The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Moved the off-topic threads out of this one.

Now some on-topic info: The Prime Minister of Israel justifies why their genocide is OK.


Until recently, many believed that the promise of progress in the 21st century would enable us to move beyond the barbaric horrors of the past toward a brilliant future—that we could go about our comfortable lives and that evil will simply pass us.

It will not. The horrors that Hamas perpetrated on Oct. 7 remind us that we won’t realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians. The barbarians are willing to fight us, and their goal is clear: Shatter that promising future, destroy all that we cherish, and usher in a world of fear and darkness.
This is a turning point for leaders and nations. It is a time for all of us to decide if we are willing to fight for a future of hope and promise or surrender to tyranny and terror.
Rest assured, Israel will fight. Since Oct. 7, Israel has been at war. Israel didn’t start this war. Israel didn’t want this war. But Israel will win this war.
Hamas launched this war by perpetrating the worst savagery our people have seen since the Holocaust. Hamas murdered children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children. They burned people alive, raped women, beheaded men. They tortured Holocaust survivors and kidnapped babies. They committed the most horrific crimes imaginable.
Iran has formed an axis of terror by arming, training and financing Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and other terror proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond. In fighting Hamas and the Iranian axis of terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself.
Victory over these enemies begins with moral clarity. It begins with knowing the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong. It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional casualties that are the inevitable result of even the most just war.
It means holding Hamas accountable for the double war crime it commits every day by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and deliberately using Palestinian civilians as human shields. It means not only making clear that the use of human shields is an immoral tactic of war, but making certain it is an ineffective one.
As long as the international community blames Israel for Hamas’s use of Palestinian human shields, Hamas will continue to employ this tool of terror. Hamas will continue to use the basements in Gaza’s hospitals as the command posts of its vast terror tunnel network. It will continue to use mosques as fortified military outposts and weapons depots. It will continue to steal fuel and humanitarian assistance from United Nations facilities.
While Israel is doing everything to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. Israel urges Palestinian civilians to leave the areas of armed conflict, while Hamas prevents those civilians from leaving those areas at gunpoint. Hamas is preventing foreign nationals from leaving Gaza altogether.
Most despicably, Hamas is holding more than 200 Israeli hostages, including 33 children. Every civilized nation should stand with Israel in demanding that these hostages be freed immediately and unconditionally.
I want to make clear Israel’s position regarding a cease-fire. Just as the U.S. wouldn’t have agreed to a cease-fire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor or after the terrorist attack on 9/11, Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of Oct. 7.

Calls for a cease-fire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen.
The Book of Ecclesiastes says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war—a war for our common future. Today we draw a line between civilization and barbarism. It is a time for everyone to decide where they stand. Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory.
I hope and pray that civilized nations everywhere will back this fight. Because Israel’s fight is your fight. If Hamas and Iran’s axis of evil win, you will be their next target. That’s why Israel’s victory will be your victory.
Regardless of who stands with Israel, Israel will fight this battle until it is won. Israel will prevail. May God bless Israel, and may God bless all who stand with Israel.
Mr. Netanyahu is prime minister of Israel.

So you see, my friends, genocide is okay as long as it's unintentional. After all, we really just want the guys who killed a few thousand of our people, so if hundreds of thousands of innocents are killed it's totally justified.

Your democratic government supports its greatest ally ethnically cleansing an area. Your reward - they begin planning on moving those 2.5 million "terrorist animals" to your country.

This was always the plan: the IDF upstream with its kith downstream to undermine other countries' wills to protect their borders and citizens. It gives me no pleasure to have called this on the day of the Hamas attacks then see the cuckservatives* back Israel with their regular desperate attempts to convince Jews at home that they are not racists, Nazi etc.

Palestine's median age is 18 (whereas Israel's is 30).

Look at its demographic Christmas tree and its male surplus of fighting age and younger.

*Jordan Peterson wasn't available to comment.

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Your democratic government supports its greatest ally ethnically cleansing an area. Your reward - they begin planning on moving those 2.5 million "terrorist animals" to your country.

I was naively hoping that maybe they would backpedal a bit on the muslim take over of the west at least temporarily to have a better chance of victory in these current conflicts. We have seen a few western politicians giving lip service about expelling illegal migrants who support palestina already.

