The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread

I read it, but for the record don't think it is good to be nitpicking and criticizing someone like EMJ who has gotten to the core of the matter in so many ways. You probably agree with him yourself most of the way but it is probably the delivery which you don't quite like. Have you heard the expression no enemies to the right ?

I don't think that EMJ advocates against that either. It's just that EMJ seems to think in an old world, European or Anglo-Irish kind of way. "White Christian homeland" is a new world or American concept and EMJ has not quite embraced it. His message is still good.

There is also this point which you have laboured about the Nazis being Christian. EMJ has laboured the opposite. I don't know the answer but this particular point is not so crucial in the general discussion of jewish power and subversion. As he keeps pointing out with the genocide in Gaza the hypocricy of the situation has reached a point where it can't be painted over or ignored.
Yes he is prescient in his coverage of the Gaza ordeal. He should focus on current events then and avoid his incorrect interpretations of WW2 and German history, because it was very important to him to steal the jewish victim narrative and put a Catholic cloak over it with that book he released last year, something that irks me, having Catholic relatives who served on the Axis and with Franco and who passed down the truth to the lies that he's touting about them.

He is a theologian, not a proper historian. He should stick to his realm, but he's quite callous in pushing that he knows what really is outside of theology. His earlier books like "Libido Dominandi" and "Monsters from the Id" were good reads because they focused on the spiritual corruption caused by jewish agendas.

One of the biggest Catholic voices in the last century in Europe, General Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle, had disproven all of EMJ's claims about Hitler and the National Socialists in Germany well before EMJ was ever a significant writer, and yet EMJ never references him not once in his works is proof that Jones does not look for the ultimate truth when he has an agenda on something. EMJ never mentions the Catholic field bishops of the Wehrmacht either like Franz Justus Rarkowski, or the Catholic Archbishop Joseph Otto Kolb at that time, instead he focuses on the lamentations of an alleged priest in a labor camp who was a clear-cut communist infiltrator and no better than a converso. It was millions of men like Degrelle who held the Eastern front for 1000 days and nights that prevented the Bolsheviks from reaching all of Western Europe, and overtaking France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway, something that every European nationalist alive today is eternally grateful for, and something that someone like EMJ totally misses. The whole point of the war was this grand European Christian Crusade against Bolshevism, which most people overlook and just bring up people in camps, at a time when there were camps in every country in the world filled with people in each country, and the camps in the Allied nations (USA, English territories, and USSR) were the worst of them all.

You are right about the changing landscape and the way ethnic exclusion is becoming more prevalent by the day, and this is something he and others on the right never seem to understand. EMJ is similar to Dugin in that he's pushing for a multi-racial identity without boundaries (just a Catholic one for him), but this is a Babel mistake.

To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance, therefore I would seek more common ground with EMJ and expect a bit more from him as a Catholic rather than just being ok with him because he also doesn't like jews. There is a point where these figureheads on the right cannot maintain themselves with the growing realities of God's dictate from Babel playing out in real life. If they continue to advocate for integration believing that all it takes is a sprinkle of holy water and all the Africans and Europeans can live peacefully side-by-side until kingdom come then they're incredibly delusional.
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Why would Michael Jones compare people who fight jews to primitive savage Zulu blacks? And the english to the equivalent of jews? From all comparisons in history and all examples he could have thought off. This is the best he came up with. Why these actors? We are the equivalent of savage primitive blacks fighting with spears against white developed civilization? And one of us savage has to overcome the barrier? There´s no other better example in history?
I only read through the history of the Boer wars recently. I think there were 2 of them (or were there more?) The English lost the first one against the Boers (Afrikaaners) but they narrowly beat the Boers in the second one. Or am I mixing up the South Africa wars? Do you know which war he is talking about.. I haven't listened to that Last Zulu podcast yet but probably will and may do some background reading. Do you know which war he is referring to and what exactly happened?
The whole point of the war was this grand European Christian Crusade against Bolshevism, which most people overlook and just bring up people in camps
I remember talking to someone in Germany about it, and it was clear we had the same politics so it got onto the topic of history and he said "We didn't want to vote for Hitler but we had no choice!" as you say it was about stopping Bolshevism.
EMJ Live 84: The End of Free Speech in England?
His podcasts are getting better and better.. Even the intro music, this time about being a holocaust survivor. A few episodes ago it was about breaking the jew taboo.

