The Destruction of Modern Women

I wonder if you guys have noticed a lot of people from your peer group still single, or only recently married in their mid to late 30s.
A good amount. Others do the sad thing of marrying without time to have more than 1 shtty kid, or the wife is so old they don't even want to bother. That's the problem with women's age more than anything, but of course you pay for it all (that is, with older women you get basically nothing from a man's wants point of view). A lot of the men I know that are OK in their marriage, or OK with marriage, are those that defer to the wife. When I think about it it's actually sad to me, but in this age of inversion, it's the only way it works for so many of these people. The problem is that we don't know how trapped so many men are that never get to talk about it, or worse believe that's what marriage "just is" or should be. lol

I saw a social media video on the secretary game theory math, which can be used in dating. It turns out the optimal strategy (and this is over population so it works out the best for the most people) is to evaluate 37 (out of 100, let's say) so you know what you might be looking for and don't choose one too early. Then, you take the next person that outdoes the best of the 37. The problem with this of course is that only women would get such a number of options these days, they aren't logical, and they'd probably F up the best choice after 37 anyway, of that person would bounce on them. Funny how shit works out.
To be honest I don't think we've hit rock bottom. I think there will be another wave of "liberation", but it will come sooner this time as the time elapsed between waves is decreasing exponentially. Something similar happened in the ancient world and only the intervention of our Lord 2000 years ago reset things to their natural state. But who or what will be there to reset it now? Humanity will literally die out if current trends continue.
Good analysis. It's hard to believe it could get worse, but maybe it will. Reshuffling people and societies is the only way I see out of this, to be honest. The "developed world" is going to become a digital prison and a technocracy with drugs and escapism if people don't die in large numbers - but that might happen anyway. There's probably a tipping point for many things, including europeans being decimated, but what can't last that long is the money/debt situation, especially when escape ramps are already here and uncontrolled by the big boys (BTC).
Are you saying she "made it" due to marrying this guy?
That's my hunch. Think I'm off the mark here? Maybe I was being a bit unfair. I don't know. Just seems like the guy is very financially loaded/connected and would have had a big hand in getting her started.

I don't think the tone of the article paints it in that way. The article makes it sound like she was broke all on her lonesome and had to completely rely on her savvy business instincts on short notice to come up with a master business plan.

The article does mention her parents paid for her college. Her mother is a real estate executive. She was covered for many things in life before going out on her own. So at least the article admits that.

But they try to make it sound like her parents were going to never ever ever help her again. This is nonsense. She always had them as a backup. They wouldn't have let her starve.

All she needs is to meet this guy and tell him her business dream and he will make it happen for her. She wouldn't be able to take all the credit for this and paint is as a bottom to the top story.

I'm just saying that girls getting backed by men is not bottom to the top. It's using upper echelon males to sponsor their vision.

It's fine. Good for her. Just don't try to paint it dishonestly. I wonder how many of these female big shots CEOs would be left when they are completely honest about how they made it to where they are.

And to be fair, this isn't only women not giving credit where credit is due. Men do this too. But these CEO big shot women get propped up more often and I don't feel the stories about them are truly honest.
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This is just sad. Most of them are upper 30s/early 40s, but this is a massive problem even with women late 20s/early 30s. They are a lost cause and would make a man's life hell. And insane that they think they can get a Chad. I think even a lot of simps are wising up, but there are some thirsty, desperate guys out there.

Don't ever let people shame us for wanting younger women or moving abroad. It's the only way.
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This is just sad. Most of them are upper 30s/early 40s, but this is a massive problem even with women late 20s/early 30s. They are a lost cause and would make a man's life hell. And insane that they think they can get a Chad. I think even a lot of simps are wising up, but there are some thirsty, desperate guys out there.

