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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge


Scott Ritter is doing a great Indepth live talk with Larry Johnson and Danny Haiphong. So far the points in the talk...

Ukraine is finished, they can't even defend themselves. Putin wants unconventional surrender and Ukraine will not give it, so Russia likely will go on the offense this summer when they are fully prepared to take it to Ukraine and finish them off. They are training soldiers now for these new tactics.

Israels' efforts are embarrassing. Their military tactics seen on video are terrible. They are inexperienced and way too young for their ranks due to conscription. Ritter went as far as to say Israel is probably finished as a country and he wished when they all try to leave they were forced to stay and face the Palestinians for the crimes they committed.

The USA is pretty much helpless, other than just dropping bombs, which does us no good if Hezbollah invades Israel. Our military equipment performed so badly in Ukraine we know we have no real chance. The support for a new war is simply not there, and no one will support it in the west.

Add to this, the economy in Russia is doing good, things are being built, while everything in the west is collapsing and falling apart.

Ritter says there is good reason to believe that Iran has developed underwater drones and if so, they likely have given it their proxies and our air craft carriers are nearly unable to defend themselves against them, which is why we are staying out so far.

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Ritter also said that the Iraqi army would be able to hold off the US... So dont put all your eggs in one pervert basket with that dude.

He's good on some things... But often overstates things.
Scott Ritter is doing a great Indepth live talk with Larry Johnson and Danny Haiphong. So far the points in the talk...

Ukraine is finished, they can't even defend themselves. Putin wants unconventional surrender and Ukraine will not give it, so Russia likely will go on the offense this summer when they are fully prepared to take it to Ukraine and finish them off. They are training soldiers now for these new tactics.

Israels' efforts are embarrassing. Their military tactics seen on video are terrible. They are inexperienced and way too young for their ranks due to conscription. Ritter went as far as to say Israel is probably finished as a country and he wished when they all try to leave they were forced to stay and face the Palestinians for the crimes they committed.

The USA is pretty much helpless, other than just dropping bombs, which does us no good if Hezbollah invades Israel. Our military equipment performed so badly in Ukraine we know we have no real chance. The support for a new war is simply not there, and no one will support it in the west.

Add to this, the economy in Russia is doing good, things are being built, while everything in the west is collapsing and falling apart.

Ritter says there is good reason to believe that Iran has developed underwater drones and if so, they likely have given it their proxies and our air craft carriers are nearly unable to defend themselves against them, which is why we are staying out so far.

Ritter also said that the Iraqi army would be able to hold off the US... So dont put all your eggs in one pervert basket with that dude.

He's good on some things... But often overstates things.

Ritter has been spot on on Ukraine. He's a bit too optimistic about the prospects of Gaza militants, a bit of a cheerleader, however a lot of what he is reporting on Israeli losses seems to be true. He's a lot closer to the truth than your average pundit.

He was also targeted by the feds and set up.
Ritter has been spot on on Ukraine. He's a bit too optimistic about the prospects of Gaza militants, a bit of a cheerleader, however a lot of what he is reporting on Israeli losses seems to be true. He's a lot closer to the truth than your average pundit.

He was also targeted by the feds and set up.
Your last sentence might make sense if it wasnt true that ..He also literally fell for the same thing twice and is on video exposing himself to someone he supposed was 15.

Don't make excuses for the guy.

I'm a Marine, I want to give him a benefits of the doubt... But as a father and a man of integrity..
He's a pervert.


You see stuff like this all the time in corporate and higher echelon military leaders.

People have something wrong with their soul/body or what I call ...Corpus.

These people self sabotage.

Ritter is a self sabotage expert clearly.... 1st time maybe it's a set up... 2x? Come on....
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Your last sentence might make sense if it wasnt true that ..He also literally fell for the same thing twice and is on video exposing himself to someone he supposed was 15.

Don't make excuses for the guy.

I'm a Marine, I want to give him a benefits of the doubt... But as a father and a man of integrity..
He's a pervert.


You see stuff like this all the time in corporate and higher echelon military leaders.

People have something wrong with their soul/body or what I call ...Corpus.

These people self sabotage.

Ritter is a self sabotage expert clearly.... 1st time maybe it's a set up... 2x? Come on....
Ritter is a full time bullsh*tter and perv to boot. A man in his late 40s showing off his private parts online to what he thought were 14-15 year olds. Got caught twice in the span of 8 years (2001-2009). That basically means he's been a predator for nearly a decade.

