The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

First of all, they've bombed multiple Churches in Gaza. Whether they hit the altar or the parts full of women in children, it's all evil to me. In fact I'd say that hitting the parts where women and children shelter is 10x more evil than bombing the altar. This is why most of the Orthodox church has condemned Israel.

Saying, "I prefer Talmuds to Muslims" is like saying "I prefer AIDS to cancer." Right now it's the AIDS that is letting in the cancer in our countries, in no way should anyone be supporting genocidal maniacs like Talmuds.

It could have been different had the chews actually respected Christians, but now that the mask is off and they are genociding Christians right along with everyone else who is on "their" only land, the mask is off.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there less than a 1000 Christians in a sea of 2 million Muslims in Gaza? So how exactly are the jews "genociding" Christians in Gaza if there aren't enough Christians in Gaza to genocide? The bombing of ancient Christian churches is a real bummer from a historical/architectural standpoint, and the killing of true innocents (regardless of age/gender/race/religion) is in fact evil, but I continue to wonder how "innocent" the civilians of Gaza are? I prefer to call them "civilian combatants" as I am quite sure that 7 out of 10 Gazans cheered the merciless music festival and kibbutz slayings by Hamas on October 7th (unless you're saying that event didn't actually happen?). I am also quite certain that 7 out of 10 Gazans either voted for and/or gave material and "spiritual" support to Hamas for years on end until recently when they started getting bombed into oblivion (i.e. losing). It's funny how when the sh*t gets real people can go so quickly from cursing their sworn enemy to begging that same enemy for mercy.

Palestine and Israel are at war (and always have been). This ongoing, never-ending conflict could not be perpetuated and sustained without both the Israeli and Palestinian civilian population's complicity and mutual hatred and disdain for each other. It takes two to tango (even though the 1948 foundation of Israel was in fact a war crime). There have been some arguments in this thread that Gaza is an open air prison and that there is/was no escape for the financially poor Palestinians. I don't buy it. If there's a will, there's a way. There was no will to leave, and therefore there was no way. If you have children, and there are bombs flying through the air for years on end, get the hell out (this goes for both Israelis and Palestinians).

And so I guess the question to ask then is this: "How would you respond if you would have been at that music festival on the morning of Oct 7th, seen your girlfriend raped and kidnapped and had your two best friends heads blown off right in front of you while you barely escaped alive?" (I'm making up a plausible scenario of violence). I know what I would do, I would reign down a holy sh*t storm of revenge on the perpetrators with every last tool and weapon I had.

I can see the confusion here because, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." But when both sides are my enemy, then existentially, they both can also become my friend. So, in the interim, until we get more fog of war clarity, let's let the Israeli jews take care of the Palestinian Muslims, and when the the jews are finished with the Muslims then we'll take care of the jews (non-violently of course).
but I continue to wonder how "innocent" the civilians of Gaza are? I prefer to call them "civilian combatants" as I am quite sure that 7 out of 10 Gazans cheered the merciless music festival and kibbutz slayings by Hamas on October 7th (unless you're saying that event didn't actually happen?). I am also quite certain that 7 out of 10 Gazans either voted for and/or gave material and "spiritual" support to Hamas for years on end until recently when they started getting bombed into oblivion (i.e. losing). It's funny how when the sh*t gets real people can go so quickly from cursing their sworn enemy to begging that same enemy for mercy.
Similarly, with draft rules, most Israeli "civilians" have served or will serve in the IDF. So it's also not insane to call 7/10 (or more) of Israelis "civilian combatants" or something along those lines.

Jews gain power through influential actions and money above all else; Muslims gain power through demographic takeover.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there less than a 1000 Christians in a sea of 2 million Muslims in Gaza? So how exactly are the jews "genociding" Christians in Gaza if there aren't enough Christians in Gaza to genocide?

