The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

There is a lot of Zionist propaganda, both covert and open, oozing from your post.

As far as I know I'm not under Zionist MK Ultra mind control. My views are my own and have been for 30+ years (as much as that's possible, we're all programmed and controlled to some extent).

I've always despised both Israel and Palestine and would never visit either, much less would I willingly go to a music festival or raise my children in that hellhole (ironic that it's called "The Holy Land"). I have been adamant several times in this thread that I am fully red pilled on the JQ and I don't feel I need to be "re-educated" on the subject. I understand world jewry and I am not a fan. However, I am equally not a fan of Muslims (regardless of their geographical location). Therefore, as stated before, I will not shill for Israel or Palestine. I've just been reading a lot of "Israel bad, muh, Palestine good" on here, and I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. They're both bad, and they both deserve each other. I'm sick of hearing about their bullsh*t land squabbles. Quit running your mouth for 60+ years and put an end to it. Let's do this thing. Go ahead and annihilate each other already and get all your children killed over nothing. Good riddance. Land is replaceable, your children are not.

This is probably why you are getting a lot of pushback.

You're probably right, but the "push back" is mostly half-hearted with cute little thumbs down emojis and taking quotes out of context while ignoring my JQ redpills along the way so I'm not really taking it too seriously. It could also be a race thing. I can see non-whites being more critical of my views than whites (just like on TV where most of the pro-Palestinian protesters are non-white or mixed race).

Even so I applaud you for typing down posts that are not in line with the mainstream beliefs and convictions on this forum. It adds to the discussion.

Thank you. That is/was my intention.
What is the point of this "but both sides are bad tho" that keeps popping up on this thread?
We all know war is bad. We all know humans are flawed and imperfect.
But there is clearly one side here that is finally fighting back after decades of oppression and utter domination and I just don't see the point of the keyboard criticism. It's not like America is going to ever push back against Zog, so anyone who is doing it, bully for you.

No one is going to be moving to a future Palestine state from the west. That doesn't mean I'm not fully cheering them on and hopeful this is a major setback for these rapacious overlords who fully control my society.

It's also just obvious to me, even not knowing the details of the situation, iIf you see Lindsay Graham and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell all vehemently agreeing on something, 100% of the time it is bad.

Even the above post, ok you don't like either one of them? I mean, we all have opinions, maybe you are just sharing what's in your mind, but what is the point of such discussions? To let us know you don't want a Jewish neighbor or a Palestinian one? OK Well if that's the case, the only outcome that's going to stop the international immigration to America is a successful incursion against Israel. So I say, good luck boys.

Is there a devils advocate position to be taken? I suppose there were some "innocent" people who were harmed in the initial raids, but if you're a Jewish settler living on land claimed by others, who your government routinely oppresses and denies basic human rights, and you are issued weapons by the Israeli government, you're fair game in my book. I struggle pretty hard to find any legitimate criticism other than the general moral guidance to not do violence and turn the other cheek. Under that criteria, both sides can be rightfully condemned. But there is a point, such as in the Ukraine conflict, where one side is repeatedly killing and subverting and harassing for years, and finally there are repurcussions that come from that behavior. No one turns the cheek indefinitely.

Yeah I could post some things about "some Russians did some bad things" in the Russia thread, and there are probably many examples of that, but it's clear which side has a just cause. And it's also clear which side is committing war crimes in both conflicts.

I agree with Aguila if there IS any legit opposing position, I am interested in exploring that, but let's discuss it objectively and impersonally. But it has to be something other than Might Makes Right which is the only Israeli position I've seen so far.
As far as I know I'm not under Zionist MK Ultra mind control. My views are my own and have been for 30+ years (as much as that's possible, we're all programmed and controlled to some extent).

I've always despised both Israel and Palestine and would never visit either, much less would I willingly go to a music festival or raise my children in that hellhole (ironic that it's called "The Holy Land"). I have been adamant several times in this thread that I am fully red pilled on the JQ and I don't feel I need to be "re-educated" on the subject. I understand world jewry and I am not a fan. However, I am equally not a fan of Muslims (regardless of their geographical location). Therefore, as stated before, I will not shill for Israel or Palestine. I've just been reading a lot of "Israel bad, muh, Palestine good" on here, and I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. They're both bad, and they both deserve each other. I'm sick of hearing about their bullsh*t land squabbles. Quit running your mouth for 60+ years and put an end to it. Let's do this thing. Go ahead and annihilate each other already and get all your children killed over nothing. Good riddance. Land is replaceable, your children are not.