Why are people covering for this type of behaviour?

And, as an aside, Ritter has been under FBI investigation for spying for Israel from 1998 to 2001. According to the FBI there was considerable suspicion that Ritter leaked intel on the Iraqi weapons program to Israel. In those days Ritter was a warhawk and a neocon. He was part of UNSCOM team (UN Special Commission, created after 1991), a UN outfit tasked with keeping a tab on Iraq's weapon programs. Saddam Hussein called him a hyena due to his aggressive search, and Ritter eventually quit the UNSCOM mission due to the Iraqi uncooperative attitude and the US/UN failure to properly address it. From the horse's mouth "The sad truth is Iraq today is not disarmed anywhere near the level required by U.N. Security Council resolutions."

Only when the FBI started their investigation in 1998, withdrew him from Iraq did he change his ways, and everything became personal.

From the 2001 Haaretz article, which is laced with later add ons in this Greek piece.

Haaretz/Israel – Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter says the FBI has had him under investigation for more than three years on suspicion of spying for Israel. FBI spokesman James Margolin declined to comment on Friday.

Ritter has been out of prison since 2014 after serving 2 and a half years on a 5 and a half year sentence for multiple felony convictions related to child sex.

Ritter, a former U.S. Marine intelligence officer, mentioned the spying allegation during a question-and-answer session after a screening of his new documentary on the UN Special Commission, known as UNSCOM, which was created after the 1991 Gulf War to destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.

Arrests and conviction (Wikipedia)
Ritter was caught twice in 2001 in April and June 2001, and arrested shortly after the second incident,[42][43] in connection with police stings in which officers posed as under-aged girls to arrange meetings of a sexual nature. He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of “attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child” after the second, but charges were dropped after he completed six months of probation,[44] and the record was sealed on condition that he avoid further trouble for a period of time.[43] After this information was made public in early 2003, Ritter said that the timing of the leak was politically motivated.[42][43][45]

Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[46] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer said she was a 15-year-old girl.[1] Ritter said in his own testimony during the trial that he believed the other party was an adult acting out her fantasy.[47] The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on a $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included “unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation”.[48] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in a Monroe County, Pennsylvania courtroom on April 14, 2011.[1][49] In October 2011, he received a sentence of 11⁄2 to 51⁄2 in prison.[50] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[51]

“I was withdrawn from Iraq in January 1998 at the behest of the FBI, which was calling me an Israeli spy,” Ritter said. “It’s an investigation going on to this day.” He said his most recent meetings with representatives of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office were in June and lasted six hours.

Ritter, who resigned from UNSCOM in August 1998 after seven years as a weapons inspector, said he did cooperate with Israel as part of his job, and with the knowledge of his bosses.

According to the 90-minute documentary, “In Shifting Sands: The Truth About UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq,” former UNSCOM chief inspector Rolf Ekeus wrote to 60 countries in 1991 asking for information about Iraq’s weapons programs and initially got one response – from the United States.

Ritter said Israel also started cooperating in early 1994 and provided a significant amount of information to UNSCOM. In early 1996, UNSCOM started using sophisticated equipment in Iraq to monitor radio frequencies to try to determine what the Iraqis might be concealing about their chemical and biological weapons programs and their long-range missile program, Ritter said.

“There was certain information that was encrypted,” he said. “We had to go to member states to have it processed and then have the information passed back to us.”

The United States was assiduous in refusing to feed that information back to UNSCOM. Great Britain did a better job, and Israel was magnificent, Ritter said.

In the documentary, Ritter repeated his charge that the United States used UNSCOM to spy on Iraq. He also accused the United States of manipulating UNSCOM to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein as a pretext for U.S. air strikes on Iraq.

Ritter said the FBI also brought him in for questioning on several occasions in connection with the documentary. “I’ve been fully cooperative. Indeed, my posture with the FBI about this film has been one of 100 percent disclosure on my part,” he said. “I’m an American citizen exercising my First Amendment rights of freedom of speech. I am not a tool of Iraqi propaganda, and I am not an agent of the government of Iraq or any other government,” Ritter said.

