The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

When a parasite can't find a new host (after the old one is dying) it's finished !
I just hope Xi Jinping and the current CCP regime can hold up strong. Xi Jinping was able to replace the more pro-western previous heads of govt. and it has our govt. in full panic. If you watched the shameful GOP debate last night, half of it was talking about how to stop China. The only way to stop them now is to replace the current regime. If that cannot be done, then Israel is stuck with the decaying USA or India as its only choices.
Check out the shadowy silhouettes of the photographers. Sloppy photoshop job.

The part that is true is that Hamas had aligned journalist traveling over the border once the first breaches were made. Some of these journalists are freelancers working for AP/CNN. Remember the burning Merkava IV that got hit with a Kornet ATGM? There was a (amongst other employees) CNN freelancer filming a video with that burning tank in the background. Turns out that he's close to some Hamas bigwigs. That's where the allegations come from.

This is nothing strange. This is the age of 24/7 instant reporting. (Social) media influence and subsequent public perception matters a lot. This is also why it's so important that Hamas keeps producing visual proof of their resistance in order to undermine the IDF narrative that the invasion is going well.

Anyway, Israel being Israel the presence of those journos (confirmed) in itself wasn't enough and they had to fabricate some sort of low grade picture. Also notice the victimhood. The Zionist Lobby has all big media organizations in its pocket, but when a 300 USD paycheck per month journo makes a video not in line with their agenda they go ballistic. Not to mention the implied argument that CNN, AP and the New York Times are opposed to Israel. Bizarre allegations.
I think, Israelis are trying to put a spin to justify their actions against press - bombing of media offices, killing journalists, attempts to shut down Al Jazeera, etc.
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I just hope Xi Jinping and the current CCP regime can hold up strong. Xi Jinping was able to replace the more pro-western previous heads of govt. and it has our govt. in full panic. If you watched the shameful GOP debate last night, half of it was talking about how to stop China. The only way to stop them now is to replace the current regime. If that cannot be done, then Israel is stuck with the decaying USA or India as its only choices.

China is kind of untouchable from that sense, their politbureau is filled with nationalists, from top to bottom. The faction closer to the globalists led by Bo Xilai has been purged a decade ago.

They will however pragmatically engage with ZOG elements in order to placate the China hawks in DC. They've been close to people like the Pelosi and Bush clans.

India however is a whole different subject, they are wavering between Russia/BRICS and ZOG, and still have a bit of a colonial mentality. China has completely done away with that, they don't have an inferiority complex vs their former colonizers, they have a chip on their shoulder instead.
China is kind of untouchable from that sense, their politbureau is filled with nationalists, from top to bottom. The faction closer to the globalists led by Bo Xilai has been purged a decade ago.

They will however pragmatically engage with ZOG elements in order to placate the China hawks in DC. They've been close to people like the Pelosi and Bush clans.

India however is a whole different subject, they are wavering between Russia/BRICS and ZOG, and still have a bit of a colonial mentality. China has completely done away with that, they don't have an inferiority complex vs their former colonizers, they have a chip on their shoulder instead.
how they’ll take on China is by influencing the surrounding countries and strong arming them. They have Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Philipines - likely commanding their militaries as well. If you look at leaks from Julian Assange - US has the ability to control Japan infrastructure.

They will look to influencing more countries whether diplomatically or via color revolutions and this includes India.

First signs of the Jews falling for their own grip here. Euro leaders must now consider the large Muslim groups within their respective countries. Hence their support for Israel and Jewish causes will gradually dwindle, and the US will be left all alone defending Israel eventually...

Agreed.... But they didn't carpet bomb the Church. A bomb was dropped in the annex. I stand with what The Church has said and trust the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Antioch, and my Priest's comments and take... And I'm not justifying at all. It's despicable. but to my understanding the Church is still there.

But I am also saying that in war. This is not unusual.
In a previous life.... I've seen mosques bombed also. I've blown up a University... You name it... Its happening.

So its not surprising to me at all that these things are happening.

But yeah. Spiting on a Christian is a little different than beheading. Which you're likely to get in parts of the M.E. and trying to pretend that doesn't happen is just patently silly.

My greater point as an American is that I want peace. And I also don't care about the Jews, or Muslims. Until Jerusalem is under a Christian ruler (probably not happening anytime soon) im not sure that I'd be championing the muzzies taking over.

First of all, they've bombed multiple Churches in Gaza. Whether they hit the altar or the parts full of women in children, it's all evil to me. In fact I'd say that hitting the parts where women and children shelter is 10x more evil than bombing the altar. This is why most of the Orthodox church has condemned Israel.

Saying, "I prefer Talmuds to Muslims" is like saying "I prefer AIDS to cancer." Right now it's the AIDS that is letting in the cancer in our countries, in no way should anyone be supporting genocidal maniacs like Talmuds.

It could have been different had the chews actually respected Christians, but now that the mask is off and they are genociding Christians right along with everyone else who is on "their" only land, the mask is off.
First of all, they've bombed multiple Churches in Gaza. Whether they hit the altar or the parts full of women in children, it's all evil to me. In fact I'd say that hitting the parts where women and children shelter is 10x more evil than bombing the altar. This is why most of the Orthodox church has condemned Israel.

Saying, "I prefer Talmuds to Muslims" is like saying "I prefer AIDS to cancer." Right now it's the AIDS that is letting in the cancer in our countries, in no way should anyone be supporting genocidal maniacs like Talmuds.

It could have been different had the chews actually respected Christians, but now that the mask is off and they are genociding Christians right along with everyone else who is on "their" only land, the mask is off.
Muslims at least respect Jesus Christ, they don't believe he is their savior, but they believe he is a messenger from God and a great man to respect.

Buddhists don't believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, but they believe he is one of the greatest teachers of all time, and to them, a teacher is the highest achievement in life.

They may not be someone you can share a nation with, but at least you could share neighboring countries based on this respect.
Muslims at least respect Jesus Christ, they don't believe he is their savior, but they believe he is a messenger from God and a great man to respect.

Buddhists don't believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, but they believe he is one of the greatest teachers of all time, and to them, a teacher is the highest achievement in life.

They may not be someone you can share a nation with, but at least you could share neighboring countries based on this respect.
judaism is the only religion I know of that is based solely around denying the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and blaspheming Him and the Virgin Mary. OK...Satanists too, but I don't consider that a religion.