The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

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If that would still be an option with Russia and China securing their neighbouring (legit) countries with anti-missile defense systems. They're panicking as they know the jig is up. These nutters are openly calling for genocide while using their own alleged genocide as an excuse. Yeah it takes the lowest mouth breather in the west to accept that, which is exactly the way the Israelis think of us and by in large have made us think of ourselves.
This whole thing has seemingly turned a lot of people against the Jews. I am very surprised. The other day at work some dudes were openly, and perhaps a bit loudly, talking about the Jews and Hitler, expressing some opinions that would have gotten them sacked just a couple weeks ago. They don't seem to have been sacked. I am very confused, honestly. Maybe I haven't been paying attention to normies but this change seems to me like it happened completely out of the blue.
I was very afraid that WWIII would start, for no other reason than the fact I am not baptized or even a catechumen and I am pretty sure I'd go to hell if I died before taking care of that, but it seems like most young people don't want to die for Israel and BRICs is turning the whole thing into a non-starter, so it appears I've got time, God willing. Please pray for me that I might join the body of Christ.
Any word on Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states' responses.

I have presumed they have all been Epsteined, since they have all become open to Israel.
Every form of armed (and diplomatic) resistance going on right now is centered around Iran. The 1979 Islamic Revolutionaries made the Palestinian struggle a central element in their ideology and over the last 40+ years they have stayed loyal to the promises made then and there. Even though they could have easily thrown Palestine under the bus as has happened so often before. Iran has build up its Armed Forces despite the sanctions, and has succesfully developed an a-symmetric warfare doctrine. The three main pillars of the Iranian regional deterrent are its 1. network of militias spanning the Middle East (of which Hezbollah is the blueprint and all the others are carbon copies) 2. its ballistic missile program (and recently its drone program on top of that) and 3. its nuclear program (controversial but likely a reality).

Every move on whatever front you're hearing about, whether it be in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon or Syria, is done by IRGC linked forces. This is nothing new: they were the power that thwarted the plans to destroy Syria/ the Levant from 2011 onwards. The Obama Administration orchestrated 'Arab Spring' that was in the case of Syria to be the precursor to taking down Iran and Hezbollah and weakening Russia in the process.

Without Iran Gaza probably would have stopped existing a long time ago. The useless and backstabbing Arab despots must not take credit for this.

The Arab despots on the other hand are only concerned with themselves. They walk the so-called the Palestine tightrope. They have to pretend to be anti-Israel and pretend they work to further the Palestinian cause for the sake of keeping a lid on popular dissent (the respective populations are still vehemently anti-Israel), whilst at the same time pleasing their masters in DC and in all but words tacitly condone Israeli policies in the Palestinian Territories. It's usually not that hard. Until Israel announces its plans for a 1948 style 2.0 ethnic cleansing.

The importance of the Abraham Accords can't be overstated. It meant the overt and diplomatic recognition of the Zionist entity in the Middle East by the Arab states. After 80 years the unthinkable finally happened. According to the signee Arab nations Israel has a right to exist. It was and is a geopolitical earthquake manufactured by the Chabbad linked Kushner (employed by Donald J. 'I am the King of the Jews' Trump). As expected it were the Wahhabis that led the way. Wahhabism and Zionism share a lot of characteristics. In their origins, eschatology and geopolitical strategic objectives. Zionists and Wahhabis are both expansive ideologies. They also both have a supremacist view on the world. They share the same goal of containing Iran (hence the cooperation in Syria). And, most importantly, they are both Rothschild creations hence deeply invested in International Banking.

The genealogical origin of the ((bloodlines)) of both the House of Saud and the House of Zayed is another debated topic.

Since October 7 the Arab regimes have done nothing to lessen the plight of the Palestinian people. This too is a pattern. Miraculously most militant pro Palestina Arab leaders have long been taken out, often aided by Arabs themselves. The last in that long line were Ghadaffi and al Bashir, the former hosted PLO training camps on Libyan soil and as a result walked around with a big target on his back. If it weren't for the Iranian intervention in Syria that list would have been even longer. Assad was supposed to be the next scalp and so was al Abdulmalik al Houthi (Yemen).

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A chart showing the Arab Coalition (~2016) against the Houthis in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East. Now compare this vigor to the current response.

