The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

The whole cryptic messaging and bravado coming from the Muqawama/ Resistance is starting to sound hollow.

Both Hezbollah and Iran have on more than occasion messaged that an Israeli invasion of Gaza would be a hard red line. It was followed by the usual geopolitical balancing act/ escalation-deterrence game. Israel showed its intention by turning half the Gaza strip into rubble, monitoring the (underwhelming) responses in the diplomatic arena. Hezbollah showed its seriousness by activating the Northern front and executing hit and run ATGM attacks attriting Israeli armour and ISR intel assets on the border. IRGC linked militias fired missiles and drones at US bases in the region - as a shot across the bow and not with the intention to do much damage. The US publicly signaled it stood by Israel and that HAMAS had to be destroyed.

The Israeli delay gave the US time to move its assets into position in the Eastern Mediterranean, and turn its supply change efforts towards Israel. Hezbollah/Iran promised to 'open the gates off hell' if Israel dared to enter. The US threatened Hezbollah/ Iran with a response if they'd dare to open the Northern front.

After an eventful first three weeks the dancing is about to end. Israel has invaded the Gaza Strip more than 48 hours ago and have started making headway after facing initial stiff resistance close to the border fence.

So its showdown time. There is not much wiggle room left. Either Hezbollah and Iran keep their promise, or they cuck out. Time for talking is over. They have to either put up or they shut up.

The longer it takes the more unlikely Iranian/ Hezbollah intervention becomes. Hezbollah has planned a communique/speech by Nasrallah on Friday (why so late?). We will see what will be decision on Friday.

Nasrallah will speak on Friday, November 3rd at 15:00 Beirut time.

Muslims have always had louder bark than bite.

The real escalation is from the Russians defending both Syria and Iran. If the USA or Israel pushes too hard into these places, then Russia will kill American troops. If America responds with their navy bombarding Russian positions, then Russia has subtly threatened to blow up US Aircraft carriers in the Med from the Black Sea with hypersonic missiles.

The best chance Hezbollah and Iran has is to provoke Israel enough to invade into Syria and prompt a Russian response. Then things will get insane very quickly.

Guess Where Some Hamas Big-Wigs Were Found Living​

Hamas heavyweight Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, 62, was discovered living in London in a home bankrolled by UK citizens. Here’s the kicker: he lives in a Jewish neighborhood. Apparently, living amongst Jews isn’t so bad if a huge chunk of your home is paid for with someone else’s cheddar.

Sawalha and his wife scored a tasty $136,500 taxpayer-funded kiss when they bought a two-story home in London for $390,000. The house is paid off.

Sawalha, who is wanted in Israel for being a member of Hamas, skedaddled to London using a cousin’s passport in the 1990s and snagged his own British passport in the early 2000s.

A 2004 indictment from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) claims Sawalha engaged in clandestine meetings to discuss “revitalizing” terror attacks in Israel as well as creating a money-laundering scheme to supply funds for activities in Gaza as well as the West Bank.

But wait, there’s more. More terrorists!

Sawalha has a Hamas homie named Zaher Birawi, who lives nearby.

Israel named Birawi as a “senior Hamas operative in Europe.” He is also a trustee of a British charity called “Education Aid for Palestinians.”

Christian Wakeford, a member of Britain’s Parliament, wants to know what—if anything—will be done about the terror-loving backstairs boys living in Jolly Old.

“It highlights a clear national security threat if we’ve got operatives from a proscribed terrorist organization living and promoting Hamas in London,” Wakefield declared to Parliament.

Since Hamas’ savage attack on Israel that killed 1,400 and left an unknown number of women raped, anti-Muslim attacks in the UK have increased by 140%. Anti-Semitic attacks have increased by 1,253% in the same time period.

Is England likely to prosecute the two members of Hamas living amongst them? No. I’d be shocked to see them face so much as a fine, let alone get locked up. Why, you ask?

English women and girls – some as young as 11 – endured decades of rape by Muslim men. PJ Media’s own Rober Spencer—the master-blaster at Jihad Watch—states that as many as half a million women and girls were raped by Muslim “grooming gangs.” Police turned a blind eye as they thought arresting the rapists would make the cops look “racist.”

It's great that the youth are against Israel and are Chew-wise. But as they get older and need money to support themselves and their families, we'll see how much they are able to hold to their convictions. Ultimately Talmuds win because they are able to buy out generation after generation. Will it be any different in the future? We can only pray and spread the Gospel of Christ.
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It's great that the youth are against Israel and are Chew-wise. But as they get older and need money to support themselves and their families, we'll see how much they are able to hold to their convictions. Ultimately Talmuds win because they are able to buy out generation after generation. Will it be any different in the future? We can only pray and spread the Gospel of Christ.