You're probably right, but the "push back" is mostly half-hearted with cute little thumbs down emojis and taking quotes out of context while ignoring my JQ redpills along the way so I'm not really taking it too seriously. It could also be a race thing. I can see non-whites being more critical of my views than whites (just like on TV where most of the pro-Palestinian protesters are non-white or mixed race).

Thank you. That is/was my intention.

I think your stance is you don't want either Palestinians or Israelis in your country. If so, then you have an obvious side to support. Palestinians want to remain in Palestine and are fighting for this right. Israel wants to move Palestinians to the west, and have boldly said this is their plan.

So, you do have a side to support.

Leaked audio from Jonathan Greenblatt.

Once the Gaza saga is over in a couple of months people should expect a massive campaign to get the unravelling narrative sewed back together. Accompanied by tightening of internet regulation etc, a bit like Nimarata Randhawa aka Nikki Haley recently proposed.

The Israelis are incredibly sloppy in their propaganda. Aside from the weapons behind magnetic MRI scan, laptop with Israeli website shown, absence of any tunnel system under al Shifa hospital and other loose ends there was something suspicious about the dates tooScreenshot_20231116_225407.jpg
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One might dislike Muslims or not be willing to shed tears over Palestinians but the bottom line is Jews had stolen that land from Palestinians and were artificially installed there by Zio-British empire. It is just a small part of general zionist domination and occupation of the entire world. They are fully controlling United States already. Every aspect of life is zionist-directed now and they literally shape minds and future too as they control Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Palestine is just one example of their blatant disregard towards other nations, just the most violent and vicious example. Usury, financialization, power of bankers and Wall Street, turning housing into overpriced "investment" vehicle and creating permanent class of renters are all hallmarks of their control, they already took the lands and money of some nations without a single shot.
And Palestinians are the ones, probably the only ones openly standing up to them, ready to die for that, this commands great respect.
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One might dislike Muslims or not be willing to shed tears over Palestinians but the bottom line is Jews had stolen that land from Palestinians and were artificially installed there by Zio-British empire. It is just a small part of general zionist domination and occupation of the entire world. They are fully controlling United States already. Every aspect of life is zionist-directed now and they literally shape minds and future too as they control Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Palestine is just one example of their blatant disregard towards other nations, just the most violent and vicious example. Usury, financialization, power of bankers and Wall Street, turning housing into overpriced "investment" vehicle and creating permanent class of renters are all hallmarks of their control, they already took the lands and money of some nations without a single shot.
And Palestinians are the ones, probably the only ones openly standing up to them, ready to die for that, this commands great respect.

I've written about this. And it makes this conflict like no other, in the sense that, if you look at it from the Jew's perspective, you'll fall for them. But, if you look at it from a Palestinian perspective you'll fall for them too. And it exposes our biases.

As a Catholic, I find myself automatically supporting the Jews. But, I very much sympathize with the Palestinians. You may say their actions were barbaric, but, we must remember these people are under bondage. How would we act if we were under the same oppression?

And there you have it. There is no "right" in this situation.

All that said, the reaction across the West, and the World for that matter, is interesting. As noted, Jews control the West, so, one would expect there to be monolithic support. But that is not the case and support for Palestinians is coming from very surprising places, such as academia. People get hung up on "queers for Palestine", but they shouldn't. That's because, much of the left regards Palestinians as victims, just as they do homosexuals. Yes, Palestinians will murder gays, but, so what? The left is a consortium of victims. That's why there are "queers for Palestine".

Moreover, we must remind ourselves that being deemed the victim is what compels the left to act out in their self-righteous ways.

I look at this situation on a broader or, if you will, meta-level. You see, since there is no right in this situation that has implications. And these implications are outside of the immediate conflict although closely related. What we can definitively conclude from this conflict may not be who is right and who is wrong, but rather, that the idea of multiculturalism is a total failure.