It appears that the police in the UK are trying to arrest people for merely thinking forbidden thoughts. A lot about abortion clinics and the various protestors. Really incredible to hear a policeman engaging someone about what they are thinking, first I've heard those soundbites.

Then that guy at speakers corner in London talking about the JQ (what was his name, someone 'Cotton'?) - the Overton window is shifting..
Then that guy at speakers corner in London talking about the JQ (what was his name, someone 'Cotton'?)
Those soundbites from the EMJ podcast mentioned above from speakers corner was someone 'Cotton', Nick Cotton. I think this is from his twitter channel, his most popular video but maybe he got banned and it is a fan-created channel :

There are some others in there of speakers corner. Probably more interesting for the UK based folks. It helps EMJ case but will reach a different kind of audience about the same important subject matter.
I remember talking to someone in Germany about it, and it was clear we had the same politics so it got onto the topic of history and he said "We didn't want to vote for Hitler but we had no choice!" as you say it was about stopping Bolshevism.
Yes, it's hard to talk about the history of the 20th century when you can't even talk about who the Bolsheviks were, why WW1 and WW2 took place, what General Patton said, what Antony Sutton has written, etc.
Yes, it's hard to talk about the history of the 20th century when you can't even talk about who the Bolsheviks were, why WW1 and WW2 took place, what General Patton said, what Antony Sutton has written, etc.
Don't ever mention Anthony C Sutton to people. You shatter their preconceived notions on their current understanding of the world as we know it.

By far the single greatest resource on all counter story narratives (with EMJ a close second IMO) who was never proven to be incorrect on his body of research.
I've got no idea who these two are, can you say a few words..
George S. Patton III was an American general, a big inspiration for many men in the US Army, and military men worldwide. He fought in North Africa against Rommel's Afrika Korps, then against Italy in Sardinia, Sicily, and the boot, and later in the eastward push from France into Germany. He was one of the first "truthers" of WW2.

Read The Patton Papers if you can. Or visit the USA's library of congress online to read his diary. All those quotes about Patton where he said "we fought the wrong enemy," and "there is a semitic influence in the press" and "the jews smell so bad I lost my lunch after visiting their synagogue" are from his own letters written to his wife after the war, between May and December 1945. He was the Governor general of Bavaria in Germany after the war and was not punishing the Germans the way that Ike the kike had wanted him to. He let former SS men work alongside his own men and gave them leniency and made the most efficient choices in picking the best men for key positions in government and infrastructure to rebuild Germany.

Despite fighting against Germany, Patton was repentant of that crime. He confessed numerous times that the Germans were the best race left in Europe, that the real enemy was the Soviet Union to where he openly mocked them, and outright pissed off his jewified colleagues who wanted to include them in everything. Patton was likely planning to attack them with his own troops if he succeeded in re-arming the Germans, so he was removed form his position in Bavaria and reassigned. He personally thought he could push the asiatic hordes all the way back to Moscow with just the US 3rd Army, his own troops under his command, and the remaining SS men combined. At his new post his conscience grew weighted and his soul felt sick going forward at the policies of Morgenthau affecting innocent Germans to the benefit of the jews, and he decided to resign rather than retire so that Washington wouldn't be able to keep his voice down with a "gag order". That's when the hits started, first the crash on the road by a couple of criminal GIs who were likely OSS assets, then his recovery in this hospital cut short with a drastic turn 12 days later, where he was most likely assassinated by poison from other OSS assets. With Patton out of the way the phony kangaroo proceedings of Nuremberg had no legitimate opposition.