There used to be tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians, but they've all been ethnically cleansed out by chews. In Gaza it is reported that there is only ~1000 Christians left, because most have fled, but the ones who remain are most likely among the poorest who could not afford to leave.

So the fact that there are so few left, and yet Isreal bombs them indescriminately, shows the true nature of chews and their genocide project. They are pure evil, and God describes what righteousness looks like right in the earliest Book of Genesis 18:

20 Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous 21 that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.”

22 The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.[d] 23 Then Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare[e] the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

26 The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”

27 Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, 28 what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?”

“If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.”

29 Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?”

He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.”

30 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?”

He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

31 Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”

He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”

32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is only 1 Christian in Palestine. God himself would not destroy a city of guilty men if even one innocent was found there, because God's righteousness is perfect.

Conversely, evil and wicked people will destroy a city of innocent just to kill a single guilty person, which, in this case, is Israel.

What we call "genocide," has always been condemned for over 6000 years (that's how old Genesis is). These people calling themselves Jews yet do not know God from the Book of Genesis.

Likewise, anyone defending chews have separated themselves from God, and I pray for them so God will spare them His Judgement.
And so I guess the question to ask then is this: "How would you respond if you would have been at that music festival on the morning of Oct 7th, seen your girlfriend raped and kidnapped and had your two best friends heads blown off right in front of you while you barely escaped alive?" (I'm making up a plausible scenario of violence). I know what I would do, I would reign down a holy sh*t storm of revenge on the perpetrators with every last tool and weapon I had.

Things are so bad, at least here in the USA, I would never go to a music festival. That money needs to be saved for real needs, and a lot of places are not safe here. It must be nice to live in such luxury/above it all, to go do things like that. But even if I could, I would first look to see if it would be safe. Would you go to a music festival that close to a group of very motivated people, whom your govt. has been attacking/killing/maiming for decades on end, and on land they used to have their homes built on?

Well, in your scenario, you are able to both afford it, and take that risk. So, then you have your outcome. And you are rightfully angry. Is rage a sin? It is, and why it is a sin? Because it causes irrational behavior. Rather than forgiving and seeking a solution to this problem, you instead act in rage. And now Israel is stepping into it because they have reigned down hell on innocent civilians, children, etc.

But they have to go in on the ground to finish the job, and that isn't going well. At the same time they are being attacked from the North by Hezbollah and to the South by the Houthis. And this is just costing them more money, getting more of their people hurt, and making them look weaker and weaker. At the same time, the images from Gaza are flooding the internet and support for Israel is plummeting despite having the entire regime on their side and their good will is burned down.

Americans are rightfully angry too. I personally work 7 days a week and have done so for 23 years. Half my income is stolen by the govt. and now I see where it goes, and I am rightfully angry about that. But rage is not the solution, as you can see, rage is a trap, rage is a sin. The right answer is to be rational and find a solution. It is a great test from God, and we must pass it. And reigning down hell is not the correct answer. The answer is peaceful solutions and mutual respect.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there less than a 1000 Christians in a sea of 2 million Muslims in Gaza? So how exactly are the jews "genociding" Christians in Gaza if there aren't enough Christians in Gaza to genocide? The bombing of ancient Christian churches is a real bummer
There's a pretty huge leap in logic there. Are you implying that it was *muslims* that genocided the Christians down to a figure of only 1,000? That's not true, and even if it were, it would not excuse the murder of even a single more person by bloodsucking kikes.

The reality is Christians as well as Muslim Palestinians are murdered by Jews all the time, and it's under Jewish occupation and the bloodthirsty "settlers" killing people and stealing their homes that the population of Christians in the mideast has shrunk to such a small number. Or are they not responsible for that somehow because of the chosen people myth? That's a really tone deaf point of view.

If you're merely unaware of the situation, go watch some IDF sniper videos where they shoot the balls off some kids playing soccer and laugh about it but don't marginalize the lives of innocents being murdered by Satanic demons.

