The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

What is going on here? How did Scott Ritter go from being the darling hero of the atheist far left in 2001 to having so many die hard conservative Christian men fanboying over him in 2024 (same goes for Glen Greenwald)? Weird. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This proves my point about fame and those who seek it. Snap out of it boys! A pedophile has you under his fame-spell. Next you'll be gleefully passing out thumbs downs for those who call Noam Chomsky a misinformed, controlled-op jew.

This is one of the most interesting things about the Israeli-Hamas war. That is, all of the confusion and cross-over-reverse politicking between America's left and right. In 2001 you couldn't find a conservative Christian man that didn't want to "genocide" Muslims and now that someone (regardless of who) is doing just that you have Christian conservative men crying "War crimes on Muslims!" All jews and Muslims are spritually on the same side, and therefore going to hell for denying Our Lord Jesus Christ. So why all the concern for our Muslim enemies? I just don't get it? Bizarro World.

What you're dealing with here is the zionist conditioning of conservatives. The brighter ones have managed to wean themselves from it, while others (especially Boomers) are still under its spell.
How did Scott Ritter go from being the darling hero of the atheist far left in 2001 to having so many die hard conservative Christian men fanboying over him in 2024 (same goes for Glen Greenwald)?
It has more to do with the entire society shifting while a few people hold their position.
Jimmy Dore still has a few legacy fans from his time as a "leftist" but anyone listening to him today is basically a Natsee.
Glenn Greenwald can't even do journalism in America anymore and was kicked out of the very paper he founded because he's too "extreme."
Even super lefty granola crunching David "Avocado" Wolfe is "far right" these days and even banned from certain platforms for having "extreme" views.

These people didn't change their views. They held on to the same views while the entire world became even more insane.
And can we ease up on the PUA/manosphere terminology of "ad hominem"? Attacking a person's "person" is the same thing as attacking his ideas. If you're a shi**y person then you have shi**y ideas. Expose one, and you expose the other.
I couldn't disagree with this more. The world is full of flawed people doing great things. In fact, it is probably these very flaws which enable them to have these larger than life personas. Napoleon was arrogant, a social climber, very thin skinned, and disloyal to his wife. Churchill (I despise Churchill but we will take the accepted western view of him) was a horrible alcoholic with a bad temper, and killed a million Indian civilians through his careless attitude. Steve Jobs was a horrible person on an individual level but created a company with more wealth than the US federal government. Hitler was a vegetarian. The gay who cracked Enigma was a raging homo. The creator of the old forum had a successful Christian following precisely because of his past public failings. Etc. etc. In fact it's a silly exercise because it would be more difficult to find chaste, holy, heroic men who found success, than it would be flawed ones.

And I wouldn't say the manosphere was particularly good about ignoring a person's individual traits while attacking their ideas--quite the opposite in fact. Either way it's irrelevant. Or is this applying this good/bad dichotomy again to the manosphere: Manosphere bad therefore anything from Manosphere thought is flawed. Should we bulldoze our interstates since they came from Hitler?

I was once assigned to read a book applying this absurd theory to famous men throughout history. Each chapter was a character assassination, a gossip column about the personal lives of men with great accomplishments. Instead of critiquing Marxism, he attacked Marx's character. Instead of considering alternate actions for Ghandi, he psychoanalyzed some personal failing. Chapter after chapter, the author revealed himself as the kind of person who would disregard Mother Theresa's works because he found some flaw in her humanity.

After reading the first page, I looked up the author's bio and found that he was a former leftist turned neocon divorcee who abandoned his family and drank himself to death, and refused to read any more, concluding that either a) his theory is bogus, and therefore not worth entertaining, or b) his theory is correct, meaning that I should listen to nothing he has to say.

Attacking a person's "person" is the same thing as attacking his ideas.
I'm truly amazed at how someone could believe this.
I suppose if good ideas cannot come from bad people, there are no good ideas in the world?
A prostitute could never observe that it is raining? Maybe gravity doesn't exist because Isaac Newton was actually a chronic masturbater?

The alternate theory, of course, is that the truth is the truth no matter who utters it.
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Jones is a middle-aged morally bankrupt atheist blowhard who is into tranny porn. He is a gatekeeper who has sold out to ZOG, who are his actual business partners, and he knowingly lies and deflects the truth to his audience, and gets his 30 pieces of silver for this.