Don't ever let people shame us for wanting younger women or moving abroad. It's the only way.
I notice how many of them seem to have bs career jobs, too. They've been "successful" which means a lot of their peers, white men who were discriminated against in the corporate world, won't be at their level, certainly the ones who are legitimately single or they are divorced with kids, because all of the successful men by age 40 are married with kids unless they choose to remain a player. When I look at those women all I can think is how I wouldn't date any of them, their youth and beauty are fading fast, not to mention by the time someone has a relationship with them, gets married, and then has one kid they'll be in their early 40s. Who wants to be raising a young child through their 40s and 50s? If someone had their first kid at 23, their kid would be almost out of the house by the time their 40. They'd be grandparents by 50-60. Just a shame, you really see the waste in years. As picky as men are when they look for an attractive woman, women are pickier by far.
I notice how many of them seem to have bs career jobs, too. They've been "successful" which means a lot of their peers, white men who were discriminated against in the corporate world, won't be at their level, certainly the ones who are legitimately single or they are divorced with kids, because all of the successful men by age 40 are married with kids unless they choose to remain a player. When I look at those women all I can think is how I wouldn't date any of them, their youth and beauty are fading fast, not to mention by the time someone has a relationship with them, gets married, and then has one kid they'll be in their early 40s. Who wants to be raising a young child through their 40s and 50s? If someone had their first kid at 23, their kid would be almost out of the house by the time their 40. They'd be grandparents by 50-60. Just a shame, you really see the waste in years. As picky as men are when they look for an attractive woman, women are pickier by far.

Glancing through the photos and I noticed that plenty of those women are still attractive, even in their late 30s, which implies they probably had nearly unlimited opportunities to snag a man when they peaked in their 20s - and yet here they are, rolling towards middle age and menopause with no husband and a rapidly closing window of fertility.

As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread, this is the Democrats core base: unmarried, college educated white women. Imagine what it'll be like in another decade or so when reality finally hits and these women realize that the hunky millionaire / handyman Chad they all *deserve* won't be magically appearing. I seriously doubt these women are going to engage in self-introspection and honestly assess how their own life choices led to this outcome. They're going to point their crooked, aged fingers at men and blame them for their unhappiness.

You have to hand it to the Left. They've done an excellent job of playing the long game. Between women voting and open borders they've managed to shape a voting base that almost guarantees them one party dominance in the future.
As picky as men are when they look for an attractive woman, women are pickier by far.
Yes. And the problem is that their window is short so the only way it works for both is if the woman can discern a man with a future early in her 20s to mid-20s. By the time he has the future, few of them will be attractive to him anymore. This is THE biggest issue in all of the pairing analyses.
Glancing through the photos and I noticed that plenty of those women are still attractive, even in their late 30s, which implies they probably had nearly unlimited opportunities to snag a man when they peaked in their 20s - and yet here they are, rolling towards middle age and menopause with no husband and a rapidly closing window of fertility.
It's hard to assign blame because of their questionable agency, but the fact still remains that humility and choosing a "good" man is not a priority for them early on, period.
You have to hand it to the Left. They've done an excellent job of playing the long game. Between women voting and open borders they've managed to shape a voting base that almost guarantees them one party dominance in the future.
What this guarantees is at best oligarchy/LatAm societies of controlled, simple people. The wealthy or those with any characteristics of success will leave for another nations or jurisdictions, just like people came to America long ago. If you are in your 40s and moderately successful, women aren't worth your time unless they have energy and are young and fertile, which only comes with 20s women. Sad for them, but true. The number of old women and simps has already ruined all the dating or matching markets in the west, so it'll just get worse.
By the time he has the future, few of them will be attractive to him anymore. This is THE biggest issue in all of the pairing analyses.
My sister is one of these women. She's early 30s. She's a full blown homosexual now and living with a butch lesbian (whom she inflicts 'lesbian battering' on). Hates the thought of children. Doesn't like men anymore. Blames all her relationship issues on them instead of taking accountability. She's starting to look old and her fertility window is closing. Life is about wine, food, and boisterous laughter.

She had a pretty good and smart man and was on the brink of marriage (I was encouraging it) but it got foiled, for one because she didn't like being led. She called this him "belittling" her and she labeled him a narcissist. This was all untrue. She was the crazy one. I'll vouch for the guy. You would think by how she talked about him that he was a psychopath. It's really concerning the lengths that these psychotic women will go to tarnish former male partners.

My father was telling her that he didn't make enough money. My dad failed to realize that he was a hustler, because, like my father, and like me, he finally made it in his early 30s and is doing very well for himself. My father should have encouraged him and advised him like a son but instead looked at him as a deadbeat because he needed help getting on his feet. Bad move. Now you've got a lesbo daughter. At first he resisted but eventually he caved because "Whatever makes her happy" is the motto now. He couldn't resist having bottles of wine with them.