Yeah, real bummer, just build a new church right?
Agreed.... But they didn't carpet bomb the Church. A bomb was dropped in the annex. I stand with what The Church has said and trust the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Antioch, and my Priest's comments and take... And I'm not justifying at all. It's despicable. but to my understanding the Church is still there.

But yeah. Spiting on a Christian is a little different than beheading. Which you're likely to get in parts of the M.E. and trying to pretend that doesn't happen is just patently silly.
Bombing churches is justified if you don't totally destroy them?
Spitting at nuns is ok as long as you don't behead them?

Is doing a home invasion ok if you don't burn down the home afterwards?
Rape is ok if you don't impregnate the victim?

These things are wrong and I can't imagine the need to justify or excuse them through some extreme backbending "o it could be worse tho" logic.

The getting beheaded thing occured maybe during the middle ages, but in the modern era is almost completely a creation of the US deep state / ISIS / Al Queda groups and certainly not something that any normal person is at risk of when walking through pre 2001 Iraq or basically any Muslim nation. But there are plenty of Jews who will willing spit at Christians, on camera, right now, because they hate Christ and anyone who loves Him.

Even if there was a mythical evil place where they behead people willy nilly that would not justify Jews in blowing up churches and committing murder. Geez.
Bombing churches is justified if you don't totally destroy them?
Spitting at nuns is ok as long as you don't behead them?

Is doing a home invasion ok if you don't burn down the home afterwards?
Rape is ok if you don't impregnate the victim?

These things are wrong and I can't imagine the need to justify or excuse them through some extreme backbending "o it could be worse tho" logic.

The getting beheaded thing occured maybe during the middle ages, but in the modern era is almost completely a creation of the US deep state / ISIS / Al Queda groups and certainly not something that any normal person is at risk of when walking through pre 2001 Iraq or basically any Muslim nation. But there are plenty of Jews who will willing spit at Christians, on camera, right now, because they hate Christ and anyone who loves Him.

Even if there was a mythical evil place where they behead people willy nilly that would not justify Jews in blowing up churches and committing murder. Geez.
Go back a reread what I said before you get into histrionics.

You're taking two statements and making comparisons out of an emotional appeal. Do not project a conclusion into my statements.

I condemned the bombing of the Church/annex and said I agree with the Patriarch/Church.

Also I've condemned Jews and their treatment of Christians....and Palestinians for that matter also.

What do you want? For me to parrot back the words of The Leftist Rashida Talib whose got a faggot flag and a Palestinian flag on the same level?

Not gonna happen big dog.
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How about we stick to the facts instead of trying to mind read the emotions of internet posters?
Even if I felt the way you are projecting, my feelings about your post or "wishing you will say something" are irrelevant.

We can agree bombing churches is wrong. Bombing hospitals is also something that should be completely off the table.

Beyond that, if I misunderstood you, I'm sure I'm not the only one, so clarify it. There's no reason to bring emotion or directed statements into it. My feelings about what you believe are simply.. non existent. Other than I condemn attacking churches and hospitals. You may agree or disagree, and people will respond to that. But neither of us can get bent out of shape about it.

I don't believe any of the unsubstantiated claims from Jews that "Oh they are running a military operation out of the Hospital basement so he had to blow it up" But the reality is even if that were true, there are certain standards that the modern world requires even in times of war, including not using chemical weaponry, not attacking hospitals, not doing collective punishment, not targeting civilians, etc. War crimes.

A noncombatant citizen is supposed to be viewed the same, no matter his race or origin. So the standard test is supposed to be, would you kill the same number of your own people in order to achieve an objective. So if Israel is claiming there is a guy holed up in a school and there are 300 schoolkids there, the test is, well, would you kill 300 jewish kids to get this one guy? If not, you are not supposed to kill the innocent. Of course, Israel is doing nothing of the sort.