If we are to go to war again for the jews in the middle east how does it help them to keep weakening the west with hostile migrants inside our own borders in ever growing numbers at the same time.

Doesn't isreal rely on the west for its survival ?. It almost seems schizophrenic.
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I was naively hoping that maybe they would backpedal a bit on the muslim take over of the west at least temporarily to have a better chance of victory in these current conflicts. We have seen a few western politicians giving lip service about expelling illegal migrants who support palestina already.

If we are to go to war again for the jews in the middle east how does it help them to keep weakening the west with hostile migrants inside our own borders in ever growing numbers at the same time.

Doesn't isreal rely on the west for its survival ?. It almost seems schizophrenic.
At this point you just have to assume its in their DNA.

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israeli Shelling of Orthodox Cultural Center Embodies Unjustifiable Targeting of Civilian Infrastructure in Gaza​

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem issued a statement this morning, condemning the Israeli military’s bombardment of the Orthodox Cultural Center in the Tel Al Hawa neighborhood of Gaza earlier today. In this statement, the Patriarchate emphasizes that this attack represents a stark embodiment of Israel’s unwarranted determination to destroy the civil infrastructure and social service centers, as well as shelters for civilians trapped in the besieged enclave. The Patriarchate highlights that social, cultural, and sports centers have become vital providers of essential humanitarian services and safe havens for those affected by Israeli airstrikes targeting residential areas.

The Patriarchate further expressed that this assault on the Orthodox Cultural Center and its service facilities constitutes a direct and unjustified attack on one of the pillars of culture and social services in Gaza.

The Patriarchate also notes with grave concern that the Israeli military has targeted 19 places of worship, including mosques and churches, in Gaza during the past three weeks of the devastating conflict. Such attacks on civilians, particularly children, and the deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure, cannot be justified on rational or humanitarian grounds and are fundamentally at odds with even the most basic moral values.

The Patriarchate reiterates its firm demand for an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and pledges to continue its international efforts to achieve this goal as soon as possible.

“In times of crisis and adversity, we turn to the words of Psalms 34:18, which remind us that ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ We pray for peace, justice, and a swift end to the suffering in Gaza,” said the Patriarchate’s statement.

Pass that link around to the Christcucks still defending Israel. Watch their heads explode. How can anyone claim to know what Christ would think better than the Patriarch of Jerusalem, one of the world's oldest Patriarchs? Total exterminatus going on in Gaza right now.
The invasion of Gaza is in full swing despite the lack of official communiques from the Israeli side. It appears that they prefer a more low-key approach. There is also an unofficial gag order on IDF casualties.

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From what I am hearing (everything unconfirmed due to abovementioned) the IDF have at least 3 armoured divisions inside Gaza and have penetrated deeply. There are heavy losses on both sides but the IDF is not retreating. It's obvious the IDF is trying to cut Gaza into smaller more manageable pieces after which those pockets will be eliminated one by one.

Another rumour is that US and UK special forces are on the ground in Gaza participating in the fight. So far US officials have only admitted the presence of several hundred SF to 'help find US hostages in Gaza'.

The Houthis are the only Muslim entity that have stepped up aside from Hezbollah (whose attacks are still pinpricks). News about a 'declaration of war' is false (they don't recognize Israel anyway), but they did launch dozens of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles at Israel.

Hezbollah left another 'teaser' about Nasrallah's speech on Friday.

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BREAKING: @mekomit expose shows that the directive to deport 2.4 million #Palestinians out of occupied #Gaza and onto #Egypt and beyond has been officially endorsed by #Israel's Ministry of Intelligence on 13 October. A war crime in the making!
#Israel's Ministry of Intelligence deportation directive outlines the four stages: 1. A call on #Palestinian civilians to vacate north #Gaza and allow for land operations; 2. Sequential land operations from north to south Gaza; 3. Leaving routes open across Rafah; 4. Establishing "tent cities" in northern Sinai and the construction of cities to resettle Palestinians in #Egypt.

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza​

The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move

Israeli culture magazine Mekomit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.

The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.