“If the FBI had legitimate reason to believe that I was, I invited them to bring that to my attention, and if they had, I would have ceased production of the film immediately.” The FBI did not, so Ritter said he went ahead with the documentary.
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In the documentary, Ritter repeated his charge that the United States used UNSCOM to spy on Iraq. He also accused the United States of manipulating UNSCOM to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein as a pretext for U.S. air strikes on Iraq.

Too bad we didn't know about this when Ritter reported it. He got this one correct, that the USA was trying to manufacture an extensive attack on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. We now know how correct Ritter is about this, and how sideways this went for our country and how evil it was of our leaders to do this.

Is Ritter right or wrong on Israel? Time will tell, he was right on Ukraine, he is one of the few who have been there and done it and are willing to tell the truth, so for that reason alone he is censored and put in a corner.

We can see the things he says playing out. Israel could bomb Gaza into the ground, ruin their reputation by killing innocent children, but they will struggle when they have to go in and fight. We are seeing this now, as Israel is bringing in Mercs to help shore up their very not ready soldiers. Their soldiers making very basic mistakes in videos released on the internet. Grouping themselves up for an easy drone strike, getting themselves out of position, then panicking and shooting children and even worse shooting women in a church. Things are not going good for Israel so far, that doesn't mean they have lost, but they are in for more of a fight than they wanted. And their attack dog USA is nowhere to be found. The USA dieverse and obese soldiers, with their outdated equipment, are sitting way off the coast and afraid to do much of anything so far.

So, the only comment I saw Ritter make last night that might be over the top or incorrect, is that "Israel is finished". I don't know this to be true, but it isn't looking good for them...

- China has told them to go to hell. This is huge, Israel stabbed the USA in the back to build up China to be their backup plan once dieversity killed off the USA. And now China is stabbing Israel in the back.

- Due to the internet and everyone have a video camera on them at all times, the war crimes and behavior of the Israeli army is available for the world to see. And their support in the world is at an all-time low, and their support in the west is collapsing as well.

- The cost of the war so far, to "eliminate Hamas" is in the 10's of billions range and so far, they have done nothing to remove Hamas. They are going to have to get on the ground and get dirty to do that and so far, that is failing them. Do they think they can con the US into doing it for them? Even if they can, can the USA really do this? Once the flag draped caskets come back, this isn't going to be popular at all.

I don't know that Israel is done, they have a ton of power and influence, maybe they can make India their new attack dog. But for Israel to regain face after this is going to take a lot of work and a lot of luck.
Ritter also said that the Iraqi army would be able to hold off the US... So dont put all your eggs in one pervert basket with that dude.

He's good on some things... But often overstates things.
Second this. I saw Ritter attract a several thousand strong "Don't invade Iraq!" protest crowd at Cal Tech in late 2001 (they actually brought speakers outside for overflow crowd) and you could tell he was loving the attention (and the money at $20 a ticket). I'm skeptical of people who seek any form of public recognition or fame. Not to mention, he has been wrong on the US's "imminent" invasion of Iran for over 20 years now. Doesn't surprise me that he wound up in pedo trouble. Whether he was framed or not, anyone who risks their life simply for the pleasure of being able to run their mouth in public has an addiction problem (an addiction to attention), and addicts can never be relied upon, much less trusted.
Second this. I saw Ritter attract a several thousand strong "Don't invade Iraq!" protest crowd at Cal Tech in late 2001 (they actually brought speakers outside for overflow crowd) and you could tell he was loving the attention (and the money at $20 a ticket). I'm skeptical of people who seek any form of public recognition or fame. Not to mention, he has been wrong on the US's "imminent" invasion of Iran for over 20 years now. Doesn't surprise me that he wound up in pedo trouble. Whether he was framed or not, anyone who risks their life simply for the pleasure of being able to run their mouth in public has an addiction problem (an addiction to attention), and addicts can never be relied upon, much less trusted.
If you find anyone better on the Middle East situation, let us know. TBH, you just described every politician in the USA.
Can we stop with all the ad hominem on Scott Ritter? Debunk his arguments, but uncited critques of his calls 2 decades ago when he was a twentysomething or his personal degeneracy have nothing to do with the truth of statements he makes.

Gay Jewish homosexual Glenn Greenwald is one of the best English language journalists today.

Kevin Spacey despite (I guess?) being a pervert is an outstanding actor.

Nick Fuentes hangs out with weird furry fanatics.

Alex Jones married a Jewess.

And you know who was doing stuff we all universally reject 20 years ago? I'll give you a hint. He's the reason every one of you are here.