They don't abide by the Christian concept of Just War theory anyway, which is a more general set of ethical rules, and really the standard we should hold them to if we are going to support them as an ally.
How about we stick to the facts instead of trying to mind read the emotions of internet posters?
Even if I felt the way you are projecting, my feelings about your post or "wishing you will say something" are irrelevant.

We can agree bombing churches is wrong. Bombing hospitals is also something that should be completely off the table.

Beyond that, if I misunderstood you, I'm sure I'm not the only one, so clarify it. There's no reason to bring emotion or directed statements into it. My feelings about what you believe are simply.. non existent. Other than I condemn attacking churches and hospitals. You may agree or disagree, and people will respond to that. But neither of us can get bent out of shape about it.

I don't believe any of the unsubstantiated claims from Jews that "Oh they are running a military operation out of the Hospital basement so he had to blow it up" But the reality is even if that were true, there are certain standards that the modern world requires even in times of war, including not using chemical weaponry, not attacking hospitals, not doing collective punishment, not targeting civilians, etc. War crimes.

A noncombatant citizen is supposed to be viewed the same, no matter his race or origin. So the standard test is supposed to be, would you kill the same number of your own people in order to achieve an objective. So if Israel is claiming there is a guy holed up in a school and there are 300 schoolkids there, the test is, well, would you kill 300 jewish kids to get this one guy? If not, you are not supposed to kill the innocent. Of course, Israel is doing nothing of the sort.

They don't abide by the Christian concept of Just War theory anyway, which is a more general set of ethical rules, and really the standard we should hold them to if we are going to support them as an ally.
I hear you.

But I'm just trying to add a dose of real life of what actually happens when a conflict goes hot and a war occurs.

I've seen a university blown up because we suspected it was a weapons making facility, mosques bombed because of it being the POO for mortar fire, and those are just 2 examples on the low end.

Typically on Humanitarian and Medical/Religious/Water and other critical infrastructure, an NFA (no fire area) or other Fire Support Control Measures are put in place. I don't know what the targeting cell for Israel is doing nor do I know what their coordination/approval approach is. I can make speculation as to why targets were hit but since I wasn't in the fires cell... I don't know.

I do think this whole war is really terrible as I've said many times. Infact I've sad ALL war is terrible, and I know first hand from experience.

That not withstanding, I can have the opinions that both sides are shit. I can not like Jews and also dislike Hamas. AND also recognize that Israel has done lots of bad things and there will be tons of innocent people killed.
I am quite sure that 7 out of 10 Gazans cheered the merciless music festival and kibbutz slayings by Hamas on October 7th (unless you're saying that event didn't actually happen?). I am also quite certain that 7 out of 10 Gazans either voted for and/or gave material and "spiritual" support to Hamas for years on end until recently when they started getting bombed into oblivion
It's interesting that you're "quite certain" about this, given that half of Gaza's population is comprised of children.

Or perhaps you meant that 7 out of 10 adults in Gaza support Hamas? That could very likely be true, but it still wouldn't justify the mass murder of thousands of children and the bombing of hospitals and refugee camps.

Israel's actions can only be justified from the perspective of believing that the Palestinians are literally non human - essentially just animals - and that killing them indiscriminately, including killing thousands of children, therefore creates no moral dilemma. Coincidentally, this is, in fact, exactly what the Jews believe, and so they have no qualms about literally murdering babies (abominable crimes which they then deceitfully assign to their enemies).

It's worth meditating on the fact that the animus the Jews hold for Palestinians is no different than how they feel about Christians, and really how they feel about all non-Jews at the end of the day. We're all just goyim from their perspective. Animals to be used, abused and ultimately slaughtered without mercy.

