Political change will require a third party, that avoids all big money and some how gets around all the legal red tape. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it is a very tall task, no one has even started doing it, and we don't have much time left for this option.

Our military is going to be flooded by non-citizens, no matter what we do, both parties are completely owned and this is their goal. But let them go die, let them be subpar soldiers, and let them try their best to point their weapons at we the people.

Everything our military does is evil, beyond evil, and it isn't the men on the ground's fault, but it is up to us to make sure they don't have them at their disposal. Right now our military is spending billions of dollars to help protect the Genocide of the native people of Palestine. If you haven't seen the videos out of Palestine, I don't suggest you watch them, but what we are allowing is the sickest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Brother you talk about not wanting our soldiers hurt then in other threads you root for the collapse of your country to save China and Russia.

What do you think is going to happen exactly if your wishes come true? It won't just be soldiers dying either....try your loved ones in addition to them.

The US is one of a handful of big countries that is self-sufficient in resources, with a large domestic market. Other countries on that list include Canada, Russia, and Australia. The US doesn't need to control the world to thrive economically and socially, to the contrary. An isolationist policy would favor domestic industry and the middle class, and would not mean the country would be exposing itself to foreign invasion. No one wants to invade the US (or can invade), it is a GAE fantasy/psyop. Your loved ones aren't going to die if the US close most of their foreign bases...
The US is one of a handful of big countries that is self-sufficient in resources, with a large domestic market. Other countries on that list include Canada, Russia, and Australia. The US doesn't need to control the world to thrive economically and socially, to the contrary. An isolationist policy would favor domestic industry and the middle class, and would not mean the country would be exposing itself to foreign invasion. No one wants to invade the US (or can invade), it is a GAE fantasy/psyop. Your loved ones aren't going to die if the US close most of their foreign bases...

The USD is the world reserve currency. Losing that status means all those dollars abroad will start flowing back to the US causing volatility on the financial markets, serious inflation and political instability which will make 2020 look like child's play.

Many people have a bit of a naive understanding of power dynamics. Once you lose power (as an individual, group or state) you lose it. There won't be any pendulum swing. That's why you have to fight it along the way. Political enemies in revolutionary environments (let's say 1917-1930 Soviet Union) didn't wait for the collapse to happen so they could rebuild. Instead they got lined up near a ditch and shot. Being sent to a Siberian Gulag was considered being lucky.
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Political change will require a third party, that avoids all big money and some how gets around all the legal red tape. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it is a very tall task, no one has even started doing it, and we don't have much time left for this option.

Our military is going to be flooded by non-citizens, no matter what we do, both parties are completely owned and this is their goal. But let them go die, let them be subpar soldiers, and let them try their best to point their weapons at we the people.

Everything our military does is evil, beyond evil, and it isn't the men on the ground's fault, but it is up to us to make sure they don't have them at their disposal. Right now our military is spending billions of dollars to help protect the Genocide of the native people of Palestine. If you haven't seen the videos out of Palestine, I don't suggest you watch them, but what we are allowing is the sickest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Our military isn't spending any dollars on Palestinian Genocide.

That'd Be Our Congress.

Our military isn't involved in a anything there at the moment regarding the hot actions on the deck.
The best way to view (not just Alex Jones, but any of these people who are endlessly debated by their fans and detractors page after page), is the advice my old pastor gave at the end of every sermon: Remember, Seek out only the Good, and leave the rest behind.

There is a lot of good that AJ has woken people up to over the years. There is also a lot of silliness (Chicoms, Arabs run Hollywood, etc.). People love to endlessly debate whether public figures are controlled or just have a really bad blind spot. (I'm also guilty of this by the way, as I have a hard time seeing how someone as "smart" (assuming he is actually smart, of which there is little evidence) as Elon Musk, can also be so dumb/clueless on issues).

The answer is we can never know, but in my experience, there is NO ONE who seems to be beyond criticism (Andrew Anglin is probably the person who is right on the most issues of any voice I know, but he is basically an alcoholic and is pretty extreme on the woman question (I don't mind people who are more extreme than me--that actually helps me settle in to a reasonable position on things)).

So it doesn't really matter if David Icke means literal lizard people from another planet (seems unlikely) or using a euphemism for Jews (it seems obvious he is smart enough to know you cannot name them), or whether Alex Jones cannot or will not tell the truth about one issue (Jews are really THE most important issue, so I do get the criticism about him on this point, and basically whatever things in the world you don't like, Jews are invariably behind it). The point is, you take the knowledge / inspiration / wisdom from someone and forget the rest.

Otherwise you get into these debates where people are naturally drawn to different topics and argue about who they "like" or "distrust." Some people just don't care about 911 you know? Those kinds of people may not like AJ but maybe they care about another topic that Scott Ritter or Kanye or even Jordan Peterson discuss and there is some truth from all of them. I remember first discovering as a teenager about the JFK assassination and being surprised when people didn't care to discuss the 1963 American coup. But people just like (and dislike) different things. I look at the Scott Ritter sexual stuff and just kind of shrug my shoulders like, what else do you expect from this society? But I was also exposed to a lot of degenerate sexual PUA stuff and I'm like yeah that seems about normal in 2023 Weimerica.

