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The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread

Jones' Idea of Logos seems to me to be a kind of new age perennial, pantheistic mystical metaphysics which is dressed up in a conservative catholic bowtie. In fact, by the way Jones writes Logos is more of a catch-all.

Haydock Bible Commentary on St. John Chapter 1: I'll include this here without comment since I think it shows there is a difference in thought between EMJ's "Logos" and the Catholic version:
"Ver. 1. In the beginning was the word:[1] or rather, the word was in the beginning. The eternal word, the increated wisdom, the second Person of the blessed Trinity, the only begotten Son of the Father, as he is here called (v. 14.) of the same nature and substance, and the same God, with the Father and Holy Ghost. This word was always; so that it was never true to say, he was not, as the Arians blasphemed. This word was in the beginning. Some, by the beginning, expound the Father himself, in whom he was always. Others give this plain and obvious sense, that the word, or the Son of God, was, when all other things began to have a being; he never began, but was from all eternity. — And the word was with God; i.e. was with the Father; and as it is said, (v. 18) in the bosom of the Father; which implies, that he is indeed a distinct person, but the same in nature and substance with the Father and the Holy Ghost. This is repeated again in the second verse, as repetitions are very frequent in S. John. — And the word was God. This without question is the construction; where, according to the letter we read, and God was the word. Wi. — The Greek for the word is Logos, which signifies not only the exterior word, but also the interior word, or thought; and in this latter sense it is taken here. V. — Philo Judæus, in the apostolic age, uses the word Logos, p. 823, to personify the wisdom and the power of God. Logos estin eikon Theou di ou sumpas o Kosmos edemiourgeito. By a similar metonymy, Jesus Christ is called the way, the truth, the life, the resurrection. — And the word was God. Here the eternity and the divinity of the second Person are incontrovertibly established; or, we must say that language has no longer a fixed meaning, and that it is impossible to establish any point whatever from the words of Scripture. A."
Kinda amazing really "Logos" is used just once in the whole book of St. John yet EMJ managed to write a whole book on it himself. It is my belief that EMJ's Logos is Perennialism cloaked and packaged in such a way to appear orthodox. EMJ tries to writes about Logos in a way which is convoluted and hard to pin down so that he has a baked in orthodoxy escape if you interpret his writing, yet the casual reader will certainly get a Perennialist philosophy when they read his work.
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Does anyone understand why EMJ was going on about Irish people "not being white"?

Obviously he means a race not a colour, as they are certainly not black or brown (or yellow)..
I went to get some beers with an Irishman after work yesterday. Before we left he changed fom his dirty work clothes into a pair of shorts.

After seeing that, I'm not sure that a person could possibly be whiter.
Jones' Idea of Logos seems to me to be a kind of new age perennial, pantheistic mystical metaphysics which is dressed up in a conservative catholic bowtie. In fact, by the way Jones writes Logos is more of a catch-all.

Haydock Bible Commentary on St. John Chapter 1: I'll include this here without comment since I think it shows there is a difference in thought between EMJ's "Logos" and the Catholic version:

Kinda amazing really "Logos" is used just once in the whole book of St. John yet EMJ managed to write a whole book on it himself. It is my belief that EMJ's Logos is Perennialism cloaked and packaged in such a way to appear orthodox. EMJ tries to writes about Logos in a way which is convoluted and hard to pin down so that he has a baked in orthodoxy escape if you interpret his writing, yet the casual reader will certainly get a Perennialist philosophy when they read his work.

I'm not too familiar with EMJ's writings on Logos, would you mind elaborating some of his key discrepancies that would make you characterize his view as perennialist as opposed to traditionally Christian?
It sounds subtle and over my head, will leave it to the academic types in their white ivory towers..

Have only heard his podcasts so far not yet braved a book.

Well, I'm not an academic in an ivory tower, just a blue collar guy, but I think the tweet in Budo's post spells it out nicely.


Once the category of "white" is accepted in social discourse, the Jew gains the ability to be a chameleon in the local population and rot the institutions from the inside. To be Irish meant your identity wasn't outward skin colour, but had the quality of being either Catholic or Protestant. (or Orthodox before the Norman invasion).

This is how that certain group of people who hate Christ are able to go on twitter and preach white privilege/racism/colonialism. If people didn't think skin colour carried any meaning for identity, then it wouldn't be possible to do this. This is essentially the problem Dr Jones points out, since people have given up their higher identities in belief, and the lesser category of ethnic group, they're left with the material properties of people, and thus "white" people came into existence. "White" isn't a binding category. The red blooded hunter and the vegan leftist hopped up on soylent will not get along even if their skin is white, as material properties can only ever serve as a very shallow unifying thing. What EMJ is getting at is that you should become Catholic, because he always tries to point back to Roman Catholicism as the solution, as beliefs/values have a much stronger ability to unify people.

