The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

This may the first round in the Demographic Wars when debauched and feminist financial-democracies try to stop the more fertile meek from inheriting the Earth.
Israel's main demographic challenge are the Orthodox. They have a steady birthrate of 6+ whilst non-religious Jews are currently around 1.7-1.8. The Orthodox are transforming Israel from a secular, LGBT friendly liberal state into a Kahanist Third Templist authoritarian end-times entity. The whole judicial reform saga prior to October 7 was the first stage of that transformation.

The current Israeli attitude around Gaza seems to be another characteristic of that transformation. They are moving from Secular Zionism to Orthodox Zionism. The former had at least people like Yitzhak Rabin, who was dedicated to the Two State Solution and was murdered because of it. The latter on the hand produces people like Ben Gvir, a straight up wacko that openly fantasizes about ethnically cleansing all non Jews from the territory of Eretz Yisrael (the land they claim belongs to the Jews).

Many of the Orthodox have eschatological beliefs and wish to speed up the coming of the Jewish Moshiach, their Messias. I am not too well acquainted on it, but believe that some of the pre-conditions are the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (hence why they are constantly trashing that place) and the construction of the Third Temple on its ruins, the destruction of the races of Amalek/Esau/Edom (Europeans/Christians?) and Amorites (Levantines?) and something with the red heifer.

Many within the Israeli establishment view the current Gaza affair in that context. Two days ago Netanyahu spoke about 'The forces of light versus the forces of darkness' (Isaiah), which has important meaning and today he mentioned Amalek in his press conference.

Boomers support war because they know they're not the ones that are going to get drafted. It's their children and grandchildren that will be. The western boomer is the ultimate coward.

Invite them for a trip to the local recruiter with their military age kids in tow. You're there to help them sign up for a direct-fire combat job. The Ukraine foreign legion works for the Russia haters also. Nobody ever takes the offer. I've burned two (low value) relations on this method though, so do it at risk.

As regards Iran Israel and Air defence systems..

One of our RVF heritage members in the old forum who states they have many contacts in the Israeli military posted in March this year:

"I got an interesting tip off from an Israeli acquaintance. Don't want to say too much more because he's a semi-public figure.

Apparently Israel feels they need to move immediately against Iran because Russia has agreed to give them S-400 systems, and once those S-400s get to Iran then Israel won't have anywhere near as good odds in a war against Iran.

So there you have some inside info from the Israelis about a causus belli for the October 7th false flag and the warmongering toward Iran that has followed it.

As far as the Samson option goes I have heard that the real issue is Israel's Nuclear and WMD that they already have in their 'allies'' countries. Suitcase nukes etc. They can build a lot of these devices supposedly by smuggling the parts in in diplomatic bags.. or just smuggling them in.. I knew ex-drug smugglers in London who had moved weight and who had subsequently renounced the life. They said that they were run by the Mossad who were their muscle and protection if they ever encountered problems.
The Mossad is behind the Albanian mafia currently running the smuggling drug trade into London's West End.

So its not just about the nuclear arsenal and submarine fleet that Germany has paid for Israel to have but also the many fifth column threats they pose within the countries of their erstwhile allies..
But it also seems that a build up in the air defence systems of their enemies is interpreted as a big threat to the Israelis.

Harvard ‘doxxing truck’ parks outside homes of students who blamed Israel for Hamas attacks​


The “doxxing truck” that circled Harvard University’s campus to expose Ivy Leaguers who allegedly signed a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ attacks has been beaming the photos of some student leaders outside their homes, The Post has learned.

Adam Guillette — the president of news watchdog Accuracy in Media, which deployed the vehicle — told The Post that his organization “expanded our fight against antisemitism at Harvard” by selecting student leaders of the 34 Harvard groups that co-signed a statement saying Israel is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ attacks, and parking the digital billboard-bearing box truck near their residences.

In a white paper released over a week after the Hamas-led surprise attack on Israeli military bases and kibbutzes, The Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy outlined “a plan for resettlement and final rehabilitation in Egypt of the entire population of Gaza,” based on the “unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the entire Gaza Strip” that Israel’s latest assault on the besieged costal enclave provided.

Published in Hebrew on the organization’s website, the paper was authored by Amir Weitman, “an investment manager and visiting researcher” at the Institute who also leads the libertarian caucus of Israel’s ruling Likud Party. The document began by noting that there are 10 million vacant housing units in neighboring Egypt that could be “immediately” filled with Palestinians. Weitman then assured readers that the “sustainable plan…aligns well with the economic and geopolitical interests of the State of Israel, Egypt, the USA and Saudi Arabia.”
Weitman’s sinister blueprint imagined Israel purchasing these properties at a cost of $5 – 8 billion dollars, a whopping price-tag that reflects just 1 – 1.5 percent of Israel’s GDP.
This video from 'Propaganda and co' uses Israeli media reports to prove that the IDF opened fire on their own citizens, destroying kibbutz's with tanks and Apache helicopters. This resulted in the killing of both Israelis and Hamas in order to prevent hostages from being taken, and also to paint Hamas as 'worse than ISIS'. Survivors say that Hamas did not want to kill them, but the IDF opened fire on everyone and in the heavy crossfire, most died.

An article by Max Blumenthal at The Grayzone goes into much greater detail. The first section below:


Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russia - muslim mob stormed the airport, where a plane from Israel have landed.
This smells of a psyop.

Detentions of the provocateurs who organized the seizure of the Makhachkala airport began.