Drama, gossip, whatever, it's boring snarky, and feminine.

Hypocrisy, such as attacking Elliot Spitzer for zealously prosecuting politicians for paying for sex, when he was doing the very same thing himself is one thing. But otherwise all the drama and opinion about a man's personal life or whether you, as an anonymous internet poster "like" someone you've never met before is below the level of serious discourse.

You guys are gonna make me quote a feminist again.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.​

At least try to stick with the middle one.
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Getting us back on topic... Israel has murdered at least 64 journalists, setting an all time world record for journalist killings by a country ever.
They are singling out people wearing "PRESS" flak jackets and deliberately targeting them.

Way to go, Jews. Gold star for you.


It's simply amazing how they can perform unspeakable evil after evil and ZOG just supports them all the way. You really have to ask yourself, is there anything they would be criticized for? I don't think so. Remember the only time civilians were nuked in all of history, it was a Zionist operation under (((Oppenheimer))) and (((Morgenthau))). So I think if the nukes started flying, there would be silence from DC. Or some meaningless "restraint is called for" nonsense. They simply cannot criticize their masters.

Lately it can be hard to feel a lot of sympathy for journalists, but the kind of reporting someone like Patrick Lancaster does has nothing at all in common with 20something feminist churning out another buzzfeed listicle from her Manhattan apartment.

More journalists have been killed in the first 10 weeks of the Israel-Gaza war than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year,” it said.

CPJ is particularly concerned about an apparent pattern of targeting of journalists and their families by the Israeli military.

The CPJ said there was a “pattern of journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members being killed”. It said the 90-year-old father of the Al-Jazeera journalist Anas Al-Sharif was killed by an Israeli airstrike on his home after multiple threats were made to his son.
Can we stop with all the ad hominem on Scott Ritter? Debunk his arguments, but uncited critques of his calls 2 decades ago when he was a twentysomething or his personal degeneracy have nothing to do with the truth of statements he makes.

Gay Jewish homosexual Glenn Greenwald is one of the best English language journalists today.

Kevin Spacey despite (I guess?) being a pervert is an outstanding actor.

Nick Fuentes hangs out with weird furry fanatics.

Alex Jones married a Jewess.

And you know who was doing stuff we all universally reject 20 years ago? I'll give you a hint. He's the reason every one of you are here.

Drama, gossip, whatever, it's boring snarky, and feminine.

Hypocrisy, such as attacking Elliot Spitzer for zealously prosecuting politicians for paying for sex, when he was doing the very same thing himself is one thing. But otherwise all the drama and opinion about a man's personal life or whether you, as an anonymous internet poster "like" someone you've never met before is below the level of serious discourse.

You guys are gonna make me quote a feminist again.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.​

At least try to stick with the middle one.
That is fair... Ritters tract record has been so so...and it's not that hard to debunk his claims.

It is relevant to consider the source however...and it's fair game that if someone is a pervert... They can be labeled appropriately in the process of pointing out their flaws.

AJ is clearly an alcoholic. Doesn't mean he's not capable of being right on many things for example.
Spent time in my city walking and talking to protesters today.
This whole thing really is a beautiful post modern mess:

Good hearted NPC's raising the Palestine flag in traffic a million miles away going to sleep knowing they did their bit.
Yet, in a weird clown world way, they kind of did do something good.

The Black Keys said it best, strange times are here.

Can we stop with all the ad hominem on Scott Ritter? Debunk his arguments, but uncited critques of his calls 2 decades ago when he was a twentysomething or his personal degeneracy have nothing to do with the truth of statements he makes.

Gay Jewish homosexual Glenn Greenwald is one of the best English language journalists today.

Kevin Spacey despite (I guess?) being a pervert is an outstanding actor.

Nick Fuentes hangs out with weird furry fanatics.

Alex Jones married a Jewess.

And you know who was doing stuff we all universally reject 20 years ago? I'll give you a hint. He's the reason every one of you are here.

Drama, gossip, whatever, it's boring snarky, and feminine.

Hypocrisy, such as attacking Elliot Spitzer for zealously prosecuting politicians for paying for sex, when he was doing the very same thing himself is one thing. But otherwise all the drama and opinion about a man's personal life or whether you, as an anonymous internet poster "like" someone you've never met before is below the level of serious discourse.