The dissolution of religious/ethnic groups/families into individuals is the key problem. Because once someone is an individual, and not an embedded person, then other groups gain power over him. It's why divide and conquer is so successful a strategy.

Jonathan Pageau lays out the solution better than I can, and I don't want to pretend like the ideas are mine, I've timestamped it to an immediately relevant part of the discussion, but the whole thing is worth watching.

Long post incoming, but necessary to explain because I've had these suspicions of him for a long time.

While he is competent from a moral perspective on degeneracy, especially with how potent sexual "liberation" has been for separating people from a holy state of existence, his neophyte views on race, genetics, and proper historical contexts make his mind appear like that of a cloaked marxist.

Here is a clarification video from Chris, a practicing Roman Catholic and the runner of the channel Australian Christian Fascists, who has been in communication with EMJ for some time, breaking down how he lies to his audience. He is very confused in his worldview, and he's not consistent. He will use the terms blacks and jews as a representative of describing these people but he refuses to acknowledge the "white" races, collective or not:

"Dr. E. Michael Jones exposed -part 1 - 1-26-2024"

4:50 - Inconsistency, talks about blacks and jews, then in other videos says there no such thing as blacks or whites, only Catholics or jews.

6:50 - accuses only jews of engaging in censorship, and that Catholics do not, but the church did historically believe in censorship (burning the talmud and other sinister demonic books) in order to protect the faith.

8:35 - "white boys" Jones says some people have "affinities and believe in race" where is basically imbibing a Marxist dialectic and preaching this to Catholics

9:50 - told a huge lie about Dachau, it was not created "for Catholics" it was created in 1933 for political opponents, primarily communists and bolsheviks. Dachau from 1933-1945 allegedly had 180,000 inmates, of which 2,579 were Catholic clergy or 1.4% of the total population of the camp, and Jones ays the camp was meant only to persecute Catholics. Of the death figures, 18,500-41,500 were in total, and only 1034 were Catholic clergymen, which is roughly 2.5% of the total deaths according to all figures. Jones says Catholics were 'specifically targeted" but Germany had a 33% Catholic population. Of the clergy at Dachau, most were Poles during the war. The vast majority of deaths were Poles, many from the 'Pale of Settlement' and had poor hygiene and nutrition similar to the jews of Eastern Europe.

15:50 - another lie about the Catholic Church being antagonized by the German government. The Archbishop of Freiburg, Conrad Grober, was a member of the SS himself. The Reich also funded and collected taxes for the Catholic church within Germany, along with funding the construction of churches. Jones pretends none of this exists.

18:15 - EMJ is further creating a false narrative that the leaders were against the Church as matters of faith, men like Goebbels and Himmler were opposed to "political clergymen" and no one, especially Jones, dares to explore what a "political clergyman" is because you would see that these are priests who have betrayed their vows and have taken to sow seeds of dissent between people and their government, in this case a government which was actively protecting its people. The distaste for political "Catholicism" (not real Catholicism) was mainly due to the "Catholic center party" which was really controlled by the socialist party, being involved in all of the coalition governments of the Weimar Republic, which was a complete degenerate demonic cesspit. There was clear hypocrisy between what the church was teaching (all Christian teachings are incompatible with communism/marxism) versus allying with the political parties that were pushing this extinction degeneracy onto the German people.

20:33 - no source for the quotes from Reinhard Heydritch and Himmler. There is substantial evidence for Himmler being the exact opposite of what Jones parrots. The German term "subhuman" phrase which gets thrown around alot, but its English equivalent is "uncivilized" which refers to the jewish behavior of the communists, not their blood. Even Jones admits that the jews are "destroyers of civilization," so by his own logic, he is the very "knotsee" that he's criticizing here.

22:50 - The SS saw themselves modeled on the Jesuits and the Teutons, and EMJ shows his lack of knowledge for what the Teutonic Knights were, who were Catholic. You can't have de-Christianization and church building happening under the same government. The official party stance was Positive Christianity. The evidence for this in terms of speeches, newspaper clippings, NSDAP documents, and video footage is overwhelmingly against Jones statements.

25:20 - How the British came up with "atrocity propaganda," and how Lenz' book fits into this model. EMJ talks about atrocity propaganda in other videos and here he is pushing his own. Lenz' book which EMJ clings to is in itself a political document, wherein he calls the National Socialists "Godless," which is a political ploy because it went against their 25 point program of which an inherent belief in God and Christian morality was central to.