My mother nurtures and encourages this whole lesbian fiasco by drinking, dining and whining with them frequently. She gives and recieves gifts from the butches mother, stays in constant girl chat group texts with all of them. "Whatever makes her happy" is the motto from her also. Pretends to be a Christian but exercises tolerance as a virtue. Her feminist values have infected both my sisters so I try to cut the head off of the snake by calling her out for her behavior. She's the reason my parents initially got divorced because she cheated on my father with a loser fresh out of prison.

My mother has the nerve to bad mouth this guy who never layed a finger on my sister when she herself is married to a drunk who has actually physically beat her and treats her like crap. When my sister actually met a decent guy my mother viciously attacked and projected all of her abuse on to him. She does the same to my brother in law. Constantly demeaning the men and giving the women a pass on everything. It's disgusting. Of course my step-dad just doesn't care what she lets her daughters do because they aren't his.

It's clear who is siding with evil when they sabotage the potential for future children and family in a traditional heterosexual relationship. God wants us to be fruitful and make new creatures. He doesn't say that our spouses need to be absolutely perfect people and that there shouldn't be a struggle. It's not supposed to all be easy and happy.

If my parents had stayed in Church they would have had the Christian love to mentor and support the relationship to help it blossom but all they did was poison it with their insane worldly actions. They support this lesbian nonsense because they don't want to hurt my sister's feelings. They can't set boundaries because that requires having a clear moral system yourself about what is right and wrong. Since they are relativistic, this is what happens.

I just think "Do you guys not realize I see myself in this guy?" "What if some girl's parents would have treated me this way?" "Look at yourselves! What kind of example have you even been able to set?" It's so frustrating. And there's no getting through to them because they are such stubborn boomers. All I can do is pray about the whole situation but honestly it's such a lost cause. If I want a traditional family I'll have to start my own. That's the hope of breaking this cycle. And it's sad but I don't want them to be a part of it. I don't want the virus infecting my future wife and kids.

Love from a distance is all I can do. This is only one aspect. There's so much more. It sucks that members in my family exemplify the types of people we complain about on this forum but like Jesus says he didn't come to bring peace, but a sword.

My family is in the Church.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).

"While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:46-50)
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Yes. And the problem is that their window is short so the only way it works for both is if the woman can discern a man with a future early in her 20s to mid-20s. By the time he has the future, few of them will be attractive to him anymore. This is THE biggest issue in all of the pairing analyses.

he had a pretty good and smart man and was on the brink of marriage (I was encouraging it) but it got foiled, for one because she didn't like being led. She called this him "belittling" her and she labeled him a narcissist. This was all untrue. She was the crazy one. I'll vouch for the guy. You would think by how she talked about him that he was a psychopath. It's really concerning the lengths that these psychotic women will go to tarnish former male partners.

My father was telling her that he didn't make enough money. My dad failed to realize that he was a hustler, because, like my father, and like me, he finally made it in his early 30s and is doing very well for himself. My father should have encouraged him and advised him like a son but instead looked at him as a deadbeat because he needed help getting on his feet. Bad move. Now you've got a lesbo daughter. At first he resisted but eventually he caved because "Whatever makes her happy" is the motto now. He couldn't resist having bottles of wine with them.
One thing young women are naturally good at is picking out a winner. They can find young guy at the very early stages of his career, but who they feel will be successful later on and usually the women are right. They look for unrealized potential by evaluating the man's character, rather than only focusing on materialized gains. And that's what led to so many successful relationships in the past, even between high school and college sweethearts.

Unfortunately today under society's influence they suppress their true nature, and instead 1) waste their 20s in hedonistic relationships with deadbeat guys who have no future but instead may have big muscles, or a large phallus, or a cool rock band or whatever other exciting trait you want to add, and 2) if they are actually looking for a strong provider type, their standards are outlandishly high. Whereas 100 years ago they would perhaps just shoot for guy who could make 6 figures (adjusted for inflation), now they want a 7 figure guy like they see on Instagram and Tiktok. As we've discussed to no end.

You are absolutely right that the parents' influence is crucial. Maybe a few of this generation's young women will repent and change their ways, but most are going to end up in a very bad place. Until a new generation is raised with a strong Christian mindset, the status quo will continue and even further deteriorate.
One thing young women are naturally good at is picking out a winner. They can find young guy at the very early stages of his career, but who they feel will be successful later on and usually the women are right. They look for unrealized potential by evaluating the man's character, rather than only focusing on materialized gains. And that's what led to so many successful relationships in the past, even between high school and college sweethearts.
I disagree that women have ever been naturally good at this, which is the reason that women historically were not the ones picking their husbands. Rather, it was predominantly the combination of her parents along with the parents of a suitable young man who encouraged the match. What we have today is women relying on their own instincts to pick out "winners", and in their fertile years they are predominantly attracted to handsome men with dark triad personality traits. That's what they consider to be a winner, not some plucky 22 year-old with a good heart and a head on his shoulders who wants to start a family young and is looking for a wife.