Anthony C Sutton was an American writer. His work "Wall street and the rise of Hitler" is misleading however. Everyone gets the economics of the Third Reich wrong, which is understandable because it is very confusing for American minds who have been inundated with completely jewified economics since 1913 to understand how a nation of homogeneous racial kin can pull all their resources together and free themselves. Hitler was not funded by American wall street jews. I've posted about Third Reich economics in the WW2 thread if you want to know exactly the breakdown of how they were able to rearm themselves after Versailles. People are so averse to racial discussions of unity, but the truth is that economics becomes a minimal issue when people actually work together to achieve and create something. Only in the fables of the diseased jewish mind are economics a control-factor for behavior and nations and destinies of peoples.

Don't ever mention Anthony C Sutton to people. You shatter their preconceived notions on their current understanding of the world as we know it.

By far the single greatest resource on all counter story narratives (with EMJ a close second IMO) who was never proven to be incorrect on his body of research.

Which works are you referring to?

There is a bit of muddying the waters when you go from Sutton's "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" to "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler," only the first has credible real evidence that proves the jewish connection of the Schiffs, Warburgs, and Rothschilds in America to Lenin, Trotsky, and the other revolutionaries taking down the Tsar. The second is full of speculative claims that people like fat Alex Jones like to parrot endlessly. When German industry was at the top of its game again due to the NSDAP banning interest rates and creating millions of jobs and public works within the first few years of its governance, of course western industrialists were interested, it was good business to work with the productive German people despite the jewish "boycott". Their contributions were irrelevant, only some Nationalist German industrialists could be considered to have contributed significantly to the resurrected German economy, men like Fritz Thyssen (steel and coal), Gustvav & Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (armaments and steel), Friedrich Flick (more steel and coal), Emil Kirdorf (even more coal and steel), Carl Bosch (chemicals for hygiene), Carl Friedrich von Siemens (electrical engineering and electronics), Ferdinand Porsche (automotive), Otto Wolff (steel and raw materials). Sutton makes no mention of these men in his book but concocts this fairytale of George Bush's grandfather puppeteering Hitler.

Even Hermann Goering had considerable steel mining connections and created a state-controlled steel production conglomerate that had no influence from the outside.

Sutton does not say that Hitler was a pawn of the west, but he makes the argument that this non-existent western financing of rearmament was part of a plot by the western elites to cause a war to destabilize Europe. This is where truth is melded with a lie. The western elites absolutely wanted nothing but war in Europe, but their ace in the hole was the spread of the USSR and its proxy communist satellites. They did not want a strong mercantilist and well-defended Germany, the only bulwark against communism. Their little revolutions were already causing chaos everywhere. What happened in Spain is pure evidence of this, English bankers were financing the "Republicans" in Spain to chop up priests and burn nuns alive the same way American (((bankers))) did in Russia. Many governmental policies of Hitler and Mussolini explicitly denied access to western plutocrats who were in bed with the jews in Russia.

He also makes little mention of the Polish situation, the truth that the Poles actually declared war on Germany and were shooting Germans and responded to every peace offer with further mobilization because of "assurances" from FDR and Churchill. If the book was titled "Wall Street, FDR, and Empty Promises to dumb Polacks" then it would be more accurate of the events that really took place.

