The Israel-Hamas War Lounge



"You've Tarnished The Face Of Human Civilization" - Head Of Bombed Gaza Hospital Blasts Biden​

The director of the aid group that runs the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza - where Israeli attacks killed at least a dozen people on Monday - appealed directly to US President Joe Biden, imploring him to push Israel to accept permanent ceasefire in a war that's killed or maimed more than 40,000 Palestinians (a four-day truce is set to begin Thurs).

"Gazans are facing death every day. Every five minutes, a Palestinian child is killed," Sarbini Abdul Murad, head of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) Indonesia, wrote in a letter to Biden.

Noting that Israeli forces have attacked "babies, children, women, the elderly, the disabled, hospitals, ambulances, medics, schools, teachers, residential complexes, worship places, and much more," Murad asserted that "this is completely genocide and ethnic cleansing."

"It is very unfortunate that your siding with Israel by facilitating weapons of mass destruction has actually made the conflict even wider," Murad continued.

"Your action clearly contradicts various international treaties and agreements that apply to the existence of Palestine. You have destroyed the international rules of the game, insulted the authority of the [United Nations], torn apart the sense of justice, hurt human values, and tarnished the face of human civilization."
They smell blood in the water. They know how sick and weak our society has become. They saw how cowardly the USA acted under Trump and used very disgusting techniques to kill a hero of a nation. They know we transition our children. They saw Israel's men in action in Gaza and it wasn't impressive at all. They have seen our capitalist cut all corners, junk military technology in action in Ukraine and now across the Middle East. They watched Israel, with the full backing of the USA, kill over 6,000 children in the most disgusting way possible. And they know letting the US military and the Israel military force their disgusting satanic agenda on their people is a cause worth dying to stop.

In both cases for Yemen and Gaza, these people have nothing to lose, having been under constant bombing for years.
So much of life is just the same principles, on either a smaller or larger scale.

If you are in a fight, but you have a chance to run away and not have to find out, you should take it Because if you stay and decide to open up and take your best shot and you don't finish it right then and there, you might have just made a grave mistake.

Israel has done the same thing here on a larger scale. They had countless opportunities to be decent people, to work out some sort of peace deal, to avoid all this. Instead, they decided to take their best shot. They truly believe they are racially and spiritually superior to everyone else, and this will be their downfall. They have given these people their best shot, and these men can now see that Israel is vulnerable, that the USA is a shell of its former self, and the fight against the evil of the USA and Israel is a battle worth dying in.

I don't know if Hamas calculated all this out, all these reactions, of Israel overplaying their hand, of the USA being a paper tiger, but I suspect they did. And if so, they just walked the disgusting west right into a trap and our arrogance will prevent us from asking out of it.

My biggest mission/concern in life right now is two fold.

#1) Getting men to really accept the true red pill, and that is you cannot vote your way out of this, so your time/energy/resources must go to preparing for whatever may come next.

#2) Keeping men, especially White men, from enlisting in the military.
Israel is going to win eventually, completely turn northern Gaza into rubble and ethnically cleanse it, because Hamas is eventually going to run out of ammo and they are completely boxed in with no chance of resupply. Their goal is to take down a large number of Israeli troops in the process, which they likely will, and to score a political victory on the world stage by exposing Israeli propaganda, which they also will.
Israel is going to win eventually, completely turn northern Gaza into rubble and ethnically cleanse it, because Hamas is eventually going to run out of ammo and they are completely boxed in with no chance of resupply. Their goal is to take down a large number of Israeli troops in the process, which they likely will, and to score a political victory on the world stage by exposing Israeli propaganda, which they also will.
This is about what I expect. I don't see Hezbollah and Iran going to war full scale and bringing the US in. Israel will do what it wants in Gaza, and pay a price doing so, both in immediate military effort, and in damage to their relations with Moslem world. Also in Western public opinion to a limited degree.
Fast forward to 7 mins or so

This is all political. From experience... Im hoping all houthis get killed. God willing the folks running it now can get off the ship. Once there confirmed. sink it.

Eta....houthis are Iranian backed. They are anti Saudi.... They will be neutralized eventually.