You guys are gonna make me quote a feminist again.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.​

At least try to stick with the middle one.
What is going on here? How did Scott Ritter go from being the darling hero of the atheist far left in 2001 to having so many die hard conservative Christian men fanboying over him in 2024 (same goes for Glen Greenwald)? Weird. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This proves my point about fame and those who seek it. Snap out of it boys! A pedophile has you under his fame-spell. Next you'll be gleefully passing out thumbs downs for those who call Noam Chomsky a misinformed, controlled-op jew.

This is one of the most interesting things about the Israeli-Hamas war. That is, all of the confusion and cross-over-reverse politicking between America's left and right. In 2001 you couldn't find a conservative Christian man that didn't want to "genocide" Muslims and now that someone (regardless of who) is doing just that you have Christian conservative men crying "War crimes on Muslims!" All jews and Muslims are spritually on the same side, and therefore going to hell for denying Our Lord Jesus Christ. So why all the concern for our Muslim enemies? I just don't get it? Bizarro World.

And can we ease up on the PUA/manosphere terminology of "ad hominem"? Attacking a person's "person" is the same thing as attacking his ideas. If you're a shi**y person then you have shi**y ideas. Expose one, and you expose the other.
What is going on here? How did Scott Ritter go from being the darling hero of the atheist far left in 2001 to having so many die hard conservative Christian men fanboying over him in 2024 (same goes for Glen Greenwald)? Weird. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This proves my point about fame and those who seek it. Snap out of it boys! A pedophile has you under his fame-spell. Next you'll be gleefully passing out thumbs downs for those who call Noam Chomsky a misinformed, controlled-op jew.

This is one of the most interesting things about the Israeli-Hamas war. That is, all of the confusion and cross-over-reverse politicking between America's left and right. In 2001 you couldn't find a conservative Christian man that didn't want to "genocide" Muslims and now that someone (regardless of who) is doing just that you have Christian conservative men crying "War crimes on Muslims!" All jews and Muslims are spritually on the same side, and therefore going to hell for denying Our Lord Jesus Christ. So why all the concern for our Muslim enemies? I just don't get it? Bizarro World.

And can we ease up on the PUA/manosphere terminology of "ad hominem"? Attacking a person's "person" is the same thing as attacking his ideas. If you're a shi**y person then you have shi**y ideas. Expose one, and you expose the other.
Ad hominem is greek, and is one of the categories of logical fallacy identified by Greek philosophy, as listed in Aristotle''s Sophistical Refutations. It is not just PUA lingo like negging and establishing kino.

According to Aristotle, dismissing Ritter's useful expert commentary on Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza based on personal disparagement of him is a logical fallacy to avoid addressing his correct and substantive points.
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Ad hominem is greek, and is one of the categories of logical fallacy idenified by Greek philosophy, as listed in Aristotle''s Sophistical Refutations. It is not just PUA lingo like negging and establishing kino.

According to Aristotle, dismissing Ritter's useful expert commentary on Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza based on personal disparagement of him is a logical fallacy to avoid addressing his correct and substantive points.
Understood. Not to further derail on Ritter but I'm aware of the Greeks, and Aristotle and the Latin origins of language. This is the funny thing, nobody was disputing that Ritter makes good points or got Iraq right. We simply said "be careful" trusting the analysis of life long public speakers who get paid to beat other people over the head with their brilliant, oh so original "ideas." How long can you get paid to talk "at me" with your "expertise" simply based on a modicum amount of fame and real world experience from 25 years ago? I get it, war is inevitable, it's eventually going to happen, and nobody's going to do a thing to stop it. Sheer brilliance. Now, if you really want to help society, go get a job and physically build something of value that helps others (wells, roads, houses, etc.). But no, I think I'll just sit here on my fat as* repeating the same thing over and over while watching porn and writing another book that doesn't move the needle one inch.
That is fair... Ritters tract record has been so so...and it's not that hard to debunk his claims.

It is relevant to consider the source however...and it's fair game that if someone is a pervert... They can be labeled appropriately in the process of pointing out their flaws.

AJ is clearly an alcoholic. Doesn't mean he's not capable of being right on many things for example.

Jones is a middle-aged morally bankrupt atheist blowhard who is into tranny porn. He is a gatekeeper who has sold out to ZOG, who are his actual business partners, and he knowingly lies and deflects the truth to his audience, and gets his 30 pieces of silver for this.

Ritter's track record on Ukraine has been very solid.