Got it wrong?
The GAE has been foaming at the mouth to destroy Iran for decades. Remember, America overthrew their democratically elected government and installed an autocracy (that's just the values of the Rules Based Order, Goy.

Iran was a prosperous, peaceful, white-presenting democracy until the US came in and destroyed them through assassination and subversion. Always remember this when people say "Israel is the only democracy in the mideast."

Anyway, destroying Iran and Russia are the two biggest goals of the GAE, and have been for decades. In the early days of the Russia-Ukraine conflict I was worried, due to all the American propaganda, that Russia was going to fail and the world would likely enter a dark ages, as we did several hundred years ago. Putin is truly the savior of Western Civilization on this point alone. But listen to Lindsey Graham or Turtleface McConnell or Condoleeza Rice or Victoria Nuland and they make it clear that destroying Iran and Russia are their primary focus (far higher than doing anything for the American people).

Then there was the Stuxnet operation where we sabotaged their research, and blew up a lot of their equipment, and the murder of General Soleimani when he was a guest of Iraq, and I would also throw in all the Israeli assassinations of Iranians because if anyone else acted that way (Russia lol), the US would go nuts. Any one of these would be an act of war, but of course Iran doesn't have nukes (yet; fingers crossed), and are not going to start a war with a nuclear power if they can help it.

In fact, many pundits believe that if Hillary Clinton were elected instead of Trump, we would have had war with Iran, and this is probably the best facet of Trump's election by far. I don't know who Ritter supported in the last election, but it seems likely he was warning voters against this possibility.

Or just listen to Wesley Clark himself. Remember the 7 countries targeted for American invasion?

The point of all these people warning us is not so they can come out like a minstrel later and say "woo hoo look at me lah lah lah lah I'm a psychic crystal ball fortune teller." The point of the warning is to PREVENT war with Iran, and therefore Ritter and anyone else warning of this should be CONGRATULATED ON THEIR SUCCESS.

A lot of the things Alex Jones has warned us about never came to be. Remember, the Obama regime's plan for invasion of Syria? That wasn't a "wrong call"--instead AJ deserves a lot of credit, and he may have singlehandedly prevented the invasion of Syria, as he helped organize active troops taking anonymous photos covering their face but with messages stating "I will not risk my life fighting peaceful Syrians for Israel" and posting that to social media.

The logic here is that because an honorable man who humbly took up the calling to become a leader among his people, opposed the invasion of degenerate Godless invaders and was cowardly and illegally murdered (black letter law clearly states it is illegal for a commander in chief to assassinate foreign leaders in this way, more proof that the DemonRats could have legitmately impeached Trump if any of this stuff was real) we should celebrate his murder? A man, by the way, who was instrumental in fighting ISIS in the early days of the war on terror?

For the record, the Iranian regime is the only "good" force in the whole region, outside I suppose the Taliban, who just want to be left alone to do their own thing. If the US wants to pick sides (we should not be picking sides, we have WAY too many problems at home and even if we didn't we are not the masters of the universe), they should throw in with Iran and Afghanistan and sanction every other country there (Saddam- era Iraq and Qadaffi-era Libya were ok but today those countries are also disasters).

I'm a pretty hard core white pride kind of guy, but even I draw the line at "Oh yeah some white people were over there immorrally harassing and bombing and murdering some brown people but I'm gonna cheer them on because of their race." The American mideast adventurism is pure evil, period, and I don't support anyone over there murdering, stealing, bombing, raping, or torturing, no matter how pure their Bavarian Phenotype is.

And blacks are greatly overrepresented in the American military, not that it makes their actions any more or less acceptable.

General Soleimani is probably the last honorable figure I can think of in the mideast (precisely why he was murdered by cowardly snarky Judeans who dropped bombs on him while he was a guest of the Iraqi government, an act of war, to say nothing of its immorality). He was often filmed consoling injured or orphaned Iranian kids, not at all the type of Ivory Tower general that is the norm today, and was a Godly and compassionate man. Here is a letter he penned to his daughter, to be read in case of his death in the cause of serving God and his people.

The US is not a force for good anywhere in the world. Not even at home.
I often wonder if I would support an American Empire in the way I would have supported any of the first three Reichs / Empires, as positive forces in the world, and my imagination just isn't that powerful. I honestly don't know.

Speaking of AJ

Our military isn't spending any dollars on Palestinian Genocide.

That'd Be Our Congress.