28:30 - EMJ does not understand the communist infiltration of Christian groups which was heavily frequent in the 1930s. The "Jehovah's Witnesses" were placed in camps not because they were JW's, but because they were allied with the communists and their pacifistic tendencies were seen as politically divisive when they openly preach no to participating in any aspect of a society. Also interesting to note, European Churches like Catholics and Orthodoxy did not recognize the JW's as being Christian not only because of their dogmatic differences, but because they were a movement founded in America by a freemason and therefore were not considered "Christian" by any definition. Many communists were hiding as JW's.

32:00 - Jones deceives his audience by misreading one of the Gestapo arrest report on Lenz. EMJ falls back on relativism when he clear is ok with lying when it benefits his cause and not in any other circumstance. Lenz was guilty of many things, and not a single one of those crimes was "being Catholic." Lenz' memoirs were purely political, and his actions in the 1930s were also extremely political. According to the conkordat, all priests swore to serve Germany and not betray their office by pursuing political activity. He becomes an increasinglylibertarian subjectivist as he goes on talking.

37:30 -Who adjudicates what is political action? The court systems do. The Reichkonkordat was not signed between the parties of the Weimar Republic, whom Jones keeps referring to as a source of alleged relevancy for matters of fact, but was signed between the Reich and the Vatican. The konkordat includes a dispute mechanism if there is an issue of events ongoing with a clergymen. The Bishops did not speak out against any of these "political clergymen" being arrested because there were no violations of the conkordat from the German government in doing so. EMJ doesn't even consult the proper Catholic authority of the time, he has to rely on Weimar politicians.

39:45 - He loves the disobedience to tradition which stems from his Novus Ordo sect upbringing. He is a libertarian masquerading as a Catholic. Ultimately his "anti-knotsee" narrative doesn't help the Catholic Church, and he punches to the right causing Catholics to move to the left, towards a Marxist/Communist false utopia, and you see it with his language: "blacks exist, but whites don't. blacks have a culture, whites don't have a culture."

43:05 - Jones is lying to the audience through omission. He knows the jews were controlling the publishing industry, but he says "the accounts of the priests corroborate each other so it must be true." The jews and the Americans only allow the publishing and promotion of books that conformed to the American war narrative, and he knows this.

45:30 - There were many instances of both communists pretending to be Christians, and "political" priests secretly aiding partisans. The Jesuits in Germany were publishing their newspapers right up until the paper shortages from embargoes emplaced on Germany when the war years picked up, Catholic newspapers were not "shut down" because of NSDAP wanting "total control."

49:05 - Another false claim that a priest was arrested for holding Catholic retreats. Catholic festivals were celebrated openly in the Third Reich. The organization of this particular priest, a father Kentenich, he was teaching how to be subversive and how to destroy the government in his retreats under the guise of having a faith sabbatical. He was actively pushing "to defeat National Socialism" in his "mission" and thus he was engaging in political activity and in violation of the conkordat. Jones keeps on ragging on this that these priests were arrested and incarcerated and discriminated against "because they were priests." This particular priest was exiled post-war by the Vatican for his unorthodox teachings, so he fled to America and continued to teach unorthodox doctrines. This is who EMJ is holding up as a paragon of the Catholic faith as he cleverly weaves this narrative of a so-called "Catholic Holocaust."

55:40 - another lie, the Catholic story was not hijacked by the jews, during the war the OSS devised a clever atrocity propaganda aimed at all the citizenry of each country in Europe, for the Catholics (what they drafted up for Polish Catholics was different for German Catholics), the Protestants, the jews, etc. EMJ is simply parroting the script of the propaganda that was applied to Catholics. The hubris of those who cling to "the freedom of the mind" cannot recognize the truth, so people will pretend things away that contradict their framework.

Just goes to show you criticizing jews is not litmus test of truth. Up until a few years ago I never realized there were so many "antï-semites" who are very, very happy to push the jew agenda on race, nations, and multiculturalism. EMJ does this, sometimes even directly. He knows full well what the kalergi plan is and is at play, yet parrots many of its talking point. Jones has admitted that Christianity and judaism are a dialectic, yet he wants jewish Catholic dialogue to stop all while parroting jewish anti-white talking points. What he fails to understand is If there are no white Europeans, Christianity will be a limp-wristed, wet noodle religion of knuckle draggers and blasphemous faggots.

He definitely "acts dumb" when certain right wing major talking points come up. It saves him the trouble of actually having to legitimately debunk some of the most important right wing political themes. Debunking the kalergi plàn, white erasure and other legitimate right wing grievances would be difficult for Jones so he uses the jewish tactic of "shutting it down". The best way to shut down legitimate grievances is to belittle these grievances and pretend they don't exist.

