The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread


Thanks for the laugh chopppaaaaaaaa boy.

You wouldn´t mind me comparing you to an hypothetical retard. Would you?

Someone like you would fail the first year of law. Small mind. One guy spoke like this once. It´s written and it´s that way. The teacher almost ate him alive.

Judges also dont have much patience to hypotetical bullshit.

DOCTOR Jones could have used a better example. I don´t think the situation between jews and "gentiles" is similar to Zulus and english. Not one bit. Nothing is similar.

Here you have two different interpretations to the Bowtie Doctor example:

"Don't know if there's a better example in history, EMJ is just trying to say that those opposing this ((control)) and ((influence)) greatly outnumber those wielding it. The British had single fire rifles and were defeated by a larger number of spear wielding Zulus. Once they had crossed the lines it became clear that despite apparently more modern and powerful weapons, when greatly outnumbered and slow to reload, the British were defeated with spears. But there had to be a first zulu to cross the line to establish the truth of this."

"^Look, you're making a whole thesis out of an EMJ passing metaphor, that's a bit over the top. He didn't mean that Jews are an advanced civilization and that the goyim are zulus, he merely meant that the former control the modern levers of power, across the board."

What I think he means is more people need to come forward and criticize the jews as a group and acknowledge their power and nefarious actions. He doesnt want to do be the only one doing it. And in his bowtie mind he thinks he is one of the first Zulu crossing the line. And if more ppl would follow him a change could happen.

WHOAHHHH. Bowtie master is a genius. And what happens next? What happened when people attacked jews in recent history?

Solution for jews has to be different than what was used before. I don´t know which is it. But there´s always a key to all problems.

I don´t need to read any of his books. Because jews have been studied ad nauseum before the bowtie DOCTOR started to write about them. He probably repackaged some previous material. The problem is always what to do. Does the Zulu lover has given any practical solution? Should i start making a spear.
I'm quite confident I'd be just fine in law plenty of attnys in my family including prosecutors at state level and my mother in law is a family law attny who specializes in trials in high conflict divorce and I've been in a couple trials and sufficiently understand the American legal system. Ive been woefully unimpressed by lawyers and judges net net.

Your reaction and rush to hysterics is what makes me wonder how effective you actually are in trial. Me thinks you'd be quite easy to make a right ass of yourself.

Judges don't allow for hypothetical arguments that are not germain to the specific topics at hand and often these are objected to and sustained... But maybe, just maybe if you've ever listened to a Supreme Court hearing, which is much different than standard court trials, you'd be aware that hypotheticals are discussed many times in the questions by the supreme Court justices as they test the theories a solicitor general or legal team is presenting to them.

Please don't speak to me like I'm a neophyte sir. I will have to embarrass you.

You may not like EMJs metaphor but it's sufficient to make a comparison and for thought and discussion. I find it hard to believe you couldn't digest his comparison if you actually listened to the whole thing....surely with your expert genius legal mind you'd be able to grasp the simple comparisons....That's all I'm saying.

And if by retard you mean: a person's who's a been a Marine Corps officer, multiple degrees including a top MBA, and financially ahead of nearly everyone in my peer group except the ones born from money... Yeah I'm full blown retarded.

My point wasn't to say you're stupid. In fact I don't think you are. My point was to say, I assume you must not have actually thought about the comment before posting as it was clear to me what EMJ was saying in toto...

But hey, I'm happy to flame out with a frog any time while you eat your duck liver pate and snark about like a goose.
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A "black African" is an oxymoron isn't it?
No, Northern Africa isn't historically black, and there are a lot of non-Blacks that come from Africa historically going back thousands of years. A black sub-Saharan African could be any oxymoron, but you do have non-Blacks that live in sub-Saharan Africa, and importing Whites from South Africa to Ireland would cause far less trouble than importing Blacks from South Africa.

It is crazy, EMJ did so much work that is so important to the dissident right community, and now he will live long enough to burn his reputation and cause a lot of young men to question joining the Catholic Church v. some other form of Christianity or even other religion. They will do this if that is what it takes to keep them and their families from being wiped out/tortured/murdered by invaders EMJ thinks they must welcome and provide for.
No, Northern Africa isn't historically black, and there are a lot of non-Blacks that come from Africa historically going back thousands of years. A black sub-Saharan African could be any oxymoron, but you do have non-Blacks that live in sub-Saharan Africa, and importing Whites from South Africa to Ireland would cause far less trouble than importing Blacks from South Africa.