Conditions that allow a group of people who have repeatedly used ethnic genocide as the ultimate "victim card" to get their way only to turn around and demand genocide of another ethnicity cannot stand. The philosophical edifice that undergirds this has failed. Not to mention when the same people who fanatically support things like diversity and inclusion also support genocide what does that say about not only the legitimacy but practicality of diversity and inclusion? What does it say about the concept of color blindness or anti-racism when, if you take a side, you will be racist against either Jew or Arab - both being separate ethnicities?

And that is the most significant thing that will come of this war.
As a Catholic, I find myself automatically supporting the Jews. But, I very much sympathize with the Palestinians. You may say their actions were barbaric, but, we must remember these people are under bondage. How would we act if we were under the same oppression?

I don't understand this. There are Catholic Palestinians. Their churches are being bombed by Israel. Israel has killed Christian children, after they wouldn't let them out of their giant open air prison. Israelis spit on Christians and it is well documented.
I don't understand this. There are Catholic Palestinians. Their churches are being bombed by Israel. Israel has killed Christian children, after they wouldn't let them out of their giant open air prison. Israelis spit on Christians and it is well documented.
The establishment of Jewish-Catholic dialogue (manipulation) after the second Vatican council has resulted in the creation of terms like 'Judeo-Christian'.

We as Catholics have forgotten that the Jews have ceased to be the chosen people when they denied and murdered Christ.

They are NOT our elder brothers and are our enemy quite simply put.
I don't understand this. There are Catholic Palestinians. Their churches are being bombed by Israel. Israel has killed Christian children, after they wouldn't let them out of their giant open air prison. Israelis spit on Christians and it is well documented.

And Israel knows exactly where the churches were located, most of the churches being centuries old, but one of the Orthodox churches that was bombed was over 1500 years old. I mean these churches have survived Islamic domination for thousands of years but Mr. Jew comes along bombs women and children hiding on the property??

How is this not intentional?
Osama Bin Laden's "Letter To The American People" went massively viral on TikTok over the last few days, with a lot of Gen Zers posting videos showing support for what UBL said. In response, TikTok scrubbed the letter and any related content... all the comments on any videso still remaining are talking about how they're trying to "shut it down."

The letter: the American people.pdf


Removed even from the Guardian today too, which hosted full text, Zio masters are stepping in on the left as well. They control all media, left and right, just like they control both parties.

I had read the version of the letter that's going around and do not believe it's been written by Bin Laden, though. It appears that the letter had been written by the Westerner, based on how phrases are formed, the train of thought and focus on some details.

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One might dislike Muslims or not be willing to shed tears over Palestinians but the bottom line is Jews had stolen that land from Palestinians and were artificially installed there by Zio-British empire. It is just a small part of general zionist domination and occupation of the entire world. They are fully controlling United States already. Every aspect of life is zionist-directed now and they literally shape minds and future too as they control Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Palestine is just one example of their blatant disregard towards other nations, just the most violent and vicious example. Usury, financialization, power of bankers and Wall Street, turning housing into overpriced "investment" vehicle and creating permanent class of renters are all hallmarks of their control, they already took the lands and money of some nations without a single shot.
And Palestinians are the ones, probably the only ones openly standing up to them, ready to die for that, this commands great respect.

I can barely shed a tear over people I know, much less some unknown people in a far away land. The same goes for respecting someone. This doesn't mean I don't have empathy or wish humans weren't so brutal towards each other. Quite the contrary. But there is nothing I can do about a 75 year-old anti-Christian land squabble (no matter who started it). So I'm not taking a side. They're all going to hell anyway for not accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

What you say about the jews is most likely true. However, if modern day America is what Zionist control looks like then I'm fine with it. No rolling blackouts, no rockets flying over head, my hot water always flows, I can drive Interstate 40 coast to coast in 3 days with no roadblocks. I've also remained unvaxxed with no adverse effects to my livelihood or bank account. In addition, all I have to do in the US to keep my freedom and do what I want when I want is abide by our very lax laws, have a valid driver's license, pay my car insurance, pay my taxes, have a concealed carry permit, stay away from rallies and protests, refrain from posting on mainstream social media, and have a bit of street smarts by avoiding urban 1390 dindu situations. Sure, things could change in the blink of an eye, but I'm betting that they won't.

