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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

It's obvious that Iran gave the Houthis a green light to mess with our economies. The scale and sophistication of Houthi attacks is increasing with every day, they're running circles around us, while the US is unable to find its ass with both hands - only 2 days ago we were able to convince Brits to send the HMS "Diamond" destroyer to the Red Sea. And I think that Iran's plans go beyond inflating costs of living in the west, I'm starting to think they want to draw us into another never ending war in the Middle East.
I do too, I think Iran knows the "iron is hot" and it is time to strike. The USA is a disaster and can't put up a real fight. Israel hasn't worked its way into India or China yet, so Israel is really in a bad position. If there was ever a time to take it to Israel, now is the time and I think Iran knows this well.

Combine this with the Israeli's governments arrogance, the fact Israel's military is not all that impressive, and how weak the USA looks, Israel is as weak as it has ever been.

And TBH, if the DNC candidate calls for some kind of peace with Palestine and an end to the conflict, and Trump or Haley or whoever the GOP runs is still Israel first, then we must support the DNC candidate. We can afford weirdo's to transition their children, we can't afford to lose a war.
I do too, I think Iran knows the "iron is hot" and it is time to strike. The USA is a disaster and can't put up a real fight. Israel hasn't worked its way into India or China yet, so Israel is really in a bad position. If there was ever a time to take it to Israel, now is the time and I think Iran knows this well.

Combine this with the Israeli's governments arrogance, the fact Israel's military is not all that impressive, and how weak the USA looks, Israel is as weak as it has ever been.

And TBH, if the DNC candidate calls for some kind of peace with Palestine and an end to the conflict, and Trump or Haley or whoever the GOP runs is still Israel first, then we must support the DNC candidate. We can afford weirdo's to transition their children, we can't afford to lose a war.
This entire situation will reach its climax well before the election season.
Right now, team Biden clearly doesn't want to escalate - those Houthi attacks have been going on for several weeks and there was no retaliation from the US Navy. Looks like Biden's handlers still believe they can pressure Netanyahu to stand down. However, if it doeasn't happen soon, they will have no other choice but to adjust and go after Houthis, otherwise they will look extremely week, and that's not something they'll want in an election year. The pressure to act is mounting: already from the republicans in Congress, and soon from the business sector.
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I do too, I think Iran knows the "iron is hot" and it is time to strike. The USA is a disaster and can't put up a real fight. Israel hasn't worked its way into India or China yet, so Israel is really in a bad position. If there was ever a time to take it to Israel, now is the time and I think Iran knows this well.

Combine this with the Israeli's governments arrogance, the fact Israel's military is not all that impressive, and how weak the USA looks, Israel is as weak as it has ever been.

And TBH, if the DNC candidate calls for some kind of peace with Palestine and an end to the conflict, and Trump or Haley or whoever the GOP runs is still Israel first, then we must support the DNC candidate. We can afford weirdo's to transition their children, we can't afford to lose a war.

Even if a new Dem candidate called for ceasefire I wouldn't trust a word out of his mouth. You'd have to be insane to trust any Democrat at the national level. They lie so much every time they open their mouths a new lie comes out.

To those "Christians" who say they have no dog in this fight. If jews win then everywhere becomes greater pissrael. There is no difference between a Christian and a Muslim to a jew, they're all gentile filth in their minds.

I believe Anglin's right about the spiritually serious grave crime these boomers have done with elevating these rats to the status of "God's chosen people."

Girlboss moment. Those are her eardrums flying out of the frame bytheway.

I used to hear about 0811s have the jr Marines stand to the side and just behind the barrel of the howitzers so they got all the pressure and concussion.

Caught a new section chief doing that once. Fired him on the spot. That sort of thing can really jack you up. No doubt this chick was f'd up for a while after that.
Lots of mercs fighting for Israel apparently:

Notice the high number from El Salvador, a small country. That's why its president is allowed to implement radical right wing law and order policies at home.

Ukrainians fighting for Israel in Gaza confirmed:
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Lots of mercs fighting for Israel apparently:

Notice the high number from El Salvador, a small country. That's why its president is allowed to implement radical right wing law and order policies at home.

Ukrainians fighting for Israel in Gaza confirmed:

The majority of Israelis have dual citizenship.

Having said that, where does this information come from and how could an further unknown individual named Ahmed Yehia be the one to break the news?

Is Israel just paying mercenaries to fight?
Indians? Italians?
Makes no sense.

Maybe the IDF is as fake as the IDF girls (Eastern European models posing in IDF uniforms).

Those too are mostly Israeli citizens. The best known IDF 'thirst trap' is Natalia Fadeeva, a dual Russian-Israeli citizen. There are close to 1.5 million former USSR citizens that have successfully made aaliyah after the fall of the USSR. It's a point of contention in Israel, as many of them are only one quarter Jewish (they migrated because of socio-economic reasons) and are non-observant of the Jewish religion.

images - 2023-12-20T053339.533.jpeg
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Not many Jews in Thailand, South Soudan, India,
Western PMCs or even ukrainian veterans in the Israeli ranks is one thing, but neither Thailand nor Sudan are known for having quality soldiers of fortune to offer (and if they were used as cannon fodder we would have seen them already in the Hamas videos), nor for having jewish communities (India has the Bnei Menashe community). So I'm more inclined to believe that Israel could be recruiting foreigners which are already living in Israel - Thai workers, Sudanese migrants etc.

or Germany and Poland for that matter. These are client states and governments on friendly terms with ZOG pitching in.
This might surprise You, but most of European countries (including Germany and Poland) grant their citizenships through descent, even if only one parent was their citizen.
^ Agreed about the migrant workers being possibly used, but more likely, Israel directly funds and trains many of these militias in places like South Sudan or Honduras, they already have these soldiers on their rolodex.

The migrant-soldier model is what is being slated in the US and other western countries, illegals would be fast-tracked and rewarded for enlisting, which would solve the problem for ZOG of these pesky patriot types no longer willing to become cannon fodder in forever wars. Also these migrant-soldiers would have much less of an issue keeping the locals in line in case of a domestic popular uprising.
Haven't been able to confirm this:

In this case I Strongly support the targeting of all Houthi Surface to Ship missles.

But I'm not sure that will be sufficient to stop the Houthis whilst Iran keeps backing them.

They'll have to engage the supply lines of these weapons and all logistics trains as well as Intel gathering capabilities. That includes targeting Iranian personnel providing any assistance in the process of execution targets of the POO locations.