It is crazy, EMJ did so much work that is so important to the dissident right community, and now he will live long enough to burn his reputation and cause a lot of young men to question joining the Catholic Church v. some other form of Christianity or even other religion. They will do this if that is what it takes to keep them and their families from being wiped out/tortured/murdered by invaders EMJ thinks they must welcome and provide for.

This is a gross distortion of what EMJ said, he said that some Black individuals raised in a European country could assimilate, especially if they are Christian. He never condoned the ongoing mass migrant invasion or the Kalergi plan.

I like Fuentes, but next to EMJ he is an intellectual dwarf.
This is a gross distortion of what EMJ said, he said that some Black individuals raised in a European country could assimilate, especially if they are Christian. He never condoned the ongoing mass migrant invasion or the Kalergi plan.

I like Fuentes, but next to EMJ he is an intellectual dwarf.
What is "some'? This is the exact same trap that the USA fell into. "Some" non-Whites immigrated has turned into a third world hellhole from 1965 to 2024. He can't define "some". Is "some" 1%? 5%? And how does allowing competing men into your society help you, when they come from a society that is much less civilized and of much lower intellect? I don't know why civilizations that were exploring space and jet engines need "help" from people who never invented a written language. And if they are not coming to help, then what are they coming to do? Take. Why would you want people to come and take from your family and make your lives more difficult.

And the bigger issue, as an American and seeing this played out, is that almost always the first generation comes in and does behave and assimilate. But eventually their children or grandchildren will revert back, because at the end of the day genetics are the king. That is what you see in the USA now. The grandchildren of the nice men who put on suits and just asked for "equal rights" in the 1960's are pushing DEI, open borders, and every other satanic measure in the USA with their new power.
^No one has described the phenomenon of using blacks to colonise American cities better than EMJ - read "The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing". That was the American version of the Kalergi Plan, 20k Haitians in Springfield is just the cherry on top of that plan.

What is happening in Europe today is the same thing that took place several decades earlier in the US in the 1960s, where sharecroppers from the South were bused in in large numbers in the cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, NYC etc.

What is "some'? This is the exact same trap that the USA fell into. "Some" non-Whites immigrated has turned into a third world hellhole from 1965 to 2024. He can't define "some". Is "some" 1%? 5%?

Less than 5% for sure. Ironically here, Fuentes is a good example of EMJ being right and his criticism of EMJ being wrong, because Fuentes himself is a well-integrated Mexican migrant.

I would also take Candace Owens over your average modern atheist AWFL.
Yes, but the experiment is coming to an end and the kumbaya types, while they'll never give it up like the gulag idiots that Solzhenitsyn had to deal with wouldn't, will be rendered meaningless or otherwise eliminated. The ideology that people think is normal or normative can't last and won't. The main issue is that we've had to live through this foolishness and it always takes longer than it should (thus our head banging and others making fun of us for calling it out), since it's so obvious that it won't last, like the debt situation.

The bad news? The birthing pains for a reversion back to sanity - for women, minorities, etc - will not be without even greater headaches. And that's putting it lightly.
Less than 5% for sure. Ironically here, Fuentes is a good example of EMJ being right and his criticism of EMJ being wrong, because Fuentes himself is a well-integrated Mexican migrant.
You're getting most of this wrong, as EMJ is clearly showing again that he's a boomer-ific "just love man" thinker, closer to egalitarian in thinking than he or anyone else typically admits. Fuentes is an awful example of your point, since he's a white hispanic, meaning he's just spanish. You can have different europeans come to countries and still have group differences and some issues, but they won't be drastic ones since the commonality and religion is so similar.
^No one has described the phenomenon of using blacks to colonise American cities better than EMJ - read "The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing". That was the American version of the Kalergi Plan, 20k Haitians in Springfield is just the cherry on top of that plan.

What is happening in Europe today is the same thing that took place several decades earlier in the US in the 1960s, where sharecroppers from the South were bused in in large numbers in the cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, NYC etc.

Less than 5% for sure. Ironically here, Fuentes is a good example of EMJ being right and his criticism of EMJ being wrong, because Fuentes himself is a well-integrated Mexican migrant.

