The Destruction of Modern Women

Most of them seem to be virgins, but I think it would be naive to assume they all are. Most Christian women from conservative backgrounds are more attractive in general, and they age well. A plain jane can also become a lot more attractive if they're nice to you and have a good personality. My church is full of women that are 7/10 and above.
It sounds a little too good to be true that you are surrounded by 7/10 18-year old virgins in the U.S.A.
It sounds a little too good to be true that you are surrounded by 7/10 18-year old virgins in the U.S.A.
I wouldn't say I'm surrounded by them, but there are enough to be noticeable. But I don't go to bars/party, do online dating, have social media. Pretty much just work, hobbies, church, a Christian coffee shop, etc. This plays a big part in it.

This is one of the top posts everywhere on Reddit currently with 36k up votes in r/funny.

I gave it an ice cold stare and a look of disgust. That's about it. There's so much wrong with this.

Lady humor in general does the opposite of making me laugh. I guess this is only funny to hysterical women and homosexuals.

This is harder for me to watch than women's UFC actually.
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This is one of the top posts everywhere on Reddit currently with 36k up votes in r/funny.

I gave it an ice cold stare and a look of disgust. That's about it. There's so much wrong with this.

Lady humor in general does the opposite of making me laugh. I guess this is only funny to hysterical women and homosexuals.

This is harder for me to watch than women's UFC actually.

Like in most things Modern Women always try too hard to be like men & it falls flat in their face like this attempt at 'humour'.

Also female comedians almost always resort to relationship jokes or jokes about the size of a man's member. Nothing unique, nothing original. Boring cookie cutter rhetoric with an addition of cancer to the ears vocal fry.

It reminds me of something Roosh (kinda paraphrasing here) said about modern women: "they are just poor imitations of men"
Women are becoming more left-wing because our culture is becoming less Christian. Their ideology is their new religion and it makes them miserable and unbearable to be around. This is what happens when people submit to evil instead of Christ.

It really is like night and day when you meet happy Christians versus all the normies.
This is why the check-out guys are right.

Remember the video I posted with Clarey and the old guy vs the two Roman Catholic guys? It was a great discussion. It was also weird how the RCs with kids of course) tried to convince men to do things that would help the people already with families, in their world. It was odd materialist based demographic strategy not unlike all the people who are DEAD wrong on predictions about the way the world actually works.

Summary: No, you don't outbreed the other people. The proof is that we already did the population boom game, and we are living right now in what it led to.
It seems to me, it's worse than that. I see a beautiful young women who had her breasts removed and is trying to be a transformer. This level of insanity that is so pervasive can mean only two things: profound demonic infestation of the West, or some sort of mass psychosis through social engineering, drugs, toxins, etc.
Some are now saying that the weakened magnetic poles (around 25% weaker now) is allowing elevated levels of radiation in, which is affecting people's brains and behavior. I suppose that is a third possibility.

I have been considering the demonic angle too. I am of the view
This is going around. Are there comments on it?

It means there is no hope for the economy, so people might as well die anyway, according to the elites.

It's amazing that if you give women the material, they have no kids.

That's not the case for men.

Mick Jagger, a sire with countless progeny.

Meanwhile, chez Enya, the richest woman in Ireland:


British men: *face palm* that they broadly accord with German women is ominous

For a so-called patriarchy, the liberal financial and liberal social system reflects women's values:

1. Abortion: the selection of which man's children survive or which go to the tophits
2. The transfer of wealth from men through hypergamic marriage, welfare and diversity hiring laws
3. Increased sexual choice and women's resistance to closing borders to restrict the arrival of migrant men of fighting age
For a so-called patriarchy, the liberal financial and liberal social system reflects women's values:

1. Abortion: the selection of which man's children survive or which go to the tophits
2. The transfer of wealth from men through hypergamic marriage, welfare and diversity hiring laws
3. Increased sexual choice and women's resistance to closing borders to restrict the arrival of migrant men of fighting age
Spot on.

Witcoff said it simply a long time ago, and I put this in the class of the other simple truism that is very direct explaining the modern day:

1. If women reward good behavior, they'll get good behavior.
2. If women don't "need men", they will be very low quality partners/wives/gfs.
I've wondered if the good behaviour is ideally associated with the true Alpha males they are willing to submit to, but who know how to keep women's behaviour in check. I've even said in the past if more Alpha males became Christians, society might turn around if you think about it....and as the saying goes, for every Jack there's a Jill, even in Christian circles, but it usually doesn't end up being like that. Women tend to select men based on looks (T of physiognomy) and personality primarily, in an ideal world because that's what their hind brains tell them IMO.
I've wondered if the good behaviour is ideally associated with the true Alpha males they are willing to submit to, but who know how to keep women's behaviour in check. I've even said in the past if more Alpha males became Christians, society might turn around if you think about it....and as the saying goes, for every Jack there's a Jill, even in Christian circles, but it usually doesn't end up being like that. Women tend to select men based on looks (T of physiognomy) and personality primarily, in an ideal world because that's what their hind brains tell them IMO.
Even the MMA guy (I forget his name, mustache and deep voice, Don somebody) shows you how a manly man can be disregarded in a modern world where there are outs.
It was odd materialist based demographic strategy not unlike all the people who are DEAD wrong on predictions about the way the world actually works.
Forgive my ego, but one of my best or favorite insights is how demographics is total bullsht. There are too many changes in the world that can destroy countries, populations, sanity, family, etc. Demographics literally means nothing because nothing lasts, at least in terms of future realities based on NOW population dynamics. You can bring in foreigners. You can bomb countries. You can have major natural disasters. The world might get cold as F all of a sudden. Robots might take over. Men might check out, become suicide bombers, storm the bastille, etc. The dollar might be ditched and you can't print it anymore to give freely to women, welfare, and old entitlement people, or broke state pensions.

There are literally millions of possibilities that change the trajectory of each and every country happening every year, but we act like we can predict what will matter in 30-50 years. It's laughable.

This is one of the top posts everywhere on Reddit currently with 36k up votes in r/funny.

I gave it an ice cold stare and a look of disgust. That's about it. There's so much wrong with this.

Lady humor in general does the opposite of making me laugh. I guess this is only funny to hysterical women and homosexuals.

This is harder for me to watch than women's UFC actually.

I would say 6.7 out of 10 dating profiles from women all mention how funny they are and that they are the funniest person you will ever meet. Honestly I don't ever recall meeting a funny woman who just had me cracking up 24/7. I think because everything they post online gets so much false praise they think they are all the most beautiful, funny, intelligent creatures on the planet. Me and my buddy rant and rave at this phenomenon constantly....... we are truly living in clown world

There was a woman at the gym doing various exercises including deadlift reps, somewhere between 80 and 110 kg I couldn't see the exact weight of the large plates. But grunting with so many decibels like I've never heard even a man! She politely asked as I was leaning against some equipment if I was using it, so not that aggressive, but that level of grunting would get someone disqualified in the olympics, just like if say you took way too long to serve in tennis.

So this went on and on and I thought I wouldn't say anything as she might be on roids and I wouldn't want to trigger some kind of roid rage.

Eventually the manager came out, like some former athlete now in his 60s and told her off repeatedly, "you're not the only one here".. I'm not sure she fully understood given headphones and / or language issues (wasn't in English). A few people in the gym and myself started laughing.

I could not quite pick whether she was some kind of über-lesbian or a straight girl who was very frustrated as she obviously had traits which were repelling men. Felt a bit sorry for her even though she could lift a lot more than the average woman.

But yes, confusion in this day and age of behaviour appropriate to one's gender.