I was wondering if this means the Js will at least moderate course on a lot of the socially destructive policies they have pushed in the west for decades. Will the get the introspection to realize that the reason the younger generation are the way they are is because of the sort of culture they have been promoting for nearly a century now?
I was wondering if this means the Js will at least moderate course on a lot of the socially destructive policies they have pushed in the west for decades. Will the get the introspection to realize that the reason the younger generation are the way they are is because of the sort of culture they have been promoting for nearly a century now?
You'd think so, but their hubris is very great. They'd rather go down in flames than to change their ways and do what is good for their people.
It's great that the youth are against Israel and are Chew-wise. But as they get older and need money to support themselves and their families, we'll see how much they are able to hold to their convictions. Ultimately Talmuds win because they are able to buy out generation after generation. Will it be any different in the future? We can only pray and spread the Gospel of Christ.
The problem is that Western demographics and economic clout relative to the rest of the world are in free-fall.

I’m not sure about today in late October 2023, but Harvard and Yale, similar to the rest of the Ivy League, up until recently had student bodies that were about 20-30% Jewish.

The fact that one of these two schools had the open letter controversy that saw more or less full support of Hamas expressed, however obliquely stated, says a lot has changed. Even if many backtracked afterwards, this kind of thing would not have ever been set in motion in 2003 or 2013. Even very “leftwing” Jewish students back then would have turned their backs on the signatories, particularly fellow Jews who signed or were associated in some other way with the letter.

Many of the people involved with the Harvard open letter were Jewish. They effectively whitewashed the gratuitous murder of their own kind. Regardless of what many here think about Israel, there were repeated gratuitous deaths on October 7. Harvard’s initial response to their students, in terms of decrying the anti-Israel views in the letter, was bone-dry. It sought to placate the pro-Palestinian side, if anything.

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are elected House members now, after all. Their colleagues may ignore them somewhat but they do nothing really to critique them and seem to be in outright fear of them. Omar and Tlaib are anti-Semites, yet a Jewish man like Congressman Jamie Raskin, who spends his life calling people bigots, anti-Semites and white supremacists, can never call actual anti-Semites anti-Semites.

The pro-Israel lobby may shift tactics, as they did successfully when they extensively courted the white evangelical elites and their flocks in the 1990s, but hard power is increasingly not in the West’s favor.
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Israel envoy wears yellow star at UN​

Israel's United Nations ambassador displayed a yellow star on his chest Monday as he addressed the Security Council, provocatively pledging to wear the badge until members of the body condemn Hamas "atrocities."

"Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was established," envoy Gilad Erdan said, as he denounced the Security Council for "staying silent" over the unprecedented deadly attacks by Hamas Palestinian militants against Israel on October 7.

The deeply divided 15-member council has not adopted a single resolution on the three-week-long war between Israel and Hamas.

"So, I will remind you. From this day on, each time you look at me you will remember what staying silent in the face of evil means," the ambassador said.

"Just like my grandparents, and the grandparents of millions of Jews, from now on my team and I will wear yellow stars," he said, standing up to affix one on the breast of his suit inscribed with the words "Never Again," in reference to the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis.

But Erdan will wear it "as a symbol of pride," he said.

"We will wear this star until you wake up and condemn the atrocities of Hamas."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called the October 7 attacks the worst against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

For weeks the Security Council has been riven by divisions over the war and its impact, rejecting four draft resolutions about the conflict.

Some texts were blocked by the United States, a close Israel ally, because they did not mention Israel's right to defend itself.

Another presented by the Americans was stymied by Russia and China in particular because it did not clearly call for a ceasefire.

In light of the impasse, the UN General Assembly last Friday adopted by a large majority a nonbinding resolution requesting an "immediate humanitarian truce," but not mentioning Hamas.

Israel, through Erdan, blasted the text, saying it will "go down as infamy."

During Monday's Security Council meeting, several speakers, while denouncing the Hamas attacks, highlighted the price paid by inhabitants of Gaza, where health officials say more than 8,300 people have been killed in the Hamas-run Palestinian territory.

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA, said the siege of Gaza amounts to collective punishment of its residents.


Israel in a jam. Antisemitism is on the rise in the US/West (unforced error to American Jews). Russia knows the score. Now, China is de-recognizing Israel? Who, then, will host?

