The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread

I really wanted to start a thread on this wonderful man. For those who are unaware, Dr. Jones is an American intellectual who has done excellent work concerning the interaction of the Roman Catholic Church with modern society. Dr. Jones has earned widespread admiration for fearlessly examining the friction between Christendom and the Jewish people. Dr. Jones publishes his books via Fidelity Press and is behind the exemplary magazine, Culture Wars.

The following are links which I've found helpful in understanding Dr. Jones and his work

Pray The Rosary

Books By Doctor Jones
Libido Dominandi

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

Logos Rising


The Goy Guide to World History -

E. Michael Jones on Jewish Influence from Calvary To Trump

E.Michael Jones on Logos vs. Anti-Logos

E.Michael Jones on Barren Metal; British Empiricism vs German Idealism

Ethnos and Logos

E.Michael Jones on Werner Heisenberg and Jewish Science

LibidoDominandi: Lust, Power, & Control

Very sorry. I looked in the Public Figures section, since that was where the EMJ thread was in the Roosh V Forum, and didn't see a thread. So I didn't believe that such a thread existed. It just seemed intuitive that the EMJ thread would be under Public Figures. Sorry.
I really wanted to start a thread on this wonderful man. For those who are unaware, Dr. Jones is an American intellectual who has done excellent work concerning the interaction of the Roman Catholic Church with modern society. Dr. Jones has earned widespread admiration for fearlessly examining the friction between Christendom and the Jewish people. Dr. Jones publishes his books via Fidelity Press and is behind the exemplary magazine, Culture Wars.

The following are links which I've found helpful in understanding Dr. Jones and his work

Pray The Rosary

Books By Doctor Jones
Libido Dominandi

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

Logos Rising


The Goy Guide to World History -

E. Michael Jones on Jewish Influence from Calvary To Trump

E.Michael Jones on Logos vs. Anti-Logos

E.Michael Jones on Barren Metal; British Empiricism vs German Idealism

Ethnos and Logos

E.Michael Jones on Werner Heisenberg and Jewish Science

LibidoDominandi: Lust, Power, & Control

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I already started a EMJ thread a few days back. But admins feel free to move it to the public figures section if it fits better there? I don't think we should have two threads on this, but no worries mate!
Random thought. Something E. Michael Jones once said just occurred to me, while I was thinking of Paul's sermon to the Athenians in Acts 17. He argued that the prologue to the Gospel of John was the apostle's attempt to preach the message that he thinks Paul should have preached to the Athenians in Acts 17, instead of the message he gave about idols, judgement, and the Resurrection of Christ. E. Michael Jones has always said that the word Logos meant so much more to the Greek world than our modern Bible translations can convey.

I've never heard any Bible scholar say that John answered Paul's "failure" in Athens, but it makes sense.
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Random thought. Something E. Michael Jones once said just occurred to me, while I was thinking of Paul's sermon to the Athenians in Acts 17. He argued that the prologue to the Gospel of John was the apostle's attempt to preach the message that he thinks Paul should have preached to the Athenians in Acts 17, instead of the message he gave about idols, judgement, and the Resurrection of Christ. E. Michael Jones has always said that the word Logos meant so much more to the Greek world than our modern Bible translations can convey.

I've never heard any Bible scholar say that John answered Paul's "failure" in Athens, but it makes sense.
E. Michael Jones is off his rocker if he thinks he can give Paul better apologetic advice. It's not as if Paul saying Logos would have turned all the Athenians into Trinitarians on the spot. Paul calling the Athenians to repentance from their idolatry is the exact message they needed to hear, whether they accepted it or not.

EMJ has some good moments but this shows you he is no Biblicist.
Does anyone understand why EMJ was going on about Irish people "not being white"?

Obviously he means a race not a colour, as they are certainly not black or brown (or yellow)..
Does anyone understand why EMJ was going on about Irish people "not being white"?

Obviously he means a race not a colour, as they are certainly not black or brown (or yellow)..
He wants to point out that the construct of "whiteness" is a category of the mind and not a category of reality.

It allows non-homogoenous caucasian cultures to be grouped into "white" vs "polish / irish/ german / italian / english / scottish / norwegian" ect ect.

The issue is that, regardless of the technical correctness of his argument.... the lexicon and paradimn of discussion on this issue are fairly enstanchiated as "white" means any caucasian and this is really just a purely academic debate.

In reality, his argument plays out to a distinction without a difference.
It sounds subtle and over my head, will leave it to the academic types in their white ivory towers..

Have only heard his podcasts so far not yet braved a book.
It sounds subtle and over my head, will leave it to the academic types in their white ivory towers..

Have only heard his podcasts so far not yet braved a book.
I'd reccomend Lobido Dominande as a start. or The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

I have Barren Metal, but havent been able to get to it yet.

I used to subscribe to his magazine and found it to be awesome.... I learned a whole lot from his articles in there.