And then there was a lightning-quick reaction from the puppeteers of this attempt to shake the situation.

Israel began to add fuel to the fire, which, through its Foreign Ministry, added information that there were Jews on board the plane that arrived from Tel Aviv. This is despite the fact that Russian official sources previously reported that there were no Jews in Makhachkala.

No one in the West hides the fact that the only way to defeat Russia is to blow it up from the inside. The Makhachkala incident is precisely an attempt to organize such an explosion.

The brief appearance of Hezbollah's Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has allegedly caused much excitement in the Jewish media.

The whole cryptic messaging and bravado coming from the Muqawama/ Resistance is starting to sound hollow.

Both Hezbollah and Iran have on more than occasion messaged that an Israeli invasion of Gaza would be a hard red line. It was followed by the usual geopolitical balancing act/ escalation-deterrence game. Israel showed its intention by turning half the Gaza strip into rubble, monitoring the (underwhelming) responses in the diplomatic arena. Hezbollah showed its seriousness by activating the Northern front and executing hit and run ATGM attacks attriting Israeli armour and ISR intel assets on the border. IRGC linked militias fired missiles and drones at US bases in the region - as a shot across the bow and not with the intention to do much damage. The US publicly signaled it stood by Israel and that HAMAS had to be destroyed.

The Israeli delay gave the US time to move its assets into position in the Eastern Mediterranean, and turn its supply change efforts towards Israel. Hezbollah/Iran promised to 'open the gates off hell' if Israel dared to enter. The US threatened Hezbollah/ Iran with a response if they'd dare to open the Northern front.

After an eventful first three weeks the dancing is about to end. Israel has invaded the Gaza Strip more than 48 hours ago and have started making headway after facing initial stiff resistance close to the border fence.

So its showdown time. There is not much wiggle room left. Either Hezbollah and Iran keep their promise, or they cuck out. Time for talking is over. They have to either put up or they shut up.

The longer it takes the more unlikely Iranian/ Hezbollah intervention becomes. Hezbollah has planned a communique/speech by Nasrallah on Friday (why so late?). We will see what will be decision on Friday.

Nasrallah will speak on Friday, November 3rd at 15:00 Beirut time.
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So its showdown time. There is not much wiggle room left. Either Hezbollah and Iran keep their promise, or they cuck out. Time for talking is over. They have to either put up or they shut up.
I think Hezbollah will wait for the 'big' Israeli ground offensive to start, so they get the maximum justification and sympathy from world nations. Going in full tilt whilst Israel is carrying out salami-slice operations is not going to work from a PR perspective. There is going to be a limit to how long they wait, though. My guess would be about three weeks maximum. The big ground offensive will probably start before that.

For the moment, I would expect their operations to remain close in scale to the Israelis.
I think Hezbollah will wait for the 'big' Israeli ground offensive to start, so they get the maximum justification and sympathy from world nations. Going in full tilt whilst Israel is carrying out salami-slice operations is not going to work from a PR perspective. There is going to be a limit to how long they wait, though. My guess would be about three weeks maximum. The big ground offensive will probably start before that.

For the moment, I would expect their operations to remain close in scale to the Israelis.
The video of a Merkava 2 tank firing at and hitting a Palestinian vehicle has been geolocated. It's on the Salah ad Din Road which connects the Northern and Southern part of the Gaza strip.

WeChat Image_20231030174945.webp

As regards Iran Israel and Air defence systems..

One of our RVF heritage members in the old forum who states they have many contacts in the Israeli military posted in March this year:

"I got an interesting tip off from an Israeli acquaintance. Don't want to say too much more because he's a semi-public figure.

Apparently Israel feels they need to move immediately against Iran because Russia has agreed to give them S-400 systems, and once those S-400s get to Iran then Israel won't have anywhere near as good odds in a war against Iran.

So there you have some inside info from the Israelis about a causus belli for the October 7th false flag and the warmongering toward Iran that has followed it.

As far as the Samson option goes I have heard that the real issue is Israel's Nuclear and WMD that they already have in their 'allies'' countries. Suitcase nukes etc. They can build a lot of these devices supposedly by smuggling the parts in in diplomatic bags.. or just smuggling them in.. I knew ex-drug smugglers in London who had moved weight and who had subsequently renounced the life. They said that they were run by the Mossad who were their muscle and protection if they ever encountered problems.
The Mossad is behind the Albanian mafia currently running the smuggling drug trade into London's West End.

So its not just about the nuclear arsenal and submarine fleet that Germany has paid for Israel to have but also the many fifth column threats they pose within the countries of their erstwhile allies..
But it also seems that a build up in the air defence systems of their enemies is interpreted as a big threat to the Israelis.

Fascinating. Assuming what you heard is correct, could there be a false flag perpetrated using one of these suitcase nukes? That would trump 9/11!

Unable to verify if the below is true.


US Sent 45 Cargo Planes Loaded With Weapons to Israel: Defense Ministry​

The US has sent a total of 45 military transport aircraft carrying tons of armaments and armored vehicles to Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas, the Israeli defense ministry confirmed Friday.

Through a social media post, the ministry announced the arrival of the 45th plane at the Ramon Airport in southern Israel.

The aircraft was reportedly loaded with military supplies, including medical equipment and military ambulances, for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Prior to that, Washington shipped armored vehicles to Jerusalem to replace those that have been damaged or captured in the war.

The deliveries are expected to bolster the IDF’s firepower as it prepares for a ground offensive against Gaza.