Side note - not sure what's the score with Jackson Hinkle sporting the EO cross at the same time he claims "communist" while suited up, as an American visiting Russia. He keeps popping up. Proceeding at caution, as things are moving fast.
Hamas shamas... The titles of all these groups is an irrelevant, intentional distraction. That's the psy op. They are all one and the same. It's just Islam. It's just being a Muslim. It's just Jihad. And it's all blasphemy against Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Whether Sunni or Shia, it's all satanic and it's all evil, and it should all be outlawed and destroyed. We've been playing "nice war" with these people for decades and it's time to level them with tactical nukes and take all "their" oil (which they wouldn't even know how to extract from the ground and refine without western knowledge and engineers). I know that sounds drastic (Lord please forgive me), but most people are like me, cowards, so this just needs to get done. We certainly can't rely on blue haired trans-gay Gen Z'ers with sleeve tats and ear gauges to fight the good fight on the front lines of World War 3. Although I'm no friend of Israel, I do think that what they're doing is the correct course of action. Level them, civilians and all, or do nothing. "All's fair in love and war." But enough with the fence straddling and getting a bunch of young men's legs blown off for nothing. Put an end to it. Like the Japanese, make them submit.

Hamas is most likely composed of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard, some ISIS members, some Hezbolla, some Taliban, etc. Again, they are all one and the same. It only takes three or four days to drive from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Afghanistan to Iran to Yemen and to Gaza and back. It's like driving coast to coast from North Carolina to California along the I-40 which is about 48 hours in total drive time. Not a big deal when you're "On a mission from God."

What's happening in the Holy Land is horrible, and I wish it upon no one, but "It's happening!" And so may these anti-Christian, Jesus hating peoples destroy each other, in Jesus's name, Amen.
It's great that the youth are against Israel and are Chew-wise. But as they get older and need money to support themselves and their families, we'll see how much they are able to hold to their convictions. Ultimately Talmuds win because they are able to buy out generation after generation. Will it be any different in the future? We can only pray and spread the Gospel of Christ.
The average Joe pro Israel baby boomers I've talked to don't seem to have arrived at that point of view via coercion, but rather brainwashing. Scofield Bibles, televangelists, atrocity porn (Holocaust), etc. They seem to display a genuine belief and conviction that I'm not sure can be bought with the younger generations.

Israel in a jam. Antisemitism is on the rise in the US/West (unforced error to American Jews). Russia knows the score. Now, China is de-recognizing Israel? Who, then, will host?

Side note - not sure what's the score with Jackson Hinkle sporting the EO cross at the same time he claims "communist" while suited up, as an American visiting Russia. He keeps popping up. Proceeding at caution, as things are moving fast.

fake news on Bidu removing Israel from their app. Becareful!


Why does Netanyahu, and other prominent Jewish Pro-Israeli figures such as Ben Shapiro, repeatedly quote the Bible and not the Torah?
“A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” -Ecclesiastes 3:8 This part of Ecclesiastes that Netanyahu is quoting is prevalent in both the Bible and the Torah. However, Netanyahu is Jewish. So why not say it’s a quote from the Torah instead of the Bible? I’ll tell you why. Because he, Shapiro and other prominent Jewish Pro-Israeli figures purposely mention Christianity and the Bible in order to garner Christian support. They want Christians to believe that this is a holy war and that Israel’s fight is their fight. This is false. Israel’s genocide of Gaza has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianity. The quoting of the Bible instead of the Torah and the false narrative that “Israel’s fight is Christianity’s fight” is nothing more than Israeli propaganda. Do not be fooled.

Israeli Influencers Are Mocking Palestinians Suffering in Gaza​

A number of Israeli TikTok influencers have been criticized on social media after releasing videos that appear to mock the plight of Palestinians.

The conflict has escalated after an unprecedented attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants on southern Israel on October 7. As of Monday, over 1,400 people had been killed in Israel, the Associated Press reported, citing the Israeli military. More than 8,000 people had been killed in Gaza, according to authorities there, the AP said.
With propaganda and claims and counterclaims from both sides playing a role in the conflict, the situation has become a heated talking point across social media.
"You don't need to understand what she's saying to know the gist of the video" they added. "She chucks the phone wire, she's making fun out of how Arab women sound and look, wears a fake hijab with debris from bombed buildings."

"This is just heartless," another X user commented. "I know that many will lament what they have said and done."

A third wrote: "This is exactly how Nazis dehumanized Jews during WW2, just in a different format (posters, etc.)"

Amid the backlash online, some of the videos appear to have since been deleted. At least two of the social media accounts connected to the clips have been set to private. Newsweek has reached out to a number of the video uploaders for comment.