I'm not buying the whole "collapse" due to a jewish psy op thing. They've been saying that my whole life. I try to imagine the US without electricity or gas over the next 30+ years and I just don't see it. Things will definitely change for the worse (immigration, inflation, trannies, increased jewish/government control, food/fuel shortages, lockdowns, etc.). But if you live in the wilderness and don't look at the news or any media (and read the Bible and pray a lot) you will never know what is happening in the outside world (which existentially means that all of the negative changes won't exist). I don't think you can say that about most of the Muslim world (especially if you are a white Christian).

Ultimately, though I wish it wasn't happening, I think this Israel-Palestine war is a good thing as it has accelerated The Noticing. It is great to see previously unified liberal atheist college students fighting each other in the streets over judaism instead of being unified in their hate against Christianity. Especially interesting is the drop of the Bin Laden letter. Let's pray we get more non-violent divide and conquer victories in the future. The pen is mightier than the sword (most of the time), so I look forward to reading everyone's continued analysis here.

Thank you for everyone's input and constructive criticism. There has been a lot of great counter points in this thread to my posts and I appreciate it very much. One salient point was not to make this thread about me, and so I'll take a bit of a break until I can find a better way to contribute.
I can barely shed a tear over people I know, much less some unknown people in a far away land. The same goes for respecting someone. This doesn't mean I don't have empathy or wish humans weren't so brutal towards each other. Quite the contrary. But there is nothing I can do about a 75 year-old anti-Christian land squabble (no matter who started it). So I'm not taking a side. They're all going to hell anyway for not accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
There are Christian Palestinians and their churches have been bombed.
What you say about the jews is most likely true. However, if modern day America is what Zionist control looks like then I'm fine with it. No rolling blackouts, no rockets flying over head, my hot water always flows, I can drive Interstate 40 coast to coast in 3 days with no roadblocks. I've also remained unvaxxed with no adverse effects to my livelihood or bank account. In addition, all I have to do in the US to keep my freedom and do what I want when I want is abide by our very lax laws, have a valid driver's license, pay my car insurance, pay my taxes, have a concealed carry permit, stay away from rallies and protests, refrain from posting on mainstream social media, and have a bit of street smarts by avoiding urban 1390 dindu situations. Sure, things could change in the blink of an eye, but I'm betting that they won't.
The laws in the USA, even just the tax laws, are very far from simple and getting worse by the day. The question is when do they crack down and really turn the screws.

I'm not buying the whole "collapse" due to a jewish psy op thing. They've been saying that my whole life. I try to imagine the US without electricity or gas over the next 30+ years and I just don't see it. Things will definitely change for the worse (immigration, inflation, trannies, increased jewish/government control, food/fuel shortages, lockdowns, etc.). But if you live in the wilderness and don't look at the news or any media (and read the Bible and pray a lot) you will never know what is happening in the outside world (which existentially means that all of the negative changes won't exist). I don't think you can say that about most of the Muslim world (especially if you are a white Christian).
We have rolling blackouts, not as frequent as the third world, but becoming more frequent. Everything wrong with the third world is increasing here. Crime, poverty, drug use, hopelessness, etc. And they will take the illegals and move them to the rural area, because the rural areas are "too White" and "too conservative", so the crime will come for you as well in the rural areas

Ultimately, though I wish it wasn't happening, I think this Israel-Palestine war is a good thing as it has accelerated The Noticing. It is great to see previously unified liberal atheist college students fighting each other in the streets over judaism instead of being unified in their hate against Christianity. Especially interesting is the drop of the Bin Laden letter. Let's pray we get more non-violent divide and conquer victories in the future. The pen is mightier than the sword (most of the time), so I look forward to reading everyone's continued analysis here.

Thank you for everyone's input and constructive criticism. There has been a lot of great counter points in this thread to my posts and I appreciate it very much. One salient point was not to make this thread about me, and so I'll take a bit of a break until I can find a better way to contribute.
I agree, this past week was one that moved things more than we see in most 5 years spans. It is a great thing to witness.