In some cases the Arab states are actively working against HAMAS/ Resistance (Iranian) interests. Sometimes out of their own interests, sometimes out of a genuine dislike for HAMAS and/or Iran. And always because they have been bought and paid for. A couple of examples: the (half Anglo and British installed) Hashemites of Jordan are letting their country be used as a staging ground for US intel gathering, supply chains and bombing runs in the region. One of the main US bases in the country is Muwaffaq AB, which is very close to the Jordan valley. It's a key node in the current Israeli war. The Hashemites security forces also regularly beat up angry demonstrators (often of Palestinian ancestry) that want to storm the Jordan-Israel border. It's, again, in line with their track record. The current puppet King Abdullah's father already declared war on the militant Palestinian refugees in Jordan in 1970-1972 and killed more than 30 000 of them.

Same goes for Egypt. Sisi has for years labelled HAMAS a terrorist organization due to its Muslim Brotherhood links (repealed in 2017), yet Egypt has had proper diplomatic relations with Israel post 1967. Sisi came to power after disposing MB linked Morsi in 2013, but Islamic opposition to his junta remains a big concern. Sisi has been messing with the Rafah border crossing since forever, at times closing it randomly. He refuses to accept wounded Gazans into Egyptian hospitals. Israel in the timespan of three weeks has now injured Egyptians on Egyptian territory twice, but not a peep. This morning the Egyptians shot down ballistic missiles coming from Yemen - so Egypt is now actually acting as an extra layer of Israel defense's mechanisms.

It's not much better in the Gulf. The Emirati King bin Zayed was the only Arab ruler to openly condemn HAMAS attacks on October 7-8. The UAE has banned the display of Palestinian flags in football stadiums. The Bahraini Finance Minister came out a couple of days ago stating that 'the Abraham Accords are now more important than ever'. Et cetera, et cetera. The Gulf Royalties hates HAMAS and the MB in general for being anti-monarchist/ Republican. It is clear they prefer Israel and some Palestinian puppet in Gaza over HAMAS.

And then there is the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah headed by Abbas. PLO acknowledged Israel's right to exist in 1993 and ever since they have been played like a fiddle waiting for the fairytale Two State Solution. At this point they should be considered an extension of the IDF. Pre October 7 in the case of Israeli raids on militant factions in the Westbank the PA security forces would disappear minutes before the IDF entrance, often turning off electricity. Post October 7 the PA security forces haven't done anything of value, and Abbas simply travels around the world trying to stay relevant.

None of the Arab regimes have withdrawn from the Abraham Accords. Or (temporarily) suspended relations. None have imposed embargoes or even boycotts. None (aside from Libya) have expelled ambassadors. None have pledged support for the Palestinians aside from 'humanitarian aid' (that mostly is stuck on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing anyway). None have reconsidered their geopolitical course.

All they do is talk cheap. Meanwhile Gaza already looks like Dresden 1945.

Do the Arab Regimes have a red line? They probably have, but only because they fear political instability at home. Once the killing and the Arab fake toothless saber-rattling+ Zion lite stance gets a bit too obvious popular dissent could very fast turn from anti-Israel into anti- Arab regime. Their genuine care for Gaza and the Palestinians is close to zero

China is all about hydrocarbons and hydrocarbons only. China imports more than 11 million barrels of oil a day, which is more than 70 percent of its total consumption. Most of that oil gets shipped in via the maritime trade routes linking the Middle East to East Asia. Data on its current SPR is a bit spotty, but was around 500 million barrels in 2017.

China is by far the superpower that has to lose the most from an escalation into a regional tier conflict. Much more than the USA, Russia or Europe. Any speculation on divestment into tapping into the Russian market is mostly just that. Numbers wise it is not possible, nor is the infrastructure there. Also China is ultimately not interested into swapping dependency from the Middle East to Russia as the former is geopolitically weaker hence more easily manageable and increased dependency on Russia would instantly put the current Russian- Chinese relations on its head and turn China into the junior partner instead.

In short, China is in that sense a country heavily burdened by its geostrategic shortcomings, like Japan and Germany were too in the past. It is simply resource starved.

So everything China does in the Middle East should be viewed through that specter. China is about de-escalation. A sudden rise in oil prices would slump China's (on paper?) economic growth and, even worse, a blockade of the Suez/ Bab el Mandeb and/or Strait of Hormuz could potentially collapse China's economy. Hence it's all about keeping those vital maritime trade routes open and the hydrocarbons flowing. They manufactured the (already crumbling) Saudi-Iran detente with this idea in mind. Peace in the Middle East means cheap, reliable and a secure stream of oil for China.

