The only crowds seriously entertaining these type of feel good fantasies are disenfrenchised Asian incel types dreaming of grandeur and fuming at perceived (historical) injustices and manipulable boomers hooked on three letter agency originated fearporn.
As for the latter, they are currently being worked on through psychological operations. The MIC needs it's kickbacks and what works better than talking up distant geopolitical competitors as immediate military threats complete with horror scenarios of foreign jackboots on US soil.
Many of these doom scenarios center around (deliberately) leaked Chinese policy documents and gatherings. Unrestricted Warfare was for long the go to work, but there are many more. Below is a leaked 2022 audio wherein a high level regional PLA meeting is recorded. Present are several high ups including the governor of Guangdong province and the military commander of the Southern Zone. In the audio the speaker briefs the attendees on the need to start converting towards a war economy, and to start preparing and retrofitting a large number of merchant ships for troop and vehicle transport (amongst 200 other mentioned points).
Commentators like Jeff Nyquist have for years been building schizo narratives around this framework. That China isn't preparing for a Taiwan invasion, but is instead looking beyond that and is planning to break the US hold on the Pacific by moving into and beyond the Second Island Chain and taking over Guam, the Solomon Islands, Saipan and New Caledonia in a surprise attack. This would effectively cut off Australia, Japan and South Korea from the US after which the Chinese would start harassing the West Coast, coupled with increased
Gray, Pink and Red Terror (read communist detector literature of for in instance Viktor Suvorov to understand the terminology) inside the US through the many Chinese CCP agents that have infiltrated the country in both legal and illegal ways.
The Jeff Nyquist video, recorded in the wake of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan 2 years ago, sounds plain silly from a current perspective.
MAY 24, 2022 Dr. Li-Meng Yan: The English translation of PLA’s audio is here. The audio is obtained by many brave Chinese people via our special intelligence operation on 14 May, 2022 - at the cost of their lives! We Chinese are fighting against CCP! Xi’s People’s War will fail! Credit to Lude...
No, I am a founding stock American. I have ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War.
It is based on something much more simple, it is called "genetics". Do you know about genetics? Do you understand people are not just cogs you can replace and plug in, like some bolts on a machine?
From your posts, my guess is you haven't been to the USA in years, and maybe have never been here at all. Well, you don't have to believe what I am about to tell you.... again, but the other men here can vouch for me. The only reason Ukraine and Israel even exist today is because of the USA. And the USA's strength is that WW2 was fought on other shores, we captured top German scientists and put them into an economic model that allowed them to thrive along with top US scientists, and we had a very homogenous society where the best warriors on the planet, White men, felt a strong duty to fight and defend it and the courage to do so with Jesus Christ in their life. This is the reason the USA became the loan superpower. And all these things are disappearing at a super-fast pace. Within a few decades they will all be gone and cannot be brought back, it is over.
It is already bad enough now that when millions of military aged men stream across the border and destroy our country with crime, poverty, drug sales, murder, exploitation, etc., then men here don't even raise an eyebrow. The men here just no longer see their as their home to defend. So, if you want to think these men are going to volunteer to travel halfway across the world to defend your precious Israel.... well reality is about to smack you upside the head.
And as the country becomes less White, the warriors are replaced by soulless capitalists who come here just to exploit the system and will pack up and head back home the moment this country starts to crumble. These "new Americans" are not going to defend this land, they will just go back home. Our technology is behind China already. As the national IQ level continues to drop, we will only fall further behind. The national IQ level is dropping because of genetics of immigration, but it is greatly amplified by diversity, so not only are we getting dumber and weaker, we are appointing dumber and weaker people to lead the most sensitive areas, which is also rendering the warrior class to not care and everything coming to a screeching halt.
Sorry to break it to you, Ukraine is already lost. I know last night you said they would win, but it is over, the American people just set records voting in a guy running on pulling us out. It is already over.
Israel might be able to hold on for a while. If Israel can find a new attack dog to replace the USA and do their fighting for them, probably India at this point, they can fight on for a long time.
But the USA is collapsing at an amazing rate. I predicted it would collapse in my life time over 20 years ago, but I didn't realize it would all happen this quickly. China doesn't have to come here and fight some big battle. China just has to sit there and watch the USA collapse, along with me, and then one day come over and just take the land with little to no resistance. Hell, if they promise the Whites to let them be 2nd class citizens here, and work and stay here, but they will kick everyone else out, I would expect a high majority of Whites to join them, though I doubt this opportunity is presented to them.
You obviously have no idea how bad things are in the USA. And again, this is like my fourth or fifth time saying this, you should come over here and see with your own eyes, so you are no longer confused as to why no one here agrees with your beliefs.