A middle-aged man is a far better judge of what sort of 18 year-old man is likely to be a winner in life than is an 18 year-old woman.
I disagree that women have ever been naturally good at this, which is the reason that women historically were not the ones picking their husbands. Rather, it was predominantly the combination of her parents along with the parents of a suitable young man who encouraged the match. What we have today is women relying on their own instincts to pick out "winners", and in their fertile years they are predominantly attracted to handsome men with dark triad personality traits. That's what they consider to be a winner, not some plucky 22 year-old with a good heart and a head on his shoulders who wants to start a family young and is looking for a wife.
There are two sides to this sure, but if a woman is raised right in a good Christian environment, she will naturally fall into alignment with the parents.
A middle-aged man is a far better judge of what sort of 18 year-old man is likely to be a winner in life than is an 18 year-old woman.
The problem is today they are not. As was demonstrated by our fellow member above.
I disagree that women have ever been naturally good at this, which is the reason that women historically were not the ones picking their husbands. Rather, it was predominantly the combination of her parents along with the parents of a suitable young man who encouraged the match. What we have today is women relying on their own instincts to pick out "winners", and in their fertile years they are predominantly attracted to handsome men with dark triad personality traits. That's what they consider to be a winner, not some plucky 22 year-old with a good heart and a head on his shoulders who wants to start a family young and is looking for a wife.

A middle-aged man is a far better judge of what sort of 18 year-old man is likely to be a winner in life than is an 18 year-old woman.
Yes. As a follow up to my post. My mother has basically been the one directing my sister's choice of partners and of course she ends up being gay. She chooses drunk angry guys like my mom all through her 20s then turns gay. Ironically the mantra seems to be "whatever guy treats you best" but they still go for guys that mistreat them over and over and blame men for all their problems. The thought process is that they will not be controlled but they they choose the most controlling types of men. It's ridiculous.

My father just didn't really care at all and let her do whatever she wanted. He just idolized money alone. She needed a priest or spiritual father to lead her and now it's most likely too late for her to get married and have children. Fathers that are weak and absent really make girls turns psycho.

My sister has no idea how to meet men. It was just whatever guy was drunk enough at a bar or party to keep persistently hitting on her until she gave in. My parents telling her to "just have fun and be herself" and whatever other new age mantras gave her no direction.

Parents getting divorced sets a terrible example for women. And if they don't have the church then they will end up modeling their idea of a good partner on whatever broken parent they identify with more instead of seeking out a new role model, like a Priest, nun, etc.

Ok. Enough rambling from me.
Life is about wine, food, and boisterous laughter.
That sounds about right for what I see commonly.
One thing young women are naturally good at is picking out a winner
You guys are talking past each other. When they need to, which they don't now (or don' think they do), they might be able to through necessity. I have a maxim I've talked about a lot, which is "when left to their own devices, women make horrible decisions". That is more true than false, and I don't think it's debatable, as we've seen the fruits of their choices, having done the experiments. In this way, I agree with scorpion.
Schizoid post incoming:

Some of the women of today just straight up wouldn't exist years ago before processed foods and whatever ungodly pharma concoctions they are pumping into their tissues and bone structure.

I saw a woman today buying cigs at the gas station, who appeared to be native American, that was about three fitty and built like a line backer. Her butt was a very weird-shaped enormous blob of jello that poked out but still remained concave. Her body looked like it was a living replica of a child's attempt at making one with play dough.

Her upper body was still larger with huge arms and shoulders, like she was wearing football pads, but it was just fat and ?. Her arms were covered in tattoos - manly tattoos that bodybuilders and linebackers have. Her facial skin seemed covered in holes (from picking? Stretched skin? Make-up?) and her head resembled a pig's.

Im just wondering what kind of hellish chemicals are in McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's, candy bars, soda and all those bottles of stuff at Walgreens that causes these types of alien-looking deformities. I understand that sitting down all day also doesn't help but in my eyes it seems like diet is increasingly causing some really freaky-looking genetic disfigurement in people as time goes on. Exercise won't fix this.