As for his book "The Holocaust Narrative," he is merely putting a fictional Catholic spin on a jewish myth. Chris said the following: "Jones lied, because I stated to him that both Lenz's book AND the gestapo report corroborate that Lenz was engaging in subversive political activity. Lenz even admits it, but just excuses it as "following his catholic faith", but it's false because as a priest he was supposed to follow the bishops and the concordat."

EMJ never discusses or questions the truth of the Hoaxacaust, rather he plays with the "narrative" the way a Hollywood producer does. He says the jews stole a Catholic "narrative," but a narrative is just a story, it's not the result of a quest for truth. EMJ is more of an pseudo-activist than an objective scholar.

Here is the full reveal of Jones lies, hypocrisies, and slandering when a true Catholic informs him of his errors:

"Dr. E Michael Jones Exposed Part 2"

4:45 - First email exchange between Chris and EMJ.

12:00 - Jones first email reply back (where he clearly ignores all of the evidence Chris presents in his first email)

13:30 - Chris' second email to EMJ, further asking about the source material he uses.

31:00 - Pictures that he sent EMJ of monks and nuns and priests in National Socialist Germany, Hitler and Goebbels at various baptisms, Catholic memorial services, meetings with Catholic officials, Hitler youth prayer cards, classes of Hitler youth with huge crucifixes at the top of the room (which are not ripped down) , shrines and iconographies being guarded by a member of the NSDAP, baptism ceremonies celebrated by the SS, more SS officers receiving holy communion, at church, and on pilgrimages, that Jones refused to comment on.

37:35 - EMJ's second email reply (he reveals his state of mind that some holocaust had to happen because he believes the NSDAP was evil, so to him, if the jewish holocaust did not happen, that a Catholic one "had to".)

42:45 - EMJ inadvertently admits that father Lenz' book had to be a type of social engineering in order for it to be published. Jones desire to "resurrect the original narrative" shows his plan of cherry-picking history to create an even more absurd narrative than the jewish one. He is not an honest researcher when it comes to this topic.

46:25 - "Bad people were using the Catholic apparatuses for their political agendas." Front groups posing as Christians were mostly liberals, communists, marxists, and other socialists who were not allowed in politics that decided to "go underground" as a result.

47:00 - Chris replies to EMJ after reaching out to German archives and retrieves every file he could find on Johann Lenz, including the Gestapo files, proving he was a political agitator violating the concordat, just like his memoirs confirm. He was also using the pulpit and confessional to spread seditious rumors and publications against the government.

53:00 - The Concordat was not an enforced law it was agreed upon by the highest authority of Catholicism. EMJ keeps thinking in terms of liberal-American democracies in his mind, but this is not applicable from a historical context, nor is it relevant outside the states. He does not engage with anything this researcher has presented him with, he just ignores repeatedly.

1:00:20 - Some Pro-NS newspapers of Protestants were shut down by the government because of an article they published against Austrian Catholics, which would not make sense if the government was trying to oppress the Catholic Church.

1:05:00 - Lenz' second arrest report which EMJ did not include in his book. After Lenz' first arrest, he was allowed to be at large to be surveilled because of suspicion of him being in contact with enemies of Germany outside the nation. He used the lie of receiving a confession to the former Austrian Chancellor to receive and distribute falsified documents (likely stemming from OSS sources) about the backgrounds of certain leaders like Alfred Rosenberg. The text translation clearly states "Father Lenz misused the confessional for political atrocity propaganda." You have a priest abusing a sacred contract for seditious meetings, which is perfectly fine for EMJ.

1:09:15 - EMJ's third email reply, where he seems to keep going back to the "democratic" mindset and not understanding that you cannot go around in authoritarian modes of government agitating in public to encourage an insurrection. He automatically goes to the victim and presumes that the victim is innocent, which is the Marxist dialectic. "Someone is thrown in jail, therefore they are innocent because I do not like the people in power."

1:12:55 - Chris' fourth email to EMJ where he reiterates to him that there is still zero proof that any Catholic was persecuted, as EMJ claims, for their faith. Father Lenz' book does not support his thesis, Lenz was a heretic and a collaborator of communists and marxists, and disobeyed his bishops. The Catholic center party was not the church, though it was pretending it was, was dragging the sublime beauty of the faith in the mud through politics, and allowed all the degeneracy and corruption to spread in the Weimar Republic. This is why National Socialism began in Bayern (Bavaria) the most Catholic region of Germany, the Catholics were fed up with this. An exact comparison is Weimerica today, with the so-called Catholics so in bed with the Democrats promoting sodomy, abortion, and everything else that is inherently anti-Catholic.