EMJ is nowhere near the level of Sutton, and they're both dead wrong about Germany. Sutton posits that WW2 was complicit by all as actors for an agenda, making Germany an unwitting accomplice, when it really was only one side that were, USA, England, and more covertly, the USSR. No one else wanted war. EMJ thinks the communist-ridden "Catholic" Center Party was a better alternative for Germany to escape Weimar, when they were complicit in perpetuating its state of affairs. He is a disgrace to historians for his boomer bias and kvetching for victimhood. All narratives claiming victimhood are weak and just another flavor of limp-wristed chutzpah.
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Thanks @MusicForThePiano for the detail, I read all of that. Will read it again at some point.
When German industry was at the top of its game again due to the NSDAP banning interest rates and creating millions of jobs and public works within the first few years of its governance, of course western industrialists were interested, it was good business to work with the productive German people despite the jewish "boycott".
Did not know about that. Banning interest rates. EMJ was going on in a recent podcast about usury. Some points he made were that the 32 trillion dollar US debt is largely owed to jews which renders the political system corrupted. He also went on to say that people should pay off any credit card debt every month, live within their means and not take out loans.
George S. Patton III
I had heard the name, but had no idea, now I have some idea. Thanks.. The bit I initially take is that in the course of serving in the US army in Germany he felt that he was fighting the wrong enemy and so resigned. There was one "accident" in his civilian life in America which was probably not an accident but various forces trying to off him and during his recovery in hospital he died and was probably poisoned. I'll read up on it, maybe he is more known to the American audience, although I can imagine that some parts of the story are censored or toned down.
Patton got killed for naming the ((())) which I'm surprised you didn't know about, so you must be in Allemagne.
Patton never called the Russians "asiatic hordes" just to chime in on MFP's usual hubris, Patton compared the Soviets to the mongol hordes that almost got to western Europe a while ago.
Patton never called the Russians "asiatic hordes" just to chime in on MFP's usual hubris, Patton compared the Soviets to the mongol hordes that almost got to western Europe a while ago.
Yes he did. He used the mongolian term more frequently but he knew exactly who the filth in the USSR was. This quoted page below is from page 557 of the Patton Papers:


Here is the link to the photocopy of the diary page from the USA's library of congress:,0.039,1.884,1.184,0

Here are the Patton Papers that are a compilation of all his letters and correspondences and private notes which these screenshots are from:

Here is another passage from a diary entry on May 18th, 1945:


And another from a letter to Beatrice, his wife, from August 10th, 1945:


I could post more, but his writings are filled with disdain for the hordes of the east and their nature.
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E Michael Jones is another intellectual influencer. Who keeps talking about Zulu´s or whatever the f . With his stayin alive Bee gees shirts. Dude what about some practical advice? Zero. We must fight jews with a spear? WTF is this metaphor for?
I was at the beach today. And the video of E Michael Jones came to my mind again. I know Roosh had a reverence for him. And he seemed to have a misdemeanor for Roosh. Anyway he has some merit. But still I was thinking from all examples of people overcoming a barrier. Why would Michael Jones compare people who fight jews to primitive savage Zulu blacks? And the english to the equivalent of jews? From all comparisons in history and all examples he could have thought off. This is the best he came up with. Why these actors? We are the equivalent of savage primitive blacks fighting with spears against white developed civilization? And one of us savage has to overcome the barrier? There´s no other better example in history?
I listened to the episode since you keep bringing it up.

He seems to be refering to two films - Zulu from 1964
and Zulu Dawn from 1979
...which repectively are about this battle from 22–23 January 1879 which the British won :
..and the larger battle at the same date in a different location :
...which the Zulus won.
Don't know if there's a better example in history, EMJ is just trying to say that those opposing this ((control)) and ((influence)) greatly outnumber those wielding it. The British had single fire rifles and were defeated by a larger number of spear wielding Zulus. Once they had crossed the lines it became clear that despite apparently more modern and powerful weapons, when greatly outnumbered and slow to reload, the British were defeated with spears. But there had to be a first zulu to cross the line to establish the truth of this.
I listened to the episode since you keep bringing it up.