What is going on? Is it something in the water? Is it pills? Street drugs? Or could this type of thing actually be caused by one's spiritual state manifesting in some way? This is not normal. Look to people like Kativan Islanders. They don't even have acne. They have perfect teeth. Men naturally built/strong-looking and women naturally flowing with feminine curves. Beautiful skin. They eat their native islander diet of fish, veg, fruit etc, and get ample sunshine.

I can hardly recall her figure because it was so strange. This phenomenon seems to have gotten worse over the years based on my experiential analysis. And this wasn't someone that had a legit deformity from birth - this was a body sculpted from the result of lifestyle. Of course there's always some genetic factor but I think my point has been made.

What's worse, is she was wearing a nursing uniform. So this gigantic, freakazoid ogre is a nurse. She walked back out to her car which was a lifted truck with huge shiny rims on it. I'm not sure what's worse, the loony lesbos teaching the kids or the orifice ogres nursing the unhealthy.

A female linebacker, a nurse, a ghetto mma fighting thug, a cowgirl, a rapper? What is she? Really confusing, but becoming all too common, at least in goyslop America, the land of the Frankenstein women.

What happened to Pocahontas?

I'm not trying to be hateful, but it just disgusts me that women destroy themselves like this when they are made to be such beautiful creatures. It's sad. These diet choices are going to keep compounding into even more surreal looking beasts. It's frightening. And some of these feet. Man, don't get me started! Messed up.
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Terrible diets are absolutely destroying a lot of people. Exercise is important, but eating good food is still the most important part of looking and feeling good.

It's a disgrace that this processed garbage is not only allowed, but heavily encouraged. The medical, food, pharmaceutical industries are full of scum. Like with most things nowadays, do the opposite of what they say.
My mother nurtures and encourages this whole lesbian fiasco by drinking, dining and whining with them frequently.
She's the reason my parents initially got divorced because she cheated on my father with a loser fresh out of prison.
I just think "Do you guys not realize I see myself in this guy?" "What if some girl's parents would have treated me this way?" "Look at yourselves! What kind of example have you even been able to set?" It's so frustrating. And there's no getting through to them because they are such stubborn boomers. All I can do is pray about the whole situation but honestly it's such a lost cause.
@TrainedLogosmotion what a disaster. I hope you get clear of these people. There's no point hanging around all this sickness. The unfortunate recognition that one's family of birth is terribly sick.
What is going on? Is it something in the water? Is it pills? Street drugs? Or could this type of thing actually be caused by one's spiritual state manifesting in some way? This is not normal. Look to people like Kativan Islanders. They don't even have acne. They have perfect teeth. Men naturally built/strong-looking and women naturally flowing with feminine curves. Beautiful skin. They eat their native islander diet of fish, veg, fruit etc, and get ample sunshine.
I think the problem is many people stopped loving and honoring God, as simple as that.

When they love sin (overeating, lust, relationship in your will) more than God this is the consequence.

I think you are idealizing the pagan Kativan Islanders. But maybe it's a lot better than the totally anti-Christian society we live in where sin is good.

@TrainedLogosmotion Sorry to hear about your family situation. Sadly enough I see it a lot around me.
Here's another dignifAI-style photo that cuts deeper than most. This belongs here more-so than the meme threads because it is things like this that are becoming less of a meme and more of a visualization of what we have all been saying for years. I predict much gnashing of teeth as these images will continue to be made, and many destroyed girls will lose whats left of their pea-sized minds. The younger ones now, in their teens, will see this, and more of them will not go down this route. There is some white light in the younger demographic at the same time as there is blinding and total self-destruction in the percentages of them that end up becoming part of the LGBBQWTF or destroying their family by assimilating themselves with uruks. The men just have to do what they did for eons, marry the young girls and solidify the family system from an early start, and get rid of this trash jewish concept of dating. Corrections will be made, and despite how many will fall by the wayside and be lost forever, not all will be undone.


That long image in one of the posts above that shows the dating profiles of the various 30 and 40 somethings is a clear indication of the timeline of these developments. I can read it like a hollywood script, and their lives, their entire destinies were forsaken for lies of the devil. Those unhappy harpies will never find fulfillment in life, only now in a convent, but its obvious how few of them would go that way. If a woman does not pursue motherhood she should pursue a type of vestal life in obeisance to God in totality. There are still plenty who do but you will never see these honorable women in the jewish media.