I would also take Candace Owens over your average modern atheist AWFL.
Is Fuentes family from Mexico? I have heard this before, but then I heard like one of this grandparents is from Mexico, then others say his name comes from Spain.

With all that said, "Mexican" is not a race, and due to Mexico being multi-racial, they have the same issue as every other multi-racial country. Fuentes, as far as I can tell, is nearly 100% European or 100% European. Even if he had family from Mexico, they are still European genetically. It is a good example of a White being brought from another country and associating with Whites. When people refer to "Mexicans" as a race, the correct term is really Mestizo, which is simply a mix of Asian and European, Asians being the natives (Aztecs, Mayans, etc.) who came over the land bridge from Asia and mixed with Spanish and Portugues settlers.
Is Fuentes family from Mexico? I have heard this before, but then I heard like one of this grandparents is from Mexico, then others say his name comes from Spain.

With all that said, "Mexican" is not a race, and due to Mexico being multi-racial, they have the same issue as every other multi-racial country. Fuentes, as far as I can tell, is nearly 100% European or 100% European. Even if he had family from Mexico, they are still European genetically. It is a good example of a White being brought from another country and associating with Whites. When people refer to "Mexicans" as a race, the correct term is really Mestizo, which is simply a mix of Asian and European, Asians being the natives (Aztecs, Mayans, etc.) who came over the land bridge from Asia and mixed with Spanish and Portugues settlers.

Yes, Fuentes' father is from Mexico. Nick Fuentes looks white by current standards, but his father probably looks Mexican, as very few Mexicans have 100% European blood, and the ones that do typically don't migrate to the Norte, because they are the upper class there. And even for these people, Spain being the southernmost country in W Europe, they have a lot of Arab/Berber mixed in their genes dating back to the middle ages, much like southern Italians. Half of the current 100% Spanish blood players on the Spain squad would not even have been considered white in Chicago a few decades ago, before that city underwent massive demographic changes.

Yes, Fuentes' father is from Mexico. Nick Fuentes looks white by current standards, but his father probably looks Mexican, as very few Mexicans have 100% European blood, and the ones that do typically don't migrate to the Norte, because they are the upper class there. And even for these people, Spain being the southernmost country in W Europe, they have a lot of Arab/Berber mixed in their genes dating back to the middle ages, much like southern Italians. Half of the current 100% Spanish blood players on the Spain squad would not even have been considered white in Chicago a few decades ago, before that city underwent massive demographic changes.

Then comes in the purity spiral debate as to White people can't have their own countries, which means in the near future White people will no longer exist.

This was addressed by our ancestors. Nick would pass as White. Nick is a White advocate. Nick is White by any real definition of the term. If most your ancestry comes from Europe and you believe White people, as any other group of people, have the rights to their own homelands, then you are White.

Lucky for us, we have both our ancestor's definition, but also DNA mapping, which shows there is a slight difference in an Italian and a Norwegian, but the difference in an Italian and a Norwegian is tiny when comparing these two groups to Mongolians, or Han Chinese or Sub-Saharan Africans.

EMJ has lived long enough to see his work both change the world and also become a has been, all in the same life. The speed at which things are changing is remarkable. And this has me extremely White pilled. The satanic elites have overplayed their hand.
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Then comes in the purity spiral debate as to White people can't have their own countries, which means in the near future White people will no longer exist.

This was addressed by our ancestors. Nick would pass as White. Nick is a White advocate. Nick is White by any real definition of the term. If most your ancestry comes from Europe and you believe White people, as any other group of people, have the rights to their own homelands, then you are White.

Lucky for us, we have both our ancestor's definition, but also DNA mapping, which shows there is a slight difference in an Italian and a Norwegian, but the difference in an Italian and a Norwegian is tiny when comparing these two groups to Mongolians, or Han Chinese or Sub-Saharan Africans.

EMJ has lived long enough to see his work both change the world and also become a has been, all in the same life. The speed at which things are changing is remarkable.

It's more about EMJ detractors lacking any sense of perspective about race in America and Europe than about him being out of touch. His vision is rooted by more than a snapshot of the current situation, completely detached from history. When I mentioned that Fuentes' father wouldn't have been considered white in 1970s Chicago, I wasn't engaging in a racial purity debate, I was merely showing that the racial norms are fluid, and have been defined by our enemies.