Ritter's track record on Ukraine has been very solid.
You've gone on about Jones many times. He's been correct on a litany of issues over decades. Not acknowledging that is simply an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

That said... I disagree in the characterization....regardless... Hes never been convicted of exposing himself to someone he thought was a minor.

Comparing the two is really not a winning argument... I personally don't spend any of my good will or energy defending people who've been wrong about the Iraqi army AND flash their genitals to children (whilst having daughters at home) not once but twice.

As I've said... This defense is a fools errand... But you're free to make it if you think it helps ;)

Id use other experts that are less co-opted. Col. McGregor is much better and isn't a pervert.
What is going on here? How did Scott Ritter go from being the darling hero of the atheist far left in 2001 to having so many die hard conservative Christian men fanboying over him in 2024 (same goes for Glen Greenwald)?

Because "hard conservative Christian men" now realize...

- War in the 21st century should be avoided at all costs, due the high death toll and the lingering cost and impact on society.
- That our enemy isn't the Iranians or Russians or Chinese, but instead the traitors in Washington DC who sell out the country for personal gain.
- The videos coming out of Gaza has turned the young generation completely against Israel and that is not going to change. Israel's behavior the last 2 months is an astonishing record of destroying your own reputation.
- That spreading "our democracy" means spreading satanic values, like child transitioning, homosexuality, anti-Christianity, killing children in cowardly bombing attacks, and this isn't a good thing to support.
- That Iran and Russia have serious militaries with serious and intelligent men, and we have the literal F-Troop fighting for us.
- That isn't a game on TV, this is real, and when the flag draped caskets arrive back, are you going to go in next or are you going to run and hide. They realized they wouldn't fight for this mess, and they will be asked to do so.
- That Ritter was 100% right about Ukraine, while everyone else in the media lied to us, so they now found a source that at least gave them some truth and reality.
You've gone on about Jones many times. He's been correct on a litany of issues over decades. Not acknowledging that is simply an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

That said... I disagree in the characterization....regardless... Hes never been convicted of exposing himself to someone he thought was a minor.

Comparing the two is really not a winning argument... I personally don't spend any of my good will or energy defending people who've been wrong about the Iraqi army AND flash their genitals to children (whilst having daughters at home) not once but twice.

As I've said... This defense is a fools errand... But you're free to make it if you think it helps ;)

Id use other experts that are less co-opted. Col. McGregor is much better and isn't a pervert.

-AJ has rarely given the whole truth on the items he reveals, at least not in the last decade or so. In that sense, the truths he "reveals" are in fact a basis for further manipulations. Those half-truths are more insidious than outright lies.

-Will you at least admit that Ritter has been the subject of continuous targeting by the deep state. In that sense, the narrative and framing of his case is going to be highly suspect. Let's just leave it at that, since it's off-topic.

-MacGregor's analysis on Ukraine is practically the same as Ritter's. They both have been spot on. Ritter is a bit more emotionally invested in the Gaza war, which might skew his assessments towards the Palestinians, but he is most likely right about the Israelis suffering much greater losses than acknowledged. Where I disagree with him is in his long-term assessment, Israel is going to take thousands of losses but will eventually prevail because Hamas cannot resupply. However this will be a classic pyrrhic victory for them.
-AJ has rarely given the whole truth on the items he reveals, at least not in the last decade or so. In that sense, the truths he "reveals" are in fact a basis for further manipulations. Those half-truths are more insidious than outright lies.

-Will you at least admit that Ritter has been the subject of continuous targeting by the deep state. In that sense, the narrative and framing of his case is going to be highly suspect. Let's just leave it at that, since it's off-topic.

-MacGregor's analysis on Ukraine is practically the same as Ritter's. They both have been spot on. Ritter is a bit more emotionally invested in the Gaza war, which might skew his assessments towards the Palestinians, but he is most likely right about the Israelis suffering much greater losses than acknowledged. Where I disagree with him is in his long-term assessment, Israel is going to take thousands of losses but will eventually prevail because Hamas cannot resupply. However this will be a classic pyrrhic victory for them.
Has MacGregor given his thoughts on Israel v. Hamas yet?
Yes he has, numerous times. I suggest following Judge Nap's YT channel, as Macgregor and other quality guests are on every week.