1:17:30 - The commandants of Dachau, and Auschwitz were both Catholics. Josef Mengele was a Catholic. All these staunch Catholic men are being painted by the western intelligentsia as "pure evil" to make Catholics passive. Every time EMJ points to Catholic persecution, we find more Catholics in the NSDAP.

1:18:58 - A polish priest joins the Wehrmacht at the same time the fake story of "Maximillian Kolbe went to Auschwitz". His paragraph here really sums up the overarching theme that Jones cannot even discern with all his decades of faith:

"I suggest you work on developing a more honest thesis about the Catholic Church and World War 2, from the realization that Germany did not start the war. It was orchestrated by the jews, Britain, and America. The American Catholic Church fell into apostasy in World War 2 as it became so committed to the American government's war machine against Germany, it unquestioningly pushed out all the atrocity propaganda aimed at Catholics in Western countries to take up the cause and ally with communists and jews. The Apostate American Catholic Church committed to reforming the Catholic Church after the war to align with liberalism and democratic thinking (Vatican 2)."

1:21:00 - Another email he sent after finding out more evidence against the claim of Catholic persecution by the NSDAP. The alleged confiscation of monasteries by the German government during the war was for them to be used as a place of refuge, as field hospitals, mainly for children fleeing the cities being bombed by the allies. The Polish government also confiscated monasteries during the war for the same reasons, and the French did the same in WWI near the Somme, but it's another example of selective evil, "it's evil when the Germans do it, but not when anyone else does it."

1:28:00 - EMJ's fourth reply, where he pretends that none of the information exists. This is how the suppression of the truth works. He is working within the complete framework of the American establishment agenda.

The big takeaway, is if you're a Catholic, don't follow this man E. Michael Jones, he has a distraction agenda and will not help to the true resurrection of the Church with his neo-liberal marxist veneer over vying for the prime position on the victim totem-pole. In Jones "criticism" of jews, he does love to incite fighting between Protestants and Catholics. I never thought in 2024, someone would be so intent on dividing Christians when Christianity is so much under assault. Any Christian man of common sense will tell you that masturbating is bad, porn is bad, don't have sex with sloots and do your best to find a virgin wife. That's where EMJ's utility in truth-seeking ends, he has joined the victim hierarchy game: "Catholics big victims and Germans still bad." I don't think he was expecting a knowledgeable Catholic to challenge him, and if he keeps preaching this nonsense, it won't be the last one who schools him.
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My feeling is that, and I've said this before, EMJ is the prototype of stodgy Roman Catholic. As we always joke, they aren't even Roman, and they aren't Catholic, but they think they are both. You'd think with all the government intervention and schismatic past, that gave rise to Protestantism, they'd see somewhere that maybe they went astray. There's a lot of people from the RC tradition that are holy people throughout the ages, but EMJ never seemed to me to be a good example for truth seekers regarding christianity. There are just too many problems with Roman Catholicism, and we don't get much humility from its followers on just how political and detrimental their church has been in the 20th century alone. The current pope is yet another example of how schizophrenic the whole situation is.

He has a lot of talents, but the blind spots of people who are 60 and older these days are massive. They really need to reassess what this society is all about, and not act like their lucky existence from the 40s on was in any way informative as to what goes on today.
South African cartoonist and show host Jerm interviews EMJ on his book The Holocaust Narrative
Audio at the bottom, or available on a podcast app.
That was one of the most amazing EMJ interviews I've heard, he's truly on fire.
A number of important points and analogies come out in a very clear way, essential listening.
There was a recent Culture Wars with EMJ and Ron Unz :
Actually, I hadn't heard Ron Unz before, only seen the website. I would be interested to know if in America the content of that 'Unz' website is for sale in paper form as a magazine in news stores. Of course I don't need a copy of it but just curious how far the freedom of speech thing goes over there. Suppose they're often talking about freedom of speech versus freedom of reach.

There was quite a bit of talk about the west being unable to compete with Russian and Iranian hypersonic missiles and what if one of our aircraft carriers were sunk.

What I found quite interesting is when EMJ commented that in the film Downfall, German soldiers were shooting each other for minor infractions just before the end of the war. Has been so long since I saw that film, I don't completely remember the detail. But the point EMJ was making was that things get most dangerous and paranoid when a warring party knows that it is very close to losing a war.
to overplay one's hand

A very pertinent proverb which EMJ used a few times in a recent podcast referring to the overuse of victim narratives and 'privilege'