Ive been shot at by them. They'll keep playing their propoganda games for a while... And occasionally shoot at an American shop.

if we had an admin with balls... We'd smoke check their coastal surface to ship missile sites and leadership via drones/strategic targeting. (They already think the US is the great Satan since he Supply Saudi Arabia with weapons and they're a totally unstable state.) Yemen is the Somalia of the ME.
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Israel is going to win eventually, completely turn northern Gaza into rubble and ethnically cleanse it, because Hamas is eventually going to run out of ammo and they are completely boxed in with no chance of resupply. Their goal is to take down a large number of Israeli troops in the process, which they likely will, and to score a political victory on the world stage by exposing Israeli propaganda, which they also will.
I think it completely depends on the Hamas tunnel situation. And I don't think anyone accurately knows how the tunnels are holding up or how large of a network they are. If they can reach to Egypt so they can be resupplied, if they can withstand bunker busters, if they can withstand drone/chemical weapons. We just don't know yet. If their tunnels can withstand this technology and can allow them to be supplied, then Israel has stepped into a trap they may never recover from. If not, then your assessment is very accurat.
Fast forward to 7 mins or so

This is all political. From experience... Im hoping all houthis get killed. God willing the folks running it now can get off the ship. Once there confirmed. sink it.

Eta....houthis are Iranian backed. They are anti Saudi.... They will be neutralized eventually.

Ive been shot at by them. They'll keep playing their propoganda games for a while... And occasionally shoot at an American shop.

if we had an admin with balls... We'd smoke check their coastal surface to ship missile sites and leadership via drones/strategic targeting. (They already think the US is the great Satan since he Supply Saudi Arabia with weapons and they're a totally unstable state.) Yemen is the Somalia of the ME.

The Somalians could never pull this off. These guys are causing Israel and the USA some major problems. They smell blood in the water, they know how weak the USA has become, they know out military is a vastly understaffed paper tiger full of people just wanting a paycheck and a foot in the door to a new job, and soon as possible.

Eventually the US military will have to either get involved or Israel and the satanic elites will have to bend the knee and give up land and rights to the Palestinians. The satanic elites will never back down, they are too full of pride and sin. So, they will need a draft to fill the ranks to fight these guys. This is a real military, with real technology and equipment, on their home turf that they have spent years preparing for our troops, this will make Afghanistan and Iraq look like a picnic.

Don't let people you know go fight in this hell on the side of the satanic elites. Let the satanic elites fight their own wars.

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The Somalians could never pull this off. These guys are causing Israel and the USA some major problems. They smell blood in the water, they know how weak the USA has become, they know out military is a vastly understaffed paper tiger full of people just wanting a paycheck and a foot in the door to a new job, and soon as possible.

Eventually the US military will have to either get involved or Israel and the satanic elites will have to bend the knee and give up land and rights to the Palestinians. The satanic elites will never back down, they are too full of pride and sin. So, they will need a draft to fill the ranks to fight these guys. This is a real military, with real technology and equipment, on their home turf that they have spent years preparing for our troops, this will make Afghanistan and Iraq look like a picnic.

Don't let people you know go fight in this hell on the side of the satanic elites. Let the satanic elites fight their own wars.

I mean the use of the helicopter shows the houthis are getting lots of support form Iranian military.

Further justification on why taking out any and all Quds forces makes sense.

Really this is just on the ship owners.

The dudes went cheap and didn't provide on board security. It's pretty dumb not to be doing that in this day and age.

Eta : comparing Somalians to Houthis is not apples to apples. Iran has backed these folks through a proxy war with Saudi Arabia for years. Their forces are heavily funded and trained by Iran vs Sammy Davis Jrs which are dirt poor.
I mean the use of the helicopter shows the houthis are getting lots of support form Iranian military.

Further justification on why taking out any and all Quds forces makes sense.

Really this is just on the ship owners.

The dudes went cheap and didn't provide on board security. It's pretty dumb not to be doing that in this day and age.

Eta : comparing Somalians to Houthis is not apples to apples. Iran has backed these folks through a proxy war with Saudi Arabia for years. Their forces are heavily funded and trained by Iran vs Sammy Davis Jrs which are dirt poor.
Yes, of course they are getting support from Iran. Iran themselves will use the Houthis and Hezbollah like the USA and Israel has used poor Ukrainian men and ISIS.