I actually somewhat disagree with some of MacGregor's assessments on Gaza, he believes for instance that Turkey is going to rise up and take on Israel, while I believe that Erdogan is just posturing. But he definitely gets the big picture.
Yes he has, numerous times. I suggest following Judge Nap's YT channel, as Macgregor and other quality guests are on every week.

I actually somewhat disagree with some of MacGregor's assessments on Gaza, he believes for instance that Turkey is going to rise up and take on Israel, while I believe that Erdogan is just posturing. But he definitely gets the big picture.
Yea, I don't see Erdogan doing anything but talking tough and sitting it out. Thank you!
I'm skeptical of people who seek any form of public recognition or fame.
This is a healthy instinct to have nowadays. Way too many people out there are taking advantage of our grievances for their own personal gain. Fake opposition groups, eceleb cults, etc. Opportunists see that there is a giant swath of people who don't have any representation, their ticket to easy money/notoriety. Just be the loudest one and go talk $%&# on the internet and you'll get your e-cred.

The internet is a double edged sword in that way. We get to share/see things we never would have in the past, but it also enables people with pathological personality traits and no tangible leadership qualities to rise to prominence, and then to no ones surprise, their followers run around in circles and get nowhere. Nothing is solved, nothing is accomplished.

Outsourcing the revolution to e-celebs doesn't work and the leaders we need aren't the ones who are out seeking attention and their own enrichment.
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I think you guys shouldn't put so much of your minds into the opinions and lives of people that are not in your actual real lives. Take thoughts and opinions from people you know and love, people in your real life, not people who have something to gain from garnering your attention.

Once someone starts quoting, linking or talking about Internet personalities I'm usually scrolling through the thread until that discussion changes, I would much rather read any of your personal thoughts than watch a YouTube video.
-AJ has rarely given the whole truth on the items he reveals, at least not in the last decade or so. In that sense, the truths he "reveals" are in fact a basis for further manipulations. Those half-truths are more insidious than outright lies.
I don't look at it like that at all ... And I honestly can't see why people don't see the obvious here:

He's pointing out the things within the edge of the Overton window that are still edgy but will ultimately be adopted.

Vaccines and COVID for example.
Gov collusion with tech.

Erstwhile he's had EMJ and many others on and lightly talked about Jewish influence...he just doesn't make it his personal agenda to be solely focused on the Jewish element.

I don't understand why that's such an affront given that it's doing much more to slowly feed people red pills vs giving them a double 18 gauge needle in the ass of red pill that noone wanfs.NO ONE wakes up like that.

I hear your point. I wish he'd name the Jewish element more... But if you're already aware... nothing he says dissuades you from what you already know. It just connects other dots.

He's done more to get baby boomers to wake up in 911 than anyone. The Tucker interview reinforced that.

-Will you at least admit that Ritter has been the subject of continuous targeting by the deep state. In that sense, the narrative and framing of his case is going to be highly suspect. Let's just leave it at that, since it's off-topic.
Yes. Even more so a reason after the first conviction he shouldn't have acted like a pervert online.

If I'm guilty of speeding and I know the cops are after me...guess what... I'm gonna drive the doggone speed limit after that 1st ticket.

Only someone wrong with theirs corpus would relapse into activities that get them caught doing objectively bad/wrong behavior.

There's no narrative to frame. He was caught 2x acting inappropriately and exposed himself after already being convicted the 1st time doing so.

He is a pervert. There's zero equivocation on this. It's totally comical to say the things about Jones and tranny porn (gross but not a crime) and not acknowledge Ritter.

It destroys credibility in the argument. But that's your problem not mine. I'll never take him seriously. He's anathema to me as a Marine, A Man, and a public figure.

-MacGregor's analysis on Ukraine is practically the same as Ritter's. They both have been spot on. Ritter is a bit more emotionally invested in the Gaza war, which might skew his assessments towards the Palestinians, but he is most likely right about the Israelis suffering much greater losses than acknowledged. Where I disagree with him is in his long-term assessment, Israel is going to take thousands of losses but will eventually prevail because Hamas cannot resupply. However this will be a classic pyrrhic victory for them.
McGregor overall is good. But his soundbites and the clipping are a great disservice to him. They make it sound like the war is already over. It's not. The ultimate victory is there for Russia...but there's still more blood shed and more death on both sides to occur.