He seems to be refering to two films - Zulu from 1964
and Zulu Dawn from 1979
...which repectively are about this battle from 22–23 January 1879 which the British won :
..and the larger battle at the same date in a different location :
...which the Zulus won.
Don't know if there's a better example in history, EMJ is just trying to say that those opposing this ((control)) and ((influence)) greatly outnumber those wielding it. The British had single fire rifles and were defeated by a larger number of spear wielding Zulus. Once they had crossed the lines it became clear that despite apparently more modern and powerful weapons, when greatly outnumbered and slow to reload, the British were defeated with spears. But there had to be a first zulu to cross the line to establish the truth of this.
I wasn't sure what was not clear from his discussion specifically about the two films.... Haha it didn't seem too abstract a comparisons but maybe if somebody didn't understand the broader comparison and listen with intent it might not make sense.
^Look, you're making a whole thesis out of an EMJ passing metaphor, that's a bit over the top. He didn't mean that Jews are an advanced civilization and that the goyim are zulus, he merely meant that the former control the modern levers of power, across the board.

If you want to make a coherent post about EMJ and his takes, you might want to start by reading any of his books, or at least viewing some of his better long presentations about said books (Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Slaughter of Cities, Barren Metal etc).
^Look, you're making a whole thesis out of an EMJ passing metaphor, that's a bit over the top. He didn't mean that Jews are an advanced civilization and that the goyim are zulus, he merely meant that the former control the modern levers of power, across the board.

If you want to make a coherent post about EMJ and his takes, you might want to start by reading any of his books, or at least viewing some of his better long presentations about said books (Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Slaughter of Cities, Barren Metal etc).
Fun Fact. The comparisons and the ability to follow hypotheticals are what separate midwits from idiots...and mid wits (1 standard deviation iq) from the 2 standard deviation level smart people like myself (and a couple others here) .... Hypotheticals are challenged in trial law. But in normal rhetorical discussion they separate the wheat from the chaff.
Fun Fact. The comparisons and the ability to follow hypotheticals are what separate midwits from idiots...and mid wits (1 standard deviation iq) from the 2 standard deviation level smart people like myself (and a couple others here) .... Hypotheticals are challenged in trial law. But in normal rhetorical discussion they separate the wheat from the chaff.

A couple? I thought the forum was better than that.
Your right. The vast majority of 130 is people who can appreciate metaphors...and transcend mid wit minutia.

Thanks for the laugh chopppaaaaaaaa boy.

You wouldn´t mind me comparing you to an hypothetical retard. Would you?

Someone like you would fail the first year of law. Small mind. One guy spoke like this once. It´s written and it´s that way. The teacher almost ate him alive.

Judges also dont have much patience to hypotetical bullshit.

DOCTOR Jones could have used a better example. I don´t think the situation between jews and "gentiles" is similar to Zulus and english. Not one bit. Nothing is similar.

Here you have two different interpretations to the Bowtie Doctor example:

"Don't know if there's a better example in history, EMJ is just trying to say that those opposing this ((control)) and ((influence)) greatly outnumber those wielding it. The British had single fire rifles and were defeated by a larger number of spear wielding Zulus. Once they had crossed the lines it became clear that despite apparently more modern and powerful weapons, when greatly outnumbered and slow to reload, the British were defeated with spears. But there had to be a first zulu to cross the line to establish the truth of this."

"^Look, you're making a whole thesis out of an EMJ passing metaphor, that's a bit over the top. He didn't mean that Jews are an advanced civilization and that the goyim are zulus, he merely meant that the former control the modern levers of power, across the board."

What I think he means is more people need to come forward and criticize the jews as a group and acknowledge their power and nefarious actions. He doesnt want to do be the only one doing it. And in his bowtie mind he thinks he is one of the first Zulu crossing the line. And if more ppl would follow him a change could happen.

WHOAHHHH. Bowtie master is a genius. And what happens next? What happened when people attacked jews in recent history?

Solution for jews has to be different than what was used before. I don´t know which is it. But there´s always a key to all problems.

I don´t need to read any of his books. Because jews have been studied ad nauseum before the bowtie DOCTOR started to write about them. He probably repackaged some previous material. The problem is always what to do. Does the Zulu lover has given any practical solution? Should i start making a spear.
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