One important point in this discussion, is that if you are framing the debate in exclusively racial terms, you are playing into zog hands. When their BLM tools wanted to tear down the statue of Saint Louis in his namesake town, EMJ and Catholic activists were able to protect their local heritage because they identified as Catholics. Had they identified as whites, they would have been thoroughly trounced.
It's more about EMJ detractors lacking any sense of perspective about race in America and Europe than about him being out of touch. His vision is rooted by more than a snapshot of the current situation, completely detached from history. When I mentioned that Fuentes' father wouldn't have been considered white in 1970s Chicago, I wasn't engaging in a racial purity debate, I was merely showing that the racial norms are fluid, and have been defined by our enemies.

One important point in this discussion, is that if you are framing the debate in exclusively racial terms, you are playing into zog hands. When their BLM tools wanted to tear down the statue of Saint Louis in his namesake town, EMJ and Catholic activists were able to protect their local heritage because they identified as Catholics. Had they identified as whites, they would have been thoroughly trounced.
If Zog were terrified of Christians, but not Whtes, like EMJ falsely claims, they wouldn't let his little Catholic group go out and clean up urban areas. They would come protest and throw them under the bus, like when White groups do it as a race. They were allowed to protect this heritage, not through strength, not through a fight, they never fought for anything. They did so because the system doesn't see it as a threat. I mean, hell, look at the Pope demanding open borders, how is that organization a threat to Zog, they push Zog talking points.

The satanic elites know they have already subverted many Christian churches, but they cannot subvert racial awareness, they can only hope to continue to pretend racial differences don't exist. The problem for EMJ, is that true, most White people are okay with a tiny minority of non-Whites living in their countries and sharing with them. The problem then becomes, how do you stop that from becoming the satanic nightmare we have today? The only solution has to have racially and ethnically aware nations, which is what the origins of the word "nation" means, in Latin. Anything other than this, and you eventually have Whites committing suicide and disappearing off the planet and our tax dollars funding cat eating Haitians, and being told this is the epitome of a civilization.

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Nick distorting what EMJ said is in line with being a click baitey idiot faggot.

EMJ literally wrote a 1000 page book about blacks being used for the culture war as others have noted.

Either he's too stupid to understand the point... Or he's purposely lying.

Frankly Nick is as useful as a turd in a punchbowl at this point...and is forcing himself into obscurity and irrelevance.
Nick distorting what EMJ said is in line with being a click baitey idiot faggot.

EMJ literally wrote a 1000 page book about blacks being used for the culture war as others have noted.

Either he's too stupid to understand the point... Or he's purposely lying.

Frankly Nick is as useful as a turd in a punchbowl at this point...and is forcing himself into obscurity and irrelevance.
What is his point? On one side he admits that Blacks are easy biological weapons for the elites to use against Whites to destroy everything good in our lives, but then on the other side he claims Whites can't have their own nations and must accept Blacks in.

So, what is his point?

As best I can tell, that ethnicity just appears out of thin air, and not out of thousands of years of evolutionary pressures, causing them to eat certain foods, have certain rituals, and reproduce with genetics that will ensure the best survival rate for their offspring. It is the only reason that I can think of as to why he thinks someone from halfway across the globe can learn a new language and go along with some drunk celebrations and all of a sudden a Nigerian is just as Polish as anyone else who can trace their family lineage there back 2,000 years.

From watching EMJ, my feeling on him is he is a high IQ super nerd. Put him in a library and have him research and he has come up with some of the most important historical information that maybe has ever been recorded. Amazing talent. Take him out of his bubble, where his only interaction with people is either within the confines of the church walls or other academics, and he doesn't have a clue. He needs to get out of his bubble and actually see how these people live very differently, even after hundreds of years of living side by side.

Not that it really matters, his great work will stand the test of time. His boomer 1970 talking points on race are not only falling on deaf ears, but they are also making super easy targets to shoot down any response that he has tried to give. He has become a tackling dummy in this way, so by being so weak on this subject he allows his former followers to sharping their debate skills.
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His response is wall text of nothingness. It makes little to no sense. My advice to him would be to stick to what you are good at and don't destroy your reputation by your ego and pride pushing you into waters that you are way out of your league.