The existence of the document does not necessarily indicate that its recommendations are being implemented by Israel’s security establishment.

The Ministry of Intelligence, headed by Gila Gamliel of the Likud party, does not control any of Israel’s intelligence agencies, but independently prepares studies and policy papers, which are distributed for consideration by the government and its security bodies.

However, recent statements by Israeli government officials and actions by the Israeli army in Gaza suggest the plan is indeed being implemented. Since 7 October, Israeli officials have repeatedly issued warnings to Palestinians to move to southern Gaza in advance of a looming ground invasion.

Israel has imposed a total siege on Gaza, cutting off food, water, fuel, and electricity. The siege, combined with intense Israeli bombing that has killed over 8,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, threatens to make Gaza uninhabitable.

An official at the Ministry of Intelligence confirmed that the ten-page document is authentic but "was not supposed to reach the media," Mekovit noted.

According to a right-wing activist, the document from the Ministry of Intelligence was leaked by a member of Likud. Leaking the document was an attempt to find out whether "the public in Israel is ready to accept ideas of a transfer from Gaza."

The document unequivocally and explicitly recommends carrying out a transfer of civilians from Gaza as the desired outcome of the war.

The transfer plan is divided into several phases: in the first phase, the population in Gaza must be forced to move to southern Gaza, while Israeli air strikes will focus on targets in northern Gaza.

In the second phase, the Israeli army's ground entry into Gaza will begin, which will lead to the occupation of the entire strip, from north to south, and the "cleansing of the underground bunkers from Hamas fighters."

At the same time as the Gaza Strip is occupied, the citizens of Gaza will move to Egyptian territory and will be prevented from returning permanently.

"It is important to leave the traffic lanes towards the south usable, to allow the evacuation of the civilian population towards Rafah," the document states.

The document recommends beginning a dedicated campaign that will "motivate” Gazans “to agree to the plan,” and make them give up their land.

Gazan should be convinced that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas - there is no choice but to move to another place with the help of Your Muslim brothers," the document reads.

Further, the plan states the government must launch a public relations campaign that will promote the transfer program to western states in a way that does not promote hostility to Israel or damage its reputation. The deportation of the population from Gaza must be presented as a necessary humanitarian measure to receive international support. Such a deportation could be justified if it will lead to "fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected number of casualties if they remain,” the document says.

The document also states that the US should be leveraged to pressure Egypt to take in the residents of Gaza, and to encourage other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada, to help take in and settle the refugees who will be evacuated from Gaza.

Finally, the document claims that if the population of Gaza remains, there will be "many Arab deaths" during the expected occupation of Gaza by the Israeli army, and this will damage Israel's international image even more than the deportation of the population. For all these reasons, the recommendation of the Ministry of Intelligence is to promote the transfer of all Palestinians in Gaza to Sinai permanently.


Attempts by the US and its allies to “paint Moscow as a global pariah” have been “poisoned” by the rush to support Israeli retaliation against Hamas in Gaza, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing more than a dozen officials.

“We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South,” one senior G7 diplomat was quoted as saying. “All the work we have done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has been lost… Forget about rules, forget about world order. They won’t ever listen to us again.”

“What we said about Ukraine has to apply to Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility,” the official added. “The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?”

West ‘lost’ Global South over Israel, Financial Times, 18 October 2023


The Patriarch of Antioch has also come out against Israel. That makes a total of 3 major Patriarchs against Israel - Jerusalem, Antioch, and Moscow.

The Church of Antioch condemns the siege imposed today on the Palestinian people and on the Gaza Strip in particular, and strongly denounces the genocide committed there, right before the eyes of the world. The violence that is taking place is the result of violating international laws and resolutions which are intended for the application of justice. It is a continuation of the falsification of the identity of the land and history and an attempt to obliterate the outstanding Palestinian cause.
Therefore, the Synod Fathers offer fervent prayers to the King of Peace and Lord of Mercies, to wipe away every tear from the eyes of the Palestinian people, and to remove all injustice, oppression, homelessness, and displacement. They call on all their children and Antiochian parishes to dedicate next Sunday to praying for justice, and for peace to prevail in the country of peace, and to collect aid for the relief of these afflicted people.