They'd do to the entire world what they're doing to Gaza right now if they could get away with it.
I don't know how many times, in this forum and out in the world, I've heard the premise that "Jews and Muslims have been fighting forever/are ancient enemies". This is patently false and shows just how little history people really know. The truth is, Jews and Muslims WERE fighting throughout history... Against Christian Europeans. The fact is that Jews were generally treated quite well in Muslim countries, probably because their faiths are so similar, and were often allies against us ( Christian Europeans). A good example of this was the Islamic invasion of Spain, where the invaders were aided and abetted by Spanish Jews who had lived among the Spanish for years, then suddenly turned on them and in many cases literally opened the gates of their cities to the Muslim hordes and then proceeded to act as their tax collectors and administrators. This is why they were expelled shortly after the Spanish reconquered their county in the late fifteenth century. (Of course, Jews cite this as one of those cases of illogical Jew hating for no reason. Lol). It wasn't until Ashkenazi/Khazarian Jews from Europe started showing up in Palestine in the 1930's, committing terrorist attacks against both the British and the Palestinians and stealing the Palestinians land that this "ancient animosity" started. As the famous saying goes, "The Jew will often tell you what bad things have been done to him, but never why."
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I was going to comment on this guy's post but there are so many errors in it that I figured I wouldn't have time. I agree with what you wrote and just wanted to add that there are TONS of vids out there of Jews spitting on, attacking and otherwise brutalizing Christians in Israel and the occupied territories, so genocide is just the next logical step These people are among the most racist, violent and vicious people on earth. I think it really says something about them that literally EVERY ONE of their religious holidays (including their fake Christmas called "Hannekah, the Festival Of Light") are actually commemorations of the slaughter of their enemies. This guy should spend some time reading the Talmud to see what Jews really think about non-Jews and maybe he'll change his take about what they are capable of doing.
It's interesting that you're "quite certain" about this, given that half of Gaza's population is comprised of children.

Or perhaps you meant that 7 out of 10 adults in Gaza support Hamas? That could very likely be true, but it still wouldn't justify the mass murder of thousands of children and the bombing of hospitals and refugee camps.

Israel's actions can only be justified from the perspective of believing that the Palestinians are literally non human - essentially just animals - and that killing them indiscriminately, including killing thousands of children, therefore creates no moral dilemma. Coincidentally, this is, in fact, exactly what the Jews believe, and so they have no qualms about literally murdering babies (abominable crimes which they then deceitfully assign to their enemies).

It's worth meditating on the fact that the animus the Jews hold for Palestinians is no different than how they feel about Christians, and really how they feel about all non-Jews at the end of the day. We're all just goyim from their perspective. Animals to be used, abused and ultimately slaughtered without mercy.

They'd do to the entire world what they're doing to Gaza right now if they could get away with it.
I tried to talk to a Priest about Israel recently. He agreed that it's a subject that never produces a lukewarm response. He once asked a man from that part of the world why so many people hate Israel. The man said since Israel was formed there has been no peace, and the man refused to ever speak to the Priest again. He told me that he knew someone from the British army who was stationed in Israel. One night some of his fellow soldiers went missing -they were later discovered dead, crucified by Jewish terrorists. That officer hated the Jews ever since, understandably so. Another man told the Priest that as a Christian Israeli citizen, he's subject to occasional harassment but he feels far safer in Israel than he would be in a Muslim country. He's not the only person who confessed that. In Israel it's a crime to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it's that way in all the surrounding Muslim countries. I wouldn't want to fall victim to Jewish terrorists or Muslim zealots. During the Liturgy the following day the Priest asked me never to bring up the subject again.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there less than a 1000 Christians in a sea of 2 million Muslims in Gaza? So how exactly are the jews "genociding" Christians in Gaza if there aren't enough Christians in Gaza to genocide? The bombing of ancient Christian churches is a real bummer from a historical/architectural standpoint, and the killing of true innocents (regardless of age/gender/race/religion) is in fact evil, but I continue to wonder how "innocent" the civilians of Gaza are? I prefer to call them "civilian combatants" as I am quite sure that 7 out of 10 Gazans cheered the merciless music festival and kibbutz slayings by Hamas on October 7th (unless you're saying that event didn't actually happen?). I am also quite certain that 7 out of 10 Gazans either voted for and/or gave material and "spiritual" support to Hamas for years on end until recently when they started getting bombed into oblivion (i.e. losing). It's funny how when the sh*t gets real people can go so quickly from cursing their sworn enemy to begging that same enemy for mercy.