China wants to de-escalate the Gaza thingy, but ultimately doesn't give a damn about Palestina or the Palestinians. Not sure where the idea comes from that China is anti-Israel, or anti-Jew. Beijing harps in flowery language on the 1967 Two State Solution whilst terror bombardments at best and a prelude to ethnic cleansing takes place in Gaza. China is a mercantilist country with a mercantilist mindset. It will do business regardless of morals with whoever offers the most. And considers everything else domestic and internal affairs. If Israel can develop that gasfield on the Gazan shorelines and build a Sinai like competitor canal, fine. If Israel is willing to sell US state secrets, fine. If Israel wants to be part of the Belt and Road Initiative, fine. If Israel wants to buy Chinese stuff, fine.
The US suffered a diplomatic setback in the UN General Assembly as a resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire was passed. It is not legally binding. Out of the Arab Nations, all voted in favor, except Iraq and Tunisia that abstained.


I'm surprised to see Hungary on the list of countries that voted against. Even the UK abstained.



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RT coming very close to calling 9/11 a false flag attack.

West confesses it created Hamas and uses terror acts as 'great opportunities'.

One would think that wars causing pain and suffering are tragic events, but Western leaders have long been calling them a 'great opportunity' that they admit were of their own creation.

Israel has really over played their hand. Their standing and support in the world has collapsed. Most of the world despises how they treat their neighbors and how they get away with committing war crimes. I don't expect them to jump in, but support, even in the west for Israel, has collapsed. Even Elon Musk has had enough of the lies and nonsense by our govt.

I was wondering what Turkey and Erdogan's angle was with their "support" of Palestine. Looks like they are playing their part like the good Jewish/Israeli puppets that they are. Here is Erdogan's daughter trying to set the stage:


President # Erdogan : our Mohammedan army will come by surprise tonight in support of the people of # Gaza 🇵 🇸 🇹 🇷

Soon we will see a broken cross under the Islamic crescent #gaza_victor

Jews are attempting to spin this as a holy war between Christian Crusaders and Islam, hence the "broken cross under the Islamic crescent".

As with Christians, lots of Muslims may fall for this deception as well, not recognizing this from their own "Sahih Al-Bukhari", Vol. 4, Book 52, Hadith 177:
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Israel has really over played their hand. Their standing and support in the world has collapsed. Most of the world despises how they treat their neighbors and how they get away with committing war crimes. I don't expect them to jump in, but support, even in the west for Israel, has collapsed. Even Elon Musk has had enough of the lies and nonsense by our govt.

Unfortunately there stills seems to be a large group of people in the US who are still all in for Israel. I just finished a discussion/debate with a conservative friend (who eventually realized the scam of covid) who is disavowing Musk over this. Which is funny because up until now Musk had been his hero and I was the one pointing criticisms of Musk here and there. This one has a stranglehold on conservatives.
Unfortunately there stills seems to be a large group of people in the US who are still all in for Israel. I just finished a discussion/debate with a conservative friend (who eventually realized the scam of covid) who is disavowing Musk over this. Which is funny because up until now Musk had been his hero and I was the one pointing criticisms of Musk here and there. This one has a stranglehold on conservatives.

There are millions of boomer conservatives. But they are likely outnumbered in the USA alone, the most propagandized civilization on the planet on this subject. Much less across the rest of the globe.
There are millions of boomer conservatives. But they are likely outnumbered in the USA alone, the most propagandized civilization on the planet on this subject. Much less across the rest of the globe.
Yup. Most boomer conservatives just regurgitate Fox News talking points and gladly follow the GOP leadership into war. They believed "Putin evil" so go to war with Russia in Ukraine, and now can't get enough of bombing the hell out of Gaza to support Israel.

Boomers never graduated to modern times. They still think the GOP has their best interests at heart and we're fighting some moral and ethical cause to against evil as the world's noble police force.




TRUMP: On the terrible morning of October 7, the world once again saw the battle between Israel and Hamas. This is not a battle of two equal sides, it is a battle of good and evil, a battle of civilization and savages. Iran is responsible for the Hamas attack, but no one wants to talk about it

Yup. Most boomer conservatives just regurgitate Fox News talking points and gladly follow the GOP leadership into war. They believed "Putin evil" so go to war with Russia in Ukraine, and now can't get enough of bombing the hell out of Gaza to support Israel.

Boomers never graduated to modern times. They still think the GOP has their best interests at heart and we're fighting some moral and ethical cause to against evil as the world's noble police force.

Boomers support war because they know they're not the ones that are going to get drafted. It's their children and grandchildren that will be. The western boomer is the ultimate coward.