The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Anybody who raises their children anywhere near the Gaza-Israeli border is a child abuser. People from all over the world come to the US southern border with nothing, cross over into America, and make something of themselves. Get your kids and get out. But they all chose to stay and "raise" their children in a land of fear, imminent violence, and hate. Why? Because Israeli's and Palestinians love this sh*t. They were literally born and raised for this war. So let them have at it. They deserve each other. Maybe if both sides got on their knees and accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour this tragedy could be averted. But alas, the only thing Palestinians and jews hate more than each other is Christians, so please spare us the "innocent civilian" stuff. All civilians in Israel and Gaza are by definition civilian combatants, not by happenstance, but by choice.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Nobody in their right mind wants, or enjoys this war, but these people all want it, and there's nothing any of us who aren't involved in it can do about that. Personally, I can feel extreme rage, but I could never kill anyone unless it was in self defense (or possibly revenge). So these jews and Palestinians are a complete alien life force to me, and the less of them there are in the world, as far as I'm concerned, the better.
Anybody who raises their children anywhere near the Gaza-Israeli border is a child abuser. People from all over the world come to the US southern border with nothing, cross over into America, and make something of themselves. Get your kids and get out. But they all chose to stay and "raise" their children in a land of fear, imminent violence, and hate. Why? Because Israeli's and Palestinians love this sh*t. They were literally born and raised for this war. So let them have at it. They deserve each other. Maybe if both sides got on their knees and accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour this tragedy could be averted. But alas, the only thing Palestinians and jews hate more than each other is Christians, so please spare us the "innocent civilian" stuff. All civilians in Israel and Gaza are by definition civilian combatants, not by happenstance, but by choice.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Nobody in their right mind wants, or enjoys this war, but these people all want it, and there's nothing any of us who aren't involved in it can do about that. Personally, I can feel extreme rage, but I could never kill anyone unless it was in self defense (or possibly revenge). So these jews and Palestinians are a complete alien life force to me, and the less of them there are in the world, as far as I'm concerned, the better.

There are many Christians on the Palestinian side, and churches have been bombed. The region was much more peaceful than Europe for thousands of years before satanic globalists stole land and created a new country in 1948, then looked the other way every time they encroached and attacked their enemies, the rightful owners of the land.

A lot of people have no resources to just fly to Mexico and waltz into the USA, but is this your solution? Open border USA, let the entire world in, and hope it works out for all of us?

Coming soon on DailyWire+ - Why I'm pro-Jew, but anti-tricks.

People who insist that those who ultimately can't live together should live together are some of the most dangerous people on the planet.

I can support your average Jew / your average uncle Schlomo but hate the Zionist oligarchs like the billionaires that pull the strings to perpetuate the globalist wars
Anybody who raises their children anywhere near the Gaza-Israeli border is a child abuser.
Except for the reality that Gaza is essentially the world's largest prison other than North Korea.

You're completely discounting a) how challenging it is to leave/travel elsewhere especially with children and b) that despite many being born and raised in a poverty stricken war zone, they are religious family people who want no part of war/terrorism.

On the previous forum we had thread after thread of people asking/questioning/planning how to possibly pick up, move and survive in another country as educated single men in their prime, from the US and Europe.

Now you're suggesting families with less than $100 to their name just smuggle their families thru the Israeli military control of their borders, fund a trip halfway around the world to Mexico with passports which essentially aren't recognized anywhere, payoff the cartel to get them across the border (never mind the danger that presents especially for any women/girls) and then show up in the US without anything and just make a go of it or....they're child abusers?

Count your blessings that you were fortunate enough to be born somewhere in the west, comfortable enough to make such proclamations from behind your screen.

Edit. Whoops. Posted the Zelensky article in the wrong thread; I moved it to the appropriate thread.

All ticketholders in that away section have had their season pass suspended by the Celtic Board. WeChat Image_20231102151148.jpg
They are a bunch of leftwing Antifa either way. One of the biggest leftwing firms in Europe. Redheaded Irish/Scottish lads larping as Marxist revolutionaries. They are basically BAP tier inspired people that fell for the 'Israel is a right wing, colonialist European settler state' meme - only in their case from the other side.

You'll never hear them about the JQ, the Talmud or the real tenets of Political Zionism.

Fun fact: their friendship with Sankt Pauli, another big leftwing firm based in Hamburg, is gone because of it. Sankt Pauli sides with Israel/ the Jews and Celtic with Hamas/PalestinaWeChat Image_20231102151141.jpgWeChat Image_20231102151152.jpg
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And maybe China's attack dog will level the playing field.

China and North Korea are not nearly as close as people think (China participates in many of the UN imposed sanctions for one), and post February 24 2022 Russia has surpassed China as North Korea's closest state. North Korea is called the Hermit Kingdom because it is the most sovereign state on the planet, it follows no-one's agenda but its own.

North Korea's move itself is laudable on the surface, but terribly late. Not sure how at this point any North Korean weaponry could make a difference in the Gaza Strip. As for the rest of the Axis of Resistance mentioned, they are well equipped already. Hezbollah has 150 000- 250 000 rockets aimed at Israeli assets (among them the Fateh 110 and Scud B/C, 500 kg - 1000 kg warhead).

They got the weapons and have been preparing for this for decades. It's about political will now.