Palestine and Israel are at war (and always have been). This ongoing, never-ending conflict could not be perpetuated and sustained without both the Israeli and Palestinian civilian population's complicity and mutual hatred and disdain for each other. It takes two to tango (even though the 1948 foundation of Israel was in fact a war crime). There have been some arguments in this thread that Gaza is an open air prison and that there is/was no escape for the financially poor Palestinians. I don't buy it. If there's a will, there's a way. There was no will to leave, and therefore there was no way. If you have children, and there are bombs flying through the air for years on end, get the hell out (this goes for both Israelis and Palestinians).

And so I guess the question to ask then is this: "How would you respond if you would have been at that music festival on the morning of Oct 7th, seen your girlfriend raped and kidnapped and had your two best friends heads blown off right in front of you while you barely escaped alive?" (I'm making up a plausible scenario of violence). I know what I would do, I would reign down a holy sh*t storm of revenge on the perpetrators with every last tool and weapon I had.

I can see the confusion here because, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." But when both sides are my enemy, then existentially, they both can also become my friend. So, in the interim, until we get more fog of war clarity, let's let the Israeli jews take care of the Palestinian Muslims, and when the the jews are finished with the Muslims then we'll take care of the jews (non-violently of course).
I don't have the time nor willpower to dissect your entire post as it would consume a lot of time, but will say this.There is a lot of Zionist propaganda, both covert and open, oozing from your post.

This is probably why you are getting a lot of pushback. Even so I applaud you for typing down posts that are not in line with the mainstream beliefs and convictions on this forum. It adds to the discussion.

The root of the current conflict in Gaza can be traced back to two ideologies and belief/value systems: Political Zionism and Talmudism. In the context of the Gaza conflict these two get translated to Jewish Supremacy and a religiously inspired territorial claim to Eretz Yisrael, the Jewish homeland.

Gaza has long been a headache for the Israeli political class. Make no mistake, they want it gone. Palestinians included. Plans to empty the Gaza Strip into the Sinai were drawn up as early as the early 2000s. Back then it was called the 'Sinai Project' or the Greater Gaza Plan.

The idea was to bribe/pressure the Egyptians into ceding one third of the Sinai to a future Palestinian State. Gazans would be flushed into the Sinai, with people from the West Bank eventually following (allegedly).

In 2007 George W. Bush pressured Mubarak to get on board, but he refused. In 2012 Morsi was asked the same, but he refused too. In 2018 Abbas mentioned that Sisi too was getting lots of pressure to execute this plan. And now we are in 2023, Gaza is destroyed, Sisi has been offered 60 billion USD and the highest suits in Israel openly speak about ethnic cleansing.

Nakhba 2.0 with rivers of blood has been making for decades. This didn't start on October 7.

There are also leaked cables that show Israeli officials congratulating each other on Hamas' 2006 takeover. They could now be going much harder in Gaza because there was an openly hostile 'one state solution' party ruling the Strip.

So how does this history, on top of the many broken agreements, ignored UN resolutions, war crimes and intermittent Israeli killing sprees relate to October 7?
Keep in mind that group punishment and bombing civilians is a war crime. It’s irrelevant whether there is a headquarters underneath the hospital (which I doubt) or whether the people support Hamas. An arrest warrant has been issued for Putin even though his intention was to save children. Israel routinely commits war crimes and nothing happens. This has exposed the hypocrisy of the Western system to the entire world. This is destroying the soft power of the US and tipping the global south to the BRICS world order. The only countries that are buying the Israeli propaganda are the US and Western allies. And they are the minority of the world's population.