I don't want the satanic empire (Israel and the USA) to take out anyone. I want them to bend the knee and stop attacking my family and my way of life.
Yes, of course they are getting support from Iran. Iran themselves will use the Houthis and Hezbollah like the USA and Israel has used poor Ukrainian men and ISIS.

I don't want the satanic empire (Israel and the USA) to take out anyone. I want them to bend the knee and stop attacking my family and my way of life.
Hijacking of merchant ships and destabilizing the economics of the region is not going to help your way of life or your family. It's just going to intensity the conflict and result in escalation.

Cheering on Piracy doesn't seem to be the way to solve your issues.
Hijacking of merchant ships and destabilizing the economics of the region is not going to help your way of life or your family. It's just going to intensity the conflict and result in escalation.

Cheering on Piracy doesn't seem to be the way to solve your issues.
The people who have destroyed my country, attacked my family for decades on end, who have made life nearly impossible for the next generation, and are causing me to work myself into an early grave just so I can hope to one day get out own those ships.

To hell with those bastards, is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Good enough for me to be my friend. The Houthis didn't flood my country with 10's of millions of people who hate me and came here solely to steal from my family and destroy my life. The Houthis didn't pass hate speech laws across the west so that if your family is attacked and killed by their pet invaders, you instead go to jail. The Houthis didn't turn once nice areas into crime ridden shitholes. The Houthis didn't tear down the statues of my brave ancestors. The Houthis didn't tell me I can't go to the college my ancestors built, or get a job in the country my ancestors built. The Houthis didn't steal my wealth through taxation and inflation and hand it to over to Wall Street to push for BLM deadly riots and endless wars which killed my European Christian brothers.

For the first time in my life, I see someone actually fighting to help my family, even if it is indirectly. As long as they can keep up the pressure, and the 80 IQ third worlders keep flooding into the west, it is now only a matter of time before the satanic elites lose their power. -And I don't think it will be all that much longer. This house of cards, built on a sand of lies, isn't far from tumbling down due to the rot within. We don't have to lift a finger, in fact, as long as we don't lift a finger, it will come down by itself. Just keep our families the hell out of satan's army, and let the 80 IQ third worlders go fight for this country and lose badly.

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I mean the use of the helicopter shows the houthis are getting lots of support form Iranian military.

Further justification on why taking out any and all Quds forces makes sense.

Really this is just on the ship owners.

The dudes went cheap and didn't provide on board security. It's pretty dumb not to be doing that in this day and age.

Eta : comparing Somalians to Houthis is not apples to apples. Iran has backed these folks through a proxy war with Saudi Arabia for years. Their forces are heavily funded and trained by Iran vs Sammy Davis Jrs which are dirt poor.
The Israelis were strongly advised to post security forces on their ships, and they considered it, until they realized it would cost money.
Ansarallah fired two ballistic missiles at the USS Mason after their third hijack operation in 24 hours, both missiles fell short in the Red Sea.

Just when the danger of escalation seemed gone in the north it happens in the south.

View attachment 1781

Having been through this personally... It was my experience that the story released to the public was not accurate in regard to actual ships/number of missiles ECT... For operational security reasons.

But this is not a good move for de-escalation.

The Yemeni Houthis need to cut out the piracy or they will get smashed.

KSA and UAE would absolutely be supportive of that and would, have, used military efforts against Yemeni Houthis previously.
Having been through this personally... It was my experience that the story released to the public was not accurate in regard to actual ships/number of missiles ECT... For operational security reasons.

But this is not a good move for de-escalation.

The Yemeni Houthis need to cut out the piracy or they will get smashed.

KSA and UAE would absolutely be supportive of that and would, have, used military efforts against Yemeni Houthis previously.
So now the USA is going to "smash" Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, with my tax dollars. All the while millions of violent third worlders pour into my country and bring with them disease, crime, poverty and death.

How much longer do you realistically think this game of being Israel's attack dog is going to work? How much more of this nonsense do you think young men are going to put up with? And why would anyone want to sign up to join satan's army?