Our military isn't involved in a anything there at the moment regarding the hot actions on the deck.
Our military is just the strong arm of the congress. Satan's congress, satan's military. And young people need to know this before they sign up. And those in need to know this before they resign up. For those trapped in it, I hope they can get out unscathed. TBH, Biden's team has held back, I'm not so sure any GOP president would have done so, so it would have been worse.
Our military is just the strong arm of the congress. Satan's congress, satan's military. And young people need to know this before they sign up. And those in need to know this before they resign up. For those trapped in it, I hope they can get out unscathed. TBH, Biden's team has held back, I'm not so sure any GOP president would have done so, so it would have been worse.
Yeah but our military isn't doing the fighting in your rush to condemn all things GAE you're making inaccurate statements and presenting them as truth.
Yeah but our military isn't doing the fighting in your rush to condemn all things GAE you're making inaccurate statements and presenting them as truth.
Not yet, I think if Trump was in there, or probably any other GOP member, we would be in there. Our military is protecting Israel, as they commit genocide, our military is the strong arm pushing anti-family degeneracy from the west, and our military did help in killing good men in Ukraine.

We need to let the military dry up and blow away, dare these demons in DC to try to start a draft to fight their for-profit-war.
Not yet, I think if Trump was in there, or probably any other GOP member, we would be in there. Our military is protecting Israel, as they commit genocide, our military is the strong arm pushing anti-family degeneracy from the west, and our military did help in killing good men in Ukraine.

We need to let the military dry up and blow away, dare these demons in DC to try to start a draft to fight their for-profit-war.
These are all presumptions but not factually established.

How is out military protecting Israel? By selling them the equipment? That's not our military doing that.

You're still conflating things.
These are all presumptions but not factually established.

How is out military protecting Israel? By selling them the equipment? That's not our military doing that.

You're still conflating things.
By being located in the area, by illegally having bases and soldiers scattered throughout the region, by supporting ISIS so we can steal oil and grain from Syria, by giving intelligence to Israel and other satanic entities.
Yeah but our military isn't doing the fighting in your rush to condemn all things GAE you're making inaccurate statements and presenting them as truth.
The Biden regime hastily shipped 14,000 missiles which were airlifted in to Israel in the midst of all this Genocide stuff, without the approval of Congress. It's American bombs and missiles killing these women and kids inside churches and hospitals.

And it seems unless they are blowing up innocents, they are losing pretty badly, so I wouldn't rule out American involvement. It would require some sort of "Pearl Harbor type event" of course, to quote Dick Cheney, to get all the plebes riled up.
The Biden regime hastily shipped 14,000 missiles which were airlifted in to Israel in the midst of all this Genocide stuff, without the approval of Congress. It's American bombs and missiles killing these women and kids inside churches and hospitals.

And it seems unless they are blowing up innocents, they are losing pretty badly, so I wouldn't rule out American involvement. It would require some sort of "Pearl Harbor type event" of course, to quote Dick Cheney, to get all the plebes riled up.
Worse yet, Israel taunts people who are against the genocide by writing their names on the bombs before they are dropped, such as "Lucas Gage" and "Jackson Hinkle".
The Biden regime hastily shipped 14,000 missiles which were airlifted in to Israel in the midst of all this Genocide stuff, without the approval of Congress. It's American bombs and missiles killing these women and kids inside churches and hospitals.

And it seems unless they are blowing up innocents, they are losing pretty badly, so I wouldn't rule out American involvement. It would require some sort of "Pearl Harbor type event" of course, to quote Dick Cheney, to get all the plebes riled up.
This is all wrong and all of that. But this isn't the military doing it. Our military isn't killing anyone in this conflict. The Israeli military is, the Biden admin is enabling whatever.

Elections do have consequences and we've seen what happens when a clueless pervert octogenarian is allowed to fraudulent assume the head of the state in place of a pragmatic, though ego driven leader.

I don't support The Israeli Government anymore than I do Iran...I also look at this from a pragmatic reality.

We can't undue what Truman did with Israel or Carter with Iran... So how do we navigate here now?

It's clear that Iran v Israel conflict is going to happen inevitably. The US Eisenhower being located up there was specifically to avoid either side escalating further... But now that we are focused on trade protection and interdiction this will result in further escalation.
"Trade protection"...

I'm very skeptical of this narrative. It reminds me of all of the other BS reasons they've used in the past to justify endless war and military intervention in the middle east. Saddam's yellow cake, Ghaddafi's "despotic rule", Assad's "gas attacks", the list goes on. All BS. This new one, to me, sounds like the old ones that we now know were complete lies. They never tell the truth about why they're actually there.
@Rax Moscow

I hope you guys are right and if things "collapse" it will just be economic I have no problem with that whatsoever I'll gladly trade my material possessions in exchange for raising crops and livestock which I already know how to do, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I think a "collapse" by the USA will include a massive war that comes to our soil and at the least would involve our military being decimated overseas and being forced to do some terrible things to the citizens they are supposed to protect in the name or keeping order......Americans dying.

We bring war to every other country's doorstep with reckless abandon, directly and indirectly right? If the USA "collapses" I'm sure more than a few, if not all, of those countries will do the same in return.....they will smell the blood in the water.