I think you'll agree with that... As far as Ritter... No idea. Like I said... I don't listen to him... But when he was in the Duran, he made huge prognostications that hadn't played out at the time of them being made.

If I remember right Gonzalo Lira called him out for being a stooge/Spy himself...
It has more to do with the entire society shifting while a few people hold their position.

Glenn Greenwald can't even do journalism in America anymore and was kicked out of the very paper he founded because he's too "extreme."

These people didn't change their views. They held on to the same views while the entire world became even more insane.
Good points. It is true that Ritter and Greenwald have stuck to their guns and I respect that. I got turned onto Ritter via Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello who had a post-911 radio show called Axis Of Justice. At that time Ritter was forecasting the US's "imminent" invasion of Iran and I have heard him saying that several other times over the last 20+ years (including once about a year ago). These instances were him speaking live on air so I don't have "sources" to quote. Anyway, he got that one wrong.

The world is full of flawed people doing great things. In fact, it is probably these very flaws which enable them to have these larger than life personas.

I suppose if good ideas cannot come from bad people, there are no good ideas in the world?

The alternate theory, of course, is that the truth is the truth no matter who utters it.
I believe both of our stances. You of course, are making great points that are hard to argue with. All I'm saying is that yes, a flawed person can have a great idea, but it depends on the severity of their flaws and the soundness of their idea(s). A highly flawed person can have one good idea, but most likely they have more bad ideas than good ones, and so it is best to proceed with caution when putting them forth as a trusted bastion of truth.
As for Israel and Gaza, it's been over a week since the flooding the tunnels have started and total radio silence since then. Pretty sure it was a huge failure, as expected, since underground engineering is a science that is thousands of years old and 10 minutes reading a mining digging manual will tell you how to handle flooding and keep the shafts dry.

Israel is doing nothing, wasting their time getting picked off, losing tons of international support and cash, and meanwhile Hamas is surviving just fine. Things are looking very bad for Israel right now, similar to how Ukraine was 2 months into their war. It was obvious after 2 months in that Ukrainian casualties were astronomical, likewise, it's obvious that Israel is floundering without a plan in Gaza.

It's obvious they messed up badly, they invaded without a plan due to their anger and are winging it, pretty much the worst thing you can do in war. The smartest thing for Israel to do is retreat and try a different tactic, however, they cannot without losing a ton of face as well as invite attacks from other enemies who will smell weakness.

I agree with the assessments that Israel is losing and has horrible long-term prospects as a nation if they lose or retreat in Gaza. That is why they keep trying to brute force Hamas, who is content at ambushing dozens of IDF soldiers every day, while resupplying via their underground highways into Egypt.

The only reason Hamas wants a ceasefire is for the sake of the civilians, who are getting slaughtered, and are also starving. The actual Hamas fighters are safe and sound 300 feet underground, well-fed, and have almost nothing to worry about except trying to keep civilians alive above ground. Very hard to do when IDF troops are slaughtering indiscriminately.
As for Israel and Gaza, it's been over a week since the flooding the tunnels have started and total radio silence since then.

The media attention was a PSY-OP designed to give Israel leverage during the talks that are currently ongoing in both Cairo and Doha. If Israel wanted to flood the tunnels it would have done so a long time ago already without telling any pesky journalists about their plans.

Hamas called the bluff.
The media attention was a PSY-OP designed to give Israel leverage during the talks that are currently ongoing in both Cairo and Doha. If Israel wanted to flood the tunnels it would have done so a long time ago already without telling any pesky journalists about their plans.

Hamas called the bluff.

The only bluff called was that Israel couldn't flood the tunnels even if they wanted to. Not that Israel lacks the will the try, it's that Hamas doesn't care if it's attempted or not. Israel definitely would flood if they could, it would make their threat more credible if they at least flooded half or more of the tunnel networks. Instead Hamas fighters are dry as a bone and probably heard rushing water through their drainage system.